version: '3' services: dev: container_name: ${PROJECT_NAME}_dev build: context: . dockerfile: Dockerfile-dev args: - CI_BUILD_ID=${CI_BUILD_ID} - CI_BUILD_REF=${CI_BUILD_REF} - CI_BUILD_REF_NAME=${CI_BUILD_REF_NAME} - CI_BUILD_TIME=${CI_BUILD_TIME} - CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE=${CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE} - CI_PROJECT_NAME=${CI_PROJECT_NAME} # we use image for faster developing with `npm install` already run image: ${DOCKER_IMAGE_DEV:-${DOCKER_IMAGE_DEV}} command: bash -c "yarn run start" environment: NODE_ENV: development VIRTUAL_HOST: ${DOMAIN_DEV} HTTPS_METHOD: noredirect # support both http and https volumes: - .:/opt/app ports: - "4200" restart: unless-stopped # to get this work with # related: network_mode: bridge