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Alex Rudnick edited this page Oct 9, 2013 · 2 revisions

Write design for that page here.

This is the main interface for Guampa.

first cut

List of sentences, where you have source language on left side, target translation on the right side.

consider: retaining the structure of the wikipedia documents

We could do segmentation while going through the extractor script...

Imagine replacing the structure with like:

<h2> SENTENCE1 </h2>

... and then we keep the mapping from SENTENCE1 to the original sentence and its translations. Maybe the structure is stored in the document objects.

Could you show the structure in the editing interface? Have a left and right version?

This would make it much easier to import back into the gn wikipedia, if we keep the structure around. We would have to have a way to export wikimedia markup.

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