Across all files in this repository, we assume some definitions to always be in scope.
/// All operations are fallible, so they return `Result`. If they fail, that
/// means the program caused UB or put the machine to a halt.
type Result<T=()> = std::result::Result<T, TerminationInfo>;
enum TerminationInfo {
/// Some macros for convenient yeeting (yes this is valid syntax on nightly Rust).
macro_rules! throw {
($($tt:tt)*) => { do yeet None };
macro_rules! throw_ub {
($($tt:tt)*) => { do yeet TerminationInfo::Ub(format!($($tt)*)) };
macro_rules! throw_machine_stop {
($($tt:tt)*) => { do yeet TerminationInfo::MachineStop(format!($($tt)*)) };
/// We leave the encoding of the non-determinism monad opaque.
type Nondet<T=()>;
type NdResult<T=()> = Nondet<Result<T>>;
/// Basically copies of the `Size` and `Align` types in the Rust compiler.
/// See <>
/// and <>.
/// `Size` is essentially a `BigInt` newtype that is always in-bounds for both
/// signed and unsigned `PTR_SIZE` (i.e., it is in the range `0..=isize::MAX`).
/// `Size::from_bytes` and the checked arithmetic operations return `None`
/// when the result would be out-of-bounds.
/// `Align` is additionally always a power of two.
type Size;
type Align;
/// The size of a pointer.
const PTR_SIZE: Size;
/// Whether an integer value is signed or unsigned.
enum Signedness {
pub use Signedness::*;
/// Whether a pointer/reference/allocation is mutable or immutable.
enum Mutability {
pub use Mutability::*;
/// The type of mathematical integers.
/// We assume all the usual arithmetic operations to be defined.
type BigInt;
impl BigInt {
/// Returns the unique value that is equal to `self` modulo `2^size.bits()`.
/// If `signed == Unsigned`, the result is in the interval `0..2^size.bits()`,
/// else it is in the interval `-2^(size.bits()-1) .. 2^(size.bits()-1)`.
/// `size` must not be zero.
fn modulo(self, signed: Signedness, size: Size) -> BigInt;
/// Tests whether an integer is in-bounds of a finite integer type.
fn in_bounds(self, signed: Signedness, size: Size) -> bool {
self == self.modulo(signed, size)