diff --git a/demo.html b/demo.html index c756558..5120671 100644 --- a/demo.html +++ b/demo.html @@ -182,11 +182,11 @@



- This splitter was created using with the options {handle: 'bar', position: 150, leftMinSize: 30, fixed: true}. position defines a starting size, - {limit, lowerLimit, and upperLimit} define how small the panels may get, and + This splitter was created using with the options {handle: 'bar', position: 150, leftMinSize: 0, fixed: true}. position defines a starting size, + leftMinSize defines how small the panel gets when collapsed, and handle sets up a different effect for the collapse handle. The {fixed: true} option disables the ability to drag the splitter around, while leaving the collapse options intact - the - result being an unmovable bar with a button that collapses it back and forth. + combined result being an unmovable bar with a button that collapses it back and forth.

@@ -239,7 +239,7 @@


<script> jQuery(function ($) { - $('#demoOne').enhsplitter({limit'#demoOne').enhsplitter({minSize: 50, vertical: false}); @@ -248,10 +248,9 @@


style="color: #333333">: 'bar', position: 150, lowerLimit150, leftMinSize: 0, upperLimit: 150, fixed0, fixed: true}); }); </script> @@ -309,7 +308,7 @@


$('#panels').enhsplitter({handle: 'striped', position: '150px', limit'150px', minSize: 0}); </script> @@ -437,7 +436,7 @@


This option is useful for creating fixed width navigation, tool, or other bars. When the options - {position: 150, lowerLimit: 0, fixed: true} are used together, it creates a splitter + {position: 150, minSize: 0, fixed: true} are used together, it creates a splitter with a narrow panel (in this case 150px) that cannot be resized, but is completely hidden when the collapse handle is clicked (and vice versa).