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Braitenberg vehicle: Valentino Braitenberg’s vehicles were constructed as thought experiments not intended for implementation with electronic components or in software
#call sound.system(-1)
call leds.top(32,0,32) # 顶部大灯,位于圆孔左右两侧(RGB)
call leds.bottom.left(0,0,32) # 左下灯(RGB)
call leds.bottom.right(0,32,0)# 右下灯(RGB)
call leds.circle(32,0,0,0,32,0,0,0)# 围绕方向键盘四周的八盏灯,从正前顺时针
# onevent定义事件
onevent proxIf
# prox.horizontal共有序号[0]到[6],越接近0表示前面没有物体遮挡
if prox.horizontal[2] < 1000 then
# motor.left.target轮速设定
motor.left.target = 200
motor.right.target = 200
if prox.horizontal[2] > 2000 or prox.horizontal[1] > 2000 then
motor.left.target = 0
motor.right.target = 0
#call sound.system(-1)
call leds.top(32,0,32) # 顶部大灯,位于圆孔左右两侧(RGB)
call leds.bottom.left(0,0,32) # 左下灯(RGB)
call leds.bottom.right(0,32,0)# 右下灯(RGB)
call leds.circle(32,0,0,0,32,0,0,0)# 围绕方向键盘四周的八盏灯,从正前顺时针
onevent prox
# prox.horizontal共有序号[0]到[6],越接近0表示前面没有物体遮挡
while prox.horizontal[2] < 1000 do
# motor.left.target轮速设定
motor.left.target = 200
motor.right.target = 200
while prox.horizontal[2] > 2000 do
motor.left.target = 0
motor.right.target = 0
Specification (Dogged): When the robot detects an object in front, it moves backwards. When the robot detects an object in back, it moves forwards.
call sound.system(-1)
call leds.top(0,0,0)
call leds.bottom.left(0,0,0)
call leds.bottom.right(0,0,0)
call leds.circle(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0)
onevent prox
if prox.horizontal[2] > 2000 then
motor.left.target = -200
motor.right.target = -200
if prox.horizontal[5] > 2000 and prox.horizontal[6] > 2000 then
motor.left.target = 200
motor.right.target = 200
Specification (Dogged (stop)): As in Activity 3.3, but when an object is not detected, the robot stops.
call sound.system(-1)
call leds.top(32,0,32) # 顶部大灯,位于圆孔左右两侧(RGB)
call leds.bottom.left(0,0,32) # 左下灯(RGB)
call leds.bottom.right(0,32,0)# 右下灯(RGB)
call leds.circle(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0)# 围绕方向键盘四周的八盏灯,从正前顺时针
onevent prox
# prox.horizontal共有序号[0]到[6],越接近0表示前面没有物体遮挡
if prox.horizontal[2] > 2000 then
motor.left.target = -100
motor.right.target = -100
if prox.horizontal[5] > 2000 or prox.horizontal[6] > 2000 then
motor.left.target = 100
motor.right.target = 100
if prox.horizontal[2] < 1000 and prox.horizontal[5] < 1000 and prox.horizontal[6] < 1000 then
motor.left.target = 0
motor.right.target = 0
Specification (Attractive and repulsive):When an object approaches the robot from behind, the robot runs away until it is out of range.
call sound.system(-1)
call leds.top(0,0,0)
call leds.bottom.left(0,0,0)
call leds.bottom.right(0,0,0)
call leds.circle(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0)
onevent prox
if prox.horizontal[5] > 2000 and prox.horizontal[6] > 2000 then
motor.left.target = 300
motor.right.target = 300
# 当两个事件同时发生才会运动
if prox.horizontal[5] < 1000 and prox.horizontal[6] < 1000 then
motor.left.target = 0
motor.right.target = 0
In the algorithm, the left and right motors are set to equal but opposite powers. Experiment with these power levels to see their influence on the turning radius of the robot.
onevent prox
if prox.horizontal[2] > 2000 then
motor.left.target = 200
motor.right.target = 200
if prox.horizontal[2] < 1000 then
motor.left.target = -200
motor.right.target = 200
Specification (Paranoid (right-left)): When an object is detected in front of the robot, the robot moves forwards. When an object is detected to the right of the robot, the robot turns right. When an object is detected to the left of the robot, the robot turns left. When no object is detected the robot does not move.
var speed = 150 # 定义速度变量,只能在最开始进行定义
call sound.system(-1)
call leds.top(32,0,32) # 顶部大灯,位于圆孔左右两侧(RGB)
call leds.bottom.left(0,0,32) # 左下灯(RGB)
call leds.bottom.right(0,32,0)# 右下灯(RGB)
call leds.circle(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0)# 围绕方向键盘四周的八盏灯,从正前顺时针
onevent prox
# prox.horizontal共有序号[0]到[6],越接近0表示前面没有物体遮挡
if prox.horizontal[2] > 2000 then
motor.left.target = speed
motor.right.target = speed
if prox.horizontal[2] < 1000 and prox.horizontal[0] > 2000 then
motor.left.target = -speed
motor.right.target = speed
if prox.horizontal[2] < 1000 and prox.horizontal[4] > 2000 then
motor.left.target = speed
motor.right.target = -speed
if prox.horizontal[2] < 1000 and prox.horizontal[4] < 1000 and prox.horizontal[0] < 1000 then
motor.left.target = 0
motor.right.target = 0
Specification (Insecure): If an object is not detected to the left of the robot, set the right motor to rotate forwards and set the left motor off. If an object is detected to the left of the robot, set the right motor off and set the left motor to rotate forwards.
var speed = 200 # 定义速度变量,只能在最开始进行定义
call sound.system(-1)
call leds.top(32,0,32) # 顶部大灯,位于圆孔左右两侧(RGB)
call leds.bottom.left(0,0,32) # 左下灯(RGB)
call leds.bottom.right(0,32,0)# 右下灯(RGB)
call leds.circle(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0)# 围绕方向键盘四周的八盏灯,从正前顺时针
onevent prox
# prox.horizontal共有序号[0]到[6],越接近0表示前面没有物体遮挡
if prox.horizontal[0] < 1000 or prox.horizontal[1] < 1000 then
motor.left.target = 0
motor.right.target = speed
if prox.horizontal[0] > 2000 or prox.horizontal[1] > 2000 then
motor.left.target = speed
motor.right.target = 0
Specification (Driven): If an object is detected to the left of the robot, set the right motor to rotate forwards and set the left motor off. If an object is detected to the right of the robot, set the right motor off and set the left motor to rotate forwards.
var speed = 200 # 定义速度变量,只能在最开始进行定义
call sound.system(-1)
call leds.top(32,0,32) # 顶部大灯,位于圆孔左右两侧(RGB)
call leds.bottom.left(0,0,32) # 左下灯(RGB)
call leds.bottom.right(0,32,0)# 右下灯(RGB)
call leds.circle(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0)# 围绕方向键盘四周的八盏灯,从正前顺时针
onevent prox
# prox.horizontal共有序号[0]到[6],越接近0表示前面没有物体遮挡
if prox.horizontal[3] > 2000 or prox.horizontal[4] > 2000 then
motor.left.target = 0
motor.right.target = speed
if prox.horizontal[0] > 2000 or prox.horizontal[1] > 2000 then
motor.left.target = speed
motor.right.target = 0
If the robot moves off the line to the left, the left sensor will not detect the line while the right sensor is still detecting it; the robot must turn to the right. If the robot moves off the line to the right, the right sensor will not detect the line while the left sensor is still detecting it; the robot must turn to the left.
the robot must move forwardwhenever both sensors detect a dark surface,
pseudocode | 伪代码
1: when both sensors detect black 2: left-motor-power ← 100 3: right-motor-power ← 100 4: 5: when neither sensor detects black 6: left-motor-power ← 0 7: right-motor-power ← 0 8: 9: when only the left sensor detects black 10: left-motor-power ← 0 11: right-motor-power ← 50 12: 13: when only the right sensor detects black 14: left-motor-power ← 50 15: right-motor-power ← 0
var speed = 100 # 定义速度变量,只能在最开始进行定义 call sound.system(-1) call leds.top(32,0,32) # 顶部大灯,位于圆孔左右两侧(RGB) call leds.bottom.left(0,0,32) # 左下灯(RGB) call leds.bottom.right(0,32,0)# 右下灯(RGB) call leds.circle(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0)# 围绕方向键盘四周的八盏灯,从正前顺时针 onevent prox # prox.ground.delta 共有序号[0]和[1],越接近0表示前面两个都在线上 if prox.ground.delta[0] < 150 and prox.ground.delta[1] < 150 then motor.left.target = 2 * speed motor.right.target = 2 * speed end if prox.ground.delta[0] > 200 and prox.ground.delta[1] > 200 then motor.left.target = 0 motor.right.target = 0 end if prox.horizontal[0] < 150 and prox.ground.delta[1] > 200 then motor.left.target = 0 motor.right.target = speed end if prox.horizontal[1] < 150 and prox.ground.delta[0] > 200 then motor.left.target = speed motor.right.target = 0 end
# Constants 常量 var CHANGE = 25 var INCREMENT = 100 var THRESHOLD = 200 # Variables 变量 var motor # The base value of the motor power var motor_change # The amount to change when approaching and turning var state # 0 = off, 1 = on 运行状态 # Initialization 变量以及LED灯状态初始化 state = 0 motor = 0 motor_change = (motor * CHANGE)/100 call leds.circle(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0) call leds.top(0,0,0) # Set the circle leds to indicate the motor power # 设计subroutine,实现在后续motor功率调整后,车上LED灯显现出对应的颜色 sub set_circle_leds if motor/100==0 then call leds.circle(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0) end if motor/100==1 then call leds.circle(32,0,0,0,0,0,0,0) end if motor/100==2 then call leds.circle(32,32,0,0,0,0,0,0) end if motor/100==3 then call leds.circle(32,32,32,0,0,0,0,0) end if motor/100==4 then call leds.circle(32,32,32,32,0,0,0,0) end if motor/100==5 then call leds.circle(32,32,32,32,32,0,0,0) end # Left and right button event handlers 使用左右按钮调整功率 # Increase or decrease motor power within 0-500 onevent button.left if button.left == 0 then motor = motor - INCREMENT if motor < 0 then motor = 0 end motor_change = (motor * CHANGE)/100 callsub set_circle_leds end onevent button.right if button.right == 0 then motor = motor + INCREMENT if motor > 500 then motor = 500 end motor_change = (motor * CHANGE)/100 callsub set_circle_leds end # When center button released onevent button.center if button.center == 0 then # If off, set state to 1 (on) and drive forwards if state == 0 then state = 1 motor.left.target = motor motor.right.target = motor # else if state is on, call stop the motors else state = 0 motor.left.target = 0 motor.right.target = 0 end motor_change = (motor * CHANGE)/100 callsub set_circle_leds end # Proximity event occurs, turn if necessary # 判定是否接触地面上特定的条纹 onevent prox if state == 0 then return end # If both sensors detect the tape, go straight if prox.ground.delta[0] < THRESHOLD and prox.ground.delta[1] < THRESHOLD then motor.left.target = motor motor.right.target = motor call leds.top(32,0,0) # If left detects and right doesn't, turn left elseif prox.ground.delta[0] < THRESHOLD and prox.ground.delta[1] >= THRESHOLD then motor.left.target = motor - motor_change motor.right.target = motor + motor_change call leds.top(0, 0, 32) # If right detects and left doesn't, turn right elseif prox.ground.delta[0] >= THRESHOLD and prox.ground.delta[1] < THRESHOLD then motor.left.target = motor + motor_change motor.right.target = motor - motor_change call leds.top(0, 32, 0) end
# Constants 常量 var CHANGE = 25 var INCREMENT = 50 var THRESHOLD = 200 # Variables 变量 var motor # The base value of the motor power var motor_change # The amount to change when approaching and turning var state # 0 = off, 1 = on 运行状态 # Initialization 变量以及LED灯状态初始化 state = 0 motor = 0 motor_change = (motor * CHANGE)/100 call leds.circle(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0) call leds.top(0,0,0) # Set the circle leds to indicate the motor power # 设计subroutine,实现在后续motor功率调整后,车上LED灯显现出对应的颜色 sub set_circle_leds if motor/50==0 then call leds.circle(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0) end if motor/50==1 then call leds.circle(32,0,0,0,0,0,0,0) end if motor/50==2 then call leds.circle(32,32,0,0,0,0,0,0) end if motor/50==3 then call leds.circle(32,32,32,0,0,0,0,0) end if motor/50==4 then call leds.circle(32,32,32,32,0,0,0,0) end if motor/50==5 then call leds.circle(32,32,32,32,32,0,0,0) end if motor/50==6 then call leds.circle(32,32,32,32,32,32,0,0) end if motor/50==7 then call leds.circle(32,32,32,32,32,32,32,0) end if motor/50>=8 then call leds.circle(32,32,32,32,32,32,32,32) end # Left and right button event handlers 使用左右按钮调整功率 # Increase or decrease motor power within 0-500 onevent button.left if button.left == 0 then motor = motor - INCREMENT if motor < 0 then motor = 0 end motor_change = (motor * CHANGE)/100 callsub set_circle_leds end onevent button.right if button.right == 0 then motor = motor + INCREMENT if motor > 500 then motor = 500 end motor_change = (motor * CHANGE)/100 callsub set_circle_leds end # When center button released onevent button.center if button.center == 0 then # If off, set state to 1 (on) and drive forwards if state == 0 then state = 1 motor.left.target = motor motor.right.target = motor # else if state is on, call stop the motors else state = 0 motor.left.target = 0 motor.right.target = 0 end motor_change = (motor * CHANGE)/100 callsub set_circle_leds end # Proximity event occurs, turn if necessary # 判定是否接触地面上特定的条纹 onevent prox if state == 0 then return end # If both sensors detect the tape, go straight if prox.ground.delta[0] < THRESHOLD and prox.ground.delta[1] < THRESHOLD then motor.left.target = motor motor.right.target = motor call leds.top(32,0,0) # If left detects and right doesn't, turn left elseif prox.ground.delta[0] < THRESHOLD and prox.ground.delta[1] >= THRESHOLD then #motor.left.target = motor - motor_change #motor.right.target = motor + motor_change #motor.left.target = motor - 2 * motor_change #motor.right.target = motor motor.left.target = 0 motor.right.target = motor call leds.top(0, 0, 32) # If right detects and left doesn't, turn right elseif prox.ground.delta[0] >= THRESHOLD and prox.ground.delta[1] < THRESHOLD then #motor.left.target = motor + motor_change #motor.right.target = motor - motor_change #motor.left.target = motor #motor.right.target = motor - 2 * motor_change motor.left.target = motor motor.right.target = 0 call leds.top(0, 32, 0) end
• Modify the algorithm so that the robot returns to the line after it loses it, that is, when both sensors no longer detect black.
• Algorithm 1: Before both sensors no longer detect the line, one of them will be the first that no longer detects the line. Use a variable to remember the sensor that first lost the line; when the line is lost, turn in the opposite direction of the value of this variable.
• Algorithm 2: The previous algorithm might not work if the robot is moving too fast and runs off the line before it detects that only one sensor lost the line. Instead, if both sensors no longer detect black, cause the robot the search for the line
- 结合
可以实现救援模式的打开与关闭 - 结合
代码进行小车车速控制 - 实现
sub set_bottom_leds
- 结合
# 2020.10.02 # Constants 常量 var CHANGE = 25 var INCREMENT = 50 var THRESHOLD = 200 # Variables 变量 var motor # The base value of the motor power var motor_change # The amount to change when approaching and turning # Activity 3.12 Algorithm 1 P46 var lost_first = -1 # 0 for left doesn't, 1 for right doesn't var recovery_mode = 0 # 0 = off, 1 = on var state # 0 = off, 1 = on 运行状态 # Initialization 变量以及LED灯状态初始化 state = 0 motor = 0 motor_change = (motor * CHANGE)/100 call leds.circle(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0) call leds.top(0,0,0) call leds.bottom.left(0,0,0) call leds.bottom.right(0,0,0) # 对于救援模式的灯 sub set_bottom_leds if recovery_mode==1 then # 如果救援模式打开,若未离开线,就显示左右红灯 if lost_first==-1 then call leds.bottom.left(32,0,0) call leds.bottom.right(32,0,0) # 如果救援模式打开,若离开线,就显示左右蓝灯 else call leds.bottom.left(0,0,32) call leds.bottom.right(0,0,32) end # 如果救援模式不打开,就不开左右灯 elseif recovery_mode==0 then call leds.bottom.left(0,0,0) call leds.bottom.right(0,0,0) end # Set the circle leds to indicate the motor power # 设计subroutine,实现在后续motor功率调整后,车上LED灯显现出对应的颜色 sub set_circle_leds if motor/50==0 then call leds.circle(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0) end if motor/50==1 then call leds.circle(32,0,0,0,0,0,0,0) end if motor/50==2 then call leds.circle(32,32,0,0,0,0,0,0) end if motor/50==3 then call leds.circle(32,32,32,0,0,0,0,0) end if motor/50==4 then call leds.circle(32,32,32,32,0,0,0,0) end if motor/50==5 then call leds.circle(32,32,32,32,32,0,0,0) end if motor/50==6 then call leds.circle(32,32,32,32,32,32,0,0) end if motor/50==7 then call leds.circle(32,32,32,32,32,32,32,0) end if motor/50>=8 then call leds.circle(32,32,32,32,32,32,32,32) end # Left and right button event handlers 使用左右按钮调整功率 # Increase or decrease motor power within 0-500 onevent button.left if button.left == 0 then motor = motor - INCREMENT if motor < 0 then motor = 0 end motor_change = (motor * CHANGE)/100 callsub set_circle_leds end onevent button.right if button.right == 0 then motor = motor + INCREMENT if motor > 500 then motor = 500 end motor_change = (motor * CHANGE)/100 callsub set_circle_leds end # When center button released onevent button.center if button.center == 0 then # If off, set state to 1 (on) and drive forwards if state == 0 then state = 1 motor.left.target = motor motor.right.target = motor # else if state is on, call stop the motors else state = 0 motor.left.target = 0 motor.right.target = 0 end motor_change = (motor * CHANGE)/100 callsub set_circle_leds end # 打开救援模式按钮 # When backford button released onevent button.backward if button.backward == 0 then if recovery_mode == 0 then recovery_mode = 1 else recovery_mode = 0 lost_first = -1 end callsub set_bottom_leds end # Proximity event occurs, turn if necessary # 判定是否接触地面上特定的条纹 onevent prox if state == 0 then return end # If both sensors detect the tape, go straight if prox.ground.delta[0] < THRESHOLD and prox.ground.delta[1] < THRESHOLD then motor.left.target = motor motor.right.target = motor call leds.top(32,0,0) lost_first = -1 callsub set_bottom_leds # If left detects and right doesn't, turn left elseif prox.ground.delta[0] < THRESHOLD and prox.ground.delta[1] >= THRESHOLD then motor.left.target = motor - motor_change motor.right.target = motor + motor_change call leds.top(0, 0, 32) # Activity 3.12 Algorithm 1 P46 lost_first = 1 # 0 for left doesn't, 1 for right doesn't # If right detects and left doesn't, turn right elseif prox.ground.delta[0] >= THRESHOLD and prox.ground.delta[1] < THRESHOLD then motor.left.target = motor + motor_change motor.right.target = motor - motor_change call leds.top(0, 32, 0) # Activity 3.12 Algorithm 1 P46 lost_first = 0 # 0 for left doesn't, 1 for right doesn't # If both don't detect elseif prox.ground.delta[0] >= THRESHOLD and prox.ground.delta[1] >= THRESHOLD then # 若打开救援模式 if recovery_mode == 1 then if lost_first == 1 then motor.left.target = -motor_change motor.right.target = motor callsub set_bottom_leds elseif lost_first == 0 then motor.left.target = motor motor.right.target = -motor_change callsub set_bottom_leds end # 若不开救援模式,则两个传感器均没有检测到就停止 elseif recovery_mode == 0 then motor.left.target = 0 motor.right.target = 0 end end
Algorithm2 (TODO)
The previous algorithm might not work if the robot is moving too fast and runs off the line before it detects that only one sensor lost the line. Instead, if both sensors no longer detect black, cause the robot the search for the line for a short distance, first in one direction and then in the other direction.
A robot can follow a line with only one ground sensor if the reflectivity of the line varies across its width.
- pseudocode | 伪代码
In Algorithm 13.1 a timer is set to a period such as 100 ms. The timer is decremented by the operating system (not shown) and when it expires, the outputs y1 and y2 are computed by Eq. 13.3 below. These outputs are then used to set the power of the left and right motors, and, finally, the timer is reset.
pseudocode | 伪代码
integer period←· · · // Timer period (ms) integer timer ← period float array[5] x float array[2] y float array[2,5] W 1: when timer expires 2: x ← sensor values 3: y ← W x 4: left-motor-power ← y[1] 5: right-motor-power ← y[2] 6: timer ← period
Official Code (Only using 3 proximity sensors): fixed weights, using the 3 sensors for wheel speed change
# Weights of neuron inputs var w_fwd = 20 # Reasonable forward speed var w_back = 40 # > fwd so robot will move backwards var w_neg = 30 # also > fwd var w_pos = 10 # amplifies fwd so not too large # Neuron inputs and outputs var x1 var x2 var x3 var y1 var y2 # Scale factors for sensors and constant factor var sensor_scale = 200 var constant_scale = 20 # State for start and stop var state = 0 timer.period[0] = 100 # Milliseconds # Toggle start and stop with center button onevent button.center when button.center == 0 do if state == 0 then state = 1 else state = 0 motor.left.target = 0 motor.right.target = 0 end end # Activiate neurons periodically onevent timer0 # Do nothing if stopped if state == 0 then return end # Get and scale inputs x1 = prox.horizontal[0]/sensor_scale x2 = prox.horizontal[2]/sensor_scale x3 = prox.horizontal[4]/sensor_scale # corresponding to Fig. 13.4 Neural network for obstacle avoidance # Compute outputs of neurons and set motor powers y1 = 1*constant_scale*w_fwd + x1*w_pos - x2*w_back - x3*w_neg y2 = 1*constant_scale*w_fwd - x1*w_neg - x2*w_back + x3*w_pos motor.left.target = y1 motor.right.target = y2
My code (TODO)
To cause the algorithm to learn, feedback is used to modify the weightsW(Algorithms 13.2, 13.3). Let us assume that there are four buttons on the robot or on a remote control, one for each direction forwards, backwards, left and right. Whenever we note that the robot is in a situation that requires a certain behavior, we touch the corresponding button. For example, if the left sensor detects an obstacle, the robot should turn right.
(from course exercise)
Instead of making random movements and waiting for good situations to reinforce, you can present good situations to the network by placing the robot in an avoidance situation and pressing a button showing the right reaction
pseudocode | 伪代码
1: when button {forward / backward / left / right} touched 2: y1 ← {100 / −100 / −100 / 100} 3: y2 ← {100 / −100 / 100 / −100}
Code (TODO)
😅 It's hard to implement for the lack of remote control
The next phase of the algorithm is to update the connection weights according to the Hebbian rule (Algorithm 13.3).
pseudocode | 伪代码
1: x ← sensor values 2: for j in {1, 2, 3, 4, 5} 3: wjl ← wjl + α y1 x j 4: wjr ← wjr + α y2 x j
Official Code
- X: all seven sensors and one bias, size (8,1)
- Weight: size with (2, 8)
- Y: size with (2, 1)
- using bottoms for weights update
# Neuron inputs (7 IR sensors and constant input) and outputs var x[8] var y[2] # Scale factors for sensors, outputs and motors var sensor_scale = 100 var output_scale = 20 var motor_scale = 15 # Constant input to move forwards var constant_input = 25 # Threshold for start/stop with ground sensors var start_stop_threshold = 300 # Left and right weights var w_left[8] var w_right[8] # Learning rate var alpha = 2 # Speed increment for each learning episode var speed = 10 # The desired output for each button: +/-speed var y_left var y_right # Loop index var i # State: off or on var state = 0 # Time period (millisecconds) to compute motor outputs from inputs timer.period[0] = 100 # Start in off state and not moving call leds.top(0,0,0) motor.left.target = 0 motor.right.target = 0 # Toggle start and stop with ground sensors onevent prox if prox.ground.delta[0] > start_stop_threshold and prox.ground.delta[1] > start_stop_threshold then return end motor.left.target = 0 motor.right.target = 0 if state == 0 then # Set weights initially to zero for i in 0:7 do w_left[i] = 0 w_right[i] = 0 end call leds.top(32,32,32) state = 1 else call leds.top(0,0,0) state = 0 end # Change weights according to Hebbian rule sub change_weights for i in 0:7 do w_left[i] = w_left[i] + (alpha*y_left*x[i]) / output_scale w_right[i] = w_right[i] + (alpha*y_right*x[i]) / output_scale end # For each button set y_left, y_right and change weights onevent button.center y_left = speed y_right = speed callsub change_weights onevent button.left y_left = -speed y_right = speed callsub change_weights onevent button.right y_left = speed y_right = -speed callsub change_weights onevent button.forward y_left = speed y_right = speed callsub change_weights onevent button.backward y_left = -speed y_right = -speed callsub change_weights # Timer event onevent timer0 if state == 0 then return end # Read and scale inputs x[7] = constant_input for i in 0:6 do x[i]=prox.horizontal[i]/sensor_scale end # Compute dot product of inputs and weights y[0] = 0 y[1] = 1 for i in 0:7 do y[0] = y[0] + x[i]*w_left[i] y[1] = y[1] + x[i]*w_right[i] end # Scale and set motor powers motor.left.target = y[0] / motor_scale motor.right.target = y[1] / motor_scale