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Team Meeting Minutes [March 12, 2018]

Mila Roisin edited this page Mar 15, 2018 · 5 revisions

Date: March 12 2018

Virtual meeting held over Discord

Member(s) Present: Paul Micu, Michelle Choi, Muhammad Bilal Nasir Yazan Odeh, Patrick Pin, Mila Roisin, Debashish Saha

Member(s) Absent: Landry Signi

  • Team check-in conducted over sprint four's grading scheme and guidelines. Unanimous decision on focusing on cleaning up what is left, instead of implementing new user stories and features. We also decided to remove extra features such as Google+ integration in our website design, but we'll keep the Facebook integration.

  • TravisCI integration - Request an appointment with the professor for either Tuesday or Wednesday. Wednesday is ideal as it is our designated 'workshop' hour.

  • Noted that there is a current but where in adding a new comment on the top popular question post, it automatically makes the new comment as the top rated comment.

  • Enforcement of Planning is carried over for Sprint 3 - meeting minutes are available. Mila will clean up the organization of the meeting minutes into their respective sprints so it is neat and readable.

  • Whole final project must be completed by Monday, 2pm to allow for a buffer in case that there may be hiccups before the presentation deadline. Team discussed on specifications requirement related to the final documentation worth 10% of the final grade - Mila will email the Prof for further details. Taking account that finals crunch period is near, It is expected that the documentation will take at least a week to complete.

  • Pair Programming - Yazan will be paired off with Bilal to help him on the notifications system issue. Patrick will be another set of eyes to help with the TravisCI issue. Patrick is focusing on cleaning up his code and working on the burndown chart.

  • For Directory and Package Structure: every member is assigned to do Code Quality - the team is reminded that our chosen coding style must be enforced throughout our website. Cleanliness and organization are key for every coding body structure.

  • Acceptance Tests: Test results must be in image format and placed in the Tests directory and executed throughout for each commit.

Tasks breakdown:

Mila - Minutes, TravisCI integration

Deba - FB integration and G+ removal from website

Michelle - Reset system, P/W, database syncing

Landry - Contact Us form, favorite button integration on best answer.

Next meeting will be on Wednesday at 11:30 am.

Meeting adjourned.

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