First of all. I very hate to tell you but if you lost the seed phrase or Solana private key, that’s it. There is no recovery. The app is very clear about this during setup. that is why it comes with a card to write your phrase down on. Take care of your seed phrases next time.
- Lost Key SenseCAP M1
- Basic Linux Command Line
- Micro SD Card Reader
- Good Performance SD Card
- Time
Flash Raspberry Pi Image to Your SD Card with RPI Imager Download here
Install and run it
Flash Your SD Card with Raspberry Pi Imager Choose Raspberry Pi 4 Board, Select OS Raspberry Pi OS (bookworm) 64bit (minimal or desktop is on your call) Setup User Name, Password, Wifi connection and Enable SSH
After Flashing and Verification Completed, Remove SD Card and insert to your SenseCAP M1 sd card slot
Use your favorite SSH application on your PC such as Terminus, Putty etc. then Connect to SenseCAP M1 IP address Enter your Username and Password
After Complete SSH Login
RPi Board Config
sudo raspi-config
Then Enable VNC, SPI, I2C and Serial port via Interface Menu of The configuration tool. Don't Reboot it Yet
sudo rpi-eeprom-update -a
Increased Swap file to 2GB
sudo dphys-swapfile swapoff
sudo nano /etc/dphys-swapfile
Edit Following Line
And Hit Ctrl+X and Ctrl+Y then run
sudo dphys-swapfile setup
sudo dphys-swapfile swapon
Update to latest Kernel, Software and Lib
sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y
Install Docker, Rootless Permission and Reboot
curl -sSL | sh && sudo usermod -aG docker $USER && sudo reboot
Clean Up APT Installation after Reboot
sudo apt autoremove -y
Clone Project Repo
git clone
Configure LoRaWAN EUID Of WM1302/1303 Module
Due to Debian 12 The GPIO sysfs is deprecated and superseded by libgpiod. In this repo this is my pre-compiled binary for RPi 4 for RPi OS Debian 12 based Works on WM1302 WM1303 module
cd SenseCAPM1-Chirpstack/packet_forwarder
sudo chmod +x && sudo chmod +x lora_pkt_fwd && sudo chmod +x spectral_scan
./lora_pkt_fwd -c global_conf_as923_th.json
**For WM1303 Module use file "global_conf_as923_th_sx1303.json" instead
Watch For "Concentrator EUI" Line ex.
"INFO: concentrator EUI: 0xXXXXXXXXYYYYYYYY" Note It!
Edit LoRaWAN Driver Config
nano global_conf_as923_th.json
Look at Line 80
"gateway_ID": "AA555A0000000000",
Fill your "Concentrator EUI" And Hit Ctrl+X and Ctrl+Y
Create LoRaWAN Driver Systemd
sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/lora_pkt_fwd.service
Copy And Paste Following Line
Description=Southern IoT AS923 LoraWAN Packet Forwarder Version 01.07.2024 Copyrighted
ExecStart=/home/pi/SenseCAPM1-Chirpstack/packet_forwarder/lora_pkt_fwd -c /home/pi/SenseCAPM1-Chirpstack/packet_forwarder/global_conf_as923_th.json
Reload systemd Daemon
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
Start LoRaWAN Driver Now
sudo systemctl start lora_pkt_fwd.service
Check LoRaWAN Driver Status
sudo systemctl status lora_pkt_fwd.service
If no error so you are good to go!
Make LoRaWAN Driver Autostart On Boot
sudo systemctl enable lora_pkt_fwd.service
Install Chripstack Docker (This repo are using my pre configured AS923 Frequency for Thailand)
Before We Start. What is Chirpstack?
ChirpStack is an open-source LoRaWAN(R) Network Server which can be used to set up LoRaWAN networks. ChirpStack provides a web-interface for the management of gateways, devices and tenants as well to set up data integrations with the major cloud providers, databases and services commonly used for handling device data. ChirpStack provides a gRPC based API that can be used to integrate or extend ChirpStack.
cd ~/SenseCAPM1-Chirpstack/chirpstack-docker
docker compose up -d
Wait for 3-5 mins for Chirpstack to boot up then Browse to your SenseCAP M1 IP Address on port 8080
Default Login/Password : admin/admin ,, ex.
Go to Gateways Menu on The Left, Add Your Gateway with Name, Gateway ID same as Packet Forwarder
(Optional) Import All LoRaWAN Device in Profile Template into Chirpstack
sudo make import-lorawan-devices
For Documentation and other binaries
Please refer to the ChirpStack website for documentation, API and pre-compiled binaries.
Install Node-Red and Start
cd ~/
bash <(curl -sL
Config Installation
Are you really sure you want to do this ? [y/N] ? y Would you like to install the Pi-specific nodes ? [y/N] ? y Running Node-RED install for user pi at /home/pi Settings file ‣ /home/pi/.node-red/settings.js (hit Enter)
Auto Start Node-Red On Boot
sudo systemctl enable nodered.service
Node Red running on port 1880, Use your favorite browser
- People Install Desktop Version. You can use your favorite VNC client to control desktop mode on your hotspot such as RealVNC etc.
Install ChirpStack Packet Multiplexer
The ChirpStack Packet Multiplexer utility forwards the Semtech packet-forwarder UDP data to multiple endpoints. It makes it possible to connect a single LoRa gateway to multiple networks. It is part of ChirpStack.
Ready? Go!
sudo apt install apt-transport-https dirmngr
sudo apt-key adv --keyserver --recv-keys 1CE2AFD36DBCCA00
sudo echo "deb stable main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/chirpstack.list
sudo apt update && sudo apt install chirpstack-packet-multiplexer
To complete the installation, Make directory and update the configuration file which is located at
sudo mkdir /etc/chirpstack-packet-multiplexer
sudo nano /etc/chirpstack-packet-multiplexer/chirpstack-packet-multiplexer.toml
The Configuration Template I provided in this repo.
You with this you can Install Mysterium node on your SenseCAP M1
What is a Mysterium Network Node? Network nodes are devices, such as this Raspberry Pi, which help power and maintain Mysterium distributed network. Any user of the network can pay to connect to your node, providing them with a VPN service, access to the open internet and a secure line of communication.
Run Following command
sudo -E bash -c "$(curl -s"
In addition to downloading and installing our Node on your Raspberry Pi, this command will also install additional required dependencies like WireGuard if you don't have it already.
Reboot and Wait for 5-10 minutes for myst node to Start then browse to SenseCAP M1 IP Address with port 4449 in your favorite browser or use VNC connect to your hotspot ex.