- Hand drawn flow diagram
- Show top-down approach
- Part metaprogramming (Jinja/Python...)
- Compilation croisée
- Threading? SIMD
- Add section for courses with links to the only required stuff.
- Wrap table columns with syntax such as
or better ayaml
table extension. - Find a way to add crop cut on PDF as we don't use A4 format
- Improve deployment on gh-pages, reduce the number of changes
- Better separation terms and definitions, acronyms, glossary
- Integrate bibliography (extra pages in backmatter)
- Chapter "Crédits des illustrations" in backmatter (ai generated?)
- Improve syntax for tags/index
- Make all figures compatible with both light/dark theme
- Adapt SVG color when added in object
- Index table entry with many refs cuz ugly line break indent
- Badge shows falling on README
- When
before first title in a page it affects the title in toc - Allow for code inline and markdown inline in table captions
- Code with title doesn't display well in LaTeX
- Image with width should be included with the correct size
- Implement local links to code, copy them in appencies
- Table des opérateurs, find a way
- Table size should be always slighly smaller than the normal text
- Autres tables, largeur, ajuster au contenu ? tabularx ?
- Find a way to have "short caption" on figures (maybe use alt text)
- Label for tables are cropped, should be placed above tables
- Exercises
- Exercise plugin cause code to be renamed exercise
- Exercises numbering (restart at each section)
- Exercises Colors for fill-in-the-blank in slate theme
- See solution of exercises without specific type.
- Vertical alignment of multiple choices
- Multicolumn for exercises (Validité des identificateurs)
- Two/Three columns for exercises not working
- Exercise in title Exercice 35 : Exercise : Promotion numérique
- Mkdocs Material Highlights tags by adding a space after the highlight.
- Mermaid width too wide
- Albatros ref null
- Remove preambule… text introductif dans introductions ?
- Mal géré en LaTeX enuermate followed by itemize
- Size caption of tables and figures is different
- Carret position in "Opérateurs d'affectation" for XOR
- Split document in multiple volumes
- Reaveal js slides --> see on slides branch
- Allow to create nav with subsections (build only info1 chapters)
- Flexible tables parameter for adjusting width, fullwidth
- Embedded Interactive examples (linked-list)...
- Annotate code with circled number that can be used in text (see plug)
- Interactive exercices
- Code execution
- Fill the gap
- Flexible table
- Code execution (adapt dates, things...)
- Allow for optional feedback title
- Translation for permalink title
- [.] Tags spacing in theme (search) (.md-tag margin-right: 0.5em;)
- Exercises are all checked
- Bug with examples