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aem solr search relies on a deprecated dependency (cqblueprints) - as such please consider migrating off aem-solr-search

About AEM Solr Search

AEM Solr Search provides an intergration between AEM (CQ) and Apache Solr. It includes the following features:

  • SolrJ OSGi bundle - aemsolrsearch-solrj
  • Suite of search UI components (e.g., facets, search input fields, pagination, etc.)
  • Server-side query proxy
  • Quick start Solr distributions for development use
    • Apache Solr 4.10.4 - aemsolrsearch-quickstart
    • Apache Solr 5.4.1 - aemsolrsearch-vagrant
  • Geometrixx Media sample integration.

Note: This README uses Google Analytics for tracking site visits using: Analytics


  • Java 7 or greater
  • Adobe AEM 6.1 or greater (with the Geometrixx Media Site)
  • Maven 3.2.x

Getting Started

These instructions assume that AEM is running on localhost on port 4502 with the default admin/admin credentials.

  1. Start AEM.

  2. Deploy AEM Solr Search by running the following from the root project. This will deploy the core AEM Solr Search application framework.

     $ mvn clean install -Pauto-deploy-all
  3. Deploy the Geometrixx Media sample bundles.

     $ mvn install -Pauto-deploy-geo
     $ mvn install -Pauto-deploy-sample
  4. Start Jetty. This will take sometime the first time, as Solr will be fetched from a Maven repository.

     $ cd aemsolrsearch-quickstart
     $ mvn clean resources:resources jetty:run
  5. In another terminal window run the index script.

     $ cd ../aemsolrsearch-geometrixx-media-sample
     $ ./
  6. Open a browser and visit:

SolrCloud 5.x Demo

AEM Solr Search 2.0 now supports multiple deployment options. The Getting Started section described the traditional standalone Solr deployment for for Solr 4.x.

If you would like to try Solr 5 in SolrCloud mode, perform the following:

  1. Ensure that steps 1-3 are complete in the Getting Started section.

  2. Since Solr 5 is no longer packaged as a WAR file, we can no longer use the AEM Solr Search Quickstart project (aemsolrsearch-quickstart). However, we wanted to provided a working runtime. We opted for Vagrant and VirtualBox as our virtualization solution. Simply refer to aemsolrsearch-vagrant/, perform the steps described, and then return to these instructions.

  3. In a browser, visit http://localhost:4502/system/console/configMgr and edit the AEM Solr Search - Solr Configuration Service and set solr.mode to SolrCloud and set solr.master to one of the nodes in the cluster (i.e., http://localhost:8983/solr). Currently, the proxy does not detect the set of active nodes in Zookeeper.

  4. Trigger a real-time index by creating a Geometrixx Media Article page or by running:

     $ cd aemsolrsearch-geometrixx-media-sample
     $ ./

For More Information

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