All notable changes to the "luacoderassist" extension will be documented in this file.
- 修复:支持对函数插入LDoc格式的代码注释
- 修复:#41 自动补全在依赖模块通过多级目录指定时不生效的BUG
- 新增:lua关键字几常用语句的代码片段
- 新增:busted测试框架代码补全,删除原来的代码片段,通过按钮来控制busted是否使能
- 优化:静态检查处理逻辑优化,保证同一时刻只有一个进程检查同一文件,保证最新的修改被检查
- 修复:#39 #40
- 优化:LUA 5.3和JIT接口文档优化,修复LUA 5.1接口文档的个别接口未匹配问题
- 优化:luacheck静态检查配置,增加globals配置,通过luaversion匹配luacheck的std配置
- 修复:当local _io = io时,_io无法自动补全的问题
- 新增:更新符号解析方案,提供有限的符号类型推导功能
- 新增:基于类型符号推导,提供更全面和强大的符号补全功能,支持.luacmpleterc文件配置
- 新增:支持setmetatable,支持部分面向对象式编程风格
- 新增:支持函数返回值类型推导和符号补全
- 新增:文件符号列表支持树形显示父子关系
- 新增:集成love、jit库的接口描述文件,用于支持代码补全和符号Hover信息提示
- 修复:由于文件编码格式不一致导致的符号定义跳转行不准确的问题
- 优化:在错误信息中显示luacheck的错误码
- 优化:将部分luacheck的参数提取到配置luacheck.options中
- Fix file detection for the luacheck option
, contribute byFireSiku
- Auto detect the
file for luacheck, contribute byPositive07
- Add luacheck delay to improve experience while editing a large lua file
- Add
config - Add
- fix issue #17.
- add intellisense support for
using in function of nested table, ralate to issue #15.
- fixed bug #16
- add: resolve
key word to provide precise complete list, relate to issue #13
- fix issue #12: fallback to vscode's default code-complete list when no defined symbol was found.
- fix issue #9: add
to luacheck using theformat.lineWidth
- fix: fixed bug in issue #7.
- fix: update the description of
configuration. - add: add chinese description in
- add: code metric codelens
- fix: symbols in new create file and remove symbols of deleted file.
- remove: Extension Settings section in
- fix errors when open a file without
extension, see issue #3.
- fix errors when open a file which has syntax error.
- add
option for luacheck diagnostics.
- fix issue #3
- add ldoc command to insert document for function.
- fix bugs when module/file return with nonthing
- add ldoc snippets
- fix issue #2
- update
- add VER 1.2.0 Release Notes
- add format support
- add return table syntax support
- add support for rename local defined variables
- add support for return symbol from a file
- Initial release
- Document symbol support;
- Goto definition, in or cross file;
- Provide hover information about a symbol;
- Diagnostics supported by using luaparse(for flycheck) and luacheck;
- Code completion support;
- Signature help support.