diff --git a/.github/workflows/test-integrations.yml b/.github/workflows/test-integrations.yml index 37a53a85cb7d..c11552d8d3d1 100644 --- a/.github/workflows/test-integrations.yml +++ b/.github/workflows/test-integrations.yml @@ -422,7 +422,7 @@ jobs: -tags "${{ env.GOTAGS }}" \ -timeout=30m \ -json \ - `go list ./... | grep -v upgrade` \ + `go list -tags "${{ env.GOTAGS }}" ./... | grep -v upgrade | grep -v peering_commontopo` \ --target-image ${{ env.CONSUL_LATEST_IMAGE_NAME }} \ --target-version local \ --latest-image docker.mirror.hashicorp.services/${{ env.CONSUL_LATEST_IMAGE_NAME }} \ @@ -591,6 +591,98 @@ jobs: DD_ENV: ci run: datadog-ci junit upload --service "$GITHUB_REPOSITORY" $TEST_RESULTS_DIR/results.xml + peering_commontopo-integration-test: + runs-on: ${{ fromJSON(needs.setup.outputs.compute-xl) }} + needs: + - setup + - dev-build + permissions: + id-token: write # NOTE: this permission is explicitly required for Vault auth. + contents: read + strategy: + fail-fast: false + env: + ENVOY_VERSION: "1.24.6" + steps: + - uses: actions/checkout@8e5e7e5ab8b370d6c329ec480221332ada57f0ab # v3.5.2 + # NOTE: This step is specifically needed for ENT. It allows us to access the required private HashiCorp repos. + - name: Setup Git + if: ${{ endsWith(github.repository, '-enterprise') }} + run: git config --global url."https://${{ secrets.ELEVATED_GITHUB_TOKEN }}:@github.com".insteadOf "https://github.com" + - uses: actions/setup-go@fac708d6674e30b6ba41289acaab6d4b75aa0753 # v4.0.1 + with: + go-version-file: 'go.mod' + - run: go env + + # Get go binary from workspace + - name: fetch binary + uses: actions/download-artifact@9bc31d5ccc31df68ecc42ccf4149144866c47d8a # v3.0.2 + with: + name: '${{ env.CONSUL_BINARY_UPLOAD_NAME }}' + path: . + - name: restore mode+x + run: chmod +x consul + - name: Build consul:local image + run: docker build -t ${{ env.CONSUL_LATEST_IMAGE_NAME }}:local -f ./build-support/docker/Consul-Dev.dockerfile . + - name: Peering commonTopo Integration Tests + run: | + mkdir -p "${{ env.TEST_RESULTS_DIR }}" + cd ./test-integ/peering_commontopo + docker run --rm ${{ env.CONSUL_LATEST_IMAGE_NAME }}:local consul version + go run gotest.tools/gotestsum@v${{env.GOTESTSUM_VERSION}} \ + --raw-command \ + --format=short-verbose \ + --debug \ + --packages="./..." \ + -- \ + go test \ + -tags "${{ env.GOTAGS }}" \ + -timeout=30m \ + -json . \ + --target-image ${{ env.CONSUL_LATEST_IMAGE_NAME }} \ + --target-version local \ + --latest-image docker.mirror.hashicorp.services/${{ env.CONSUL_LATEST_IMAGE_NAME }} \ + --latest-version latest + ls -lrt + env: + # this is needed because of incompatibility between RYUK container and GHA + GOTESTSUM_JUNITFILE: ${{ env.TEST_RESULTS_DIR }}/results.xml + GOTESTSUM_FORMAT: standard-verbose + COMPOSE_INTERACTIVE_NO_CLI: 1 + # tput complains if this isn't set to something. + TERM: ansi + # NOTE: ENT specific step as we store secrets in Vault. + - name: Authenticate to Vault + if: ${{ endsWith(github.repository, '-enterprise') }} + id: vault-auth + run: vault-auth + + # NOTE: ENT specific step as we store secrets in Vault. + - name: Fetch Secrets + if: ${{ endsWith(github.repository, '-enterprise') }} + id: secrets + uses: hashicorp/vault-action@v2.5.0 + with: + url: ${{ steps.vault-auth.outputs.addr }} + caCertificate: ${{ steps.vault-auth.outputs.ca_certificate }} + token: ${{ steps.vault-auth.outputs.token }} + secrets: | + kv/data/github/${{ github.repository }}/datadog apikey | DATADOG_API_KEY; + + - name: prepare datadog-ci + if: ${{ !endsWith(github.repository, '-enterprise') }} + run: | + curl -L --fail "https://github.com/DataDog/datadog-ci/releases/latest/download/datadog-ci_linux-x64" --output "/usr/local/bin/datadog-ci" + chmod +x /usr/local/bin/datadog-ci + + - name: upload coverage + # do not run on forks + if: github.event.pull_request.head.repo.full_name == github.repository + env: + DATADOG_API_KEY: "${{ endsWith(github.repository, '-enterprise') && env.DATADOG_API_KEY || secrets.DATADOG_API_KEY }}" + DD_ENV: ci + run: datadog-ci junit upload --service "$GITHUB_REPOSITORY" $TEST_RESULTS_DIR/results.xml + test-integrations-success: needs: - setup @@ -600,6 +692,7 @@ jobs: - generate-envoy-job-matrices - envoy-integration-test - compatibility-integration-test + - peering_commontopo-integration-test - upgrade-integration-test runs-on: ${{ fromJSON(needs.setup.outputs.compute-small) }} if: ${{ always() }} diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore index a48d19b74cc2..793354db02d5 100644 --- a/.gitignore +++ b/.gitignore @@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ .vagrant/ /pkg bin/ +workdir/ changelog.tmp exit-code Thumbs.db @@ -68,3 +69,4 @@ override.tf.json terraform.rc /go.work /go.work.sum +.docker diff --git a/api/prepared_query.go b/api/prepared_query.go index bb40e6a7fddd..8ebc852f3ac5 100644 --- a/api/prepared_query.go +++ b/api/prepared_query.go @@ -32,11 +32,11 @@ type QueryFailoverTarget struct { // Partition specifies a partition to try during failover // Note: Partition are available only in Consul Enterprise - Partition string + Partition string `json:",omitempty"` // Namespace specifies a namespace to try during failover // Note: Namespaces are available only in Consul Enterprise - Namespace string + Namespace string `json:",omitempty"` } // QueryDNSOptions controls settings when query results are served over DNS. diff --git a/test-integ/README.md b/test-integ/README.md new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..ebc611efa2bc --- /dev/null +++ b/test-integ/README.md @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +# test-integ + +Go integration tests for consul. `/test/integration` also holds integration tests; they need migrating. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/test-integ/go.mod b/test-integ/go.mod new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..af6f6612392b --- /dev/null +++ b/test-integ/go.mod @@ -0,0 +1,105 @@ +module github.com/hashicorp/consul/test-integ + +go 1.20 + +require ( + github.com/hashicorp/consul/api v1.22.0 + github.com/hashicorp/consul/sdk v0.14.0 + github.com/hashicorp/consul/test/integration/consul-container v0.0.0-20230628201853-bdf4fad7c5a5 + github.com/hashicorp/consul/testing/deployer v0.0.0-00010101000000-000000000000 + github.com/hashicorp/go-cleanhttp v0.5.2 + github.com/itchyny/gojq v0.12.13 + github.com/mitchellh/copystructure v1.2.0 + github.com/stretchr/testify v1.8.4 +) + +require ( + fortio.org/dflag v1.5.2 // indirect + fortio.org/fortio v1.54.0 // indirect + fortio.org/log v1.3.0 // indirect + fortio.org/sets v1.0.2 // indirect + fortio.org/version v1.0.2 // indirect + github.com/Azure/go-ansiterm v0.0.0-20230124172434-306776ec8161 // indirect + github.com/Microsoft/go-winio v0.6.1 // indirect + github.com/agext/levenshtein v1.2.1 // indirect + github.com/apparentlymart/go-textseg/v13 v13.0.0 // indirect + github.com/armon/go-metrics v0.4.1 // indirect + github.com/avast/retry-go v3.0.0+incompatible // indirect + github.com/cenkalti/backoff/v4 v4.2.1 // indirect + github.com/containerd/containerd v1.7.1 // indirect + github.com/cpuguy83/dockercfg v0.3.1 // indirect + github.com/davecgh/go-spew v1.1.2-0.20180830191138-d8f796af33cc // indirect + github.com/docker/distribution v2.8.1+incompatible // indirect + github.com/docker/docker v23.0.6+incompatible // indirect + github.com/docker/go-connections v0.4.0 // indirect + github.com/docker/go-units v0.5.0 // indirect + github.com/fatih/color v1.14.1 // indirect + github.com/go-jose/go-jose/v3 v3.0.0 // indirect + github.com/gogo/protobuf v1.3.2 // indirect + github.com/golang/protobuf v1.5.3 // indirect + github.com/google/btree v1.0.1 // indirect + github.com/google/go-cmp v0.5.9 // indirect + github.com/google/uuid v1.3.0 // indirect + github.com/hashicorp/errwrap v1.1.0 // indirect + github.com/hashicorp/go-hclog v1.5.0 // indirect + github.com/hashicorp/go-immutable-radix v1.3.1 // indirect + github.com/hashicorp/go-msgpack v0.5.5 // indirect + github.com/hashicorp/go-multierror v1.1.1 // indirect + github.com/hashicorp/go-rootcerts v1.0.2 // indirect + github.com/hashicorp/go-sockaddr v1.0.2 // indirect + github.com/hashicorp/go-uuid v1.0.3 // indirect + github.com/hashicorp/go-version v1.2.1 // indirect + github.com/hashicorp/golang-lru v0.5.4 // indirect + github.com/hashicorp/hcl/v2 v2.16.2 // indirect + github.com/hashicorp/memberlist v0.5.0 // indirect + github.com/hashicorp/serf v0.10.1 // indirect + github.com/imdario/mergo v0.3.15 // indirect + github.com/itchyny/timefmt-go v0.1.5 // indirect + github.com/klauspost/compress v1.16.5 // indirect + github.com/magiconair/properties v1.8.7 // indirect + github.com/mattn/go-colorable v0.1.13 // indirect + github.com/mattn/go-isatty v0.0.19 // indirect + github.com/miekg/dns v1.1.50 // indirect + github.com/mitchellh/go-homedir v1.1.0 // indirect + github.com/mitchellh/go-wordwrap v1.0.0 // indirect + github.com/mitchellh/mapstructure v1.5.0 // indirect + github.com/mitchellh/reflectwalk v1.0.2 // indirect + github.com/moby/patternmatcher v0.5.0 // indirect + github.com/moby/sys/sequential v0.5.0 // indirect + github.com/moby/term v0.5.0 // indirect + github.com/morikuni/aec v1.0.0 // indirect + github.com/opencontainers/go-digest v1.0.0 // indirect + github.com/opencontainers/image-spec v1.1.0-rc3 // indirect + github.com/opencontainers/runc v1.1.7 // indirect + github.com/otiai10/copy v1.10.0 // indirect + github.com/pkg/errors v0.9.1 // indirect + github.com/pmezard/go-difflib v1.0.1-0.20181226105442-5d4384ee4fb2 // indirect + github.com/rboyer/safeio v0.2.2 // indirect + github.com/sean-/seed v0.0.0-20170313163322-e2103e2c3529 // indirect + github.com/sirupsen/logrus v1.9.0 // indirect + github.com/teris-io/shortid v0.0.0-20220617161101-71ec9f2aa569 // indirect + github.com/testcontainers/testcontainers-go v0.20.1 // indirect + github.com/zclconf/go-cty v1.12.1 // indirect + golang.org/x/crypto v0.7.0 // indirect + golang.org/x/exp v0.0.0-20230321023759-10a507213a29 // indirect + golang.org/x/mod v0.10.0 // indirect + golang.org/x/net v0.10.0 // indirect + golang.org/x/sys v0.8.0 // indirect + golang.org/x/text v0.9.0 // indirect + golang.org/x/tools v0.9.1 // indirect + google.golang.org/genproto v0.0.0-20230410155749-daa745c078e1 // indirect + google.golang.org/grpc v1.55.0 // indirect + google.golang.org/protobuf v1.30.0 // indirect + gopkg.in/yaml.v3 v3.0.1 // indirect + gotest.tools/v3 v3.4.0 // indirect +) + +replace ( + github.com/hashicorp/consul => ../ + github.com/hashicorp/consul/api => ../api + github.com/hashicorp/consul/envoyextensions => ../envoyextensions + github.com/hashicorp/consul/proto-public => ../proto-public + github.com/hashicorp/consul/sdk => ../sdk + github.com/hashicorp/consul/test/integration/consul-container => ../test/integration/consul-container + github.com/hashicorp/consul/testing/deployer => ../testing/deployer +) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/test-integ/go.sum b/test-integ/go.sum new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..960e4556762c --- /dev/null +++ b/test-integ/go.sum @@ -0,0 +1,377 @@ +fortio.org/assert v1.1.4 h1:Za1RaG+OjsTMpQS3J3UCvTF6wc4+IOHCz+jAOU37Y4o= +fortio.org/dflag v1.5.2 h1:F9XVRj4Qr2IbJP7BMj7XZc9wB0Q/RZ61Ool+4YPVad8= +fortio.org/dflag v1.5.2/go.mod h1:ppb/A8u+KKg+qUUYZNYuvRnXuVb8IsdHb/XGzsmjkN8= +fortio.org/fortio v1.54.0 h1:2jn8yTd6hcIEoKY4CjI0lI6XxTWVxsMYF2bMiWOmv+Y= +fortio.org/fortio v1.54.0/go.mod h1:SRaZbikL31UoAkw0On2hwpvHrQ0rRVnsAz3UGVNvMRw= +fortio.org/log v1.3.0 h1:bESPvuQGKejw7rrx41Sg3GoF+tsrB7oC08PxBs5/AM0= +fortio.org/log v1.3.0/go.mod h1:u/8/2lyczXq52aT5Nw6reD+3cR6m/EbS2jBiIYhgiTU= +fortio.org/sets v1.0.2 h1:gSWZFg9rgzl1zJfI/93lDJKBFw8WZ3Uxe3oQ5uDM4T4= +fortio.org/sets v1.0.2/go.mod h1:xVjulHr0FhlmReSymI+AhDtQ4FgjiazQ3JmuNpYFMs8= +fortio.org/version v1.0.2 h1:8NwxdX58aoeKx7T5xAPO0xlUu1Hpk42nRz5s6e6eKZ0= +fortio.org/version v1.0.2/go.mod h1:2JQp9Ax+tm6QKiGuzR5nJY63kFeANcgrZ0osoQFDVm0= +github.com/Azure/go-ansiterm v0.0.0-20230124172434-306776ec8161 h1:L/gRVlceqvL25UVaW/CKtUDjefjrs0SPonmDGUVOYP0= +github.com/Azure/go-ansiterm v0.0.0-20230124172434-306776ec8161/go.mod h1:xomTg63KZ2rFqZQzSB4Vz2SUXa1BpHTVz9L5PTmPC4E= +github.com/DataDog/datadog-go v3.2.0+incompatible/go.mod h1:LButxg5PwREeZtORoXG3tL4fMGNddJ+vMq1mwgfaqoQ= +github.com/Microsoft/go-winio v0.6.1 h1:9/kr64B9VUZrLm5YYwbGtUJnMgqWVOdUAXu6Migciow= +github.com/Microsoft/go-winio v0.6.1/go.mod h1:LRdKpFKfdobln8UmuiYcKPot9D2v6svN5+sAH+4kjUM= +github.com/Microsoft/hcsshim v0.10.0-rc.8 h1:YSZVvlIIDD1UxQpJp0h+dnpLUw+TrY0cx8obKsp3bek= +github.com/agext/levenshtein v1.2.1 h1:QmvMAjj2aEICytGiWzmxoE0x2KZvE0fvmqMOfy2tjT8= +github.com/agext/levenshtein v1.2.1/go.mod h1:JEDfjyjHDjOF/1e4FlBE/PkbqA9OfWu2ki2W0IB5558= +github.com/alecthomas/template v0.0.0-20160405071501-a0175ee3bccc/go.mod h1:LOuyumcjzFXgccqObfd/Ljyb9UuFJ6TxHnclSeseNhc= +github.com/alecthomas/template v0.0.0-20190718012654-fb15b899a751/go.mod h1:LOuyumcjzFXgccqObfd/Ljyb9UuFJ6TxHnclSeseNhc= +github.com/alecthomas/units v0.0.0-20151022065526-2efee857e7cf/go.mod h1:ybxpYRFXyAe+OPACYpWeL0wqObRcbAqCMya13uyzqw0= +github.com/alecthomas/units v0.0.0-20190717042225-c3de453c63f4/go.mod h1:ybxpYRFXyAe+OPACYpWeL0wqObRcbAqCMya13uyzqw0= +github.com/apparentlymart/go-textseg/v13 v13.0.0 h1:Y+KvPE1NYz0xl601PVImeQfFyEy6iT90AvPUL1NNfNw= +github.com/apparentlymart/go-textseg/v13 v13.0.0/go.mod h1:ZK2fH7c4NqDTLtiYLvIkEghdlcqw7yxLeM89kiTRPUo= +github.com/armon/circbuf v0.0.0-20150827004946-bbbad097214e/go.mod h1:3U/XgcO3hCbHZ8TKRvWD2dDTCfh9M9ya+I9JpbB7O8o= +github.com/armon/go-metrics v0.0.0-20180917152333-f0300d1749da/go.mod h1:Q73ZrmVTwzkszR9V5SSuryQ31EELlFMUz1kKyl939pY= +github.com/armon/go-metrics v0.4.1 h1:hR91U9KYmb6bLBYLQjyM+3j+rcd/UhE+G78SFnF8gJA= +github.com/armon/go-metrics v0.4.1/go.mod h1:E6amYzXo6aW1tqzoZGT755KkbgrJsSdpwZ+3JqfkOG4= +github.com/armon/go-radix v0.0.0-20180808171621-7fddfc383310/go.mod h1:ufUuZ+zHj4x4TnLV4JWEpy2hxWSpsRywHrMgIH9cCH8= +github.com/armon/go-radix v1.0.0/go.mod h1:ufUuZ+zHj4x4TnLV4JWEpy2hxWSpsRywHrMgIH9cCH8= +github.com/avast/retry-go v3.0.0+incompatible h1:4SOWQ7Qs+oroOTQOYnAHqelpCO0biHSxpiH9JdtuBj0= +github.com/avast/retry-go v3.0.0+incompatible/go.mod h1:XtSnn+n/sHqQIpZ10K1qAevBhOOCWBLXXy3hyiqqBrY= +github.com/beorn7/perks v0.0.0-20180321164747-3a771d992973/go.mod h1:Dwedo/Wpr24TaqPxmxbtue+5NUziq4I4S80YR8gNf3Q= +github.com/beorn7/perks v1.0.0/go.mod h1:KWe93zE9D1o94FZ5RNwFwVgaQK1VOXiVxmqh+CedLV8= +github.com/beorn7/perks v1.0.1/go.mod h1:G2ZrVWU2WbWT9wwq4/hrbKbnv/1ERSJQ0ibhJ6rlkpw= +github.com/bgentry/speakeasy v0.1.0/go.mod h1:+zsyZBPWlz7T6j88CTgSN5bM796AkVf0kBD4zp0CCIs= +github.com/cenkalti/backoff/v4 v4.2.1 h1:y4OZtCnogmCPw98Zjyt5a6+QwPLGkiQsYW5oUqylYbM= +github.com/cenkalti/backoff/v4 v4.2.1/go.mod h1:Y3VNntkOUPxTVeUxJ/G5vcM//AlwfmyYozVcomhLiZE= +github.com/cespare/xxhash/v2 v2.1.1/go.mod h1:VGX0DQ3Q6kWi7AoAeZDth3/j3BFtOZR5XLFGgcrjCOs= +github.com/circonus-labs/circonus-gometrics v2.3.1+incompatible/go.mod h1:nmEj6Dob7S7YxXgwXpfOuvO54S+tGdZdw9fuRZt25Ag= +github.com/circonus-labs/circonusllhist v0.1.3/go.mod h1:kMXHVDlOchFAehlya5ePtbp5jckzBHf4XRpQvBOLI+I= +github.com/containerd/containerd v1.7.1 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Sharing a deployment of Consul cuts down on setup time. + +This is only possible if two constraints are followed: + +- `setup()` phase must ensure that any resources added to the topology cannot interfere with other tests. Principally by prefixing. +- `test()` phase must be "passive" and not mutate the topology in any way that would interfere with other tests. + +Some of these tests *do* mutate in their `test()` phase, and while they use `commonTopo` for the purpose of code sharing, they are not included in the "shared topo" tests in `all_sharedtopo_test.go`. + +Tests that are "shared topo" can also be run in an independent manner, gated behind the `-no-reuse-common-topo` flag. The same flag also prevents the shared topo suite from running. So `go test .` (without the flag) runs all shared topo-capable tests in *shared topo mode*, as well as shared topo-incapable tests; and `go test -no-reuse-common-topo` runs all shared topo-capable tests *individidually*, as well as the shared topo-incapable tests. Mostly this is so that when working on a single test, you don't also need to run other tests, but by default when running `go test .` the usual way, you run all tests in the fastest way. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/test-integ/peering_commontopo/ac1_basic_test.go b/test-integ/peering_commontopo/ac1_basic_test.go new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..a8fed4f6575b --- /dev/null +++ b/test-integ/peering_commontopo/ac1_basic_test.go @@ -0,0 +1,272 @@ +package peering + +import ( + "fmt" + "testing" + + "github.com/hashicorp/consul/testing/deployer/topology" + + "github.com/hashicorp/consul/api" +) + +type ac1BasicSuite struct { + // inputs + DC string + Peer string + + // test points + sidServerHTTP topology.ServiceID + sidServerTCP topology.ServiceID + nodeServerHTTP topology.NodeID + nodeServerTCP topology.NodeID + + // 1.1 + sidClientTCP topology.ServiceID + nodeClientTCP topology.NodeID + + // 1.2 + sidClientHTTP topology.ServiceID + nodeClientHTTP topology.NodeID + + upstreamHTTP *topology.Upstream + upstreamTCP *topology.Upstream +} + +var ac1BasicSuites []sharedTopoSuite = []sharedTopoSuite{ + &ac1BasicSuite{DC: "dc1", Peer: "dc2"}, + &ac1BasicSuite{DC: "dc2", Peer: "dc1"}, +} + +func TestAC1Basic(t *testing.T) { + runShareableSuites(t, ac1BasicSuites) +} + +func (s *ac1BasicSuite) testName() string { + return fmt.Sprintf("ac1 basic %s->%s", s.DC, s.Peer) +} + +// creates clients in s.DC and servers in s.Peer +func (s *ac1BasicSuite) setup(t *testing.T, ct *commonTopo) { + clu := ct.ClusterByDatacenter(t, s.DC) + peerClu := ct.ClusterByDatacenter(t, s.Peer) + + partition := "default" + peer := LocalPeerName(peerClu, "default") + cluPeerName := LocalPeerName(clu, "default") + const prefix = "ac1-" + + tcpServerSID := topology.ServiceID{ + Name: prefix + "server-tcp", + Partition: partition, + } + httpServerSID := topology.ServiceID{ + Name: prefix + "server-http", + Partition: partition, + } + upstreamHTTP := &topology.Upstream{ + ID: topology.ServiceID{ + Name: httpServerSID.Name, + Partition: partition, + }, + LocalPort: 5001, + Peer: peer, + } + upstreamTCP := &topology.Upstream{ + ID: topology.ServiceID{ + Name: tcpServerSID.Name, + Partition: partition, + }, + LocalPort: 5000, + Peer: peer, + } + + // Make clients which have server upstreams + setupClientServiceAndConfigs := func(protocol string) (serviceExt, *topology.Node) { + sid := topology.ServiceID{ + Name: prefix + "client-" + protocol, + Partition: partition, + } + svc := serviceExt{ + Service: NewFortioServiceWithDefaults( + clu.Datacenter, + sid, + func(s *topology.Service) { + s.Upstreams = []*topology.Upstream{ + upstreamTCP, + upstreamHTTP, + } + }, + ), + Config: &api.ServiceConfigEntry{ + Kind: api.ServiceDefaults, + Name: sid.Name, + Partition: ConfigEntryPartition(sid.Partition), + Protocol: protocol, + UpstreamConfig: &api.UpstreamConfiguration{ + Defaults: &api.UpstreamConfig{ + MeshGateway: api.MeshGatewayConfig{ + Mode: api.MeshGatewayModeLocal, + }, + }, + }, + }, + } + + node := ct.AddServiceNode(clu, svc) + + return svc, node + } + tcpClient, tcpClientNode := setupClientServiceAndConfigs("tcp") + httpClient, httpClientNode := setupClientServiceAndConfigs("http") + + httpServer := serviceExt{ + Service: NewFortioServiceWithDefaults( + peerClu.Datacenter, + httpServerSID, + nil, + ), + Config: &api.ServiceConfigEntry{ + Kind: api.ServiceDefaults, + Name: httpServerSID.Name, + Partition: ConfigEntryPartition(httpServerSID.Partition), + Protocol: "http", + }, + Exports: []api.ServiceConsumer{{Peer: cluPeerName}}, + Intentions: &api.ServiceIntentionsConfigEntry{ + Kind: api.ServiceIntentions, + Name: httpServerSID.Name, + Partition: ConfigEntryPartition(httpServerSID.Partition), + Sources: []*api.SourceIntention{ + { + Name: tcpClient.ID.Name, + Peer: cluPeerName, + Action: api.IntentionActionAllow, + }, + { + Name: httpClient.ID.Name, + Peer: cluPeerName, + Action: api.IntentionActionAllow, + }, + }, + }, + } + tcpServer := serviceExt{ + Service: NewFortioServiceWithDefaults( + peerClu.Datacenter, + tcpServerSID, + nil, + ), + Config: &api.ServiceConfigEntry{ + Kind: api.ServiceDefaults, + Name: tcpServerSID.Name, + Partition: ConfigEntryPartition(tcpServerSID.Partition), + Protocol: "tcp", + }, + Exports: []api.ServiceConsumer{{Peer: cluPeerName}}, + Intentions: &api.ServiceIntentionsConfigEntry{ + Kind: api.ServiceIntentions, + Name: tcpServerSID.Name, + Partition: ConfigEntryPartition(tcpServerSID.Partition), + Sources: []*api.SourceIntention{ + { + Name: tcpClient.ID.Name, + Peer: cluPeerName, + Action: api.IntentionActionAllow, + }, + { + Name: httpClient.ID.Name, + Peer: cluPeerName, + Action: api.IntentionActionAllow, + }, + }, + }, + } + + httpServerNode := ct.AddServiceNode(peerClu, httpServer) + tcpServerNode := ct.AddServiceNode(peerClu, tcpServer) + + s.sidClientHTTP = httpClient.ID + s.nodeClientHTTP = httpClientNode.ID() + s.sidClientTCP = tcpClient.ID + s.nodeClientTCP = tcpClientNode.ID() + s.upstreamHTTP = upstreamHTTP + s.upstreamTCP = upstreamTCP + + // these are references in Peer + s.sidServerHTTP = httpServerSID + s.nodeServerHTTP = httpServerNode.ID() + s.sidServerTCP = tcpServerSID + s.nodeServerTCP = tcpServerNode.ID() +} + +// implements https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Fs3gNMhCqE4zVNMFcbzf02ZrB0kxxtJpI2h905oKhrs/edit#heading=h.wtzvyryyb56v +func (s *ac1BasicSuite) test(t *testing.T, ct *commonTopo) { + dc := ct.Sprawl.Topology().Clusters[s.DC] + peer := ct.Sprawl.Topology().Clusters[s.Peer] + ac := s + + // refresh this from Topology + svcClientTCP := dc.ServiceByID( + ac.nodeClientTCP, + ac.sidClientTCP, + ) + svcClientHTTP := dc.ServiceByID( + ac.nodeClientHTTP, + ac.sidClientHTTP, + ) + // our ac has the node/sid for server in the peer DC + svcServerHTTP := peer.ServiceByID( + ac.nodeServerHTTP, + ac.sidServerHTTP, + ) + svcServerTCP := peer.ServiceByID( + ac.nodeServerTCP, + ac.sidServerTCP, + ) + + // preconditions + // these could be done parallel with each other, but complexity + // probably not worth the speed boost + ct.Assert.HealthyWithPeer(t, dc.Name, svcServerHTTP.ID, LocalPeerName(peer, "default")) + ct.Assert.HealthyWithPeer(t, dc.Name, svcServerTCP.ID, LocalPeerName(peer, "default")) + ct.Assert.UpstreamEndpointHealthy(t, svcClientTCP, ac.upstreamTCP) + ct.Assert.UpstreamEndpointHealthy(t, svcClientTCP, ac.upstreamHTTP) + + tcs := []struct { + acSub int + proto string + svc *topology.Service + }{ + {1, "tcp", svcClientTCP}, + {2, "http", svcClientHTTP}, + } + for _, tc := range tcs { + tc := tc + t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("1.%d. %s in A can call HTTP upstream", tc.acSub, tc.proto), func(t *testing.T) { + t.Parallel() + ct.Assert.FortioFetch2HeaderEcho(t, tc.svc, ac.upstreamHTTP) + }) + t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("1.%d. %s in A can call TCP upstream", tc.acSub, tc.proto), func(t *testing.T) { + t.Parallel() + ct.Assert.FortioFetch2HeaderEcho(t, tc.svc, ac.upstreamTCP) + }) + t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("1.%d. via %s in A, FORTIO_NAME of HTTP upstream", tc.acSub, tc.proto), func(t *testing.T) { + t.Parallel() + ct.Assert.FortioFetch2FortioName(t, + tc.svc, + ac.upstreamHTTP, + peer.Name, + svcServerHTTP.ID, + ) + }) + t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("1.%d. via %s in A, FORTIO_NAME of TCP upstream", tc.acSub, tc.proto), func(t *testing.T) { + t.Parallel() + ct.Assert.FortioFetch2FortioName(t, + tc.svc, + ac.upstreamTCP, + peer.Name, + svcServerTCP.ID, + ) + }) + } +} diff --git a/test-integ/peering_commontopo/ac2_disco_chain_test.go b/test-integ/peering_commontopo/ac2_disco_chain_test.go new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..c8081015c5f6 --- /dev/null +++ b/test-integ/peering_commontopo/ac2_disco_chain_test.go @@ -0,0 +1,203 @@ +package peering + +import ( + "fmt" + "testing" + + "github.com/hashicorp/consul/testing/deployer/topology" + "github.com/stretchr/testify/require" + + "github.com/hashicorp/consul/api" +) + +type ac2DiscoChainSuite struct { + DC string + Peer string + + clientSID topology.ServiceID +} + +var ac2DiscoChainSuites []sharedTopoSuite = []sharedTopoSuite{ + &ac2DiscoChainSuite{DC: "dc1", Peer: "dc2"}, + &ac2DiscoChainSuite{DC: "dc2", Peer: "dc1"}, +} + +func TestAC2DiscoChain(t *testing.T) { + runShareableSuites(t, ac2DiscoChainSuites) +} + +func (s *ac2DiscoChainSuite) testName() string { + return fmt.Sprintf("ac2 disco chain %s->%s", s.DC, s.Peer) +} + +func (s *ac2DiscoChainSuite) setup(t *testing.T, ct *commonTopo) { + clu := ct.ClusterByDatacenter(t, s.DC) + peerClu := ct.ClusterByDatacenter(t, s.Peer) + partition := "default" + peer := LocalPeerName(peerClu, "default") + + // Make an HTTP server with discovery chain config entries + server := NewFortioServiceWithDefaults( + clu.Datacenter, + topology.ServiceID{ + Name: "ac2-disco-chain-svc", + Partition: partition, + }, + nil, + ) + ct.ExportService(clu, partition, + api.ExportedService{ + Name: server.ID.Name, + Consumers: []api.ServiceConsumer{ + { + Peer: peer, + }, + }, + }, + ) + + clu.InitialConfigEntries = append(clu.InitialConfigEntries, + &api.ServiceConfigEntry{ + Kind: api.ServiceDefaults, + Name: server.ID.Name, + Partition: ConfigEntryPartition(partition), + Protocol: "http", + }, + &api.ServiceSplitterConfigEntry{ + Kind: api.ServiceSplitter, + Name: server.ID.Name, + Partition: ConfigEntryPartition(partition), + Splits: []api.ServiceSplit{ + { + Weight: 100.0, + ResponseHeaders: &api.HTTPHeaderModifiers{ + Add: map[string]string{ + "X-Split": "test", + }, + }, + }, + }, + }, + ) + ct.AddServiceNode(clu, serviceExt{Service: server}) + + // Define server as upstream for client + upstream := &topology.Upstream{ + ID: topology.ServiceID{ + Name: server.ID.Name, + Partition: partition, // TODO: iterate over all possible partitions + }, + // TODO: we need to expose this on so we can check it + // through our forward proxy. not realistic IMO + LocalAddress: "", + LocalPort: 5000, + Peer: peer, + } + + // Make client which will dial server + clientSID := topology.ServiceID{ + Name: "ac2-client", + Partition: partition, + } + client := NewFortioServiceWithDefaults( + clu.Datacenter, + clientSID, + func(s *topology.Service) { + s.Upstreams = []*topology.Upstream{ + upstream, + } + }, + ) + ct.ExportService(clu, partition, + api.ExportedService{ + Name: client.ID.Name, + Consumers: []api.ServiceConsumer{ + { + Peer: peer, + }, + }, + }, + ) + ct.AddServiceNode(clu, serviceExt{Service: client}) + + clu.InitialConfigEntries = append(clu.InitialConfigEntries, + &api.ServiceConfigEntry{ + Kind: api.ServiceDefaults, + Name: client.ID.Name, + Partition: ConfigEntryPartition(partition), + Protocol: "http", + UpstreamConfig: &api.UpstreamConfiguration{ + Defaults: &api.UpstreamConfig{ + MeshGateway: api.MeshGatewayConfig{ + Mode: api.MeshGatewayModeLocal, + }, + }, + }, + }, + ) + + // Add intention allowing client to call server + clu.InitialConfigEntries = append(clu.InitialConfigEntries, + &api.ServiceIntentionsConfigEntry{ + Kind: api.ServiceIntentions, + Name: server.ID.Name, + Partition: ConfigEntryPartition(partition), + Sources: []*api.SourceIntention{ + { + Name: client.ID.Name, + Peer: peer, + Action: api.IntentionActionAllow, + }, + }, + }, + ) + + s.clientSID = clientSID +} + +func (s *ac2DiscoChainSuite) test(t *testing.T, ct *commonTopo) { + dc := ct.Sprawl.Topology().Clusters[s.DC] + + svcs := dc.ServicesByID(s.clientSID) + require.Len(t, svcs, 1, "expected exactly one client in datacenter") + + client := svcs[0] + require.Len(t, client.Upstreams, 1, "expected exactly one upstream for client") + u := client.Upstreams[0] + + t.Run("peered upstream exists in catalog", func(t *testing.T) { + t.Parallel() + ct.Assert.CatalogServiceExists(t, s.DC, u.ID.Name, &api.QueryOptions{ + Peer: u.Peer, + }) + }) + + t.Run("peered upstream endpoint status is healthy", func(t *testing.T) { + t.Parallel() + ct.Assert.UpstreamEndpointStatus(t, client, peerClusterPrefix(u), "HEALTHY", 1) + }) + + t.Run("response contains header injected by splitter", func(t *testing.T) { + t.Parallel() + // TODO: not sure we should call u.LocalPort? it's not realistic from a security + // standpoint. prefer the fortio fetch2 stuff myself + ct.Assert.HTTPServiceEchoesResHeader(t, client, u.LocalPort, "", + map[string]string{ + "X-Split": "test", + }, + ) + }) +} + +// For reference see consul/xds/clusters.go: +// +// func (s *ResourceGenerator) getTargetClusterName +// +// and connect/sni.go +func peerClusterPrefix(u *topology.Upstream) string { + if u.Peer == "" { + panic("upstream is not from a peer") + } + u.ID.Normalize() + return u.ID.Name + "." + u.ID.Namespace + "." + u.Peer + ".external" +} diff --git a/test-integ/peering_commontopo/ac3_service_defaults_upstream_test.go b/test-integ/peering_commontopo/ac3_service_defaults_upstream_test.go new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..c61070e63a54 --- /dev/null +++ b/test-integ/peering_commontopo/ac3_service_defaults_upstream_test.go @@ -0,0 +1,264 @@ +package peering + +import ( + "encoding/json" + "fmt" + "net/http" + "net/url" + "testing" + "time" + + "github.com/hashicorp/consul/testing/deployer/topology" + "github.com/hashicorp/go-cleanhttp" + "github.com/itchyny/gojq" + "github.com/stretchr/testify/require" + + "github.com/hashicorp/consul/api" + "github.com/hashicorp/consul/sdk/testutil/retry" + libassert "github.com/hashicorp/consul/test/integration/consul-container/libs/assert" +) + +var ac3SvcDefaultsSuites []sharedTopoSuite = []sharedTopoSuite{ + &ac3SvcDefaultsSuite{DC: "dc1", Peer: "dc2"}, + &ac3SvcDefaultsSuite{DC: "dc2", Peer: "dc1"}, +} + +func TestAC3SvcDefaults(t *testing.T) { + runShareableSuites(t, ac3SvcDefaultsSuites) +} + +type ac3SvcDefaultsSuite struct { + // inputs + DC string + Peer string + + // test points + sidServer topology.ServiceID + nodeServer topology.NodeID + sidClient topology.ServiceID + nodeClient topology.NodeID + + upstream *topology.Upstream +} + +func (s *ac3SvcDefaultsSuite) testName() string { + return fmt.Sprintf("ac3 service defaults upstreams %s->%s", s.DC, s.Peer) +} + +// creates clients in s.DC and servers in s.Peer +func (s *ac3SvcDefaultsSuite) setup(t *testing.T, ct *commonTopo) { + clu := ct.ClusterByDatacenter(t, s.DC) + peerClu := ct.ClusterByDatacenter(t, s.Peer) + + partition := "default" + peer := LocalPeerName(peerClu, "default") + cluPeerName := LocalPeerName(clu, "default") + + serverSID := topology.ServiceID{ + Name: "ac3-server", + Partition: partition, + } + upstream := &topology.Upstream{ + ID: topology.ServiceID{ + Name: serverSID.Name, + Partition: partition, + }, + LocalPort: 5001, + Peer: peer, + } + + sid := topology.ServiceID{ + Name: "ac3-client", + Partition: partition, + } + client := serviceExt{ + Service: NewFortioServiceWithDefaults( + clu.Datacenter, + sid, + func(s *topology.Service) { + s.Upstreams = []*topology.Upstream{ + upstream, + } + }, + ), + Config: &api.ServiceConfigEntry{ + Kind: api.ServiceDefaults, + Name: sid.Name, + Partition: ConfigEntryPartition(sid.Partition), + Protocol: "http", + UpstreamConfig: &api.UpstreamConfiguration{ + Overrides: []*api.UpstreamConfig{ + { + Name: upstream.ID.Name, + Namespace: upstream.ID.Namespace, + Peer: peer, + PassiveHealthCheck: &api.PassiveHealthCheck{ + MaxFailures: 1, + Interval: 10 * time.Minute, + }, + }, + }, + Defaults: &api.UpstreamConfig{ + MeshGateway: api.MeshGatewayConfig{ + Mode: api.MeshGatewayModeLocal, + }, + }, + }, + }, + } + + clientNode := ct.AddServiceNode(clu, client) + + server := serviceExt{ + Service: NewFortioServiceWithDefaults( + peerClu.Datacenter, + serverSID, + nil, + ), + Config: &api.ServiceConfigEntry{ + Kind: api.ServiceDefaults, + Name: serverSID.Name, + Partition: ConfigEntryPartition(serverSID.Partition), + Protocol: "http", + }, + Exports: []api.ServiceConsumer{{Peer: cluPeerName}}, + Intentions: &api.ServiceIntentionsConfigEntry{ + Kind: api.ServiceIntentions, + Name: serverSID.Name, + Partition: ConfigEntryPartition(serverSID.Partition), + Sources: []*api.SourceIntention{ + { + Name: client.ID.Name, + Peer: cluPeerName, + Action: api.IntentionActionAllow, + }, + }, + }, + } + + serverNode := ct.AddServiceNode(peerClu, server) + + s.sidClient = client.ID + s.nodeClient = clientNode.ID() + s.upstream = upstream + + // these are references in Peer + s.sidServer = serverSID + s.nodeServer = serverNode.ID() +} + +// make two requests to upstream via client's fetch2 with status= +// the first time, it should return nonceStatus +// the second time, we expect the upstream to have been removed from the envoy cluster, +// and thereby get some other 5xx +func (s *ac3SvcDefaultsSuite) test(t *testing.T, ct *commonTopo) { + dc := ct.Sprawl.Topology().Clusters[s.DC] + peer := ct.Sprawl.Topology().Clusters[s.Peer] + + // refresh this from Topology + svcClient := dc.ServiceByID( + s.nodeClient, + s.sidClient, + ) + // our ac has the node/sid for server in the peer DC + svcServer := peer.ServiceByID( + s.nodeServer, + s.sidServer, + ) + + // preconditions + // these could be done parallel with each other, but complexity + // probably not worth the speed boost + ct.Assert.HealthyWithPeer(t, dc.Name, svcServer.ID, LocalPeerName(peer, "default")) + ct.Assert.UpstreamEndpointHealthy(t, svcClient, s.upstream) + // TODO: we need to let the upstream start serving properly before we do this. if it + // isn't ready and returns a 5xx (which it will do if it's not up yet!), it will stick + // in a down state for PassiveHealthCheck.Interval + time.Sleep(30 * time.Second) + ct.Assert.FortioFetch2HeaderEcho(t, svcClient, s.upstream) + + // TODO: use proxied HTTP client + client := cleanhttp.DefaultClient() + // TODO: what is default? namespace? partition? + clusterName := fmt.Sprintf("%s.default.%s.external", s.upstream.ID.Name, s.upstream.Peer) + nonceStatus := http.StatusInsufficientStorage + url507 := fmt.Sprintf("http://localhost:%d/fortio/fetch2?url=%s", svcClient.ExposedPort, + url.QueryEscape(fmt.Sprintf("http://localhost:%d/?status=%d", s.upstream.LocalPort, nonceStatus)), + ) + + // we only make this call once + req, err := http.NewRequest(http.MethodGet, url507, nil) + require.NoError(t, err) + res, err := client.Do(req) + require.NoError(t, err) + defer res.Body.Close() + require.Equal(t, nonceStatus, res.StatusCode) + + // this is a modified version of assertEnvoyUpstreamHealthy + envoyAddr := fmt.Sprintf("localhost:%d", svcClient.ExposedEnvoyAdminPort) + retry.RunWith(&retry.Timer{Timeout: 30 * time.Second, Wait: 500 * time.Millisecond}, t, func(r *retry.R) { + // BOOKMARK: avoid libassert, but we need to resurrect this method in asserter first + clusters, statusCode, err := libassert.GetEnvoyOutputWithClient(client, envoyAddr, "clusters", map[string]string{"format": "json"}) + if err != nil { + r.Fatal("could not fetch envoy clusters") + } + require.Equal(r, 200, statusCode) + + filter := fmt.Sprintf( + `.cluster_statuses[] + | select(.name|contains("%s")) + | [.host_statuses[].health_status.failed_outlier_check] + |.[0]`, + clusterName) + result, err := jqOne(clusters, filter) + require.NoErrorf(r, err, "could not found cluster name %q: %v \n%s", clusterName, err, clusters) + + resultAsBool, ok := result.(bool) + require.True(r, ok) + require.True(r, resultAsBool) + }) + + url200 := fmt.Sprintf("http://localhost:%d/fortio/fetch2?url=%s", svcClient.ExposedPort, + url.QueryEscape(fmt.Sprintf("http://localhost:%d/", s.upstream.LocalPort)), + ) + retry.RunWith(&retry.Timer{Timeout: time.Minute * 1, Wait: time.Millisecond * 500}, t, func(r *retry.R) { + req, err := http.NewRequest(http.MethodGet, url200, nil) + require.NoError(r, err) + res, err := client.Do(req) + require.NoError(r, err) + defer res.Body.Close() + require.True(r, res.StatusCode >= 500 && res.StatusCode < 600 && res.StatusCode != nonceStatus) + }) +} + +// Executes the JQ filter against the given JSON string. +// Iff there is one result, return that. +func jqOne(config, filter string) (interface{}, error) { + query, err := gojq.Parse(filter) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + + var m interface{} + err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(config), &m) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + + iter := query.Run(m) + result := []interface{}{} + for { + v, ok := iter.Next() + if !ok { + break + } + if err, ok := v.(error); ok { + return nil, err + } + result = append(result, v) + } + if len(result) != 1 { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("required result of len 1, but is %d: %v", len(result), result) + } + return result[0], nil +} diff --git a/test-integ/peering_commontopo/ac4_proxy_defaults_test.go b/test-integ/peering_commontopo/ac4_proxy_defaults_test.go new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..b20986eebae0 --- /dev/null +++ b/test-integ/peering_commontopo/ac4_proxy_defaults_test.go @@ -0,0 +1,213 @@ +package peering + +import ( + "fmt" + "net/http" + "net/url" + "testing" + + "github.com/hashicorp/consul/api" + "github.com/hashicorp/consul/testing/deployer/topology" + "github.com/hashicorp/go-cleanhttp" + "github.com/stretchr/testify/require" +) + +type ac4ProxyDefaultsSuite struct { + DC string + Peer string + + nodeClient topology.NodeID + nodeServer topology.NodeID + + serverSID topology.ServiceID + clientSID topology.ServiceID + upstream *topology.Upstream +} + +var ac4ProxyDefaultsSuites []sharedTopoSuite = []sharedTopoSuite{ + &ac4ProxyDefaultsSuite{DC: "dc1", Peer: "dc2"}, + &ac4ProxyDefaultsSuite{DC: "dc2", Peer: "dc1"}, +} + +func TestAC4ProxyDefaults(t *testing.T) { + runShareableSuites(t, ac4ProxyDefaultsSuites) +} + +func (s *ac4ProxyDefaultsSuite) testName() string { + return fmt.Sprintf("ac4 proxy defaults %s->%s", s.DC, s.Peer) +} + +// creates clients in s.DC and servers in s.Peer +func (s *ac4ProxyDefaultsSuite) setup(t *testing.T, ct *commonTopo) { + clu := ct.ClusterByDatacenter(t, s.DC) + peerClu := ct.ClusterByDatacenter(t, s.Peer) + + partition := "default" + peer := LocalPeerName(peerClu, "default") + cluPeerName := LocalPeerName(clu, "default") + + serverSID := topology.ServiceID{ + Name: "ac4-server-http", + Partition: partition, + } + // Define server as upstream for client + upstream := &topology.Upstream{ + ID: serverSID, + LocalPort: 5000, + Peer: peer, + } + + // Make client which will dial server + clientSID := topology.ServiceID{ + Name: "ac4-http-client", + Partition: partition, + } + client := serviceExt{ + Service: NewFortioServiceWithDefaults( + clu.Datacenter, + clientSID, + func(s *topology.Service) { + s.Upstreams = []*topology.Upstream{ + upstream, + } + }, + ), + Config: &api.ServiceConfigEntry{ + Kind: api.ServiceDefaults, + Name: clientSID.Name, + Partition: ConfigEntryPartition(clientSID.Partition), + Protocol: "http", + UpstreamConfig: &api.UpstreamConfiguration{ + Defaults: &api.UpstreamConfig{ + MeshGateway: api.MeshGatewayConfig{ + Mode: api.MeshGatewayModeLocal, + }, + }, + }, + }, + } + clientNode := ct.AddServiceNode(clu, client) + + server := serviceExt{ + Service: NewFortioServiceWithDefaults( + peerClu.Datacenter, + serverSID, + nil, + ), + Config: &api.ServiceConfigEntry{ + Kind: api.ServiceDefaults, + Name: serverSID.Name, + Partition: ConfigEntryPartition(serverSID.Partition), + Protocol: "http", + }, + Exports: []api.ServiceConsumer{{Peer: cluPeerName}}, + Intentions: &api.ServiceIntentionsConfigEntry{ + Kind: api.ServiceIntentions, + Name: serverSID.Name, + Partition: ConfigEntryPartition(serverSID.Partition), + Sources: []*api.SourceIntention{ + { + Name: client.ID.Name, + Peer: cluPeerName, + Action: api.IntentionActionAllow, + }, + }, + }, + } + + peerClu.InitialConfigEntries = append(peerClu.InitialConfigEntries, + &api.ProxyConfigEntry{ + Kind: api.ProxyDefaults, + Name: api.ProxyConfigGlobal, + Partition: ConfigEntryPartition(server.ID.Partition), + Config: map[string]interface{}{ + "protocol": "http", + "local_request_timeout_ms": 500, + }, + MeshGateway: api.MeshGatewayConfig{ + Mode: api.MeshGatewayModeLocal, + }, + }, + ) + + serverNode := ct.AddServiceNode(peerClu, server) + + s.clientSID = clientSID + s.serverSID = serverSID + s.nodeServer = serverNode.ID() + s.nodeClient = clientNode.ID() + s.upstream = upstream +} + +func (s *ac4ProxyDefaultsSuite) test(t *testing.T, ct *commonTopo) { + var client *topology.Service + + dc := ct.Sprawl.Topology().Clusters[s.DC] + peer := ct.Sprawl.Topology().Clusters[s.Peer] + + clientSVC := dc.ServiceByID( + s.nodeClient, + s.clientSID, + ) + serverSVC := peer.ServiceByID( + s.nodeServer, + s.serverSID, + ) + + // preconditions check + ct.Assert.HealthyWithPeer(t, dc.Name, serverSVC.ID, LocalPeerName(peer, "default")) + ct.Assert.UpstreamEndpointHealthy(t, clientSVC, s.upstream) + ct.Assert.FortioFetch2HeaderEcho(t, clientSVC, s.upstream) + + t.Run("Validate services exist in catalog", func(t *testing.T) { + dcSvcs := dc.ServicesByID(s.clientSID) + require.Len(t, dcSvcs, 1, "expected exactly one client") + client = dcSvcs[0] + require.Len(t, client.Upstreams, 1, "expected exactly one upstream for client") + + server := dc.ServicesByID(s.serverSID) + require.Len(t, server, 1, "expected exactly one server") + require.Len(t, server[0].Upstreams, 0, "expected no upstream for server") + }) + + t.Run("peered upstream exists in catalog", func(t *testing.T) { + ct.Assert.CatalogServiceExists(t, s.DC, s.upstream.ID.Name, &api.QueryOptions{ + Peer: s.upstream.Peer, + }) + }) + + t.Run("HTTP service fails due to connection timeout", func(t *testing.T) { + url504 := fmt.Sprintf("http://localhost:%d/fortio/fetch2?url=%s", client.ExposedPort, + url.QueryEscape(fmt.Sprintf("http://localhost:%d/?delay=1000ms", s.upstream.LocalPort)), + ) + + url200 := fmt.Sprintf("http://localhost:%d/fortio/fetch2?url=%s", client.ExposedPort, + url.QueryEscape(fmt.Sprintf("http://localhost:%d/", s.upstream.LocalPort)), + ) + + // validate request timeout error where service has 1000ms response delay and + // proxy default is set to local_request_timeout_ms: 500ms + // return 504 + httpClient := cleanhttp.DefaultClient() + req, err := http.NewRequest(http.MethodGet, url504, nil) + require.NoError(t, err) + + res, err := httpClient.Do(req) + require.NoError(t, err) + + defer res.Body.Close() + require.Equal(t, http.StatusGatewayTimeout, res.StatusCode) + + // validate successful GET request where service has no response delay and + // proxy default is set to local_request_timeout_ms: 500ms + // return 200 + req, err = http.NewRequest(http.MethodGet, url200, nil) + require.NoError(t, err) + + res, err = httpClient.Do(req) + require.NoError(t, err) + + defer res.Body.Close() + require.Equal(t, http.StatusOK, res.StatusCode) + }) +} diff --git a/test-integ/peering_commontopo/ac5_1_no_svc_mesh_test.go b/test-integ/peering_commontopo/ac5_1_no_svc_mesh_test.go new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..d22118e2d8de --- /dev/null +++ b/test-integ/peering_commontopo/ac5_1_no_svc_mesh_test.go @@ -0,0 +1,129 @@ +package peering + +import ( + "fmt" + + "testing" + + "github.com/hashicorp/consul/api" + "github.com/hashicorp/consul/sdk/testutil/retry" + libassert "github.com/hashicorp/consul/test/integration/consul-container/libs/assert" + "github.com/hashicorp/consul/testing/deployer/topology" + "github.com/stretchr/testify/require" +) + +type ac5_1NoSvcMeshSuite struct { + DC string + Peer string + + serverSID topology.ServiceID + clientSID topology.ServiceID +} + +var ( + ac5_1NoSvcMeshSuites []sharedTopoSuite = []sharedTopoSuite{ + &ac5_1NoSvcMeshSuite{DC: "dc1", Peer: "dc2"}, + &ac5_1NoSvcMeshSuite{DC: "dc2", Peer: "dc1"}, + } +) + +func TestAC5ServiceMeshDisabledSuite(t *testing.T) { + runShareableSuites(t, ac5_1NoSvcMeshSuites) +} + +func (s *ac5_1NoSvcMeshSuite) testName() string { + return fmt.Sprintf("ac5.1 no service mesh %s->%s", s.DC, s.Peer) +} + +// creates clients in s.DC and servers in s.Peer +func (s *ac5_1NoSvcMeshSuite) setup(t *testing.T, ct *commonTopo) { + clu := ct.ClusterByDatacenter(t, s.DC) + peerClu := ct.ClusterByDatacenter(t, s.Peer) + + // TODO: handle all partitions + partition := "default" + peer := LocalPeerName(peerClu, partition) + + serverSID := topology.ServiceID{ + Name: "ac5-server-http", + Partition: partition, + } + + // Make client which will dial server + clientSID := topology.ServiceID{ + Name: "ac5-http-client", + Partition: partition, + } + + // disable service mesh for client in s.DC + client := serviceExt{ + Service: NewFortioServiceWithDefaults( + clu.Datacenter, + clientSID, + func(s *topology.Service) { + s.EnvoyAdminPort = 0 + s.DisableServiceMesh = true + }, + ), + Config: &api.ServiceConfigEntry{ + Kind: api.ServiceDefaults, + Name: clientSID.Name, + Partition: ConfigEntryPartition(clientSID.Partition), + Protocol: "http", + }, + Exports: []api.ServiceConsumer{{Peer: peer}}, + } + ct.AddServiceNode(clu, client) + + server := serviceExt{ + Service: NewFortioServiceWithDefaults( + clu.Datacenter, + serverSID, + nil, + ), + Exports: []api.ServiceConsumer{{Peer: peer}}, + } + + ct.AddServiceNode(clu, server) + + s.clientSID = clientSID + s.serverSID = serverSID +} + +func (s *ac5_1NoSvcMeshSuite) test(t *testing.T, ct *commonTopo) { + dc := ct.Sprawl.Topology().Clusters[s.DC] + peer := ct.Sprawl.Topology().Clusters[s.Peer] + cl := ct.APIClientForCluster(t, dc) + peerName := LocalPeerName(peer, "default") + + s.testServiceHealthInCatalog(t, ct, cl, peerName) + s.testProxyDisabledInDC2(t, cl, peerName) +} + +func (s *ac5_1NoSvcMeshSuite) testServiceHealthInCatalog(t *testing.T, ct *commonTopo, cl *api.Client, peer string) { + t.Run("validate service health in catalog", func(t *testing.T) { + libassert.CatalogServiceExists(t, cl, s.clientSID.Name, &api.QueryOptions{ + Peer: peer, + }) + require.NotEqual(t, s.serverSID.Name, s.Peer) + assertServiceHealth(t, cl, s.serverSID.Name, 1) + }) +} + +func (s *ac5_1NoSvcMeshSuite) testProxyDisabledInDC2(t *testing.T, cl *api.Client, peer string) { + t.Run("service mesh is disabled", func(t *testing.T) { + var ( + services map[string][]string + err error + expected = fmt.Sprintf("%s-sidecar-proxy", s.clientSID.Name) + ) + retry.Run(t, func(r *retry.R) { + services, _, err = cl.Catalog().Services(&api.QueryOptions{ + Peer: peer, + }) + require.NoError(r, err, "error reading service data") + require.Greater(r, len(services), 0, "did not find service(s) in catalog") + }) + require.NotContains(t, services, expected, fmt.Sprintf("error: should not create proxy for service: %s", services)) + }) +} diff --git a/test-integ/peering_commontopo/ac5_2_pq_failover_test.go b/test-integ/peering_commontopo/ac5_2_pq_failover_test.go new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..4833173e82a8 --- /dev/null +++ b/test-integ/peering_commontopo/ac5_2_pq_failover_test.go @@ -0,0 +1,398 @@ +package peering + +import ( + "fmt" + "time" + + "testing" + + "github.com/hashicorp/consul/api" + "github.com/hashicorp/consul/sdk/testutil/retry" + "github.com/hashicorp/consul/testing/deployer/topology" + "github.com/stretchr/testify/require" +) + +// 1. Setup: put health service instances in each of the 3 clusters and create the PQ in one of them +// 2. Execute the PQ: Validate that failover count == 0 and that the pq results come from the local cluster +// 3. Register a failing TTL health check with the agent managing the service instance in the local cluster +// 4. Execute the PQ: Validate that failover count == 1 and that the pq results come from the first failover target peer +// 5. Register a failing TTL health check with the agent managing the service instance in the first failover peer +// 6. Execute the PQ: Validate that failover count == 2 and that the pq results come from the second failover target +// 7. Delete failing health check from step 5 +// 8. Repeat step 4 +// 9. Delete failing health check from step 3 +// 10. Repeat step 2 +type ac5_2PQFailoverSuite struct { + clientSID topology.ServiceID + serverSID topology.ServiceID + nodeServer topology.NodeID +} + +var ac5_2Context = make(map[nodeKey]ac5_2PQFailoverSuite) + +func TestAC5PreparedQueryFailover(t *testing.T) { + ct := NewCommonTopo(t) + s := &ac5_2PQFailoverSuite{} + s.setup(t, ct) + ct.Launch(t) + s.test(t, ct) +} + +func (s *ac5_2PQFailoverSuite) setup(t *testing.T, ct *commonTopo) { + s.setupDC(ct, ct.DC1, ct.DC2) + s.setupDC(ct, ct.DC2, ct.DC1) + s.setupDC3(ct, ct.DC3, ct.DC1, ct.DC2) +} + +func (s *ac5_2PQFailoverSuite) setupDC(ct *commonTopo, clu, peerClu *topology.Cluster) { + // TODO: handle all partitions + partition := "default" + peer := LocalPeerName(peerClu, partition) + + serverSID := topology.ServiceID{ + Name: "ac5-server-http", + Partition: partition, + } + + clientSID := topology.ServiceID{ + Name: "ac5-client-http", + Partition: partition, + } + + client := serviceExt{ + Service: NewFortioServiceWithDefaults( + clu.Datacenter, + clientSID, + func(s *topology.Service) { + s.EnvoyAdminPort = 0 + s.DisableServiceMesh = true + }, + ), + Config: &api.ServiceConfigEntry{ + Kind: api.ServiceDefaults, + Name: clientSID.Name, + Partition: ConfigEntryPartition(clientSID.Partition), + Protocol: "http", + }, + Exports: []api.ServiceConsumer{{Peer: peer}}, + } + + ct.AddServiceNode(clu, client) + + server := serviceExt{ + Service: NewFortioServiceWithDefaults( + clu.Datacenter, + serverSID, + nil, + ), + Exports: []api.ServiceConsumer{{Peer: peer}}, + } + serverNode := ct.AddServiceNode(clu, server) + + ac5_2Context[nodeKey{clu.Datacenter, partition}] = ac5_2PQFailoverSuite{ + clientSID: clientSID, + serverSID: serverSID, + nodeServer: serverNode.ID(), + } +} + +func (s *ac5_2PQFailoverSuite) setupDC3(ct *commonTopo, clu, peer1, peer2 *topology.Cluster) { + var ( + peers []string + partition = "default" + ) + peers = append(peers, LocalPeerName(peer1, partition), LocalPeerName(peer2, partition)) + + serverSID := topology.ServiceID{ + Name: "ac5-server-http", + Partition: partition, + } + + clientSID := topology.ServiceID{ + Name: "ac5-client-http", + Partition: partition, + } + + // disable service mesh for client in DC3 + client := serviceExt{ + Service: NewFortioServiceWithDefaults( + clu.Datacenter, + clientSID, + func(s *topology.Service) { + s.EnvoyAdminPort = 0 + s.DisableServiceMesh = true + }, + ), + Config: &api.ServiceConfigEntry{ + Kind: api.ServiceDefaults, + Name: clientSID.Name, + Partition: ConfigEntryPartition(clientSID.Partition), + Protocol: "http", + }, + Exports: func() []api.ServiceConsumer { + var consumers []api.ServiceConsumer + for _, peer := range peers { + consumers = append(consumers, api.ServiceConsumer{ + Peer: peer, + }) + } + return consumers + }(), + } + + ct.AddServiceNode(clu, client) + + server := serviceExt{ + Service: NewFortioServiceWithDefaults( + clu.Datacenter, + serverSID, + nil, + ), + Exports: func() []api.ServiceConsumer { + var consumers []api.ServiceConsumer + for _, peer := range peers { + consumers = append(consumers, api.ServiceConsumer{ + Peer: peer, + }) + } + return consumers + }(), + } + + serverNode := ct.AddServiceNode(clu, server) + + ac5_2Context[nodeKey{clu.Datacenter, partition}] = ac5_2PQFailoverSuite{ + clientSID: clientSID, + serverSID: serverSID, + nodeServer: serverNode.ID(), + } +} + +func (s *ac5_2PQFailoverSuite) createPreparedQuery(t *testing.T, ct *commonTopo, c *api.Client, serviceName, partition string) (*api.PreparedQueryDefinition, *api.PreparedQuery) { + var ( + peers []string + err error + ) + peers = append(peers, LocalPeerName(ct.DC2, partition), LocalPeerName(ct.DC3, partition)) + + def := &api.PreparedQueryDefinition{ + Name: "ac5-prepared-query", + Service: api.ServiceQuery{ + Service: serviceName, + Partition: ConfigEntryPartition(partition), + OnlyPassing: true, + Failover: api.QueryFailoverOptions{ + Targets: func() []api.QueryFailoverTarget { + var queryFailoverTargets []api.QueryFailoverTarget + for _, peer := range peers { + queryFailoverTargets = append(queryFailoverTargets, api.QueryFailoverTarget{ + Peer: peer, + }) + } + return queryFailoverTargets + }(), + }, + }, + } + + query := c.PreparedQuery() + def.ID, _, err = query.Create(def, nil) + require.NoError(t, err, "error creating prepared query in cluster") + + return def, query +} + +func (s *ac5_2PQFailoverSuite) test(t *testing.T, ct *commonTopo) { + partition := "default" + dc1 := ct.Sprawl.Topology().Clusters[ct.DC1.Name] + dc2 := ct.Sprawl.Topology().Clusters[ct.DC2.Name] + dc3 := ct.Sprawl.Topology().Clusters[ct.DC3.Name] + + type testcase struct { + cluster *topology.Cluster + peer *topology.Cluster + targetCluster *topology.Cluster + } + tcs := []testcase{ + { + cluster: dc1, + peer: dc2, + targetCluster: dc3, + }, + } + for _, tc := range tcs { + client := ct.APIClientForCluster(t, tc.cluster) + + t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("%#v", tc), func(t *testing.T) { + svc := ac5_2Context[nodeKey{tc.cluster.Name, partition}] + require.NotNil(t, svc.serverSID.Name, "expected service name to not be nil") + require.NotNil(t, svc.nodeServer, "expected node server to not be nil") + + assertServiceHealth(t, client, svc.serverSID.Name, 1) + def, _ := s.createPreparedQuery(t, ct, client, svc.serverSID.Name, partition) + s.testPreparedQueryZeroFailover(t, client, def, tc.cluster) + s.testPreparedQuerySingleFailover(t, ct, client, def, tc.cluster, tc.peer, partition) + s.testPreparedQueryTwoFailovers(t, ct, client, def, tc.cluster, tc.peer, tc.targetCluster, partition) + + // delete failing health check in peer cluster & validate single failover + s.testPQSingleFailover(t, ct, client, def, tc.cluster, tc.peer, partition) + // delete failing health check in cluster & validate zero failover + s.testPQZeroFailover(t, ct, client, def, tc.cluster, tc.peer, partition) + }) + } +} + +func (s *ac5_2PQFailoverSuite) testPreparedQueryZeroFailover(t *testing.T, cl *api.Client, def *api.PreparedQueryDefinition, cluster *topology.Cluster) { + t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("prepared query should not failover %s", cluster.Name), func(t *testing.T) { + + // Validate prepared query exists in cluster + queryDef, _, err := cl.PreparedQuery().Get(def.ID, nil) + require.NoError(t, err) + require.Len(t, queryDef, 1, "expected 1 prepared query") + require.Equal(t, 2, len(queryDef[0].Service.Failover.Targets), "expected 2 prepared query failover targets to dc2 and dc3") + + retry.RunWith(&retry.Timer{Timeout: 10 * time.Second, Wait: 500 * time.Millisecond}, t, func(r *retry.R) { + queryResult, _, err := cl.PreparedQuery().Execute(def.ID, nil) + require.NoError(r, err) + + // expected outcome should show 0 failover + require.Equal(r, 0, queryResult.Failovers, "expected 0 prepared query failover") + require.Equal(r, cluster.Name, queryResult.Nodes[0].Node.Datacenter, "pq results should come from the local cluster") + }) + }) +} + +func (s *ac5_2PQFailoverSuite) testPreparedQuerySingleFailover(t *testing.T, ct *commonTopo, cl *api.Client, def *api.PreparedQueryDefinition, cluster, peerClu *topology.Cluster, partition string) { + t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("prepared query with single failover %s", cluster.Name), func(t *testing.T) { + cfg := ct.Sprawl.Config() + svc := ac5_2Context[nodeKey{cluster.Name, partition}] + + nodeCfg := DisableNode(t, cfg, cluster.Name, svc.nodeServer) + require.NoError(t, ct.Sprawl.Relaunch(nodeCfg)) + + // assert server health status + assertServiceHealth(t, cl, svc.serverSID.Name, 0) + + // Validate prepared query exists in cluster + queryDef, _, err := cl.PreparedQuery().Get(def.ID, nil) + require.NoError(t, err) + require.Len(t, queryDef, 1, "expected 1 prepared query") + + pqFailoverTargets := queryDef[0].Service.Failover.Targets + require.Len(t, pqFailoverTargets, 2, "expected 2 prepared query failover targets to dc2 and dc3") + + retry.RunWith(&retry.Timer{Timeout: 10 * time.Second, Wait: 500 * time.Millisecond}, t, func(r *retry.R) { + queryResult, _, err := cl.PreparedQuery().Execute(def.ID, nil) + require.NoError(r, err) + + require.Equal(r, 1, queryResult.Failovers, "expected 1 prepared query failover") + require.Equal(r, peerClu.Name, queryResult.Nodes[0].Node.Datacenter, fmt.Sprintf("the pq results should originate from peer clu %s", peerClu.Name)) + require.Equal(r, pqFailoverTargets[0].Peer, queryResult.Nodes[0].Checks[0].PeerName, + fmt.Sprintf("pq results should come from the first failover target peer %s", pqFailoverTargets[0].Peer)) + }) + }) +} + +func (s *ac5_2PQFailoverSuite) testPreparedQueryTwoFailovers(t *testing.T, ct *commonTopo, cl *api.Client, def *api.PreparedQueryDefinition, cluster, peerClu, targetCluster *topology.Cluster, partition string) { + t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("prepared query with two failovers %s", cluster.Name), func(t *testing.T) { + cfg := ct.Sprawl.Config() + + svc := ac5_2Context[nodeKey{peerClu.Name, partition}] + + cfg = DisableNode(t, cfg, peerClu.Name, svc.nodeServer) + require.NoError(t, ct.Sprawl.Relaunch(cfg)) + + // assert server health status + assertServiceHealth(t, cl, ac5_2Context[nodeKey{cluster.Name, partition}].serverSID.Name, 0) // cluster: failing + assertServiceHealth(t, cl, svc.serverSID.Name, 0) // peer cluster: failing + + queryDef, _, err := cl.PreparedQuery().Get(def.ID, nil) + require.NoError(t, err) + require.Len(t, queryDef, 1, "expected 1 prepared query") + + pqFailoverTargets := queryDef[0].Service.Failover.Targets + require.Len(t, pqFailoverTargets, 2, "expected 2 prepared query failover targets to dc2 and dc3") + + retry.RunWith(&retry.Timer{Timeout: 10 * time.Second, Wait: 500 * time.Millisecond}, t, func(r *retry.R) { + queryResult, _, err := cl.PreparedQuery().Execute(def.ID, nil) + require.NoError(r, err) + require.Equal(r, 2, queryResult.Failovers, "expected 2 prepared query failover") + + require.Equal(r, targetCluster.Name, queryResult.Nodes[0].Node.Datacenter, fmt.Sprintf("the pq results should originate from cluster %s", targetCluster.Name)) + require.Equal(r, pqFailoverTargets[1].Peer, queryResult.Nodes[0].Checks[0].PeerName, + fmt.Sprintf("pq results should come from the second failover target peer %s", pqFailoverTargets[1].Peer)) + }) + }) +} + +func (s *ac5_2PQFailoverSuite) testPQSingleFailover(t *testing.T, ct *commonTopo, cl *api.Client, def *api.PreparedQueryDefinition, cluster, peerClu *topology.Cluster, partition string) { + t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("delete failing health check in %s and validate single failover %s", peerClu.Name, cluster.Name), func(t *testing.T) { + cfg := ct.Sprawl.Config() + + svc := ac5_2Context[nodeKey{peerClu.Name, partition}] + + cfg = EnableNode(t, cfg, peerClu.Name, svc.nodeServer) + require.NoError(t, ct.Sprawl.Relaunch(cfg)) + + queryDef, _, err := cl.PreparedQuery().Get(def.ID, nil) + require.NoError(t, err) + + pqFailoverTargets := queryDef[0].Service.Failover.Targets + require.Len(t, pqFailoverTargets, 2, "expected 2 prepared query failover targets to dc2 and dc3") + + retry.RunWith(&retry.Timer{Timeout: 10 * time.Second, Wait: 500 * time.Millisecond}, t, func(r *retry.R) { + queryResult, _, err := cl.PreparedQuery().Execute(def.ID, nil) + require.NoError(r, err) + require.Equal(r, 1, queryResult.Failovers, "expected 1 prepared query failover") + + require.Equal(r, peerClu.Name, queryResult.Nodes[0].Node.Datacenter, fmt.Sprintf("the pq results should originate from cluster %s", peerClu.Name)) + require.Equal(r, pqFailoverTargets[0].Peer, queryResult.Nodes[0].Checks[0].PeerName, + fmt.Sprintf("pq results should come from the second failover target peer %s", pqFailoverTargets[0].Peer)) + }) + }) +} + +func (s *ac5_2PQFailoverSuite) testPQZeroFailover(t *testing.T, ct *commonTopo, cl *api.Client, def *api.PreparedQueryDefinition, cluster, peerClu *topology.Cluster, partition string) { + t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("delete failing health check in %s and validate zero failover %s", cluster.Name, cluster.Name), func(t *testing.T) { + cfg := ct.Sprawl.Config() + + svc := ac5_2Context[nodeKey{cluster.Name, partition}] + + cfg = EnableNode(t, cfg, cluster.Name, svc.nodeServer) + require.NoError(t, ct.Sprawl.Relaunch(cfg)) + + // assert server health status + assertServiceHealth(t, cl, ac5_2Context[nodeKey{cluster.Name, partition}].serverSID.Name, 1) // cluster: passing + assertServiceHealth(t, cl, svc.serverSID.Name, 1) // peer cluster: passing + + queryDef, _, err := cl.PreparedQuery().Get(def.ID, nil) + require.NoError(t, err) + + pqFailoverTargets := queryDef[0].Service.Failover.Targets + require.Len(t, pqFailoverTargets, 2, "expected 2 prepared query failover targets to dc2 and dc3") + + retry.RunWith(&retry.Timer{Timeout: 10 * time.Second, Wait: 500 * time.Millisecond}, t, func(r *retry.R) { + queryResult, _, err := cl.PreparedQuery().Execute(def.ID, nil) + require.NoError(r, err) + // expected outcome should show 0 failover + require.Equal(r, 0, queryResult.Failovers, "expected 0 prepared query failover") + require.Equal(r, cluster.Name, queryResult.Nodes[0].Node.Datacenter, "pq results should come from the local cluster") + }) + }) +} + +// assertServiceHealth checks that a service health status before running tests +func assertServiceHealth(t *testing.T, cl *api.Client, serverSVC string, count int) { + t.Helper() + t.Log("validate service health in catalog") + retry.RunWith(&retry.Timer{Timeout: time.Second * 20, Wait: time.Millisecond * 500}, t, func(r *retry.R) { + svcs, _, err := cl.Health().Service( + serverSVC, + "", + true, + nil, + ) + require.NoError(r, err) + require.Equal(r, count, len(svcs)) + }) +} diff --git a/test-integ/peering_commontopo/ac6_failovers_test.go b/test-integ/peering_commontopo/ac6_failovers_test.go new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..cdee093ec591 --- /dev/null +++ b/test-integ/peering_commontopo/ac6_failovers_test.go @@ -0,0 +1,429 @@ +package peering + +import ( + "fmt" + "testing" + + "github.com/hashicorp/consul/testing/deployer/topology" + "github.com/stretchr/testify/require" + + "github.com/hashicorp/consul/api" + "github.com/hashicorp/consul/test/integration/consul-container/libs/utils" +) + +// note: unlike other *Suite structs that are per-peering direction, +// this one is special and does all directions itself, because the +// setup is not exactly symmetrical +type ac6FailoversSuite struct { + ac6 map[nodeKey]ac6FailoversContext +} +type ac6FailoversContext struct { + clientSID topology.ServiceID + serverSID topology.ServiceID + + // used to remove the node and trigger failover + serverNode topology.NodeID +} +type nodeKey struct { + dc string + partition string +} + +// Note: this test cannot share topo +func TestAC6Failovers(t *testing.T) { + ct := NewCommonTopo(t) + s := &ac6FailoversSuite{} + s.setup(t, ct) + ct.Launch(t) + s.test(t, ct) +} + +func (s *ac6FailoversSuite) setup(t *testing.T, ct *commonTopo) { + // TODO: update setups to loop through a cluster's partitions+namespaces internally + s.setupAC6Failovers(ct, ct.DC1, ct.DC2) + s.setupAC6Failovers(ct, ct.DC2, ct.DC1) + s.setupAC6FailoversDC3(ct, ct.DC3, ct.DC1, ct.DC2) +} + +// dc1 is peered with dc2 and dc3. +// dc1 has an ac6-client in "default" and "part1" partitions (only default in OSS). +// ac6-client has a single upstream ac6-failover-svc in its respective partition^. +// +// ac6-failover-svc has the following failovers: +// - peer-dc2-default +// - peer-dc2-part1 (not in OSS) +// - peer-dc3-default +// +// This setup is mirrored from dc2->dc1 as well +// (both dcs have dc3 as the last failover target) +// +// ^NOTE: There are no cross-partition upstreams because MeshGatewayMode = local +// and failover information gets stripped out by the mesh gateways so we +// can't test failovers. +func (s *ac6FailoversSuite) setupAC6Failovers(ct *commonTopo, clu, peerClu *topology.Cluster) { + for _, part := range clu.Partitions { + partition := part.Name + + // There is a peering per partition in the peered cluster + var peers []string + for _, peerPart := range peerClu.Partitions { + peers = append(peers, LocalPeerName(peerClu, peerPart.Name)) + } + + // Make an HTTP server with various failover targets + serverSID := topology.ServiceID{ + Name: "ac6-failover-svc", + Partition: partition, + } + server := NewFortioServiceWithDefaults( + clu.Datacenter, + serverSID, + nil, + ) + // Export to all known peers + ct.ExportService(clu, partition, + api.ExportedService{ + Name: server.ID.Name, + Consumers: func() []api.ServiceConsumer { + var consumers []api.ServiceConsumer + for _, peer := range peers { + consumers = append(consumers, api.ServiceConsumer{ + Peer: peer, + }) + } + return consumers + }(), + }, + ) + serverNode := ct.AddServiceNode(clu, serviceExt{Service: server}) + + clu.InitialConfigEntries = append(clu.InitialConfigEntries, + &api.ServiceConfigEntry{ + Kind: api.ServiceDefaults, + Name: server.ID.Name, + Partition: ConfigEntryPartition(partition), + Protocol: "http", + }, + &api.ServiceResolverConfigEntry{ + Kind: api.ServiceResolver, + Name: server.ID.Name, + Partition: ConfigEntryPartition(partition), + Failover: map[string]api.ServiceResolverFailover{ + "*": { + Targets: func() []api.ServiceResolverFailoverTarget { + // Make a failover target for every partition in the peer cluster + var targets []api.ServiceResolverFailoverTarget + for _, peer := range peers { + targets = append(targets, api.ServiceResolverFailoverTarget{ + Peer: peer, + }) + } + // Just hard code default partition for dc3, since the exhaustive + // testing will be done against dc2. + targets = append(targets, api.ServiceResolverFailoverTarget{ + Peer: "peer-dc3-default", + }) + return targets + }(), + }, + }, + }, + ) + + // Make client which will dial server + clientSID := topology.ServiceID{ + Name: "ac6-client", + Partition: partition, + } + client := NewFortioServiceWithDefaults( + clu.Datacenter, + clientSID, + func(s *topology.Service) { + // Upstream per partition + s.Upstreams = []*topology.Upstream{ + { + ID: topology.ServiceID{ + Name: server.ID.Name, + Partition: part.Name, + }, + LocalPort: 5000, + // exposed so we can hit it directly + // TODO: we shouldn't do this; it's not realistic + LocalAddress: "", + }, + } + }, + ) + ct.ExportService(clu, partition, + api.ExportedService{ + Name: client.ID.Name, + Consumers: func() []api.ServiceConsumer { + var consumers []api.ServiceConsumer + // Export to each peer + for _, peer := range peers { + consumers = append(consumers, api.ServiceConsumer{ + Peer: peer, + }) + } + return consumers + }(), + }, + ) + ct.AddServiceNode(clu, serviceExt{Service: client}) + + clu.InitialConfigEntries = append(clu.InitialConfigEntries, + &api.ServiceConfigEntry{ + Kind: api.ServiceDefaults, + Name: client.ID.Name, + Partition: ConfigEntryPartition(partition), + Protocol: "http", + }, + ) + + // Add intention allowing local and peered clients to call server + clu.InitialConfigEntries = append(clu.InitialConfigEntries, + &api.ServiceIntentionsConfigEntry{ + Kind: api.ServiceIntentions, + Name: server.ID.Name, + Partition: ConfigEntryPartition(partition), + // SourceIntention for local client and peered clients + Sources: func() []*api.SourceIntention { + ixns := []*api.SourceIntention{ + { + Name: client.ID.Name, + Partition: ConfigEntryPartition(part.Name), + Action: api.IntentionActionAllow, + }, + } + for _, peer := range peers { + ixns = append(ixns, &api.SourceIntention{ + Name: client.ID.Name, + Peer: peer, + Action: api.IntentionActionAllow, + }) + } + return ixns + }(), + }, + ) + if s.ac6 == nil { + s.ac6 = map[nodeKey]ac6FailoversContext{} + } + s.ac6[nodeKey{clu.Datacenter, partition}] = struct { + clientSID topology.ServiceID + serverSID topology.ServiceID + serverNode topology.NodeID + }{ + clientSID: clientSID, + serverSID: serverSID, + serverNode: serverNode.ID(), + } + } +} + +func (s *ac6FailoversSuite) setupAC6FailoversDC3(ct *commonTopo, clu, peer1, peer2 *topology.Cluster) { + var peers []string + for _, part := range peer1.Partitions { + peers = append(peers, LocalPeerName(peer1, part.Name)) + } + for _, part := range peer2.Partitions { + peers = append(peers, LocalPeerName(peer2, part.Name)) + } + + partition := "default" + + // Make an HTTP server + server := NewFortioServiceWithDefaults( + clu.Datacenter, + topology.ServiceID{ + Name: "ac6-failover-svc", + Partition: partition, + }, + nil, + ) + + ct.AddServiceNode(clu, serviceExt{ + Service: server, + Config: &api.ServiceConfigEntry{ + Kind: api.ServiceDefaults, + Name: server.ID.Name, + Partition: ConfigEntryPartition(partition), + Protocol: "http", + }, + Intentions: &api.ServiceIntentionsConfigEntry{ + Kind: api.ServiceIntentions, + Name: server.ID.Name, + Partition: ConfigEntryPartition(partition), + Sources: func() []*api.SourceIntention { + var ixns []*api.SourceIntention + for _, peer := range peers { + ixns = append(ixns, &api.SourceIntention{ + Name: "ac6-client", + Peer: peer, + Action: api.IntentionActionAllow, + }) + } + return ixns + }(), + }, + Exports: func() []api.ServiceConsumer { + var consumers []api.ServiceConsumer + for _, peer := range peers { + consumers = append(consumers, api.ServiceConsumer{ + Peer: peer, + }) + } + return consumers + }(), + }) +} + +func (s *ac6FailoversSuite) test(t *testing.T, ct *commonTopo) { + dc1 := ct.Sprawl.Topology().Clusters["dc1"] + dc2 := ct.Sprawl.Topology().Clusters["dc2"] + + type testcase struct { + name string + cluster *topology.Cluster + peer *topology.Cluster + partition string + } + tcs := []testcase{ + { + name: "dc1 default partition failovers", + cluster: dc1, + peer: dc2, // dc3 is hardcoded + partition: "default", + }, + { + name: "dc1 part1 partition failovers", + cluster: dc1, + peer: dc2, // dc3 is hardcoded + partition: "part1", + }, + { + name: "dc2 default partition failovers", + cluster: dc2, + peer: dc1, // dc3 is hardcoded + partition: "default", + }, + { + name: "dc2 part1 partition failovers", + cluster: dc2, + peer: dc1, // dc3 is hardcoded + partition: "part1", + }, + } + for _, tc := range tcs { + t.Run(tc.name, func(t *testing.T) { + // NOTE: *not parallel* because we mutate resources that are shared + // between test cases (disable/enable nodes) + if !utils.IsEnterprise() && tc.partition != "default" { + t.Skip("skipping enterprise test") + } + partition := tc.partition + clu := tc.cluster + peerClu := tc.peer + + svcs := clu.ServicesByID(s.ac6[nodeKey{clu.Datacenter, partition}].clientSID) + require.Len(t, svcs, 1, "expected exactly one client in datacenter") + + serverSID := s.ac6[nodeKey{clu.Datacenter, partition}].serverSID + serverSID.Normalize() + + client := svcs[0] + require.Len(t, client.Upstreams, 1, "expected one upstream for client") + + u := client.Upstreams[0] + ct.Assert.CatalogServiceExists(t, clu.Name, u.ID.Name, utils.CompatQueryOpts(&api.QueryOptions{ + Partition: u.ID.Partition, + })) + + t.Cleanup(func() { + cfg := ct.Sprawl.Config() + for _, part := range clu.Partitions { + EnableNode(t, cfg, clu.Name, s.ac6[nodeKey{clu.Datacenter, part.Name}].serverNode) + } + for _, part := range peerClu.Partitions { + EnableNode(t, cfg, peerClu.Name, s.ac6[nodeKey{peerClu.Datacenter, part.Name}].serverNode) + } + require.NoError(t, ct.Sprawl.Relaunch(cfg)) + }) + + fmt.Println("### preconditions") + // TODO: deduce this number, instead of hard-coding + nFailoverTargets := 4 + // in OSS, we don't have failover targets for non-default partitions + if !utils.IsEnterprise() { + nFailoverTargets = 3 + } + for i := 0; i < nFailoverTargets; i++ { + ct.Assert.UpstreamEndpointStatus(t, client, fmt.Sprintf("failover-target~%d~%s", i, clusterPrefix(u, clu.Datacenter)), "HEALTHY", 1) + } + + ct.Assert.FortioFetch2FortioName(t, client, u, clu.Name, serverSID) + + if t.Failed() { + t.Fatalf("failed preconditions") + } + + fmt.Println("### Failover to peer target") + cfg := ct.Sprawl.Config() + DisableNode(t, cfg, clu.Name, s.ac6[nodeKey{clu.Datacenter, partition}].serverNode) + require.NoError(t, ct.Sprawl.Relaunch(cfg)) + // Clusters for imported services rely on outlier detection for + // failovers, NOT eds_health_status. This means that killing the + // node above does not actually make the envoy cluster UNHEALTHY + // so we do not assert for it. + expectUID := topology.ServiceID{ + Name: u.ID.Name, + Partition: "default", + } + expectUID.Normalize() + ct.Assert.FortioFetch2FortioName(t, client, u, peerClu.Name, expectUID) + + if utils.IsEnterprise() { + fmt.Println("### Failover to peer target in non-default partition") + cfg = ct.Sprawl.Config() + DisableNode(t, cfg, clu.Name, s.ac6[nodeKey{clu.Datacenter, partition}].serverNode) + DisableNode(t, cfg, peerClu.Name, s.ac6[nodeKey{peerClu.Datacenter, "default"}].serverNode) + require.NoError(t, ct.Sprawl.Relaunch(cfg)) + // Retry until outlier_detection deems the cluster + // unhealthy and fails over to peer part1. + expectUID = topology.ServiceID{ + Name: u.ID.Name, + Partition: "part1", + } + expectUID.Normalize() + ct.Assert.FortioFetch2FortioName(t, client, u, peerClu.Name, expectUID) + } + + fmt.Println("### Failover to dc3 peer target") + cfg = ct.Sprawl.Config() + DisableNode(t, cfg, clu.Name, s.ac6[nodeKey{clu.Datacenter, partition}].serverNode) + // Disable all partitions for peer + for _, part := range peerClu.Partitions { + DisableNode(t, cfg, peerClu.Name, s.ac6[nodeKey{peerClu.Datacenter, part.Name}].serverNode) + } + require.NoError(t, ct.Sprawl.Relaunch(cfg)) + // This will retry until outlier_detection deems the cluster + // unhealthy and fails over to dc3. + expectUID = topology.ServiceID{ + Name: u.ID.Name, + Partition: "default", + } + expectUID.Normalize() + ct.Assert.FortioFetch2FortioName(t, client, u, "dc3", expectUID) + }) + } +} + +func clusterPrefix(u *topology.Upstream, dc string) string { + u.ID.Normalize() + switch u.ID.Partition { + case "default": + return fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s.%s.internal", u.ID.Name, u.ID.Namespace, dc) + default: + return fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s.%s.%s.internal-v1", u.ID.Name, u.ID.Namespace, u.ID.Partition, dc) + } +} diff --git a/test-integ/peering_commontopo/ac7_1_rotate_gw_test.go b/test-integ/peering_commontopo/ac7_1_rotate_gw_test.go new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..275310968776 --- /dev/null +++ b/test-integ/peering_commontopo/ac7_1_rotate_gw_test.go @@ -0,0 +1,188 @@ +package peering + +import ( + "fmt" + "strings" + "testing" + + "github.com/hashicorp/consul/testing/deployer/topology" + "github.com/stretchr/testify/require" + + "github.com/hashicorp/consul/api" +) + +// TestRotateGW ensures that peered services continue to be able to talk to their +// upstreams during a mesh gateway rotation +// NOTE: because suiteRotateGW needs to mutate the topo, we actually *DO NOT* share a topo + +type suiteRotateGW struct { + DC string + Peer string + + sidServer topology.ServiceID + nodeServer topology.NodeID + + sidClient topology.ServiceID + nodeClient topology.NodeID + + upstream *topology.Upstream + + newMGWNodeName string +} + +func TestRotateGW(t *testing.T) { + suites := []*suiteRotateGW{ + {DC: "dc1", Peer: "dc2"}, + {DC: "dc2", Peer: "dc1"}, + } + ct := NewCommonTopo(t) + for _, s := range suites { + s.setup(t, ct) + } + ct.Launch(t) + for _, s := range suites { + s := s + t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("%s->%s", s.DC, s.Peer), func(t *testing.T) { + // no t.Parallel() due to Relaunch + s.test(t, ct) + }) + } +} + +func (s *suiteRotateGW) setup(t *testing.T, ct *commonTopo) { + const prefix = "ac7-1-" + + clu := ct.ClusterByDatacenter(t, s.DC) + peerClu := ct.ClusterByDatacenter(t, s.Peer) + partition := "default" + peer := LocalPeerName(peerClu, "default") + cluPeerName := LocalPeerName(clu, "default") + + server := NewFortioServiceWithDefaults( + peerClu.Datacenter, + topology.ServiceID{ + Name: prefix + "server-http", + Partition: partition, + }, + nil, + ) + + // Make clients which have server upstreams + upstream := &topology.Upstream{ + ID: topology.ServiceID{ + Name: server.ID.Name, + Partition: partition, + }, + // TODO: we shouldn't need this, need to investigate + LocalAddress: "", + LocalPort: 5001, + Peer: peer, + } + // create client in us + client := NewFortioServiceWithDefaults( + clu.Datacenter, + topology.ServiceID{ + Name: prefix + "client", + Partition: partition, + }, + func(s *topology.Service) { + s.Upstreams = []*topology.Upstream{ + upstream, + } + }, + ) + clientNode := ct.AddServiceNode(clu, serviceExt{Service: client, + Config: &api.ServiceConfigEntry{ + Kind: api.ServiceDefaults, + Name: client.ID.Name, + Partition: ConfigEntryPartition(client.ID.Partition), + Protocol: "http", + UpstreamConfig: &api.UpstreamConfiguration{ + Defaults: &api.UpstreamConfig{ + MeshGateway: api.MeshGatewayConfig{ + Mode: api.MeshGatewayModeLocal, + }, + }, + }, + }, + }) + // actually to be used by the other pairing + serverNode := ct.AddServiceNode(peerClu, serviceExt{ + Service: server, + Config: &api.ServiceConfigEntry{ + Kind: api.ServiceDefaults, + Name: server.ID.Name, + Partition: ConfigEntryPartition(partition), + Protocol: "http", + }, + Exports: []api.ServiceConsumer{{Peer: cluPeerName}}, + Intentions: &api.ServiceIntentionsConfigEntry{ + Kind: api.ServiceIntentions, + Name: server.ID.Name, + Partition: ConfigEntryPartition(partition), + Sources: []*api.SourceIntention{ + { + Name: client.ID.Name, + Peer: cluPeerName, + Action: api.IntentionActionAllow, + }, + }, + }, + }) + + s.sidClient = client.ID + s.nodeClient = clientNode.ID() + s.upstream = upstream + s.sidServer = server.ID + s.nodeServer = serverNode.ID() + + // add a second mesh gateway "new" + s.newMGWNodeName = fmt.Sprintf("new-%s-default-mgw", clu.Name) + clu.Nodes = append(clu.Nodes, newTopologyMeshGatewaySet( + topology.NodeKindClient, + "default", + s.newMGWNodeName, + 1, + []string{clu.Datacenter, "wan"}, + func(i int, node *topology.Node) { + node.Disabled = true + }, + )...) +} + +func (s *suiteRotateGW) test(t *testing.T, ct *commonTopo) { + dc := ct.Sprawl.Topology().Clusters[s.DC] + peer := ct.Sprawl.Topology().Clusters[s.Peer] + + svcHTTPServer := peer.ServiceByID( + s.nodeServer, + s.sidServer, + ) + svcHTTPClient := dc.ServiceByID( + s.nodeClient, + s.sidClient, + ) + ct.Assert.HealthyWithPeer(t, dc.Name, svcHTTPServer.ID, LocalPeerName(peer, "default")) + + ct.Assert.FortioFetch2HeaderEcho(t, svcHTTPClient, s.upstream) + + t.Log("relaunching with new gateways") + cfg := ct.Sprawl.Config() + for _, n := range dc.Nodes { + if strings.HasPrefix(n.Name, s.newMGWNodeName) { + n.Disabled = false + } + } + require.NoError(t, ct.Sprawl.Relaunch(cfg)) + ct.Assert.FortioFetch2HeaderEcho(t, svcHTTPClient, s.upstream) + + t.Log("relaunching without old gateways") + cfg = ct.Sprawl.Config() + for _, n := range dc.Nodes { + if strings.HasPrefix(n.Name, fmt.Sprintf("%s-default-mgw", dc.Name)) { + n.Disabled = true + } + } + require.NoError(t, ct.Sprawl.Relaunch(cfg)) + ct.Assert.FortioFetch2HeaderEcho(t, svcHTTPClient, s.upstream) +} diff --git a/test-integ/peering_commontopo/ac7_2_rotate_leader_test.go b/test-integ/peering_commontopo/ac7_2_rotate_leader_test.go new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..dd0bf04c2f5f --- /dev/null +++ b/test-integ/peering_commontopo/ac7_2_rotate_leader_test.go @@ -0,0 +1,214 @@ +package peering + +import ( + "fmt" + "testing" + "time" + + "github.com/hashicorp/consul/test/integration/consul-container/libs/utils" + "github.com/hashicorp/consul/testing/deployer/topology" + "github.com/mitchellh/copystructure" + "github.com/stretchr/testify/assert" + "github.com/stretchr/testify/require" + + "github.com/hashicorp/consul/api" + "github.com/hashicorp/consul/sdk/testutil/retry" +) + +// TestAC7_2RotateLeader ensures that after a leader rotation, information continues to replicate to peers +// NOTE: because suiteRotateLeader needs to mutate the topo, we actually *DO NOT* share a topo +type ac7_2RotateLeaderSuite struct { + DC string + Peer string + + sidServer topology.ServiceID + nodeServer topology.NodeID + + sidClient topology.ServiceID + nodeClient topology.NodeID + + upstream *topology.Upstream +} + +func TestAC7_2RotateLeader(t *testing.T) { + suites := []*ac7_2RotateLeaderSuite{ + {DC: "dc1", Peer: "dc2"}, + {DC: "dc2", Peer: "dc1"}, + } + ct := NewCommonTopo(t) + for _, s := range suites { + s.setup(t, ct) + } + ct.Launch(t) + for _, s := range suites { + s := s + t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("%s->%s", s.DC, s.Peer), func(t *testing.T) { + // no t.Parallel() due to Relaunch + s.test(t, ct) + }) + } +} + +// makes client in clu, server in peerClu +func (s *ac7_2RotateLeaderSuite) setup(t *testing.T, ct *commonTopo) { + const prefix = "ac7-2-" + + clu := ct.ClusterByDatacenter(t, s.DC) + peerClu := ct.ClusterByDatacenter(t, s.Peer) + partition := "default" + peer := LocalPeerName(peerClu, "default") + cluPeerName := LocalPeerName(clu, "default") + + server := NewFortioServiceWithDefaults( + peerClu.Datacenter, + topology.ServiceID{ + Name: prefix + "server-http", + Partition: partition, + }, + nil, + ) + + // Make clients which have server upstreams + upstream := &topology.Upstream{ + ID: topology.ServiceID{ + Name: server.ID.Name, + Partition: partition, + }, + LocalPort: 5001, + Peer: peer, + } + // create client in us + client := NewFortioServiceWithDefaults( + clu.Datacenter, + topology.ServiceID{ + Name: prefix + "client", + Partition: partition, + }, + func(s *topology.Service) { + s.Upstreams = []*topology.Upstream{ + upstream, + } + }, + ) + clientNode := ct.AddServiceNode(clu, serviceExt{Service: client, + Config: &api.ServiceConfigEntry{ + Kind: api.ServiceDefaults, + Name: client.ID.Name, + Partition: ConfigEntryPartition(client.ID.Partition), + Protocol: "http", + UpstreamConfig: &api.UpstreamConfiguration{ + Defaults: &api.UpstreamConfig{ + MeshGateway: api.MeshGatewayConfig{ + Mode: api.MeshGatewayModeLocal, + }, + }, + }, + }, + }) + // actually to be used by the other pairing + serverNode := ct.AddServiceNode(peerClu, serviceExt{ + Service: server, + Config: &api.ServiceConfigEntry{ + Kind: api.ServiceDefaults, + Name: server.ID.Name, + Partition: ConfigEntryPartition(partition), + Protocol: "http", + }, + Exports: []api.ServiceConsumer{{Peer: cluPeerName}}, + Intentions: &api.ServiceIntentionsConfigEntry{ + Kind: api.ServiceIntentions, + Name: server.ID.Name, + Partition: ConfigEntryPartition(partition), + Sources: []*api.SourceIntention{ + { + Name: client.ID.Name, + Peer: cluPeerName, + Action: api.IntentionActionAllow, + }, + }, + }, + }) + + s.sidClient = client.ID + s.nodeClient = clientNode.ID() + s.upstream = upstream + s.sidServer = server.ID + s.nodeServer = serverNode.ID() +} + +func (s *ac7_2RotateLeaderSuite) test(t *testing.T, ct *commonTopo) { + dc := ct.Sprawl.Topology().Clusters[s.DC] + peer := ct.Sprawl.Topology().Clusters[s.Peer] + clDC := ct.APIClientForCluster(t, dc) + clPeer := ct.APIClientForCluster(t, peer) + + svcServer := peer.ServiceByID(s.nodeServer, s.sidServer) + svcClient := dc.ServiceByID(s.nodeClient, s.sidClient) + ct.Assert.HealthyWithPeer(t, dc.Name, svcServer.ID, LocalPeerName(peer, "default")) + + ct.Assert.FortioFetch2HeaderEcho(t, svcClient, s.upstream) + + // force leader election + rotateLeader(t, clDC) + rotateLeader(t, clPeer) + + // unexport httpServer + ce, _, err := clPeer.ConfigEntries().Get(api.ExportedServices, s.sidServer.Partition, nil) + require.NoError(t, err) + // ceAsES = config entry as ExportedServicesConfigEntry + ceAsES := ce.(*api.ExportedServicesConfigEntry) + origCE, err := copystructure.Copy(ceAsES) + require.NoError(t, err) + found := 0 + foundI := 0 + for i, svc := range ceAsES.Services { + if svc.Name == s.sidServer.Name && svc.Namespace == utils.DefaultToEmpty(s.sidServer.Namespace) { + found += 1 + foundI = i + } + } + require.Equal(t, found, 1) + // remove found entry + ceAsES.Services = append(ceAsES.Services[:foundI], ceAsES.Services[foundI+1:]...) + _, _, err = clPeer.ConfigEntries().Set(ceAsES, nil) + require.NoError(t, err) + t.Cleanup(func() { + //restore for next pairing + _, _, err = clPeer.ConfigEntries().Set(origCE.(*api.ExportedServicesConfigEntry), nil) + require.NoError(t, err) + }) + + // expect health entry in for peer to disappear + retry.RunWith(&retry.Timer{Timeout: time.Minute, Wait: time.Millisecond * 500}, t, func(r *retry.R) { + svcs, _, err := clDC.Health().Service(s.sidServer.Name, "", true, utils.CompatQueryOpts(&api.QueryOptions{ + Partition: s.sidServer.Partition, + Namespace: s.sidServer.Namespace, + Peer: LocalPeerName(peer, "default"), + })) + require.NoError(r, err) + assert.Equal(r, len(svcs), 0, "health entry for imported service gone") + }) +} + +func rotateLeader(t *testing.T, cl *api.Client) { + t.Helper() + oldLeader := findLeader(t, cl) + cl.Operator().RaftLeaderTransfer(nil) + retry.RunWith(&retry.Timer{Timeout: 30 * time.Second, Wait: time.Second}, t, func(r *retry.R) { + newLeader := findLeader(r, cl) + require.NotEqual(r, oldLeader.ID, newLeader.ID) + }) +} + +func findLeader(t require.TestingT, cl *api.Client) *api.RaftServer { + raftConfig, err := cl.Operator().RaftGetConfiguration(nil) + require.NoError(t, err) + var leader *api.RaftServer + for _, svr := range raftConfig.Servers { + if svr.Leader { + leader = svr + } + } + require.NotNil(t, leader) + return leader +} diff --git a/test-integ/peering_commontopo/asserter.go b/test-integ/peering_commontopo/asserter.go new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..77404a222a37 --- /dev/null +++ b/test-integ/peering_commontopo/asserter.go @@ -0,0 +1,298 @@ +package peering + +import ( + "fmt" + "io" + "net/http" + "net/url" + "regexp" + "testing" + "time" + + "github.com/stretchr/testify/assert" + "github.com/stretchr/testify/require" + + "github.com/hashicorp/consul/testing/deployer/topology" + + "github.com/hashicorp/consul/api" + "github.com/hashicorp/consul/sdk/testutil/retry" + libassert "github.com/hashicorp/consul/test/integration/consul-container/libs/assert" + "github.com/hashicorp/consul/test/integration/consul-container/libs/utils" +) + +// asserter is a utility to help in reducing boilerplate in invoking test +// assertions against consul-topology Sprawl components. +// +// The methods should largely take in *topology.Service instances in lieu of +// ip/ports if there is only one port that makes sense for the assertion (such +// as use of the envoy admin port 19000). +// +// If it's up to the test (like picking an upstream) leave port as an argument +// but still take the service and use that to grab the local ip from the +// topology.Node. +type asserter struct { + sp sprawlLite +} + +// *sprawl.Sprawl satisfies this. We don't need anything else. +type sprawlLite interface { + HTTPClientForCluster(clusterName string) (*http.Client, error) + APIClientForNode(clusterName string, nid topology.NodeID, token string) (*api.Client, error) + Topology() *topology.Topology +} + +// newAsserter creates a new assertion helper for the provided sprawl. +func newAsserter(sp sprawlLite) *asserter { + return &asserter{ + sp: sp, + } +} + +func (a *asserter) mustGetHTTPClient(t *testing.T, cluster string) *http.Client { + client, err := a.httpClientFor(cluster) + require.NoError(t, err) + return client +} + +func (a *asserter) mustGetAPIClient(t *testing.T, cluster string) *api.Client { + cl, err := a.apiClientFor(cluster) + require.NoError(t, err) + return cl +} + +func (a *asserter) apiClientFor(cluster string) (*api.Client, error) { + clu := a.sp.Topology().Clusters[cluster] + // TODO: this always goes to the first client, but we might want to balance this + cl, err := a.sp.APIClientForNode(cluster, clu.FirstClient().ID(), "") + return cl, err +} + +// httpClientFor returns a pre-configured http.Client that proxies requests +// through the embedded squid instance in each LAN. +// +// Use this in methods below to magically pick the right proxied http client +// given the home of each node being checked. +func (a *asserter) httpClientFor(cluster string) (*http.Client, error) { + client, err := a.sp.HTTPClientForCluster(cluster) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + return client, nil +} + +// UpstreamEndpointStatus validates that proxy was configured with provided clusterName in the healthStatus +// +// Exposes libassert.UpstreamEndpointStatus for use against a Sprawl. +// +// NOTE: this doesn't take a port b/c you always want to use the envoy admin port. +func (a *asserter) UpstreamEndpointStatus( + t *testing.T, + service *topology.Service, + clusterName string, + healthStatus string, + count int, +) { + t.Helper() + node := service.Node + ip := node.LocalAddress() + port := service.EnvoyAdminPort + addr := fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", ip, port) + + client := a.mustGetHTTPClient(t, node.Cluster) + libassert.AssertUpstreamEndpointStatusWithClient(t, client, addr, clusterName, healthStatus, count) +} + +// HTTPServiceEchoes verifies that a post to the given ip/port combination +// returns the data in the response body. Optional path can be provided to +// differentiate requests. +// +// Exposes libassert.HTTPServiceEchoes for use against a Sprawl. +// +// NOTE: this takes a port b/c you may want to reach this via your choice of upstream. +func (a *asserter) HTTPServiceEchoes( + t *testing.T, + service *topology.Service, + port int, + path string, +) { + t.Helper() + require.True(t, port > 0) + + node := service.Node + ip := node.LocalAddress() + addr := fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", ip, port) + + client := a.mustGetHTTPClient(t, node.Cluster) + libassert.HTTPServiceEchoesWithClient(t, client, addr, path) +} + +// HTTPServiceEchoesResHeader verifies that a post to the given ip/port combination +// returns the data in the response body with expected response headers. +// Optional path can be provided to differentiate requests. +// +// Exposes libassert.HTTPServiceEchoes for use against a Sprawl. +// +// NOTE: this takes a port b/c you may want to reach this via your choice of upstream. +func (a *asserter) HTTPServiceEchoesResHeader( + t *testing.T, + service *topology.Service, + port int, + path string, + expectedResHeader map[string]string, +) { + t.Helper() + require.True(t, port > 0) + + node := service.Node + ip := node.LocalAddress() + addr := fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", ip, port) + + client := a.mustGetHTTPClient(t, node.Cluster) + libassert.HTTPServiceEchoesResHeaderWithClient(t, client, addr, path, expectedResHeader) +} + +func (a *asserter) HTTPStatus( + t *testing.T, + service *topology.Service, + port int, + status int, +) { + t.Helper() + require.True(t, port > 0) + + node := service.Node + ip := node.LocalAddress() + addr := fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", ip, port) + + client := a.mustGetHTTPClient(t, node.Cluster) + + url := "http://" + addr + + retry.RunWith(&retry.Timer{Timeout: 30 * time.Second, Wait: 500 * time.Millisecond}, t, func(r *retry.R) { + resp, err := client.Get(url) + if err != nil { + r.Fatalf("could not make request to %q: %v", url, err) + } + defer resp.Body.Close() + if resp.StatusCode != status { + r.Fatalf("expected status %d, got %d", status, resp.StatusCode) + } + }) +} + +// asserts that the service sid in cluster and exported by peer localPeerName is passing health checks, +func (a *asserter) HealthyWithPeer(t *testing.T, cluster string, sid topology.ServiceID, peerName string) { + t.Helper() + cl := a.mustGetAPIClient(t, cluster) + retry.RunWith(&retry.Timer{Timeout: time.Minute * 1, Wait: time.Millisecond * 500}, t, func(r *retry.R) { + svcs, _, err := cl.Health().Service( + sid.Name, + "", + true, + utils.CompatQueryOpts(&api.QueryOptions{ + Partition: sid.Partition, + Namespace: sid.Namespace, + Peer: peerName, + }), + ) + require.NoError(r, err) + assert.GreaterOrEqual(r, len(svcs), 1) + }) +} + +func (a *asserter) UpstreamEndpointHealthy(t *testing.T, svc *topology.Service, upstream *topology.Upstream) { + t.Helper() + node := svc.Node + ip := node.LocalAddress() + port := svc.EnvoyAdminPort + addr := fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", ip, port) + + client := a.mustGetHTTPClient(t, node.Cluster) + libassert.AssertUpstreamEndpointStatusWithClient(t, + client, + addr, + // TODO: what is default? namespace? partition? + fmt.Sprintf("%s.default.%s.external", upstream.ID.Name, upstream.Peer), + "HEALTHY", + 1, + ) +} + +// does a fortio /fetch2 to the given fortio service, targetting the given upstream. Returns +// the body, and response with response.Body already Closed. +// +// We treat 400, 503, and 504s as retryable errors +func (a *asserter) fortioFetch2Upstream(t *testing.T, fortioSvc *topology.Service, upstream *topology.Upstream, path string) (body []byte, res *http.Response) { + t.Helper() + + // TODO: fortioSvc.ID.Normalize()? or should that be up to the caller? + + node := fortioSvc.Node + client := a.mustGetHTTPClient(t, node.Cluster) + urlbase := fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", node.LocalAddress(), fortioSvc.Port) + + url := fmt.Sprintf("http://%s/fortio/fetch2?url=%s", urlbase, + url.QueryEscape(fmt.Sprintf("http://localhost:%d/%s", upstream.LocalPort, path)), + ) + + req, err := http.NewRequest(http.MethodPost, url, nil) + require.NoError(t, err) + retry.RunWith(&retry.Timer{Timeout: 60 * time.Second, Wait: time.Millisecond * 500}, t, func(r *retry.R) { + res, err = client.Do(req) + require.NoError(r, err) + defer res.Body.Close() + // not sure when these happen, suspect it's when the mesh gateway in the peer is not yet ready + require.NotEqual(r, http.StatusServiceUnavailable, res.StatusCode) + require.NotEqual(r, http.StatusGatewayTimeout, res.StatusCode) + // not sure when this happens, suspect it's when envoy hasn't configured the local upstream yet + require.NotEqual(r, http.StatusBadRequest, res.StatusCode) + body, err = io.ReadAll(res.Body) + require.NoError(r, err) + }) + + return body, res +} + +// uses the /fortio/fetch2 endpoint to do a header echo check against an +// upstream fortio +func (a *asserter) FortioFetch2HeaderEcho(t *testing.T, fortioSvc *topology.Service, upstream *topology.Upstream) { + const kPassphrase = "x-passphrase" + const passphrase = "hello" + path := (fmt.Sprintf("/?header=%s:%s", kPassphrase, passphrase)) + + retry.RunWith(&retry.Timer{Timeout: 60 * time.Second, Wait: time.Millisecond * 500}, t, func(r *retry.R) { + _, res := a.fortioFetch2Upstream(t, fortioSvc, upstream, path) + require.Equal(t, http.StatusOK, res.StatusCode) + v := res.Header.Get(kPassphrase) + require.Equal(t, passphrase, v) + }) +} + +// similar to libassert.AssertFortioName, +// uses the /fortio/fetch2 endpoint to hit the debug endpoint on the upstream, +// and assert that the FORTIO_NAME == name +func (a *asserter) FortioFetch2FortioName(t *testing.T, fortioSvc *topology.Service, upstream *topology.Upstream, clusterName string, sid topology.ServiceID) { + t.Helper() + + var fortioNameRE = regexp.MustCompile(("\nFORTIO_NAME=(.+)\n")) + path := "/debug?env=dump" + + retry.RunWith(&retry.Timer{Timeout: 60 * time.Second, Wait: time.Millisecond * 500}, t, func(r *retry.R) { + body, res := a.fortioFetch2Upstream(t, fortioSvc, upstream, path) + require.Equal(t, http.StatusOK, res.StatusCode) + + // TODO: not sure we should retry these? + m := fortioNameRE.FindStringSubmatch(string(body)) + require.GreaterOrEqual(r, len(m), 2) + // TODO: dedupe from NewFortioService + require.Equal(r, fmt.Sprintf("%s::%s", clusterName, sid.String()), m[1]) + }) +} + +// CatalogServiceExists is the same as libassert.CatalogServiceExists, except that it uses +// a proxied API client +func (a *asserter) CatalogServiceExists(t *testing.T, cluster string, svc string, opts *api.QueryOptions) { + t.Helper() + cl := a.mustGetAPIClient(t, cluster) + libassert.CatalogServiceExists(t, cl, svc, opts) +} diff --git a/test-integ/peering_commontopo/commontopo.go b/test-integ/peering_commontopo/commontopo.go new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..09eebafffb85 --- /dev/null +++ b/test-integ/peering_commontopo/commontopo.go @@ -0,0 +1,610 @@ +package peering + +import ( + "bytes" + "context" + "fmt" + "strconv" + "testing" + "text/tabwriter" + "time" + + "github.com/hashicorp/consul/testing/deployer/sprawl" + "github.com/hashicorp/consul/testing/deployer/sprawl/sprawltest" + "github.com/hashicorp/consul/testing/deployer/topology" + "github.com/stretchr/testify/assert" + "github.com/stretchr/testify/require" + + "github.com/hashicorp/consul/api" + "github.com/hashicorp/consul/sdk/testutil/retry" + "github.com/hashicorp/consul/test/integration/consul-container/libs/utils" +) + +// commonTopo helps create a shareable topology configured to represent +// the common denominator between tests. +// +// Use NewCommonTopo to create. +// +// Compatible suites should implement sharedTopoSuite. +// +// Style: +// - avoid referencing components using strings, prefer IDs like Service ID, etc. +// - avoid passing addresses and ports, etc. Instead, look up components in sprawl.Topology +// by ID to find a concrete type, then pass that to helper functions that know which port to use +// - minimize the surface area of information passed between setup and test code (via members) +// to those that are strictly necessary +type commonTopo struct { + // + Cfg *topology.Config + // shortcuts to corresponding entry in Cfg + DC1 *topology.Cluster + DC2 *topology.Cluster + DC3 *topology.Cluster + + // set after Launch. Should be considered read-only + Sprawl *sprawl.Sprawl + Assert *asserter + + // track per-DC services to prevent duplicates + services map[string]map[topology.ServiceID]struct{} +} + +func NewCommonTopo(t *testing.T) *commonTopo { + t.Helper() + + ct := commonTopo{} + + // Make 3-server clusters in dc1 and dc2 + // For simplicity, the Name and Datacenter of the clusters are the same. + // dc1 and dc2 should be symmetric. + dc1 := clusterWithJustServers("dc1", 3) + ct.DC1 = dc1 + dc2 := clusterWithJustServers("dc2", 3) + ct.DC2 = dc2 + // dc3 is a failover cluster for both dc1 and dc2 + dc3 := clusterWithJustServers("dc3", 1) + // dc3 is only used for certain failover scenarios and does not need tenancies + dc3.Partitions = []*topology.Partition{{Name: "default"}} + ct.DC3 = dc3 + + injectTenancies(dc1) + injectTenancies(dc2) + // dc3 is only used for certain failover scenarios and does not need tenancies + dc3.Partitions = []*topology.Partition{{Name: "default"}} + + ct.services = map[string]map[topology.ServiceID]struct{}{} + for _, dc := range []*topology.Cluster{dc1, dc2, dc3} { + ct.services[dc.Datacenter] = map[topology.ServiceID]struct{}{} + } + + peerings := addPeerings(dc1, dc2) + peerings = append(peerings, addPeerings(dc1, dc3)...) + peerings = append(peerings, addPeerings(dc2, dc3)...) + + addMeshGateways(dc1, topology.NodeKindClient) + addMeshGateways(dc2, topology.NodeKindClient) + addMeshGateways(dc3, topology.NodeKindClient) + // TODO: consul-topology doesn't support this yet + // addMeshGateways(dc2, topology.NodeKindDataplane) + + setupGlobals(dc1) + setupGlobals(dc2) + setupGlobals(dc3) + + // Build final configuration + ct.Cfg = &topology.Config{ + Images: utils.TargetImages(), + Networks: []*topology.Network{ + {Name: dc1.Datacenter}, // "dc1" LAN + {Name: dc2.Datacenter}, // "dc2" LAN + {Name: dc3.Datacenter}, // "dc3" LAN + {Name: "wan", Type: "wan"}, + }, + Clusters: []*topology.Cluster{ + dc1, + dc2, + dc3, + }, + Peerings: peerings, + } + return &ct +} + +// calls sprawltest.Launch followed by s.postLaunchChecks +func (ct *commonTopo) Launch(t *testing.T) { + if ct.Sprawl != nil { + t.Fatalf("Launch must only be called once") + } + ct.Sprawl = sprawltest.Launch(t, ct.Cfg) + + ct.Assert = newAsserter(ct.Sprawl) + ct.postLaunchChecks(t) +} + +// tests that use Relaunch might want to call this again afterwards +func (ct *commonTopo) postLaunchChecks(t *testing.T) { + t.Logf("TESTING RELATIONSHIPS: \n%s", + renderRelationships(computeRelationships(ct.Sprawl.Topology())), + ) + + // check that exports line up as expected + for _, clu := range ct.Sprawl.Config().Clusters { + // expected exports per peer + type key struct { + peer string + partition string + namespace string + } + eepp := map[key]int{} + for _, e := range clu.InitialConfigEntries { + if e.GetKind() == api.ExportedServices { + asExport := e.(*api.ExportedServicesConfigEntry) + // do we care about the partition? + for _, svc := range asExport.Services { + for _, con := range svc.Consumers { + // do we care about con.Partition? + // TODO: surely there is code to normalize this + partition := asExport.Partition + if partition == "" { + partition = "default" + } + namespace := svc.Namespace + if namespace == "" { + namespace = "default" + } + eepp[key{peer: con.Peer, partition: partition, namespace: namespace}] += 1 + } + } + } + } + cl := ct.APIClientForCluster(t, clu) + // TODO: these could probably be done in parallel + for k, v := range eepp { + retry.RunWith(&retry.Timer{Timeout: 30 * time.Second, Wait: 500 * time.Millisecond}, t, func(r *retry.R) { + peering, _, err := cl.Peerings().Read(context.Background(), k.peer, utils.CompatQueryOpts(&api.QueryOptions{ + Partition: k.partition, + Namespace: k.namespace, + })) + require.Nil(r, err, "reading peering data") + require.NotNilf(r, peering, "peering not found %q", k.peer) + assert.Len(r, peering.StreamStatus.ExportedServices, v, "peering exported services") + }) + } + } + + if t.Failed() { + t.Fatal("failing fast: post-Launch assertions failed") + } +} + +// PeerName is how you'd address a remote dc+partition locally +// as your peer name. +func LocalPeerName(clu *topology.Cluster, partition string) string { + return fmt.Sprintf("peer-%s-%s", clu.Datacenter, partition) +} + +// TODO: move these to topology +// TODO: alternatively, delete it: we only use it in one place, to bundle up args +type serviceExt struct { + *topology.Service + + // default NodeKindClient + NodeKind topology.NodeKind + + Exports []api.ServiceConsumer + Config *api.ServiceConfigEntry + Intentions *api.ServiceIntentionsConfigEntry +} + +func (ct *commonTopo) AddServiceNode(clu *topology.Cluster, svc serviceExt) *topology.Node { + clusterName := clu.Name + if _, ok := ct.services[clusterName][svc.ID]; ok { + panic(fmt.Sprintf("duplicate service %q in cluster %q", svc.ID, clusterName)) + } + ct.services[clusterName][svc.ID] = struct{}{} + + // TODO: inline + serviceHostnameString := func(dc string, id topology.ServiceID) string { + n := id.Name + // prepend - and - if they are not default/empty + // avoids hostname limit of 63 chars in most cases + // TODO: this obviously isn't scalable + if id.Namespace != "default" && id.Namespace != "" { + n = id.Namespace + "-" + n + } + if id.Partition != "default" && id.Partition != "" { + n = id.Partition + "-" + n + } + n = dc + "-" + n + // TODO: experimentally, when this is larger than 63, docker can't start + // the host. confirmed by internet rumor https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-runner/-/issues/27763 + if len(n) > 63 { + panic(fmt.Sprintf("docker hostname must not be longer than 63 chars: %q", n)) + } + return n + } + + node := &topology.Node{ + Kind: topology.NodeKindClient, + Name: serviceHostnameString(clu.Datacenter, svc.ID), + Partition: svc.ID.Partition, + Addresses: []*topology.Address{ + {Network: clu.Datacenter}, + }, + Services: []*topology.Service{ + svc.Service, + }, + Cluster: clusterName, + } + if svc.NodeKind != "" { + node.Kind = svc.NodeKind + } + clu.Nodes = append(clu.Nodes, node) + + // Export if necessary + if len(svc.Exports) > 0 { + ct.ExportService(clu, svc.ID.Partition, api.ExportedService{ + Name: svc.ID.Name, + Namespace: svc.ID.Namespace, + Consumers: svc.Exports, + }) + } + + // Add any config entries + if svc.Config != nil { + clu.InitialConfigEntries = append(clu.InitialConfigEntries, svc.Config) + } + if svc.Intentions != nil { + clu.InitialConfigEntries = append(clu.InitialConfigEntries, svc.Intentions) + } + + return node +} + +func (ct *commonTopo) APIClientForCluster(t *testing.T, clu *topology.Cluster) *api.Client { + cl, err := ct.Sprawl.APIClientForNode(clu.Name, clu.FirstClient().ID(), "") + require.NoError(t, err) + return cl +} + +// ExportService looks for an existing ExportedServicesConfigEntry for the given partition +// and inserts svcs. If none is found, it inserts a new ExportedServicesConfigEntry. +func (ct *commonTopo) ExportService(clu *topology.Cluster, partition string, svcs ...api.ExportedService) { + var found bool + for _, ce := range clu.InitialConfigEntries { + // We check Name because it must be "default" in OSS whereas Partition will be "". + if ce.GetKind() == api.ExportedServices && ce.GetName() == partition { + found = true + e := ce.(*api.ExportedServicesConfigEntry) + e.Services = append(e.Services, svcs...) + } + } + if !found { + clu.InitialConfigEntries = append(clu.InitialConfigEntries, + &api.ExportedServicesConfigEntry{ + Name: partition, // this NEEDs to be "default" in OSS + Partition: ConfigEntryPartition(partition), + Services: svcs, + }, + ) + } +} + +func (ct *commonTopo) ClusterByDatacenter(t *testing.T, name string) *topology.Cluster { + t.Helper() + + for _, clu := range ct.Cfg.Clusters { + if clu.Datacenter == name { + return clu + } + } + t.Fatalf("cluster %q not found", name) + return nil +} + +// Since OSS config entries do not contain the partition field, +// this func converts default partition to empty string. +func ConfigEntryPartition(p string) string { + if p == "default" { + return "" // make this OSS friendly + } + return p +} + +// disableNode is a no-op if the node is already disabled. +func DisableNode(t *testing.T, cfg *topology.Config, clusterName string, nid topology.NodeID) *topology.Config { + nodes := cfg.Cluster(clusterName).Nodes + var found bool + for _, n := range nodes { + if n.ID() == nid { + found = true + if n.Disabled { + return cfg + } + t.Logf("disabling node %s in cluster %s", nid.String(), clusterName) + n.Disabled = true + break + } + } + require.True(t, found, "expected to find nodeID %q in cluster %q", nid.String(), clusterName) + return cfg +} + +// enableNode is a no-op if the node is already enabled. +func EnableNode(t *testing.T, cfg *topology.Config, clusterName string, nid topology.NodeID) *topology.Config { + nodes := cfg.Cluster(clusterName).Nodes + var found bool + for _, n := range nodes { + if n.ID() == nid { + found = true + if !n.Disabled { + return cfg + } + t.Logf("enabling node %s in cluster %s", nid.String(), clusterName) + n.Disabled = false + break + } + } + require.True(t, found, "expected to find nodeID %q in cluster %q", nid.String(), clusterName) + return cfg +} + +func setupGlobals(clu *topology.Cluster) { + for _, part := range clu.Partitions { + clu.InitialConfigEntries = append(clu.InitialConfigEntries, + &api.ProxyConfigEntry{ + Name: api.ProxyConfigGlobal, + Kind: api.ProxyDefaults, + Partition: ConfigEntryPartition(part.Name), + MeshGateway: api.MeshGatewayConfig{ + // Although we define service-defaults for most upstreams in + // this test suite, failover tests require a global mode + // because the default for peered targets is MeshGatewayModeRemote. + Mode: api.MeshGatewayModeLocal, + }, + }, + ) + } +} + +// addMeshGateways adds a mesh gateway for every partition in the cluster. +// Assumes that the LAN network name is equal to datacenter name. +func addMeshGateways(c *topology.Cluster, kind topology.NodeKind) { + for _, p := range c.Partitions { + c.Nodes = topology.MergeSlices(c.Nodes, newTopologyMeshGatewaySet( + kind, + p.Name, + fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s-mgw", c.Name, p.Name), + 1, + []string{c.Datacenter, "wan"}, + nil, + )) + } +} + +func clusterWithJustServers(name string, numServers int) *topology.Cluster { + return &topology.Cluster{ + Enterprise: utils.IsEnterprise(), + Name: name, + Datacenter: name, + Nodes: newTopologyServerSet( + name+"-server", + numServers, + []string{name, "wan"}, + nil, + ), + } +} + +func addPeerings(acc *topology.Cluster, dial *topology.Cluster) []*topology.Peering { + peerings := []*topology.Peering{} + for _, accPart := range acc.Partitions { + for _, dialPart := range dial.Partitions { + peerings = append(peerings, &topology.Peering{ + Accepting: topology.PeerCluster{ + Name: acc.Datacenter, + Partition: accPart.Name, + PeerName: LocalPeerName(dial, dialPart.Name), + }, + Dialing: topology.PeerCluster{ + Name: dial.Datacenter, + Partition: dialPart.Name, + PeerName: LocalPeerName(acc, accPart.Name), + }, + }) + } + } + return peerings +} + +func injectTenancies(clu *topology.Cluster) { + if !utils.IsEnterprise() { + clu.Partitions = []*topology.Partition{ + { + Name: "default", + Namespaces: []string{ + "default", + }, + }, + } + return + } + + for _, part := range []string{"default", "part1"} { + clu.Partitions = append(clu.Partitions, + &topology.Partition{ + Name: part, + Namespaces: []string{ + "default", + "ns1", + }, + }, + ) + } +} + +func newTopologyServerSet( + namePrefix string, + num int, + networks []string, + mutateFn func(i int, node *topology.Node), +) []*topology.Node { + var out []*topology.Node + for i := 1; i <= num; i++ { + name := namePrefix + strconv.Itoa(i) + + node := &topology.Node{ + Kind: topology.NodeKindServer, + Name: name, + } + for _, net := range networks { + node.Addresses = append(node.Addresses, &topology.Address{Network: net}) + } + + if mutateFn != nil { + mutateFn(i, node) + } + + out = append(out, node) + } + return out +} + +func newTopologyMeshGatewaySet( + nodeKind topology.NodeKind, + partition string, + namePrefix string, + num int, + networks []string, + mutateFn func(i int, node *topology.Node), +) []*topology.Node { + var out []*topology.Node + for i := 1; i <= num; i++ { + name := namePrefix + strconv.Itoa(i) + + node := &topology.Node{ + Kind: nodeKind, + Partition: partition, + Name: name, + Services: []*topology.Service{{ + ID: topology.ServiceID{Name: "mesh-gateway"}, + Port: 8443, + EnvoyAdminPort: 19000, + IsMeshGateway: true, + }}, + } + for _, net := range networks { + node.Addresses = append(node.Addresses, &topology.Address{Network: net}) + } + + if mutateFn != nil { + mutateFn(i, node) + } + + out = append(out, node) + } + return out +} + +const HashicorpDockerProxy = "docker.mirror.hashicorp.services" + +func NewFortioServiceWithDefaults( + cluster string, + sid topology.ServiceID, + mut func(s *topology.Service), +) *topology.Service { + const ( + httpPort = 8080 + grpcPort = 8079 + adminPort = 19000 + ) + sid.Normalize() + + svc := &topology.Service{ + ID: sid, + Image: HashicorpDockerProxy + "/fortio/fortio", + Port: httpPort, + EnvoyAdminPort: adminPort, + CheckTCP: "" + strconv.Itoa(httpPort), + Env: []string{ + "FORTIO_NAME=" + cluster + "::" + sid.String(), + }, + Command: []string{ + "server", + "-http-port", strconv.Itoa(httpPort), + "-grpc-port", strconv.Itoa(grpcPort), + "-redirect-port", "-disabled", + }, + } + if mut != nil { + mut(svc) + } + return svc +} + +// computeRelationships will analyze a full topology and generate all of the +// downstream/upstream information for all of them. +func computeRelationships(topo *topology.Topology) []Relationship { + var out []Relationship + for _, cluster := range topo.Clusters { + for _, n := range cluster.Nodes { + for _, s := range n.Services { + for _, u := range s.Upstreams { + out = append(out, Relationship{ + Caller: s, + Upstream: u, + }) + } + } + } + } + return out +} + +// renderRelationships will take the output of ComputeRelationships and display +// it in tabular form. +func renderRelationships(ships []Relationship) string { + var buf bytes.Buffer + w := tabwriter.NewWriter(&buf, 0, 0, 3, ' ', tabwriter.Debug) + fmt.Fprintf(w, "DOWN\tnode\tservice\tport\tUP\tservice\t\n") + for _, r := range ships { + fmt.Fprintf(w, + "%s\t%s\t%s\t%d\t%s\t%s\t\n", + r.downCluster(), + r.Caller.Node.ID().String(), + r.Caller.ID.String(), + r.Upstream.LocalPort, + r.upCluster(), + r.Upstream.ID.String(), + ) + } + fmt.Fprintf(w, "\t\t\t\t\t\t\n") + + w.Flush() + return buf.String() +} + +type Relationship struct { + Caller *topology.Service + Upstream *topology.Upstream +} + +func (r Relationship) String() string { + return fmt.Sprintf( + "%s on %s in %s via :%d => %s in %s", + r.Caller.ID.String(), + r.Caller.Node.ID().String(), + r.downCluster(), + r.Upstream.LocalPort, + r.Upstream.ID.String(), + r.upCluster(), + ) +} + +func (r Relationship) downCluster() string { + return r.Caller.Node.Cluster +} + +func (r Relationship) upCluster() string { + return r.Upstream.Cluster +} diff --git a/test-integ/peering_commontopo/sharedtopology_test.go b/test-integ/peering_commontopo/sharedtopology_test.go new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..75532e5d56a0 --- /dev/null +++ b/test-integ/peering_commontopo/sharedtopology_test.go @@ -0,0 +1,82 @@ +package peering + +import ( + "flag" + "testing" +) + +// Tests that use commonTopo should implement sharedTopoSuite. +// +// Tests that use commonTopo are either cooperative or non-cooperative. Non-cooperative +// uses of commonTopo include is anything that may interfere with other tests, namely +// mutations, such as: +// - any calls to commonTopo.Relaunch; this is generally disruptive to other tests +// - stopping or disabling nodes +// - ... +// +// Cooperative tests should just call testFuncMayReuseCommonTopo() to ensure they +// are run in the correct `sharetopo` mode. They should also ensure they are included +// in the commonTopoSuites slice in TestSuitesOnSharedTopo. +type sharedTopoSuite interface { + testName() string + setup(*testing.T, *commonTopo) + test(*testing.T, *commonTopo) +} + +var flagNoShareTopo = flag.Bool("no-share-topo", false, "do not share topology; run each test in its own isolated topology") + +func runShareableSuites(t *testing.T, suites []sharedTopoSuite) { + t.Helper() + if !*flagNoShareTopo { + names := []string{} + for _, s := range suites { + names = append(names, s.testName()) + } + t.Skipf(`Will run as part of "TestSuitesOnSharedTopo": %v`, names) + } + ct := NewCommonTopo(t) + for _, s := range suites { + s.setup(t, ct) + } + ct.Launch(t) + for _, s := range suites { + s := s + t.Run(s.testName(), func(t *testing.T) { + t.Parallel() + s.test(t, ct) + }) + } +} + +// Tests that can share topo must implement sharedTopoSuite and be appended to the sharedTopoSuites +// slice inside +func TestSuitesOnSharedTopo(t *testing.T) { + if *flagNoShareTopo { + t.Skip(`shared topo suites disabled by -no-share-topo`) + } + ct := NewCommonTopo(t) + + sharedTopoSuites := []sharedTopoSuite{} + sharedTopoSuites = append(sharedTopoSuites, ac1BasicSuites...) + sharedTopoSuites = append(sharedTopoSuites, ac2DiscoChainSuites...) + sharedTopoSuites = append(sharedTopoSuites, ac3SvcDefaultsSuites...) + sharedTopoSuites = append(sharedTopoSuites, ac4ProxyDefaultsSuites...) + sharedTopoSuites = append(sharedTopoSuites, ac5_1NoSvcMeshSuites...) + + for _, s := range sharedTopoSuites { + s.setup(t, ct) + } + ct.Launch(t) + for _, s := range sharedTopoSuites { + s := s + t.Run(s.testName(), func(t *testing.T) { + t.Parallel() + s.test(t, ct) + }) + } +} + +func TestCommonTopologySetup(t *testing.T) { + ct := NewCommonTopo(t) + ct.Launch(t) +} diff --git a/test/integration/consul-container/go.mod b/test/integration/consul-container/go.mod index 9eba92ca55fb..aa3083128e3c 100644 --- a/test/integration/consul-container/go.mod +++ b/test/integration/consul-container/go.mod @@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ require ( github.com/hashicorp/consul/envoyextensions v0.3.0-rc1 github.com/hashicorp/consul/proto-public v0.4.0-rc1 github.com/hashicorp/consul/sdk v0.14.0-rc1 + github.com/hashicorp/consul/testing/deployer v0.0.0-00010101000000-000000000000 github.com/hashicorp/go-cleanhttp v0.5.2 github.com/hashicorp/go-multierror v1.1.1 github.com/hashicorp/go-uuid v1.0.3 @@ -84,7 +85,7 @@ require ( github.com/sean-/seed v0.0.0-20170313163322-e2103e2c3529 // indirect github.com/sirupsen/logrus v1.9.0 // indirect github.com/stretchr/objx v0.5.0 // indirect - golang.org/x/crypto v0.1.0 // indirect + golang.org/x/crypto v0.7.0 // indirect golang.org/x/exp v0.0.0-20230321023759-10a507213a29 // indirect golang.org/x/net v0.10.0 // indirect golang.org/x/sync v0.2.0 // indirect @@ -102,4 +103,5 @@ replace ( github.com/hashicorp/consul/envoyextensions => ../../../envoyextensions github.com/hashicorp/consul/proto-public => ../../../proto-public github.com/hashicorp/consul/sdk => ../../../sdk + github.com/hashicorp/consul/testing/deployer => ../../../testing/deployer ) diff --git a/test/integration/consul-container/go.sum b/test/integration/consul-container/go.sum index 02a74ddbe68e..af2071a42588 100644 --- a/test/integration/consul-container/go.sum +++ b/test/integration/consul-container/go.sum @@ -311,8 +311,8 @@ golang.org/x/crypto v0.0.0-20190911031432-227b76d455e7/go.mod h1:yigFU9vqHzYiE8U golang.org/x/crypto v0.0.0-20190923035154-9ee001bba392/go.mod h1:/lpIB1dKB+9EgE3H3cr1v9wB50oz8l4C4h62xy7jSTY= golang.org/x/crypto v0.0.0-20191011191535-87dc89f01550/go.mod h1:yigFU9vqHzYiE8UmvKecakEJjdnWj3jj499lnFckfCI= golang.org/x/crypto v0.0.0-20200622213623-75b288015ac9/go.mod h1:LzIPMQfyMNhhGPhUkYOs5KpL4U8rLKemX1yGLhDgUto= -golang.org/x/crypto v0.1.0 h1:MDRAIl0xIo9Io2xV565hzXHw3zVseKrJKodhohM5CjU= -golang.org/x/crypto v0.1.0/go.mod h1:RecgLatLF4+eUMCP1PoPZQb+cVrJcOPbHkTkbkB9sbw= +golang.org/x/crypto v0.7.0 h1:AvwMYaRytfdeVt3u6mLaxYtErKYjxA2OXjJ1HHq6t3A= +golang.org/x/crypto v0.7.0/go.mod h1:pYwdfH91IfpZVANVyUOhSIPZaFoJGxTFbZhFTx+dXZU= golang.org/x/exp v0.0.0-20190121172915-509febef88a4/go.mod h1:CJ0aWSM057203Lf6IL+f9T1iT9GByDxfZKAQTCR3kQA= golang.org/x/exp v0.0.0-20230321023759-10a507213a29 h1:ooxPy7fPvB4kwsA2h+iBNHkAbp/4JxTSwCmvdjEYmug= golang.org/x/exp v0.0.0-20230321023759-10a507213a29/go.mod h1:CxIveKay+FTh1D0yPZemJVgC/95VzuuOLq5Qi4xnoYc= diff --git a/test/integration/consul-container/libs/assert/envoy.go b/test/integration/consul-container/libs/assert/envoy.go index eef407c25021..13632aaf4af2 100644 --- a/test/integration/consul-container/libs/assert/envoy.go +++ b/test/integration/consul-container/libs/assert/envoy.go @@ -14,11 +14,12 @@ import ( "testing" "time" - "github.com/hashicorp/consul/sdk/testutil/retry" "github.com/hashicorp/go-cleanhttp" "github.com/stretchr/testify/assert" "github.com/stretchr/testify/require" + "github.com/hashicorp/consul/sdk/testutil/retry" + libcluster "github.com/hashicorp/consul/test/integration/consul-container/libs/cluster" "github.com/hashicorp/consul/test/integration/consul-container/libs/utils" ) @@ -113,7 +114,7 @@ func AssertUpstreamEndpointStatusWithClient( | length`, clusterName, healthStatus) results, err := utils.JQFilter(clusters, filter) - require.NoErrorf(r, err, "could not found cluster name %s in \n%s", clusterName, clusters) + require.NoErrorf(r, err, "could not found cluster name %q: %v \n%s", clusterName, err, clusters) require.Len(r, results, 1) // the final part of the pipeline is "length" which only ever returns 1 result result, err := strconv.Atoi(results[0]) diff --git a/test/integration/consul-container/libs/assert/peering.go b/test/integration/consul-container/libs/assert/peering.go index 2cf842a4aed2..5b9d4ee4b43a 100644 --- a/test/integration/consul-container/libs/assert/peering.go +++ b/test/integration/consul-container/libs/assert/peering.go @@ -10,6 +10,8 @@ import ( "github.com/hashicorp/consul/api" "github.com/hashicorp/consul/sdk/testutil/retry" + "github.com/stretchr/testify/assert" + "github.com/stretchr/testify/require" ) // PeeringStatus verifies the peering connection is the specified state with a default retry. @@ -52,14 +54,8 @@ func PeeringExportsOpts(t *testing.T, client *api.Client, peerName string, expor retry.RunWith(failer(), t, func(r *retry.R) { peering, _, err := client.Peerings().Read(context.Background(), peerName, opts) - if err != nil { - r.Fatal("error reading peering data") - } - if peering == nil { - r.Fatal("peering not found") - } - if exports != len(peering.StreamStatus.ExportedServices) { - r.Fatal("peering exported services did not match: got ", len(peering.StreamStatus.ExportedServices), " want ", exports) - } + require.Nil(r, err, "reading peering data") + require.NotNilf(r, peering, "peering not found %q", peerName) + assert.Len(r, peering.StreamStatus.ExportedServices, exports, "peering exported services") }) } diff --git a/test/integration/consul-container/libs/assert/service.go b/test/integration/consul-container/libs/assert/service.go index c0a8197ff37b..f325c8e37280 100644 --- a/test/integration/consul-container/libs/assert/service.go +++ b/test/integration/consul-container/libs/assert/service.go @@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ func CatalogServiceExists(t *testing.T, c *api.Client, svc string, opts *api.Que r.Fatal("error reading service data") } if len(services) == 0 { - r.Fatal("did not find catalog entry for ", svc) + r.Fatalf("did not find catalog entry for %q with opts %#v", svc, opts) } }) } diff --git a/test/integration/consul-container/libs/utils/tenancy.go b/test/integration/consul-container/libs/utils/tenancy.go index c116a55a4c27..2254341ab59d 100644 --- a/test/integration/consul-container/libs/utils/tenancy.go +++ b/test/integration/consul-container/libs/utils/tenancy.go @@ -22,11 +22,11 @@ func DefaultToEmpty(name string) string { return name } -// PartitionQueryOptions returns an *api.QueryOptions with the given partition -// field set only if the partition is non-default. This helps when writing -// tests for joint use in OSS and ENT. -func PartitionQueryOptions(partition string) *api.QueryOptions { - return &api.QueryOptions{ - Partition: DefaultToEmpty(partition), - } +// CompatQueryOpts cleans a QueryOptions so that Partition and Namespace fields +// are compatible with OSS or ENT +// TODO: not sure why we can't do this server-side +func CompatQueryOpts(opts *api.QueryOptions) *api.QueryOptions { + opts.Partition = DefaultToEmpty(opts.Partition) + opts.Namespace = DefaultToEmpty(opts.Namespace) + return opts } diff --git a/test/integration/consul-container/libs/utils/version.go b/test/integration/consul-container/libs/utils/version.go index 91c4da5e3126..b906f9167826 100644 --- a/test/integration/consul-container/libs/utils/version.go +++ b/test/integration/consul-container/libs/utils/version.go @@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ import ( "flag" "strings" + "github.com/hashicorp/consul/testing/deployer/topology" "github.com/hashicorp/go-version" ) @@ -55,6 +56,20 @@ func GetLatestImageName() string { return LatestImageName } +func TargetImages() topology.Images { + img := DockerImage(targetImageName, TargetVersion) + + if IsEnterprise() { + return topology.Images{ + ConsulEnterprise: img, + } + } else { + return topology.Images{ + ConsulOSS: img, + } + } +} + func IsEnterprise() bool { return isInEnterpriseRepo } func DockerImage(image, version string) string { diff --git a/test/integration/consul-container/test/upgrade/l7_traffic_management/resolver_default_subset_test.go b/test/integration/consul-container/test/upgrade/l7_traffic_management/resolver_default_subset_test.go index 9a25cccfd282..70b81e964a99 100644 --- a/test/integration/consul-container/test/upgrade/l7_traffic_management/resolver_default_subset_test.go +++ b/test/integration/consul-container/test/upgrade/l7_traffic_management/resolver_default_subset_test.go @@ -73,8 +73,8 @@ func TestTrafficManagement_ResolverDefaultSubset(t *testing.T) { assertionFn := func() { _, serverAdminPortV1 := serverConnectProxyV1.GetAdminAddr() _, serverAdminPortV2 := serverConnectProxyV2.GetAdminAddr() - _, adminPort := staticClientProxy.GetAdminAddr() - _, port := staticClientProxy.GetAddr() + _, adminPort := staticClientProxy.GetAdminAddr() // httpPort + _, port := staticClientProxy.GetAddr() // EnvoyAdminPort libassert.AssertEnvoyRunning(t, serverAdminPortV1) libassert.AssertEnvoyRunning(t, serverAdminPortV2)