Estimate the odometry of a robot in pre-built map using LIO-SAM
The following changes have been made to LIO-SAM in order to be able to run localization on pre-built map:
- +mapOptimizationLocalization
- +loadmap(): This function loads the different .pcd files saved and stores the point cloud data into respective pointers, also creates vectors for map_key_frames_.
- extractNearby(): In this function instead of taking the surroundingKeyPoses by comparing currentKeyPose with previousKeyPose we are now extracting nearby KeyPoses to cloudKeyPoses3D from map.cloudPoses3D.
- extractCloud(): Similarly in this function instead of previousKeyFrames we are taking data from mapKeyFrames associated to map.cloudKeyPoses3D.
- mapOptimization
- saveKeyFramesAndFactor(): In this function intensity for the points in cloudKeyFrames is assigned so that we can access accordingly while trying to localize later.
This is the original ROS1 implementation of LIO-SAM.
- ROS (tested with Noetic)
sudo apt-get install -y ros-noetic-navigation sudo apt-get install -y ros-noetic-robot-localization sudo apt-get install -y ros-noetic-robot-state-publisher
- gtsam (Georgia Tech Smoothing and Mapping library)
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:borglab/gtsam-release-4.0 sudo apt install libgtsam-dev libgtsam-unstable-dev
Use the following commands to download and compile the package.
cd ~/catkin_ws/src
git clone
cd ..
catkin_make -j2
Build image (based on ROS1 Noetic):
docker build -t gem-lio-noetic-image .
Once you have the image, start a container as follows:
docker run -dt --name gem-lio-noetic-1 \
--env="DISPLAY" --net host \
-v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro \
-v /etc/timezone:/etc/timezone:ro \
-v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix \
-v /path/to/datasets-folder/testVolume-1:/home/ubuntu/testVolume-1 \
gem-lio-noetic-image /bin/bash
Download some sample datasets and maps to test the functionality of the package:
- highway dataset: [Google Drive]
- map with non-zero intensity: [Google Drive]
- map with zero intensity: [Google Drive]
- sample mapping video: [Google Drive]
Setup the sample dataset and map in testVolume-1
- Download and extract the highway-dataset-bagFile
- Copy to the testVolume-1 folder
- Download and extract [map-with-non-zero-intensity]
- Copy the map folder into testVolume-1 folder
- On a new terminal give display access to docker:
xhost +local:docker
- Start the container if it is stopped:
docker start gem-lio-noetic-1
- Get interactive shell access to run commands inside docker container:
docker exec -it gem-lio-noetic-1 bash
Repeat these steps for each new terminal you open for the commands below.
- Source the required setup.bash
source /home/ubuntu/lio_sam_localization_ws/devel/setup.bash
- Run the mapping launch file:
roslaunch lio_sam_localization run.launch config_file:="/home/ubuntu/lio_sam_localization_ws/src/LIO-SAM-Localization/config/params_gem.yaml"
- To visualize against odom data, we need to publish transformation between world and map frame to get accurate comparison between ground truth odom data and estimated odom data: OPTIONAL
rosrun tf2_ros static_transform_publisher 22.748378703042732 -1.1095682571420336 -0.10003287520306003 3.526007880438855e-07 1.0449289132344871e-05 -0.006435430963485527 0.9999792923450977 world map
- Play existing bag files:
rosbag play /home/ubuntu/testVolume-1/highbay_track-5-minutes-highres_2024-05-20-13-53-11.bag --start 115
- Once the bag file ends, save the map:
rosservice call /lio_sam/save_map 0.2 "/home/ubuntu/testVolume-1/<sample-map-dir-name>/"
- Source the required setup.bash
source /home/ubuntu/lio_sam_localization_ws/devel/setup.bash
- Run the mapping launch file after editing loadMapFileDir:="/home/ubuntu/testVolume-1/sample-map-dir-name/" in params file:
roslaunch lio_sam_localization run_loc.launch config_file:="/home/ubuntu/lio_sam_localization_ws/src/LIO-SAM-Localization/config/params_gem.yaml"
- To visualize against odom data, we need to publish transformation between world and map frame to get accurate comparison between ground truth odom data and estimated odom data: OPTIONAL
rosrun tf2_ros static_transform_publisher 22.748378703042732 -1.1095682571420336 -0.10003287520306003 3.526007880438855e-07 1.0449289132344871e-05 -0.006435430963485527 0.9999792923450977 world map
- Play existing bag files:
rosbag play /home/ubuntu/testVolume-1/highbay_track-5-minutes-highres_2024-05-20-13-53-11.bag --start 115
Please note that the transformation between world and map frame needs to be initialized by user for now. (This will be improved in future)
- In a new terminal source the required setup.bash
source /home/ubuntu/gem_ws/devel/setup.bash
You can edit the gem.gazebo file to change the update_rate of the imu or params for velodyne in gem.urdf.xacro and see impact on performance. OPTIONAL
Run the gem_gazebo_rviz launch file:
roslaunch gem_gazebo gem_gazebo_rviz.launch world_name:=./worlds/ x:=0 y:=0 velodyne_points:="true"
- Transformation to be published between velodyne and gem/velodyne frame to complete the tf_tree so that we can visualize on rviz
rosrun tf2_ros static_transform_publisher 0 0 0 0 0 0 /velodyne gem/velodyne
Please note that while running with gem_gazebo, we need to take care not to be stationary for too long after starting mapping, or else we will see drifts.
- /lio_sam/save_map
- save map as a PCD file.
rosservice call [service] [resolution] [destination]
- Example:
$ rosservice call /lio_sam/save_map 0.2 "/Downloads/LOAM/"
- save map as a PCD file.
- Zigzag or jerking behavior in Localization: If initial position while running localization is not near origin, then relocalization does not work well , resulting in zigzag jumps and Large Velocity error.
Most of the code is adapted from LIO-SAM (IROS-2020) Github Repo.
title={LIO-SAM: Tightly-coupled Lidar Inertial Odometry via Smoothing and Mapping},
author={Shan, Tixiao and Englot, Brendan and Meyers, Drew and Wang, Wei and Ratti, Carlo and Rus Daniela},
booktitle={IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS)},
- LIO-SAM-Localization is based on LIO-SAM (Tixiao Shan, Brendan Englot, Drew Meyers, Wei Wang, Carlo Ratti, and Daniela Rus. LIO-SAM: Tightly-coupled Lidar Inertial Odometry via Smoothing and Mapping).