CLICK ME!! to see the documentation
The following content demonstrate how to generate our documentation!
TypeDoc is used to generate HTML
See TypeDoc command line arguments, to understand how to use them.
Usingtypedoc --help
to see themFor example:
typedoc --name <Name>
to set the name of header
typedoc --theme <default | minimal | path/to/theme>
to set the theme of documation
typedoc --readme <path/to/readme | none>
path to readme file that should be displayed on the index page.
typedoc --ignoreCompilerErrors
Should TypeDoc generate documentation pages even after the compiler has returned errors?
Local installation (prefered)
$ npm install typedoc --save-dev
Golbal CLI installation
$ npm install --global typedoc
$ npm install
$ cd docs
$ npx typedoc --out ./build ../packages/ --ignoreCompilerErrors --theme default --name Harmony_SDK_Doc --readme ../
open the
under the pathsdk/docs/build/index.html
Actually, there are just two points needed!
- Create an AWS S3 bucket, UNCHECK
Block all public access
- Put the files into the bucket, and set the public permission to
Grant public read access to this object(s)
Here is the documentation of AWS, just follow it!
Don't forget the two points mentioned above
Reference: AWS CLI documentation
If you have never used AWS CLI, you need follow these to set up your environment first!
After that, use AWS CLI to do following
- Create a Bucket
aws s3 mb s3://harmony-js-sdk-doc
- List all buckets you have created
aws s3 ls
- Uploade the files into bucket
$ cd build
$ aws s3 cp ./ s3://your-bucket-name --grants read=uri= --recursive
Here is some explanations
the path of folder which we want to uploads3://harmony-js-sdk-doc
the bucket name on AWS S3--grants read=uri=
Grant read access to all user--recursive
Command is performed on all files or objects under the specified directory or prefix.
- Open the folder in S3 bucket and find
, get theObject URL
, then make it public!