For initializing a module configuration using a file, you'll need a JSON file of the following structure:
"databaseType": <database type (MySQL | MongoDB | PostgreSQL)>,
"username": <database username>,
"password": <database password>,
"host": <database hostname>,
"port": <database server port>,
"databaseName": <database name>,
"authSource": <database authSource (mandatory for databaseType: MongoDB)>,
"backupPath": <absolute path of the directory for storing local backups>,
"enableCompression": <boolean to enable backup compression (true | false)>,
"backupTime": <time to run the backups every day (Format - hh:mm)>,
"noOfDailies": <No. of days to persist backups for>,
"noOfWeeklies": <No. of weeks to persist backups for>,
"noOfMonthlies": <No. of months to persist backups for>
$ synchly --config=db --file=/home/foo/dbConfig.json
"remoteType": <remote service (Google Drive | SFTP | S3)>,
"serviceAccountKeyPath": <absolute path of service account key file (mandatory for remoteType: Google Drive)>,
"s3CredentialsFilePath": <absolute path of s3 credentials file (mandatory for remoteType:S3)>,
"host": <sftp hostname or ip of remote server (mandatory for remoteType: SFTP)>,
"port": <sftp port (mandatory for remoteType: SFTP)>,
"username": <sftp username (mandatory for remoteType: SFTP)>,
"password": <sftp password (mandatory for remoteType: SFTP)>,
"backupPath": <absolute path of the directory for storing backups in remote server (mandatory for remoteType: SFTP)>
$ synchly --config=remote-sync --file=/home/foo/remoteConfig.json
"host": <smtp hostname>,
"port": <smtp port>,
"username": <smtp username>,
"password": <smtp password>,
"senderMail": <smtp sender e-mail>,
"recipientMail": <smtp recipient e-mail>,
"notificationTime": <time to send the status updates every day (Format - hh:mm)>
$ synchly --config=smtp --file=/home/foo/smtpConfig.json