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Install Deploy Task

During the section we'll install deploy task, which deploys the resources on a specific namespace and does rollout restart.

The deploy task uses an image that contains kubectl in order to apply the resources to the cluster. The task needs to run with sufficient privileges to be able to apply the resources.


Before starting make sure you have the following:

  • Kubernetes: kubernetes cluster up and running.
  • Tekton: tekton installed.
  • Build Task: Build task installed and run at least once so that we have a compiled image on the local registry.
  • tkn: A CLI for interacting with Tekton.


Apply deploy-task.yaml resource:

❯ kubectl apply -f tekton/2.tasks/deploy-task.yaml created

List the installed tasks:

❯ tkn task list
build    build & push app       1 hour ago
deploy   deploy & restart app   6 seconds ago


To verify our deploy task we'll deploy our app on tekton-tutorial namespace.

Let's start the deploy task with param namespace:tekton-tutorial and the rest with default values:

❯ tkn task start deploy -p namespace=tekton-tutorial --showlog
? Choose the git resource to use for source: tekton-tutorial-git (
TaskRun started: deploy-run-49hcs
Waiting for logs to be available...
[git-source-source-zvvkh] {"level":"info","ts":1611582761.8638577,"caller":"git/git.go:165","msg":"Successfully cloned @ 869979df85d6cacfb5ff6ef29cb3fdd1148c00f3 (grafted, HEAD, origin/main) in path /workspace/source"}
[git-source-source-zvvkh] {"level":"info","ts":1611582761.9101276,"caller":"git/git.go:203","msg":"Successfully initialized and updated submodules in path /workspace/source"}

[run-kubectl] deployment.apps/tekton-tutorial created
[run-kubectl] service/tekton-tutorial created

[rollout-deploy] deployment.apps/tekton-tutorial restarted

Check the resources on tekton-tutorial namespace:

❯ kubectl get deploy,pod,svc -n tekton-tutorial
NAME                              READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
deployment.apps/tekton-tutorial   1/1     1            1           3m19s

NAME                                  READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
pod/tekton-tutorial-f54d695df-gpcfm   1/1     Running   0          2m17s

NAME                      TYPE       CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)          AGE
service/tekton-tutorial   NodePort   <none>        8080:31616/TCP   3m19s

Open service on browser:

❯ minikube service tekton-tutorial -n tekton-tutorial
|    NAMESPACE    |      NAME       | TARGET PORT |            URL             |
| tekton-tutorial | tekton-tutorial |        8080 | |
🎉  Opening service tekton-tutorial/tekton-tutorial in default browser...

To delete the app:

❯ kubectl delete -f k8s -n tekton-tutorial
deployment.apps "tekton-tutorial" deleted
service "tekton-tutorial" deleted

Deep Dive

If you want to learn more about the steps involved in this section, here are some interesting references:

  • Tekton Hub: buildah: Buildah task builds source into a container image and then pushes it to a container registry.

Next Step

Once deploy task is installed, see the Install Build-and-Deploy Pipeline tutorial.

Tear Down

If you want to tear down the deploy task:

❯ kubectl delete -f tekton/2.tasks/deploy-task.yaml "deploy" deleted