When I get data from deep level object, I feel unhappy and fear. Because if some key does't have value, all javascript will broken.
I had to write some ugly code like a && a.b && a.b.c
to avoid the js error.
Now, happy getter will make you happy with this.
npm install happy-getter --save
There are two ways to use it.
Just use the function:
import getter from 'happy-getter';
const testData = {
a: {
b: {
c: 'c'
const c = getter(testData, 'a.b.c');
Attach getter function to all Object. The function attachGetter
is a mixin to enable the object itself to have the getter method, so that you could call getter on the object itself:
import {attachGetter} from 'happy-getter';
attachGetter('getter'); // -> the first param is the getter name, default is 'getter', the second param is extra options
const testData = {
a: {
b: {
c: 'c'
const c = testData.getter('a.b.c');
If you want to catch the error key, you can use the third params and custom a errorCallback
const c = getter(testData, 'a.b.c', {
errorCallback: (errPath, allPath) => {
console.log('errPath', errPath);
console.log('allPath', allPath);
attachGetter('getter', {
errorCallback: (errPath, allPath) => {
// todo
const c = getter(testData, 'a["b"][0][10].c');
Read the code to get the more info, it's simple.
Simple code make people happy. Welcome https://github.com/happy-codes.