Anomo Lab
- Mx
saycheese Public
Grab target's webcam shots by link
whatshack Public
Forked from sabriallani/whatshackScript to generate Android App to get all WhatsApp media (images, audios, videos)
LovelySn0w Public
Forked from rpwnage/LovelySn0wa iOS CVE-2018-4150 Application example.
Lime-Worm Public
Forked from NYAN-x-CAT/Lime-RATSimple, yet powerful malware for windows
fsociety Public
Forked from Manisso/fsocietyfsociety Hacking Tools Pack – A Penetration Testing Framework
CBM Public
Forked from UnaPibaGeek/CBMCar Backdoor Maker - by @UnaPibaGeek & @holesec
IpScanner Public
Forked from HackingEnVivo/IpScannerScript hecho en python, para sacar la IP, de las paginas web.
yeti Public
Forked from yeti-platform/yetiYour Everyday Threat Intelligence
exploits Public
Forked from XiphosResearch/exploitsMiscellaneous exploit code
SigPloit Public
Forked from AnwarMohamed/SigPloitTelecom Signaling Exploitation Framework - SS7, GTP, Diameter & SIP
redhawk Public
Forked from RedhawkSDR/redhawkA submodule repository for distributing REDHAWK artifacts and the latest REDHAWK source code
Other UpdatedJun 14, 2017 -
hackerbot Public
Forked from omergunal/hackerbotChat with hacker assistant
rootfs Public
Forked from pietrelinux/rootfsCreate rootfs ubuntu trusty
WaterDoS Public
Forked from HackingEnVivo/WaterDoSHacer ataques DoS
the-watcher Public
Forked from DevoOverkill9/the-watcherthis tool can spy on the devices in the local network devices with many options that can make sniffing on the local network so easy to make it done this tool take weeks to make it more easier and f…
Circlean Public
Forked from CIRCL/CircleanUSB key cleaner
Ooze Public
Forked from CoolerVoid/OozeOoze is a tool to using at pentest with Social engineering - Beta
andiodine Public
Forked from yvesf/andiodineiodine for android (4+), available on http://f-droid.org
C UpdatedDec 1, 2016 -
B-ROBOT Public
Forked from jjrobots/B-ROBOTB-ROBOT Arduino self balancing robot from JJROBOTS.com
Eagle GNU General Public License v2.0 UpdatedOct 31, 2016 -
Ransomware Public
Forked from bug7sec/RansomwareBug7sec Team - ransomware open source (web)
metadecryptor Public
Forked from yanapermana/metadecryptorTools to decode, decrypt, analyze cipher and hopefully can be a cryptography learning tool.