title | description | tags | ||||
Changelog |
Tracks changes and bug fixes between different versions of Bonobo Git Server for Windows |
19 May 2014
- Repository browser performance improvement
- Asynchronnous load of commit messages in browser
- Better English localization
- Improved deployment process
- Nuget cleanup
- Fixed #102 Create Team button is missing for Windows Authentication mode
- Fixed #104 Missing highlight.pack.js
- Fixed #117 Split commit messages
27 March 2014
- zh-TW Traditional Chinese Translation added - doggy8088
- Fix German Localization - AliveDevil
- Fixed dissapearing menu
- Fixed CSS Virtual Path (#99 and #100) - kfarnung
18 March 2014
- Major redesign
- Diff view for files
- Short SHA in commit view
- Changed lines added to commits
- Fix #93 Browsing cshtml extensions
- Fix #94 Wrong date display for different locale
3 March 2014
- RAW file display
- Scanning for existing repositories
- Select a default language in settings section
- Efficient working with streams
- Swedish localization - JLedel
- Russian localization - grigoryev
- Spanish localization - AHTA
- Download repository as ZIP - Rémy de Sérésin
- Fixed a problem viewing files with '+' or '&' in the path
- Fixed a problem viewing branches and tags with '/' in the name
- Fixed missing label for team members when creating team
- Tweaked English strings
30 August 2013
- Displaying current username in Windows Authentication mode
- Fixed the problem with repository view for normal users in Windows Authentication mode
25 August 2013
- Windows Authentication Support
- Spanish Translation
- Usernames are normalized to invariant lowercase.
- Fix text in Chinese translation
- Converts all the usernames to lowercase.
- Keep that in mind while logging
- Only ASCII chars are supported even for existing usernames, if you have other characters in your username it is recommended to create a new user.
30 June 2013
- Gitsharp removed
- Switched to libgit2
- Tag support added
- Improved repository browser - blog support and faster navigation
- Enable repository browser view of ASP.NET special folders
- Enable repository browser view of any extension
- Fix a crash issue if there is not master branch - Yubo Xie
- Fix a crash if user browses an empty repository - Yubo Xie
- Fixing incorrect hint place - TheBlueSky
30 May 2013
- Replaced multiselects with the checkbox lists - Mark N
- Turkish translation - zafer06
- One URL for secure and anonymous access - Aimeast
- Default settings file is created automatically when not exists - Aimeast
- Default database is created automatically when not exists - Aimeast
- EF 5.0 code first introduction - Aimeast
- Switched to ASP.NET MVC 4 and .NET 4.5
- Nuget packages used for external dependencies
- Allow to pass username and password from URL
- Removed git.aspx from URL
- Settings must be set before the first use
- Git logo added
- Changing password for normal user
- Display large binary files
- Hashing password with proper encoding - Aimeast
- Max allowed content length set to 4MB
- Page width set to 980px - Aimeast
- Fixed integration with TeamCity - micchickenburger
- Password is not compatible with the previous version due to encoding change.
- For fixing this issue please use sqlite administrator, open the database file located in App_Data and change your record in the table User and set the field Password to 0CC52C6751CC92916C138D8D714F003486BF8516933815DFC11D6C3E36894BFA044F97651E1F3EEBA26CDA928FB32DE0869F6ACFB787D5A33DACBA76D34473A3 which means admin.
- You can run this sql statement
UPDATE User SET Password = '0CC52C6751CC92916C138D8D714F003486BF8516933815DFC11D6C3E36894BFA044F97651E1F3EEBA26CDA928FB32DE0869F6ACFB787D5A33DACBA76D34473A3' WHERE Username = 'YOUR USERNAME'
- Database name changed from Bonobo.Git.Server.Release.db to Bonobo.Git.Server.db
- Go to App_Data folder and rename the file
- Windows Server 2003 is not supported because of the ASP.NET MVC 4.5 and .NET 4.5 versions
- IIS 7+ and .NET 4.5 and ASP.NET MVC 4.5 is required to run Bonobo Git Server
9 October 2011
- Administrator can create new user accounts
- Settings
- Disable anonymous user registration (by default user registration is disabled and only administrator can create new users)
- Disable creation repository by users (by default only administrator can create new repositories)
- Confirmation for Team, User and Repository removals
- Security hole with delete on GET removed
- Download link for text based files in repository browser
- Chinese translation added
- Japanese translation added
- Reasonable states returned to git client if authentication failed or if repository does not exists
- Fixed issue with UserConfiguration (config.xml) was invalid after overwriting with custom values
- MaxRequestLength extended to 100MB for large file upload
- RequestLimit for IIS 7 extended to 100MB for large file upload
- Fixed redirecting from Create actions
- Fixed URL redirecting after Create and Delete actions
- Favicon application error fixed
- Fixed FormsAuthentication redirect call after basic authentication returns 401(and fire up runtime exception)
- Fixed repository delete with read only files