- react-transition-group package is now required as peer dependency
- Updated for react 15.5
- Select: Fix error when option is null | undefined
- Modal: Recalculate modal position on resizing, use offsetHeight instead of getBoundingClientRect().height
- Modal: Delay calculation of modal height to next tick
setTimeout(() => {}, 0)
- Removed react-measure from dependencies
- Page dimmer adds 'dimmable dimmed' classes to the document.body
- Scrolling modal works now
- Input: renders loading state correctly when loading state was given in array
- Input: icon prop may take boolean to indicate icon input but without icon (input length will be different in this case)
- Input: multiple states could be specified as array
- Menu: event object is being passed as second parameter for onMenuItemClick()
- Changes to TS definitions to support new @types. React.DOMAttributes changed to React.DOMAttributes. Now @types/react is required as dependency. This means version from typings (and from DT master) is not compatible now. Stick with 0.9 if you're using typings or DT master
- Reworked animation component, now the lib uses CSS transitions from semantic-ui, removed react-motion. This should help with performance
- Removed initialAnimation, enterAnimation, leaveAnimation, onAnimationStyle old props
- Added enter, leave, enterDuration, leaveDuration animation props instead
- Removed animation from accordion (temporary), removed animating prop from accordion
Updated deps Removed react-addons-shallow-compare
Meta: Use correct class name Popup: Target property is required now and can be DOM element or react component instance (from ref)
Checkbox: Allow to style inline label via labelClassName
Markup fix with rightFloatedComponent in MenuItem (thanks @Starefossen) Do not stop propagating of click event in MenuItem
Breadcrumb component, #25
Reworked Rating component Step component (thanks @chris--jones) Modal has close animation by default (thanks @jimmyn) allowAdditions in Select (thanks @jimmyn) MenuItem can be disabled now (thanks @jimmyn)
Fix react 15.2 error when used card component Fix dimmable class not being applied correctly for Dimmable component
Added statistic to TS typings
- views/Items/Item: Rework. Item shouldn't be user in any context anymore, such as List contexts
- modules/Tab: Completely rework from scratch
- elements/List: Rework, added ListItem, removed SimpleListItem
- collections/Td: Td props: split aligned to aligned and valigned. Renamed type to emphasis, added selectable prop
- collections/Table: Added sortable prop
- collections/Message: removed type and state props, use emphasis instead. Icon class will be automatically set if message contains any icon
- elements/Segments: removed stacked, piled, raised, added type prop instead
- elements/Rail: removed closer prop, use close: 'very' instead now, added size prop
- Updated TS typings