Simple gRPC service to can manage TODO lists. It provides API for CRUD operations.
The data is persisted in a database.
The full definition of the Todo
type and the services can be found in the proto file
message Todo {
int32 id = 1;
string title = 2;
string note = 3;
google.protobuf.Timestamp due_date = 4;
Service definitions:
service TodoListService {
rpc CreateTodo(CreateTodoRequest) returns (CreateTodoResponse);
rpc ReadTodo(ReadTodoRequest) returns (ReadTodoResponse); // return NOT_FOUND if not found
rpc UpdateTodo(UpdateTodoRequest) returns (UpdateTodoResponse); // return NOT_FOUND if not found
rpc DeleteTodo(DeleteTodoRequest) returns (DeleteTodoResponse); // return NOT_FOUND if not found
rpc ListTodos(ListTodosRequest) returns (stream ListTodosResponse);
It can store the data in any type of repository that implements the interface.
type Repository interface {
Close() error
Insert(*todolistpb.Todo) (int32, error)
Get(int32) (*todolistpb.Todo, error)
Update(*todolistpb.Todo) (*todolistpb.Todo, error)
Delete(int32) (int64, error)
List() ([]*todolistpb.Todo, error)
At the moment it has implementation for PostgresSQL database but it can easily extensible for other databases too.
The easiest way to run the application is to use docker
Clone the repository:
git clone
Run the service with docker-compose:
docker-compose up
It brings up the todo-list-service and postgres docker containers. The service is accessible on localhost port number 5000.
To test the service you can use the sample client implementation in the client directory.
cd client
go run client.go
To run the test use the test
make test
It will bring up a postgres container and run the tests. After that it will destroy the postgres container.
To can deploy the service in Kubernetes the project contains Kubernetes manifest files in the kubernetes directory.
The easiest way to set up a Kubernetes cluster is to use minikube
Start the minikube cluster:
minikube start
To keep the database user name and password in secret use the postgres-secret.yaml file to create a secret
kubectl apply -f postgres-secret.yaml
To bring up a Postgres database service use the postgres-deployment.yaml file.
kubectl apply -f postgres-deployment.yaml
The Todo list service should reach the Postgres database. To be able to do that use the postgres-configmap.yaml file to set up the database URL.
kubectl apply -f postgres-configmap.yaml
To deploy the Todo list service use the todolist-deployment.yaml file.
kubectl apply -f todolist-deployment.yaml
To can reach the service outside from the network:
minikube service todolist-service
To test the service run the sample client:
go run client.go -host <IP> -port <Port>
This deployment is using the RollingUpdate
strategy. When a new version is deployed then it will slowly rolling out the new version by replacing the instances one after the other until all the instances are rolled out.
Pros and Cons of this strategy:
- version is slowly released across instances
- convenient for stateful applications that can handle rebalancing of the data
- rollout/rollback can take time
- supporting multiple APIs is hard
- no control over traffic
Further information about the strategies in this blog post