- Improve UX for tasks3 show command
- Fix docs build issues
- Drop support for python < 3.12
- Update dependencies
- Add support to mark tasks as done.
- Update dependencies
- Added support to delete a task from the cli.
- Updated dependencies.
- Added support to edit existing tasks.
- Update dev-requirements.
- Added shell integration for fish.
- Added shell integration for zsh and bash.
- Improve the index page.
- Add more info to Contributing page.
- Improve docs
- Fix python version in setup.py
- Upgrade development status to Alpha.
- Resolve a SNAFU with tags.
- Add the ability to search for tasks.
- Add json output format for tasks.
- Implement the
tasks3 task show
cli endpoint. - Update docs.
- Add Output format preference to config.
- Make the cli interface easier to use (flatten the task command tree)
- Switch docs theme to
- Add workflow to check for package compatability with PyPI. This should make sure that the issue with v0.3.0 does not occur again.
- Fix README to render on PyPI.
- Remove
tasks3 db init
cli command. - Implement
tasks3 task add
cli command. - Implement
methods to display task.
- Use dataclass to store configuration settings.
- Flatten tasks3.config module into config.py file.
- Remove usage of deprecated SQLAlchemy api
. - Remove deprecated pytest configuration option
- Flatten tasks3.db.model module into models.py
- Linting changes
- Minor refactoring
- Remove pytest from dependency and let tox handle testing.
- Migrate testing to github-workflow
- Update SQLAlchemy package version.
- Switch deployment workflow to python 3.9
- Drop support for python<=3.8
- Implement tasks3.add
- Implement tasks3.edit
- Implement tasks3.remove
- Add support for a yaml configuration file.
- Add database to store Tasks, db models and api to interact with db.
- Switch to using requirements.txt for managing dependency and add back the support for py35.
- Add a bunch of type annotations.
- Update dependency:
- pip to 20.2
- pytest to 6.0.1
- tox to 3.18.1
- coverage to 5.2.1
- Fix version numbers and git tags.
- Implement a CLI for tasks3.
- Add black (formatter).
- Add some basic test-cases.
- Move deployment away from Travis to Github workflow.
- First release on PyPI.