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Raynos edited this page Jan 26, 2012 · 6 revisions

Welcome to the html5please wiki!

posts markdown format

feature: <FeatureName>
status: <"use" or "avoid" or "caution">
tags: <"fallback" or "polyfill" and any of ("noie", "nooldmobile", "nomobile", "prefixes", "noie", 
         "gtie6", "gtie7", "gtie8", "gtie9" )>
kind: <"api" or "js" or "html" or "css">
urls: <A list of urls using standard markdown format. Preferably standard urls like WHATWG, W3C or MDN>
polyfillurls: <A list of urls to polyfills using standard markdown format>
moreurl: <A valid url, used for the "learn more" link>

<Descriptional Text>
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