#Getting started with R for data analysis
The two sessions on R will introduce you to the following concepts: 1 Basic use of R - reading in data and how it works 2 Generating and customising plots with R
These two sessions may not take all the allocated time, so there are an additional couple of tutorials that you can work through in your own time, the third is on regression and the fourth is a miscellany of statistical tests. We probably won't cover these last two during the bootcamp.
You will need to download certain data files to work with these tutorials. One way is to check out the boot camp repo using git and navigate to the R directory.
The other is to right click on the files in the links in the datafiles section and choose 'save as'
####Worksheets (all PDF)
[Worksheet 1 (Introductory R)](Workshop_1.pdf)
[Worksheet 2 (Plotting)](Workshop_2.pdf)
[Worksheet 3 (Regression)](Workshop_3.pdf)
[Workshop 4 (Statistical tests)](Workshop_4.pdf)
####Data files (the first two are needed for the first two worksheets)
####Worksheet source The worksheets are produced in LaTeX using Sweave, a convenient way of embedding R analysis into a document to make in dynamic. The source for these is given below. [R_workshop1.Rnw] [R_workshop2.Rnw] [R_workshop3.Rnw] [R_workshop4.Rnw]