Arch installation
pacman-key --init
pacman-key --populate archlinux
After installing stuff, hit no
when asked to chroot, then reboot
. Remove USB.
Now, do your post installation steps.
Equivalent of apt-get update && apt-get upgrade
in Arch:
sudo pacman -Syy && sudo pacman -Syu
Keyboard layout for legion:
setxkbmap -model abnt2 -layout br -variant abnt2
Connect to WiFi: open terminal an enter:
Having internet problems? Try:
nmcli n off; nmcli n on
sudo pacman -U --noconfirm your-package.pkg.tar.zst
check processes running on port x:
sudo ss -tuln | grep :3000
kill $(lsof -t -i:3000)
Wifi problems? Try:
rfkill unblock all
check connectivity
iwctl device list
connect to SSID
iwctl station wlan0 connect TP-Link_0AF4