Matias Salibian July 25, 2016
This repository contains R
code implementing the globally robust confidence intervals for the slope of a simple linear regression model as proposed in Adrover, J. and Salibian-Barrera, M. (2010).
The functions are in the file rci-pub.R
. The following example illustrates how to use this code. First, load the functions and generate a simple data set
n <- 30
x <- rexp(n, rate=.5)
y <- 2 - x + rnorm(n, sd=.7)
A scatter plot of the data and both robust and least squares fits can be obtained with
plot(y ~ x, pch=19, col='gray', cex=1.5, ylim=c(-6, 6))
fit.rob <- lmrob(y~x) <- lm(y~x)
abline(fit.rob, lwd=6, col='steelblue')
abline(, lwd=2, col='red')
The estimated coefficients are
## (Intercept) x
## 1.753117 -0.927370
## (Intercept) x
## 1.7209500 -0.9279946
The globally robust 95% confidence interval for the slope, protected against up to 5% of outliers in the data is, y=y, alpha=.05, epsilon=.05)
## [1] -1.1780857 -0.4728151
We now add outliers to the data.
ou <- rbinom(n, size=1, prob=.05)
y[ou==1] <- rnorm(sum(ou), mean=5, sd=.1)
x[ou==1] <- rnorm(sum(ou), mean=7, sd=.1)
The data and the LS and robust fits now look like this:
plot(y ~ x, pch=19, col='gray', cex=1.5, ylim=c(-6, 6))
points(y[ou==1] ~ x[ou==1], pch=19, col='gray30', cex=1.5)
fit.rob <- lmrob(y~x) <- lm(y~x)
abline(fit.rob, lwd=6, col='lightblue')
abline(, lwd=2, col='orange')
The estimated coefficients are
## (Intercept) x
## 1.7654724 -0.9161235
## (Intercept) x
## 1.1975017 -0.4798898
The globally robust 95% confidence interval for the slope, protected against up to 5% of outliers in the data is, y=y, alpha=.05, epsilon=.05)
## [1] -1.0841055 -0.4194588