GridDB connector for YCSB
GridDB connector for YCSB is a connector that allows execution of YCSB (Yahoo! Cloud Serving Benchmark) workloads against GridDB for benchmarking purposes.
Library building and program execution have been checked in the following environment.
OS: CentOS 6.7(x64)
Java: JDK 1.7.0_79
YCSB: YCSB 0.10.0
Install YCSB
$ curl -O --location
$ tar xfvz ycsb-0.10.0.tar.gz
$ cd ycsb-0.10.0Please refer to
Copy GridDB connector for YCSB under YCSB top directory.
griddb/ -
Please edit bin/ycsb as follow.
"griddb" : "",
... -
Build a GridDB Java client and place the created gridstore.jar under the following directory.
Run the following command,
(A) Using Ant:
$ ant griddb
(B) Using Maven:
$ cd griddb; mvn package
and create the following jar files.
Please set the number of cpu core as /dataStore/concurrency in gs_node.json and "32KB" as /dataStore/storeBlockSize in gs_cluster.json.
GridDB needs to be started in advance.
Please execute our program with fieldcount=10 and fieldlength=100 as follows:
$ ./bin/ycsb load griddb -P workloads/workloada
-p notificationAddress=<GridDB notification address(default is>
-p notificationPort=<GridDB notification port(default is 31999)>
-p clusterName=<GridDB cluster name>
-p userName=<GridDB user name>
-p password=<GridDB password>
-p fieldcount=10
-p fieldlength=100
$ ./bin/ycsb run griddb -P workloads/workloada
-p notificationAddress=<GridDB notification address(default is>
-p notificationPort=<GridDB notification port(default is 31999)>
-p clusterName=<GridDB cluster name>
-p userName=<GridDB user name>
-p password=<GridDB password>
-p fieldcount=10
-p fieldlength=100
- Issues
Use the GitHub issue function if you have any requests, questions, or bug reports. - PullRequest
Use the GitHub pull request function if you want to contribute code. You'll need to agree GridDB Contributor License Agreement(CLA_rev1.1.pdf). By using the GitHub pull request function, you shall be deemed to have agreed to GridDB Contributor License Agreement.
The GridDB connector source license is Apache License, version 2.0.