This extension provides build and release tasks for packaging and publishing Visual Studio Team Services (VSTS) extensions to the Visual Studio Marketplace. There are also tasks to share and install your extension to your VSTS account.
- EXPERIMENTAL - Added support for generating build task Id's based on publisher, extension id and taskname.
- Package: package a VSTS extension into an extension package (.VSIX) file
- Publish: publish an extension (either privately or publicly) to the Visual Studio Marketplace
- Share: share a private extension with a VSTS account so it can be installed
- Install: install an extension to a VSTS account
- Query version: query an extension's version (to make it easy to increment on your next package or publish)
After installing the extension, you can add one (or more) of the tasks to a new or existing build definition or release definition
If you plan to publish to the Marketplace, you will need to create a personal access token.
When creating a personal access token for use by your build/release, make sure the token has at least the following scopes for the task(s) you are using:
- Publish: All Accounts,
Marketplace (publish)
- Share: All Accounts,
Marketplace (publish)
- Install: All Accounts or a Specific Account,
Extensions (read and manage)
- Query Version: All Accounts,
The source for this extension is on GitHub. Take, fork, and extend.
This extension was created by Microsoft with help from the community. We'd like to thank Wouter de Kort and Jesse Houwing for their contributions.
If you have feedback or issues, please send an email or file an issue on GitHub