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Uninstall Teleport
How to remove Teleport from your system

This guide explains how to uninstall Teleport completely including binaries, configurations and data.


  • A system with Teleport installed.
These instructions only apply to non-containerized installations of Teleport.

If you are running Teleport in Kubernetes, you should uninstall the Helm chart release instead:

# Example: uninstall the Helm release named 'teleport-kube-agent' in the 'teleport' namespace
$ helm uninstall --namespace teleport teleport-kube-agent

If you are running Teleport in Docker, you should stop the Teleport Docker container:

# Example: Stop the Docker container named 'teleport'
$ docker stop teleport

Step 1/3. Stop any running Teleport processes

Instruct `systemd` to stop the Teleport process, and disable it from automatically starting:
$ sudo systemctl stop teleport
$ sudo systemctl disable teleport

If these `systemd` commands do not work, you can "kill" all the running Teleport processes instead:

$ sudo killall teleport
Instruct `launchd` to stop the Teleport process, and disable it from automatically starting:

$ sudo launchctl unload -w /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.goteleport.teleport.plist
$ sudo rm -f /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.goteleport.teleport.plist

If these commands do not work, you can "kill" all the running Teleport processes instead:

$ sudo killall teleport
There are currently no long-running Teleport processes on Windows machines.

Step 2/3. Remove Teleport binaries

Follow the steps for your operating system to remove Teleport binaries.


Follow the instructions for your Linux distribution:

Uninstall the Teleport binary using APT:

$ sudo apt-get -y remove teleport-ent

For Teleport Community Edition, use the following command:

$ sudo apt-get -y remove teleport

Uninstall the Teleport APT repo:

$ sudo rm -f /etc/apt/sources.list.d/teleport.list
If the commands above do not work, you may have installed Teleport using a standalone DEB package. Remove it with:
# Use "teleport" instead of "teleport-ent" for Teleport Community Edition
$ sudo dpkg -r teleport-ent

Uninstall the Teleport binary using YUM:

# Change the package name to "teleport" for Teleport Community Edition
$ sudo yum -y remove teleport-ent
# Optional: Use DNF on newer distributions
# $ sudo dnf -y remove teleport-ent

Uninstall the Teleport YUM repo:

$ sudo rm -f /etc/yum.repos.d/teleport.repo
If the commands above do not work, you may have installed Teleport using a standalone RPM package. Remove it with:
# Use "teleport" for Teleport Community Edition
$ sudo rpm -e teleport-ent

Uninstall the Teleport binary using zypper:

# Change the package name to "teleport" for Teleport Community Edition
$ sudo zypper -y remove teleport-ent

Uninstall the Teleport zypper repo:

$ sudo zypper removerepo teleport
These are the default paths to the Teleport binaries. If you have changed these from the defaults on your system, substitute those paths here. You can use `dirname $(which teleport)` to look this up automatically.

Remove the Teleport binaries from the machine:

$ sudo rm -f /usr/local/bin/tbot
$ sudo rm -f /usr/local/bin/tctl
$ sudo rm -f /usr/local/bin/teleport
$ sudo rm -f /usr/local/bin/tsh
$ sudo rm -f /usr/local/bin/fdpass-teleport


These are the default paths to the Teleport binaries. If you have changed these from the defaults on your system, substitute those paths here. You can use `dirname $(which teleport)` to look this up automatically.

Remove the Teleport binaries and links to Teleport software from the machine:

$ sudo rm -f /usr/local/bin/tbot
$ sudo rm -f /usr/local/bin/tctl
$ sudo rm -f /usr/local/bin/teleport
$ sudo rm -f /usr/local/bin/tsh
$ sudo rm -f /usr/local/bin/fdpass-teleport

You may have Teleport software in the /Applications folder if you:

  • Installed from a macOS tarball for v17+ that includes and
  • Installed the macOS tsh client-only package for v16 or older versions.
  • Installed Teleport Connect for macOS

You can remove those with these commands:

$ sudo rm -rf /Applications/
$ sudo rm -rf /Applications/
$ sudo rm -rf /Applications/Teleport\


Remove the tsh.exe and tctl.exe binaries from the machine:

$ del C:\Path\To\tsh.exe
$ del C:\Path\To\tctl.exe



Step 3/3. Remove Teleport data and configuration files

These are the default paths to the Teleport config files and data directory. If you have changed these from the defaults on your system, substitute those paths here.
Remove the Teleport config file:

$ sudo rm -f /etc/teleport.yaml
# Optional: Also remove the Machine ID config file, if you used it
# $ sudo rm -f /etc/tbot.yaml

Remove the Teleport data directory:

$ sudo rm -rf /var/lib/teleport

 Optionally, also remove the global config file and local user data directory for `tsh`:

$ sudo rm -f /etc/tsh.yaml
$ rm -rf ~/.tsh
These are the default paths to the Teleport config files and data directory. If you have changed these from the defaults on your system, substitute those paths here.
Remove the Teleport config file:

$ sudo rm -f /etc/teleport.yaml
# Optional: Also remove the Machine ID config file, if you used it
# $ sudo rm -f /etc/tbot.yaml

Remove the Teleport data directory:

$ sudo rm -rf /var/lib/teleport

Optionally, also remove:
- the global config file and local user data directory for `tsh`
- the local user data directory for Teleport Connect

# tsh
$ sudo rm -f /etc/tsh.yaml
$ rm -rf ~/.tsh
# Teleport Connect
$ rm -rf ~/Library/Application\ Support/Teleport\ Connect

Remove the local user data directory for tsh:

$ rmdir /s /q %USERPROFILE%\.tsh

Optionally, also remove the local user data directory for Teleport Connect:

$ rmdir /s /q "%APPDATA%\Teleport Connect"

Teleport is now removed from your system.

Any Teleport services will stop appearing in your Teleport Web UI or the output of tsh ls once their last heartbeat has timed out. This usually occurs within 10-15 minutes of stopping the Teleport process.