diff --git a/storage/google/cloud/storage/bucket.py b/storage/google/cloud/storage/bucket.py
index 805dcda35140..b075385afe31 100644
--- a/storage/google/cloud/storage/bucket.py
+++ b/storage/google/cloud/storage/bucket.py
@@ -966,6 +966,21 @@ def cors(self, entries):
         self._patch_property('cors', entries)
+    default_event_based_hold = _scalar_property('defaultEventBasedHold')
+    """Are uploaded objects automatically placed under an even-based hold?
+    If True, uploaded objects will be placed under an event-based hold to
+    be released at a future time. When released an object will then begin
+    the retention period determined by the policy retention period for the
+    object bucket.
+    See https://cloud.google.com/storage/docs/json_api/v1/buckets
+    If the property is not set locally, returns ``None``.
+    :rtype: bool or ``NoneType``
+    """
     def default_kms_key_name(self):
         """Retrieve / set default KMS encryption key for objects in the bucket.
@@ -1273,6 +1288,64 @@ def project_number(self):
         if project_number is not None:
             return int(project_number)
+    @property
+    def retention_policy_effective_time(self):
+        """Retrieve the effective time of the bucket's retention policy.
+        :rtype: datetime.datetime or ``NoneType``
+        :returns: point-in time at which the bucket's retention policy is
+                  effective, or ``None`` if the property is not
+                  set locally.
+        """
+        policy = self._properties.get('retentionPolicy')
+        if policy is not None:
+            timestamp = policy.get('effectiveTime')
+            if timestamp is not None:
+                return _rfc3339_to_datetime(timestamp)
+    @property
+    def retention_policy_locked(self):
+        """Retrieve whthere the bucket's retention policy is locked.
+        :rtype: bool
+        :returns: True if the bucket's policy is locked, or else False
+                  if the policy is not locked, or the property is not
+                  set locally.
+        """
+        policy = self._properties.get('retentionPolicy')
+        if policy is not None:
+            return policy.get('isLocked')
+    @property
+    def retention_period(self):
+        """Retrieve or set the retention period for items in the bucket.
+        :rtype: int or ``NoneType``
+        :returns: number of seconds to retain items after upload or release
+                  from event-based lock, or ``None`` if the property is not
+                  set locally.
+        """
+        policy = self._properties.get('retentionPolicy')
+        if policy is not None:
+            period = policy.get('retentionPeriod')
+            if period is not None:
+                return int(period)
+    @retention_period.setter
+    def retention_period(self, value):
+        """Set the retention period for items in the bucket.
+        :type value: int
+        :param value:
+            number of seconds to retain items after upload or release from
+            event-based lock.
+        :raises ValueError: if the bucket's retention policy is locked.
+        """
+        policy = self._properties.setdefault('retentionPolicy', {})
+        policy['retentionPeriod'] = str(value)
+        self._patch_property('retentionPolicy', policy)
     def self_link(self):
         """Retrieve the URI for the bucket.
diff --git a/storage/tests/unit/test_bucket.py b/storage/tests/unit/test_bucket.py
index 716274c0c074..40bacc2e9578 100644
--- a/storage/tests/unit/test_bucket.py
+++ b/storage/tests/unit/test_bucket.py
@@ -1488,6 +1488,92 @@ def test_project_number_string_val(self):
         bucket = self._make_one(properties=properties)
         self.assertEqual(bucket.project_number, PROJECT_NUMBER)
+    def test_retention_policy_effective_time_policy_missing(self):
+        bucket = self._make_one()
+        self.assertIsNone(bucket.retention_policy_effective_time)
+    def test_retention_policy_effective_time_et_missing(self):
+        properties = {
+            'retentionPolicy': {
+            },
+        }
+        bucket = self._make_one(properties=properties)
+        self.assertIsNone(bucket.retention_policy_effective_time)
+    def test_retention_policy_effective_time(self):
+        import datetime
+        from google.cloud._helpers import _datetime_to_rfc3339
+        from google.cloud._helpers import UTC
+        effective_time = datetime.datetime.utcnow().replace(tzinfo=UTC)
+        properties = {
+            'retentionPolicy': {
+                'effectiveTime': _datetime_to_rfc3339(effective_time),
+            },
+        }
+        bucket = self._make_one(properties=properties)
+        self.assertEqual(
+            bucket.retention_policy_effective_time, effective_time)
+    def test_retention_policy_locked_missing(self):
+        bucket = self._make_one()
+        self.assertFalse(bucket.retention_policy_locked)
+    def test_retention_policy_locked_false(self):
+        properties = {
+            'retentionPolicy': {
+                'isLocked': False,
+            },
+        }
+        bucket = self._make_one(properties=properties)
+        self.assertFalse(bucket.retention_policy_locked)
+    def test_retention_policy_locked_true(self):
+        properties = {
+            'retentionPolicy': {
+                'isLocked': True,
+            },
+        }
+        bucket = self._make_one(properties=properties)
+        self.assertTrue(bucket.retention_policy_locked)
+    def test_retention_period_getter_policymissing(self):
+        bucket = self._make_one()
+        self.assertIsNone(bucket.retention_period)
+    def test_retention_period_getter_pr_missing(self):
+        properties = {
+            'retentionPolicy': {
+            },
+        }
+        bucket = self._make_one(properties=properties)
+        self.assertIsNone(bucket.retention_period)
+    def test_retention_period_getter(self):
+        period = 86400 * 100  # 100 days
+        properties = {
+            'retentionPolicy': {
+                'retentionPeriod': str(period),
+            },
+        }
+        bucket = self._make_one(properties=properties)
+        self.assertEqual(bucket.retention_period, period)
+    def test_retention_period_setter(self):
+        period = 86400 * 100  # 100 days
+        bucket = self._make_one()
+        bucket.retention_period = period
+        self.assertEqual(
+            bucket._properties['retentionPolicy']['retentionPeriod'],
+            str(period))
     def test_self_link(self):
         SELF_LINK = 'http://example.com/self/'
         properties = {'selfLink': SELF_LINK}