Myelin is a just-in-time compiler for neural networks. It compiles a flow into x64 assembly code at runtime. The flow contains the graph for the neural network computations as well as the learned weights from training the network. The generated code takes the CPU features of the machine into account when generating the code so it can take advantage of specialized features like SSE, AVX, and FMA3.
Myelin can be used at inference time (as opposed to training time) to speed up neural network computations. The neural network can be stored in a .flow file which can then later be loaded and compiled into a network at runtime by Myelin.
Operating system: Linux
Languages: C++, assembler, Python
CPU: Intel x64 or compatible
Build system: Bazel
Myelin represents a computation graph using a flow. The graph is divivded into functions which can be computed independently. A function is a set of operations with tensor inputs and outputs. The tensor inputs and outputs are variables in the flow. Variables can either be global constant tensor, e.g. learned weights in a neural network, or parameter tensors, which are local to the function.
Let's consider a simple neural network with a single linear layer with a softmax on top:
y = softmax(relu(x * W + b))
This can be computed with the following flow graph:
The graph only shows the input and output variables (green and blue), and the global variables (rectangles), but does not show the intermediate variables between the tensor operations. The softmax is also expanded into more basic operations, i.e.:
softmax(x) = normalize(exp(x - max(x)))
normalize(x) = x * (1 / sum(x))
You can use a myelin.Builder
for constructing a flow function for this
import sling
import sling.myelin as myelin
import numpy as np
# Build flow.
flow = myelin.Flow()
# Create builder for function.
f = myelin.Builder(flow, "f")
The weights in W and b can be initialized from NumPy arrays or any other objects that support the Python buffer protocol:
# Initialize weights.
W = f.array("W", np.random.rand(64, 256).astype(np.float32))
b = f.array("b", np.random.rand(256).astype(np.float32))
Next, we create an input variable x
and build up the computation using the
# Create input variable x as a float[1,64] tensor.
x = f.var("x", myelin.DT_FLOAT, [1, 64])
# Compute y=softmax(relu(x * W + b))
y = f.softmax(f.relu(f.add(f.matmul(x, W), b)), name="y")
The flow is just a specification of the computation. It needs to be compiled into a network. The Myelin JIT compiler converts the flow into assembly code for executing the computation. Each function is compiled into a cell which contains the data layout for the cell as well as the code for the computation:
# Compile flow to network.
compiler = myelin.Compiler()
net = compiler.compile(flow)
cell = net.cell("f")
The flow is first analyzed by the Myelin JIT compiler which transforms the flow graph into an optimized form using more specialized operations:
In this example, the MatMul
, Add
, and Relu
operations are converted into
a combined kernel doing all three in one operation. The Exp
, Sub
, and
operations are also turned into a Calculate
operation computing
as one element-wise operation.
For each function, the compiler determines the optimal layout of the cell instance data and selects kernels for implementing the operations and the order of computation:
cell f { // size 2336
input var f/x: float32[1x64] // offset 0 size 256 alignment 32 row-major
var f/Relu:0: float32[1x256] // offset 256 size 1024 alignment 32 row-major
var f/Max:0: float32 // offset 1280 size 4 alignment 4 row-major linked to f/Sum:0
union f/Sum:0: float32 // offset 1280 size 4 alignment 4 row-major linked to f/Reciprocal:0
union f/Reciprocal:0: float32 // offset 1280 size 4 alignment 4 row-major linked to f/Max:0
var f/Exp:0: float32[1x256] // offset 1312 size 1024 alignment 32 row-major linked to f/y:0
union f/y:0: float32[1x256] // offset 1312 size 1024 alignment 32 row-major linked to f/Exp:0
const f/W: float32[64x256] // size 65536 alignment 32 row-major
const f/b: float32[256] // size 1024 alignment 32 row-major
f/Relu:0 = AVXFltVecMatMulAddRelu[U8V](f/x, f/W, f/b)
f/Max:0 = MaxExpr[VFltAVX256](f/Relu:0)
f/Exp:0, f/Sum:0 = Calculate[VFltAVX256](f/Relu:0, f/Max:0)
f/Reciprocal:0 = ReciprocalExpr[FltAVX](f/Sum:0)
f/y:0 = MulExpr[VFltAVX256](f/Exp:0, f/Reciprocal:0)
Finally, the Myelin JIT compiler converts the optimized operations into assembler code using the selected kernel generators. The code generated for each function depends the negotiated layout and alignment of the input and output tensors as well as the features support by the CPU (SSE, AVX, AVX2, FMA3, AVX512, etc.).
In order to do any computation with the compiled network, you need to create a cell instance. If a cell is like a class, then an instance is like an object of that class. A cell instance has memory for storing all the local variables of a cell. You can create multiple instances of a cell, each with their own set of local variables.
# Create new data instance.
data = cell.instance()
# Set input.
xdata = data[x]
for i in range(64): xdata[0, i] = 5
# Run computation for data instance.
# Print result.
ydata = data[y]
print("y", ydata)
print("argmax", np.asarray(ydata).argmax())
The index operator on the cell object (e.g. data[x]
) returns a tensor object
for the variable in the cell instance with that name.
Alternatively, a numeric tensor parameter id can be used as as the index key.
The cell.index(name)
method can be used for looking up tensor parameter ids in
advance, and looking up tensors by parameter ids is faster than looking up
tensors by name.
If the index key is neither a string nor an integer, the repr() function of the
index key is used for determining the tensor name.
The tensor is a view into the data in the instance for the variable. The tensor
elements can be read or modified using the index operator, e.g.
xdata[0, i] = 5
. The tensor object also supports the Python buffer interface,
so you can create a NumPy array sharing the underlying data, e.g.
. You can use the name()
, rank()
, shape()
, and
methods for inspecting the tensor format.
The compute()
method is used for running the cell instance computation, i.e.
compute the output tensor variables from the inputs tensor variables.
A cell instances can be reused for multiple computations. The clear()
can be used for clearing all the tensors in the instance.
import sling
import sling.myelin as myelin
import numpy as np
# Build flow.
flow = myelin.Flow()
# Create builder for function.
f = myelin.Builder(flow, "f")
# Initialize weights.
W = f.array("W", np.random.rand(64, 256).astype(np.float32))
b = f.array("b", np.random.rand(256).astype(np.float32))
# Create input variable x as a float[1,64] tensor.
x = f.var("x", myelin.DT_FLOAT, [1, 64])
# Compute y=softmax(relu(x * W + b))
y = f.softmax(f.relu(f.add(f.matmul(x, W), b)), name="y")
# Compile flow to network.
compiler = myelin.Compiler()
net = compiler.compile(flow)
cell = net.cell("f")
# Create new data instance.
data = cell.instance()
# Set input.
xdata = data[x]
for i in range(64): xdata[0, i] = 5
# Run computation for data instance.
# Print result.
ydata = data[y]
print("y", ydata)
print("argmax", np.asarray(ydata).argmax())
Myelin uses flow files to store neural networks. A Tensorflow graph can be stored as a flow file using the myelin Python module. After the network has been trained, the parts of the Tensorflow graph needed for inference can be exported to a flow file. The following is a simple example of training a MNIST classifier and storing the resulting network in a flow file:
from tensorflow.examples.tutorials.mnist import input_data
import tensorflow as tf
from sling.myelin import Flow
from import Extractor
# Import data.
mnist = input_data.read_data_sets("/tmp/mnist", one_hot=True)
# Create the model.
x = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, 784], name='x')
W = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([784, 10]), name='W')
b = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([10]), name='b')
y = tf.add(tf.matmul(x, W), b, name='y')
# Define loss and optimizer.
y_ = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, 10])
cross_entropy = tf.reduce_mean(
tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(labels=y_, logits=y))
train_step = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(0.5).minimize(cross_entropy)
# Train model.
sess = tf.InteractiveSession()
for _ in range(1000):
batch_xs, batch_ys = mnist.train.next_batch(100), feed_dict={x: batch_xs, y_: batch_ys})
# Save model to flow file.
flow = Flow()
extractor = Extractor(sess, flow)
extractor.add(flow.func("classifier"), [x], [y])"/tmp/mnist.flow")
This will extract the parts of the TF graph needed for computing y
from x
It will add a function (classifier
) to the flow and then add the MatMul
and Add
operations to this function. It will also add W
and b
constant variables to the flow with the trained weights. The resulting flow
is then saved to the file /tmp/model.flow.
#include "sling/myelin/compute.h"
#include "sling/myelin/kernel/tensorflow.h"
using namespace sling::myelin;
// Initialize library with kernels.
Library library;
Myelin uses a library of transformations and kernels for generating code for the neural network. In this example we add generic kernels which can be used on any x64 processor as well as specialized kernels for CPUs with AVX support. You can add your own kernel generators and graph transformations for custom ops or for generating optimized code for special cases of standard ops.
// Load and compile neural network.
Network nn;
CHECK(nn.Compile("/tmp/mnist.flow", library));
// Get neural network cell for classifier.
Cell *classifier = nn.GetCell("classifier");
// Get classifier inputs and outputs.
Tensor *x = classifier->GetParameter("x:0");
Tensor *y = classifier->GetParameter("y:0");
Myelin can load and compile a flow file into a Network
object. This contains
a cell for for each function in the flow file. A Cell
holds the generated
code for computing the cell function as well as a description of the data layout
for all the parameters used by the computation. The parameters can be input
(e.g. x
), output parameters (e.g. y
), or intermediate values needed by the
cell computation. Constant parameters (e.g. W
and b
) are stored in the
object and can be shared between cells.
After the network has been compiled, the parameters can be looked up in the
cell or network. The Tensor
object then knows the location of the parameter
in the compiled flow.
// Create instance of neural network cell for classifying input.
Instance data(classifier);
// Set input for classification.
float *input = data.Get<float>(x);
<<< fill input array with image data >>>
// Classify input.
// Get output prediction.
float *output = data.Get<float>(y);
<<< argmax of output distribution is the prediction >>
An Instance
object is used for computing a cell function. The instance
allocates memory for all the input, output, and intermediate parameters for
the cell. Multiple instance objects can be created for a cell function and
computations on these different instances can be done concurrently.
When an instance for a cell has been allocated, the input parameters should be
filled into the instance. The Compute()
method then invokes the generated code
for the cell and computes the output parameters from the input parameters (and
constant parameters). Then the values of the output parameters can be read from
the instance object.
An instance object can be used for multiple computations, but the Clear()
method needs to be called before the instance can be reused for another
A flow file contains a trained neural network with variables, operations, functions, connectors, and blobs. It is a simple binary file format with the following structure:
flow = "flow" <version>
<#flags> (unused, from version 5)
<#vars> var*
<#ops> op*
<#funcs> func*
<#cnxs> cnx*
<#blobs> blob* (from version 4)
var = <#flags> (IN=1, OUT=2, REF=4, LEARNABLE=8 UNIQUE=16, from version 5)
<#aliases> <alias$>*
<#bytes> value
op = <#flags> (unused, from version 5)
<#inputs> <input$>*
<#outputs> <output$>*
<#attrs> attr*
blob = <#flags> (unused, from version 5)
<#attrs> attr*
<#bytes> data
func = <#flags> (TRAINING=1, from version 5)
<#ops> <op$>*
cnx = <#flags> (unused, from version 5)
<#vars> <var$>*
shape = <#dims> <size>*
attr = <name$> <value$>
dtype = "float16" | "float32" | "float64" | "int8" | "uint8" |
"int16" | "uint16" | "int32" | "uint64"
"flow" = 0x776f6c66
version = 3 | 4 | 5
A flow file begins with the magic string "flow" followed by a version number. Numbers are encoded as 32-bit integers stored in little-endian format (aka Intel format). Strings are stored as length-prefixed strings where the length is encoded as a 32-bit integer. Constant data for variables are stored in numpy ndarray row-major format with an unsigned 64-bit little-endian length prefix. If a variable does not have any constant value, the length is zero.