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Exposure Notification: Risks and Mitigations FAQ

This document explains the key design decisions that affect the privacy and security of the Google/Apple Exposure Notifications system (ENS), the risks that were evaluated, and the mitigations that are in place for these risks. Details of the ENS design can be found here.

Key design decisions and constraints relevant to security and privacy

Decentralized architecture

The design of an effective exposure notification system requires trade-offs between efficacy, privacy, and security. A common way of categorizing contact tracing and Exposure Notification designs is between:

  1. Centralized. A central service makes decisions about whether to notify someone if they have been exposed or not. Centralized designs require devices to share a list of observed Bluetooth identifiers with a central notification service.
  2. Decentralized. The user's device decides locally whether to notify someone if they have been exposed or not. Decentralized designs require devices to receive a list of all COVID-positive users' broadcast Bluetooth identifiers.

The Google/Apple design uses a decentralized architecture because:

  1. Devices of COVID-negative users do not share any information about social interactions, location, or infection status. Decentralized designs provide better privacy protection for COVID-negative participants compared to centralized designs, since they do not require sharing any information with a central service unless a user declares themselves COVID-positive. This is especially important since we assume that the vast majority of participants will be COVID-negative. In contrast, centralized designs have the property that any party with access to the central service has access to observed Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) identifiers—and therefore information about social interactions—for all participants, including those who have not declared themselves as COVID-positive.
  2. For COVID-positive users, the information shared with the server in a decentralized model is their COVID-positive status rather than any information about social interactions: decentralized designs require sharing broadcast Rolling Proximity Identifiers (RPIs) of COVID-positive users with all participating devices (usually via a central service). Centralized designs expose users' social interactions to a central service in order to receive notifications. Even if care is taken not to store information on relationships, the centralized designs inherently risk that this information may be obtained by an adversary. COVID-positive status data presents less incremental risk to the user and is less permanent than a person's social interactions: see here for more details.
  3. Centralized designs also expose COVID-positive status. While centralized designs can minimize information revealed to the public at large, and make such attacks more difficult, they cannot prevent attacks that identify COVID-positive users entirely. In a centralized model an adversary can emit Bluetooth IDs in the vicinity of a device whose owner has been identified via other means, for example, by using vehicle number plate recognition. Once this device reports its owner as COVID-positive, the adversary's device will receive an exposure notification, which can be tied to the identified user. If they want to do this multiple times, however, they would need to have a single Healthcare Authority account, that is notification channel, per identified user. Healthcare Authority diagnosis servers could implement defenses against Sybil attacks using multiple accounts, but this could put legitimate users at higher risk of being falsely excluded from receiving exposure notifications.


Location data from the device is not used by the Google/Apple EN API in any way.

Healthcare Authority applications using the Exposure Notification API are also subject to the condition that applications do not make use of location APIs, and do not record or store location information from the device.

EN respects the Android requirement for all Bluetooth scanning services to enable the device location setting. This requirement has been present in the Android platform since 2015, and is designed to protect the user's privacy by preventing apps from using nearby Bluetooth beacons to locate the user when the user has explicitly turned off all location for the device.

Enabling this setting by itself does not mean that an application is using the device's location: the location runtime permission is also required for any application to access the device's location. Android users can still decide whether any app they've installed has permission to access the location of their device, even if the device location setting is on.

Bandwidth usage

The decentralized model requires a larger amount of data to be downloaded by each device. In the EN, devices download a highly compressed version of 14 days worth of Rolling Proximity Identifiers of every COVID-positive user. Using daily exposure keys achieves approximately 100x compression by allowing the 15 minute RPIs to be regenerated from daily seeds. We estimate that 14 days' worth of daily keys for 100,000 COVID-positive people is 22.4 MB. We recommend that EN apps download keys when the device is connected to wifi and power if possible.

Use of connectionless protocol

The ENS uses a connectionless protocol. In our experience, protocols that require BLE connections or other forms of two-way interactions between participants' phones result in error-prone implementations, and can have significant negative effects on battery life. This led to a decision to use connectionless BLE advertisements as part of the protocol. One consequence of this is that the size of proximity identifiers is constrained to 20 bytes.

Risks and Mitigations

The following is an analysis of security and privacy risks to the system and its users that were considered and mitigated to the extent possible within the above design constraints.



Adversaries may attempt to disrupt the EN to create fraudulent exposure notifications. Such fraudulent exposure notifications may result in individuals or targeted groups unnecessarily self-quarantining. Disruptions could also decrease the effectiveness of the system and increase its cost of operation to both users and networks by, for example, increasing bandwidth costs for users.

RPI Spoofing using reported diagnosis keys


An adversary may try to use diagnosis keys downloaded from the server to generate and broadcast proximity identifiers in an attempt to create false ENs to users receiving them.


The EN implementations in both Android and iOS manage temporary exposure keys on behalf of client apps. When a user tests positive, the user can instruct their client app to upload their keys.

Both Android and iOS only return keys that are no longer in use. This means that only expired keys are uploaded and revealed publicly. The matching algorithm prevents a proximity identifier generated by expired keys from leading to Exposure Notifications, mitigating this replay attack scenario.

Relaying RPIs


An adversary could record proximity identifiers being broadcast by legitimate users and rebroadcast them elsewhere. This could be done for users likely to be diagnosed soon thereafter—for example, near a hospital or testing center—and then rebroadcast to target a large number of users. Alternatively, a large number of collected RPIs could be rebroadcast over a large group, increasing the notification rate for that group in line with the increased broadcast rate, effectively simulating being in a crowd.

A second variant, where the adversary is able to compromise the test verification process, is to broadcast RPIs from Temporary Exposure Keys (TEKs) that are subsequently uploaded to a diagnosis key server.

Mitigations and considerations

We acknowledge that a sophisticated adversary could mount relay attacks against our system but we note that:

  • Any potential attack would require relayed broadcasts to persist for as long as the Healthcare Authority app threshold for an exposure, for example, 5-10 minute duration of close proximity to the target devices. This would require high powered antennas for most targets, which both increases the complexity of an attack and makes it more detectable.

  • Potential device-based malware that rebroadcasts BLE RPIs would have to be deployed at large scale to be successful. Any such malware detected during Google Play's rigorous review process would be removed.

  • Deploying fixed BLE listeners and broadcasters requires non-trivial physical setup and a source of power, which puts adversaries and their equipment at risk of discovery.

  • A hypothetical attack of this type could readily be detected by monitoring the rate of exposure notifications for anomalous changes that are inconsistent with an epidemiologically realistic model and/or data from other sources, such as manual contract tracing.

    For example, if mutually independent sources—e.g. test results and manual contact tracing data—show the infection rate is stable at 0.1% in a specific area, but exposure notifications increase tenfold, this would be a clear abuse signal.

  • A mechanism to verify that keys uploaded are tied to a positive test result is strongly recommended to all Health Authorities to limit the ability to upload fake diagnosis keys. Google has published a reference verification service design here and open source code here. This design is built with two foundational privacy goals in mind:

    • The diagnosis key server should not learn the identity of a COVID-positive individual
    • The verification server and the Healthcare Authority should not learn the TEKs of the COVID-positive individual

Additional considerations

Relay attacks are well understood and have been studied for many years: all mitigations require either location information, which creates a new privacy risk for ENS, or precise timing information. Timing-based solutions are not feasible in this system since BLE packets can be relayed almost instantaneously over the internet. Matching in ENS must be tolerant to legitimate variations in timing such as processor speed. Distance-bounding protocols that also rely on precise timing were discounted because they require a 2-way protocol (see connectionless protocols) and the high degree of precision required is not supported by most BLE device firmware. That said, we continue to evaluate potential mitigations within the parameters of our design goals.


Associated Encrypted Metadata (AEM) TX (transmit) power could be altered as part of a relay attack. We do not believe that TX power authentication would be a useful defense against relay attacks for the following reasons:

  • TX power authentication doesn't protect against the use of a high-power antenna positioned to cover a large area with a signal strength indicative of proximity. This is because the system is designed to be highly tolerant of differences between TX-power and received signal strength indicator (RSSI) caused, for example, by both devices being in-pocket. The Android ecosystem also has a diverse range of hardware: some Android devices transmit signals as much as 30dB weaker than others. The required system tolerance to differences in transmit power means that relaying a packet from such a weak device on a higher transmit power device would already allow the higher power device to appear nearby without altering the TX field.
  • TX power authentication would not prevent the deployment of malware on phones to perform relay packets; app-store and OS policy are more effective to prevent collection of EN packets by third party apps.
  • In this context, encrypting the AEM prevents an adversary from joining between RPIs coming from the same device (using device-specific TX power as a source of entropy).

Server data pollution


An adversary broadcasts RPIs based on adversary-chosen diagnosis keys to many targets, then fraudulently uploads the keys as if they belonged to a legitimately diagnosed individual. Even without broadcasting RPIs based on these keys, this could be used to disrupt the service since an excessive number of keys would result in unacceptable bandwidth and CPU usage to download and match keys on devices.


  • We strongly recommend that all Health Authorities implement a mechanism to verify that keys uploaded are tied to a positive test result. This will limit the ability to upload fake diagnosis keys. See Relaying RPIs for more details
  • Servers are also strongly encouraged to implement standard denial of service/abuse prevention mechanisms.

Learning COVID-positive status



During the 14 day exposure window, an adversary could collect a target's Rolling Proximity Identifiers and then correlate them with published diagnosis keys. The adversary (who could be a legitimate participant in EN) could then identify the source of the exposure based on information external to the system, for example, using knowledge of who was present at the same time and place.

To succeed, the adversary must simultaneously identify the specific target (visually, for example via number plate recognition, at a border control point, physical access controls to buildings) and record the RPI transmitted by an EN app on the target's mobile device. If both can be done at the same time, the adversary can discover that the target was COVID-positive after they upload their Temporary Exposure Keys (TEKs). If multiple users of the EN app are within range, the adversary will have to distinguish between several users' RPIs, though signal strength could be used to narrow identification. Conclusive identification of the target's diagnosis status might require several periods of RPI capture during the same day. TEKs are randomly and independently generated using a cryptographic random number generator (see EN Cryptography Specification). Therefore, an adversary would have to carry out re-identification attacks separately for each day.


The core purpose of an EN system is to learn whether any COVID-positive people have been close enough for long enough to put the device owner at risk of infection. Without this ability, the system doesn't do what it was designed to. The alternative is not to operate an EN system at all. While ENS apps do not have access to scanned RPIs via the ENS APIs, it's not possible to prevent a sophisticated adversary from capturing BLE RPIs using a dedicated eavesdropping device.

With this in mind, an important motivation in deciding between centralized and decentralized has been that COVID-positive status data presents less incremental risk to a person, and is less permanent than a person's social interactions, which are exposed by a centralized approach. For example:

  • COVID-positive status may only be accurate for a few days after someone reports their diagnosis keys
  • Many celebrities have publicly shared their COVID-positive status on social media
  • Governments keep records of COVID-positive individuals—separate from diagnosis key servers—whether or not an ENS is in operation
  • COVID-positive status is easily observed by other means; for example, neighbors or the press can often observe if someone has been hospitalized
  • Some already operational government contact tracing discloses a person's COVID-positive status to their contacts

Additional considerations

Split key approaches are one proposed mitigation: multiple pieces (cryptographic secret shares) of an RPI, broadcast at different times, must be observed before a match with a reported diagnosis key is possible. To succeed, a re-identifying adversary would have to be near the target for long enough to successfully match. We have not implemented such a scheme for several reasons:

  • The requirements for an adversary seem no different from the Healthcare Authority-defined criteria for an exposure
  • The risk of missing relevant contacts increases as the split key window increases. Our design avoids situations where valid contacts are otherwise lost.
  • The encounter duration threshold for a valid contact can be set by an EN app's Healthcare Authority at matching time. A split key solution requires this threshold to be decided at broadcast time, which reduces the flexibility to modify duration thresholds, for example, in roaming scenarios.

We note that centralized solutions are also vulnerable to a targeted re-identification attack. In the centralized case, the adversary broadcasts RPIs in proximity to their target, shares the RPIS with the central service, and then observes whether or not they receive an Exposure Notification.

Network traffic analysis


An adversary could learn about infection status by observing network traffic between devices and servers, including diagnosis servers.


  • Use Transport Layer Security (TLS) to protect the integrity and confidentiality of network data.
  • We recommend that Healthcare Authority apps make randomized requests to servers to prevent an adversary from concluding a user was diagnosed based on observing network traffic to the diagnosis server that only happens upon diagnosis. This is implemented in the Google open-source sample app here.

Diagnosis server compromise


An adversary with access to the data on the diagnosis server could use this information to potentially identify users.


Diagnosis keys do not identify users. They are randomly generated and not inherently linked to individuals' identities. Each person's diagnosis keys are generated independently each day and are unrelated. Google's API Terms of Service forbid associating diagnosis keys with personally identifiable information, or with other diagnosis keys from the same device, except temporarily for verification purposes to support certain already deployed verification flows. We also recommend that diagnosis server operators limit retention of potentially identifiable information including, but not limited to, server logs that contain IP addresses.

Compromised mobile device


EN apps store information on-device that would allow an adversary to determine the device user's diagnosis status. For example, whether or not the user is participating in EN and hasn't yet uploaded diagnosis keys.


Android includes multiple strong layers of defense against device compromise, including Google Play Protect. If an adversary is able to compromise the device, much more sensitive information is available, including the user's contacts, messaging history, emails, and photos.

Forensics and physical access to devices


An adversary with physical access to the device could extract historical information such as observed RPIs or the TEKs used to generate broadcast RPIs


  • Whenever a device supports full-disk encryption (FDE) or file-based encryption (FBE), all data stored on disk is encrypted using this standard mechanism by default. For devices that do not support either of these, encryption-at-rest of data has no benefit because the key would need to be stored in plaintext alongside the data. Such encryption is mandatory on all devices running Android 10 and above and on all devices running Android 6.0 or later, excluding low-RAM devices and devices on which AES bulk encryption performance is below 50MB/s.

  • Encryption of data sent to the server and stored by the HA app is the responsibility of these apps. Google’s sample app uses HTTPS and the default FBE implementation available. Disabling HTTPS requires the HA to set an explicit network security configuration setting in the APK manifest.

  • TEKs generated by the device are stored for 14 days before being deleted by a daily maintenance process. The same is true for RPIs scanned by the device and matches detected. Note that Healthcare Authorities are also responsible for handling TEKs when reporting a positive diagnosis. In this case, storage and deletion are under the control of the HA app.

  • Even when an attacker has physical access to local storage, platform encryption protects the data. If an attacker were to try and compromise system integrity (rooting) this would require unlocking the bootloader, which on all modern Android devices automatically wipes user data as a security precaution.

  • Android devices do not have swap partitions. Where the related feature zram writeback is used, compressed RAM is written to the /data/per_boot directory, which is encrypted with a newly generated key on each boot and stored only in RAM.

  • Devices using a physical secure element (SE) and implementing File-Based Encryption (FBE, introduced in Android 7.0 and mandatory on new devices since Android 10) store the Key Derivation Function (KDF) secret in the SE and destroy it upon Factory Data Reset (FDR), thus rendering data irrecoverable;

  • Devices using the SE in general provide non-recoverability guarantees that are at least as strong as the physical and logical integrity of the SE.

  • Even if they do not have a secure element (SE), devices running either FBE or full-disk encryption (FDE) generally require at least the physical compromise of the flash memory to recover any data after FDR.

Learning social interactions


An adversary could potentially identify a participant of EN as the origin of an Exposure Notification. This would also reveal social interactions since it implies the two were in proximity.

An adversary with access to a device's EN APIs could feed a custom match query to the provideDiagnosisKeys API with a known, identified diagnosis key. If the API returns a match, the adversary knows that the individual with the diagnosis key exposed the device owner, that they met, and for how long.

An adversary could also feed a group of diagnosis keys to the API to learn if a user associated with the group of keys exposed the device owner. TEK metadata could be used to increase the effectiveness of this potential attack by observing matching results for a subset of diagnosis keys, tagged using TEK metadata. This could involve chaining between multiple observations if metadata state changes are possible.

Location variant: If the RPIs associated with that group of diagnosis keys were broadcast from a fixed location known to the adversary, the same attack could be used to learn about a target's location.


This type of potential attack would require connecting a user's identity with any diagnosis keys used in the attack. Mitigations against this attack include:

  1. Logging hashes of queries and making them exportable in the UI with the user's consent. These keys can be pooled for analysis to detect targeted attacks.

  2. The diagnosis server must sign all key bundles used in matching. Invalid signatures will result in an error upon matching. This prevents an attack via a compromised app that submits malicious queries. This mechanism also lets servers control the queries made and rate-limit them.

  3. Starting with Exposure Notification API v1.5, Healthcare Authority apps can only make six queries for ExposureWindow per day, reducing the risk of brute force attacks of this type.

  4. Metadata state changes are limited to only one per key. Such state changes are used, for example, to allow self-reported keys to transition to a confirmed diagnosis.

  5. The API can only be called from a limited set of known, approved apps. This means that an adversary must either have root-exploited the device or has compromised an Exposure Notification app's code signing keys.

  6. Connecting diagnosis keys with a user's identity for any purpose other than test verification is against Google's additional terms of service for ENS apps.

Additional considerations

Requiring a minimum query size would not help mitigate this attack because the API has no way to differentiate between a valid and invalid diagnosis key. An adversary could fill the rest of the query with fake or COVID-negative keys.


Tracking COVID-positive users for the rolling window period using the Temporary Exposure Key


An adversary with access to the downloaded TEKs could link a COVID-positive user's RPIs for the duration of a rolling window period. Using BLE sniffers in multiple places, an adversary could link together different observations of the user over the rolling window period but not longer.

See also Learning Social Interactions: location variant above.

Mitigations and considerations

Linking Rolling Proximity Identifiers with a Temporary Exposure Key for the duration of the Rolling Window is a network compression mechanism that reduces bandwidth costs for all users by approximately 100X. (See Bandwidth Usage above). The impact of this effect is greater in high-population countries where bandwidth is relatively costly. Our design must balance cost and network load with limiting trackability. We note that:

  1. This attack would allow trackability only for declared COVID-positive users and only over the rolling period window, which is 24 hours in EN version 1.5. Users are clearly informed and can opt-out when uploading TEKs following a positive diagnosis.

  2. For users who have not consented to upload their diagnosis keys following a positive COVID test result, an adversary cannot learn any more about the user than they already can by sniffing BLE packets.

    Rolling Proximity Identifiers are designed to be no more linkable than standard Bluetooth broadcast packets, which include a frequently rotating MAC address. Bluetooth Low-Energy (BLE) MAC addresses rotate at least every 15 minutes, at the same time as the EN RPI. Therefore, a COVID-negative person's device can at most be recognized for 15 minutes by another device within physical BLE range. RPI intervals are synchronized with these rotating Bluetooth MAC addresses to prevent linking alternately based on MAC address and RPI.

    By restarting the BLE interface on RPI reset, EN creates a random rotation interval for all devices that is synchronized with BLE MAC rotation. This prevents the BLE MAC being used to bridge the RPI rotation.

  3. This attack would require a large network of BLE sniffers.

  4. Unless the adversary has an independent means (for example, a camera network) of identifying users whose devices are transmitting BLE packets, the adversary will not learn the identity of COVID-positive users. If an adversary has a mechanism for identifying users in proximity, then they could already use this to track the user's movements. Using EN does not significantly increase tracking risks.

  5. To reduce the impact on the user's network bandwidth, the rolling period window is set at 24 hours but can be reduced in lower infection rate scenarios to lessen risks.

  6. The movements and interactions of COVID-positive users are revealed to a much greater extent by some manual contact tracing methods.

  7. Google Play’s policies forbid the malicious use of BLE scanning, and Play’s rigorous review processes are designed to detect it. Any app found to be explicitly capturing BLE RPIs will be removed.

Additional considerations

Cuckoo filter approach as a mitigation

One mitigation that has been proposed [see DP3T White Paper] is to distribute RPIs using a cuckoo filter rather than using temporary exposure keys and a pseudo-random function as in the current EN design.

A cuckoo filter approach trades a reduction in bandwidth usage for a higher number of false-positives and reduced trackability. We decided against this approach because achieving an acceptable number of false-positives would require excessive bandwidth and device storage consumption.

An in-depth analysis of the tolerable false-positive rate as part of our initial design led us to use 128-bit RPIs. Reaching a similarly low false-positive rate would make the use of cuckoo filters unfeasible from a bandwidth and storage perspective, given that the cuckoo filter is used for matching with RPIs, 144x more of them than Temporary Exposure Keys. For example, even allowing for a significantly higher false-positive rate for large deployments, for a daily infection rate of 60,000 with 50 million users, the download sizes required by each user would be over 1 GB per day.

Unlike our current design, another concern with the use of cuckoo filters is that a match can be caused without the knowledge of the TEK that generated that RPI value. This means that clients performing RPI matching cannot verify that a corresponding TEK from which they were derived was released, or when they were supposed to be broadcast. This makes the time window for messages to be replayed longer.

Using a cuckoo filter as a first stage match with a full check following would leak information about the user's social interactions to the server, which goes against a core privacy property of the system.

Bluetooth-based tracking


Switching on Bluetooth for users who had it switched off enables any tracking risk present with the standard Bluetooth stack.

Mitigations and considerations

The incremental risk of turning Bluetooth on to enable EN should be considered small because:

  • All BLE packet MAC addresses rotate at least every 15 minutes in sync with the EN RPI. At most, a person's device can be recognized for 15 minutes by another device within physical BLE range.
  • 7-15 minute rotating BLE advertising IDs are used by Android devices starting with Android Marshmallow, that is approximately 80% of devices in use. A large percentage of pre-Marshmallow devices do not have BLE, and would therefore not be able to run EN. Bluetooth Classic uses a fixed MAC address but this is only advertised if the device is in discoverable mode, that is when Bluetooth settings are open or when an app has triggered this mode, with a short timeout. Some manufacturers' Android devices enable Bluetooth Classic in discoverable mode whenever Bluetooth is turned on. We have notified, and are working with, affected manufacturers to fix this vulnerability. In the meantime, on Android, we turn off discoverability the first time EN is run, and every 24 hours thereafter.
  • Unless the adversary has an independent means of identifying users whose devices are transmitting BLE packets ( for example, a network of cameras) an adversary could not learn the identity of users or anything about who associates with whom. If an adversary has a mechanism for identifying users in proximity, then they can already use this to track the users' movements, and BLE does not introduce additional risk.

Bridging rotations at MAC/RPI boundaries

MAC and RPI rotations are designed to protect against adversaries observing the device’s BLE emissions across different locations and times, rather than continuously. For example, this mitigation protects against an adversary putting BLE sniffers in multiple train stations across a city, or against a store owner who links a user’s prior purchases to their path around the store.

Conversely, protecting against an adversary who can continuously collect every BLE frame emitted by a device is not a design goal for either MAC or RPI rotation.

  • This attack requires continuous proximity; an adversary would need to have an independent means of tracking the user’s location, or a spatially continuous network of sensors. For example, in order to track a device leaving from home at 0900, going to a coffee shop at 0930, and then to the library at 1100, the attacker must observe all 0915, 0930, 0945, 1000, … 1100 rotation events. If they could only observe the 0900 and 1100 rotations they would not be able to deduce that those were the same device.

  • While this means that such attacks aren’t useful for an adversary, it’s worth noting that the ability to bridge between temporally adjacent broadcast IDs is inherent in the use of any RF protocol since:

    • Adjacent timestamps can be used to link sources across frames

    • Signal strength can be assumed to be invariant between adjacent frames and can therefore also be used to link sources across frames.

For the sake of transparency, we note that this issue was confirmed on a subset of Android devices globally. These issues likely resulted from how certain OEMs have implemented Bluetooth since, for the reasons noted above, the Android Compatibility Definition Document (CDD) does not require rotation in sync. After extensive testing, a change to EN has nevertheless been rolled out that removes this opportunity for device-specific misbehavior with respect to EN for all devices. The RPI is now set to a globally fixed value for a small number of BLE frames surrounding the RPI rollover.

As noted above, Google Play’s policies forbid the malicious use of BLE scanning, and Play’s rigorous review processes are designed to detect it. Any app found to be explicitly capturing BLE RPIs will be removed.

Linking diagnosis keys through export file analysis


An adversary could attempt to link Diagnosis Keys from different days—which are independently randomly generated and a priori not linkable—based on analysis of Diagnosis Key batches served by the Diagnosis server.


  • This may be feasible specifically in situations where very few individuals are diagnosed positive in a given timeframe. If a diagnosis key batch only contains one diagnosis key for each day, the keys in the batch must correspond to the same individual. To mitigate this potential for correlation, we recommend that diagnosis key servers pad out diagnosis key batches with random keys, with some jitter so exports don't leak the fact that they were padded. This is implemented in our reference server (code).
  • The natural order in which diagnosis keys are stored in the diagnosis server's database may confer some information about their association at time of upload. To ensure this information is not leaked in diagnosis key export batches, we recommend that batches are re-ordered before publication, as we've done in our reference implementation.


If you have questions or feedback about this document, please let us know by emailing