diff --git a/docs/runtime_options.md b/docs/runtime_options.md index d6df690df3..ea6abf68b9 100644 --- a/docs/runtime_options.md +++ b/docs/runtime_options.md @@ -2,6 +2,15 @@ This document describes a set of runtime flags available in cAdvisor. +## Container labels +--store_container_labels=false: Do not convert container labels and environment variables into labels on prometheus metrics for each container. +--whitelisted_container_labels: comma separated list of container labels to be converted to labels on prometheus metrics for each container. store_container_labels must be set to false for this to take effect. + +## Limiting which containers are monitored +--docker_only=false: Do not report raw cgroup metrics, except the root cgroup. +--raw_cgroup_prefix_whitelist: A comma-separated list of cgroup path prefix that needs to be collected even when -docker_only is specified +--disable_root_cgroup_stats=false: Disable collecting root Cgroup stats. + ## Container Hints Container hints are a way to pass extra information about a container to cAdvisor. In this way cAdvisor can augment the stats it gathers. For more information on the container hints format see its [definition](../container/common/container_hints.go). Note that container hints are only used by the raw container driver today. @@ -44,7 +53,6 @@ From [glog](https://github.com/golang/glog) here are some flags we find useful: ``` --docker="unix:///var/run/docker.sock": docker endpoint (default "unix:///var/run/docker.sock") --docker_env_metadata_whitelist="": a comma-separated list of environment variable keys that needs to be collected for docker containers ---docker_only=false: Only report docker containers in addition to root stats --docker_root="/var/lib/docker": DEPRECATED: docker root is read from docker info (this is a fallback, default: /var/lib/docker) (default "/var/lib/docker") --docker-tls: use TLS to connect to docker --docker-tls-cert="cert.pem": client certificate for TLS-connection with docker