Over the years I have built many games, starting in 1984 with Apple Basic and building an artillery game. Bart Simson cruisers, and other stupid things you find in Byte magazine. I still don't feel like a programmer, but I persist.
HTML5 came along and it has good bones for coding games. I have build tic-tac-toe, memory, simon, bingo and few others.
I will add my links to my games here, and some tutorials
20 Best HTML5 Game Templates of 2017
Every time I think I have learned the basics of one thing or another, then something pops up and I am re-challenged to re-think or learn a new way. I had forgotten that AngularJS had a subset of jQuery in it, and have been struggling with better understanding of jQuery. So here is a set of pages with a few dozen games for better understanding and learning to understand jQuery better.
10 Cool jQuery Developed Games
Best jQuery Games Plugins & Tutorials with Demo
6 Awesome Game Development Tutorials with jQuery
Some good sites with jQuery webdesign
Leads to http://angularjs.jqueryrain.com/