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+title: 👋 Welcome
+description: 📦 Premade storage drivers for 🚀 Fiber.
+sidebar_position: 1
+Premade storage drivers that implement the [`Storage`](https://github.com/gofiber/storage/blob/main/storage.go) interface, designed to be used with various [Fiber middlewares](https://github.com/gofiber/fiber/tree/master/middleware).
+// Storage interface for communicating with different database/key-value
+// providers. Visit https://github.com/gofiber/storage for more info.
+type Storage interface {
+ // Get gets the value for the given key.
+ // `nil, nil` is returned when the key does not exist
+ Get(key string) ([]byte, error)
+ // Set stores the given value for the given key along
+ // with an expiration value, 0 means no expiration.
+ // Empty key or value will be ignored without an error.
+ Set(key string, val []byte, exp time.Duration) error
+ // Delete deletes the value for the given key.
+ // It returns no error if the storage does not contain the key,
+ Delete(key string) error
+ // Reset resets the storage and delete all keys.
+ Reset() error
+ // Close closes the storage and will stop any running garbage
+ // collectors and open connections.
+ Close() error
+## 📑 Storage Implementations
+- [ArangoDB](./arangodb/README.md)
+- [AzureBlob](./azureblob/README.md)
+- [Badger](./badger/README.md)
+- [Bbolt](./bbolt)
+- [CloudflareKV](./cloudflarekv/README.md)
+- [Coherence](./coherence/README.md)
+- [Couchbase](./couchbase/README.md)
+- [DynamoDB](./dynamodb/README.md)
+- [Etcd](./etcd/README.md)
+- [Memcache](./memcache/README.md)
+- [Memory](./memory/README.md)
+- [Minio](./minio/README.md)
+- [MongoDB](./mongodb/README.md)
+- [MSSQL](./mssql/README.md)
+- [MySQL](./mysql/README.md)
+- [NATS](./nats/README.md)
+- [Pebble](./pebble/README.md)
+- [Postgres](./postgres/README.md)
+- [Redis](./redis/README.md)
+- [Rueidis](./rueidis/README.md)
+- [S3](./s3/README.md)
+- [ScyllaDB](./scylladb/README.md)
+- [SQLite3](./sqlite3/README.md)
diff --git a/storage_versioned_docs/version-cloudflarekv_v0.x.x/arangodb/README.md b/storage_versioned_docs/version-cloudflarekv_v0.x.x/arangodb/README.md
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+id: arangodb
+title: ArangoDB
+A ArangoDB storage driver using `arangodb/go-driver` and [arangodb/go-driver](https://github.com/arangodb/go-driver).
+**Note: Requires Go 1.19 and above**
+### Table of Contents
+- [Signatures](#signatures)
+- [Installation](#installation)
+- [Examples](#examples)
+- [Config](#config)
+- [Default Config](#default-config)
+### Signatures
+func New(config ...Config) Storage
+func (s *Storage) Get(key string) ([]byte, error)
+func (s *Storage) Set(key string, val []byte, exp time.Duration) error
+func (s *Storage) Delete(key string) error
+func (s *Storage) Reset() error
+func (s *Storage) Close() error
+func (s *Storage) Conn() driver.Client
+### Installation
+ArangoDB is tested on the 2 last (1.14/1.15) [Go versions](https://golang.org/dl/) with support for modules. So make sure to initialize one first if you didn't do that yet:
+go mod init github.com//
+And then install the mysql implementation:
+go get github.com/gofiber/storage/arangodb/v2
+### Examples
+Import the storage package.
+import "github.com/gofiber/storage/arangodb/v2"
+You can use the following possibilities to create a storage:
+// Initialize default config
+store := arangodb.New()
+// Initialize custom config
+store := arangodb.New(arangodb.Config{
+ Host: "",
+ Port: 8529,
+ Database: "fiber",
+ Collection: "fiber_storage",
+ Reset: false,
+ GCInterval: 10 * time.Second,
+### Config
+type Config struct {
+ // Host name where the DB is hosted
+ //
+ // Optional. Default is ""
+ Host string
+ // Port where the DB is listening on
+ //
+ // Optional. Default is 8529
+ Port int
+ // Server username
+ //
+ // Optional. Default is ""
+ Username string
+ // Server password
+ //
+ // Optional. Default is ""
+ Password string
+ // Database name
+ //
+ // Optional. Default is "fiber"
+ Database string
+ // Collection name
+ //
+ // Optional. Default is "fiber_storage"
+ Collection string
+ // Reset clears any existing keys in existing collection
+ //
+ // Optional. Default is false
+ Reset bool
+ // Time before deleting expired keys
+ //
+ // Optional. Default is 10 * time.Second
+ GCInterval time.Duration
+### Default Config
+Used only for optional fields
+var ConfigDefault = Config{
+ Host: "",
+ Port: 8529,
+ Database: "fiber",
+ Collection: "fiber_storage",
+ Reset: false,
+ GCInterval: 10 * time.Second,
diff --git a/storage_versioned_docs/version-cloudflarekv_v0.x.x/azureblob/README.md b/storage_versioned_docs/version-cloudflarekv_v0.x.x/azureblob/README.md
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+id: azureblob
+title: Azure Blob
+[Azure Blob storage](https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/products/storage/blobs/#overview) is Microsoft's object storage solution for the cloud.
+**Note: Requires Go 1.19 and above**
+### Table of Contents
+- [Signatures](#signatures)
+- [Installation](#installation)
+- [Examples](#examples)
+- [Config](#config)
+- [Default Config](#default-config)
+### Signatures
+func New(config ...Config) Storage
+func (s *Storage) Get(key string) ([]byte, error)
+func (s *Storage) Set(key string, val []byte, exp time.Duration) error
+func (s *Storage) Delete(key string) error
+func (s *Storage) Reset() error
+func (s *Storage) Close() error
+func (s *Storage) Conn() *azblob.Client
+### Installation
+Azure blob storage driver is tested on the 2 last [Go versions](https://golang.org/dl/) with support for modules. So make sure to initialize one first if you didn't do that yet:
+go mod init github.com//
+And then install the azure blob implementation:
+go get github.com/gofiber/storage/azureblob/v2
+### Examples
+Import the storage package.
+import "github.com/gofiber/storage/azureblob/v2"
+You can use the following possibilities to create a storage:
+// Initialize default config
+store := azureblob.New()
+// Initialize custom config
+store := azureblob.New(azureblob.Config{
+ Account: "test",
+ Container: "test",
+ Credentials: Credentials{
+ Account: "test",
+ Key: "YXp1cml0ZWtleQo=",
+ },
+### Config
+type Config struct {
+ // Storage account name.
+ Account string
+ // Container name.
+ Container string
+ // Storage endpoint.
+ // Optional. Default: "https://STORAGEACCOUNTNAME.blob.core.windows.net"
+ Endpoint string
+ // Request timeout.
+ // Optional. Default is 0 (no timeout)
+ RequestTimeout time.Duration
+ // Reset clears any existing keys in existing container.
+ // Optional. Default is false
+ Reset bool
+ // Credentials overrides AWS access key and AWS secret access key. Not recommended.
+ // Optional. Default is Credentials{}
+ Credentials Credentials
+ // The maximum number of times requests that encounter retryable failures should be attempted.
+ // Optional. Default is 3
+ MaxAttempts int
+### Default Config
+var ConfigDefault = Config{
+ Account: "",
+ Container: "",
+ Endpoint: "",
+ RequestTimeout: 0,
+ Reset: false,
+ MaxAttempts: 3,
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+id: badger
+title: Badger
+A fast key-value DB using [dgraph-io/badger](https://github.com/dgraph-io/badger)
+**Note: Requires Go 1.19 and above**
+### Table of Contents
+- [Signatures](#signatures)
+- [Installation](#installation)
+- [Examples](#examples)
+- [Config](#config)
+- [Default Config](#default-config)
+### Signatures
+func New(config ...Config) Storage
+func (s *Storage) Get(key string) ([]byte, error)
+func (s *Storage) Set(key string, val []byte, exp time.Duration) error
+func (s *Storage) Delete(key string) error
+func (s *Storage) Reset() error
+func (s *Storage) Close() error
+func (s *Storage) Conn() *badger.DB
+### Installation
+Badger is tested on the 2 last [Go versions](https://golang.org/dl/) with support for modules. So make sure to initialize one first if you didn't do that yet:
+go mod init github.com//
+And then install the badger implementation:
+go get github.com/gofiber/storage/badger/v2
+### Examples
+Import the storage package.
+import "github.com/gofiber/storage/badger/v2"
+You can use the following possibilities to create a storage:
+// Initialize default config
+store := badger.New()
+// Initialize custom config
+store := badger.New(badger.Config{
+ Database: "./fiber.badger",
+ Reset: false,
+ GCInterval: 10 * time.Second,
+### Config
+type Config struct {
+ // Database name
+ //
+ // Optional. Default is "./fiber.badger"
+ Database string
+ // Reset clears any existing keys in existing Table
+ //
+ // Optional. Default is false
+ Reset bool
+ // Time before deleting expired keys
+ //
+ // Optional. Default is 10 * time.Second
+ GCInterval time.Duration
+ // BadgerOptions is a way to set options in badger
+ //
+ // Optional. Default is badger.DefaultOptions("./fiber.badger")
+ BadgerOptions badger.Options
+ // Logger is the default logger used by badger
+ //
+ // Optional. Default is nil
+ Logger badger.Logger
+ // UseLogger define if any logger will be used
+ //
+ // Optional. Default is false
+ UseLogger bool
+### Default Config
+var ConfigDefault = Config{
+ Database: "./fiber.badger",
+ Reset: false,
+ GCInterval: 10 * time.Second,
+ BadgerOptions: badger.DefaultOptions("./fiber.badger").WithLogger(nil),
+ Logger: nil,
+ UseLogger: false,
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+id: bbolt
+title: Bbolt
+A Bbolt storage driver using [etcd-io/bbolt](https://github.com/etcd-io/bbolt). Bolt is a pure Go key/value store inspired by [Howard Chu's](https://twitter.com/hyc_symas) [LMDB project](https://www.symas.com/symas-embedded-database-lmdb). The goal of the project is to provide a simple, fast, and reliable database for projects that don't require a full database server such as Postgres or MySQL.
+**Note: Requires Go 1.19 and above**
+### Table of Contents
+- [Signatures](#signatures)
+- [Installation](#installation)
+- [Examples](#examples)
+- [Config](#config)
+- [Default Config](#default-config)
+### Signatures
+func New(config ...Config) Storage
+func (s *Storage) Get(key string) ([]byte, error)
+func (s *Storage) Set(key string, val []byte, exp time.Duration) error
+func (s *Storage) Delete(key string) error
+func (s *Storage) Reset() error
+func (s *Storage) Close() error
+func (s *Storage) Conn() *bbolt.DB
+### Installation
+Bbolt is tested on the 2 last [Go versions](https://golang.org/dl/) with support for modules. So make sure to initialize one first if you didn't do that yet:
+go mod init github.com//
+And then install the s3 implementation:
+go get github.com/gofiber/storage/bbolt/v2
+### Examples
+Import the storage package.
+import "github.com/gofiber/storage/bbolt/v2"
+You can use the following possibilities to create a storage:
+// Initialize default config
+store := bbolt.New()
+// Initialize custom config
+store := bbolt.New(bbolt.Config{
+ Database: "my_database.db",
+ Bucket: "my-bucket",
+ Reset: false,
+### Config
+// Config defines the config for storage.
+type Config struct {
+ // Database path
+ //
+ // Optional. Default is "fiber.db"
+ Database string
+ // Bbolt bucket name
+ //
+ // Optional. Default is "fiber_storage"
+ Bucket string
+ // Timeout is the amount of time to wait to obtain a file lock.
+ // Only available on Darwin and Linux.
+ //
+ // Optional. Default is 60 * time.Second.
+ Timeout time.Duration
+ // Open database in read-only mode.
+ //
+ // Optional. Default is false
+ ReadOnly bool
+ // Reset clears any existing keys in existing Bucket
+ //
+ // Optional. Default is false
+ Reset bool
+### Default Config
+// ConfigDefault is the default config
+var ConfigDefault = Config{
+ Database: "fiber.db",
+ Bucket: "fiber_storage",
+ Timeout: 60 * time.Second,
+ ReadOnly: false,
+ Reset: false,
diff --git a/storage_versioned_docs/version-cloudflarekv_v0.x.x/cloudflarekv/README.md b/storage_versioned_docs/version-cloudflarekv_v0.x.x/cloudflarekv/README.md
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+id: cloudflarekv
+title: Cloudflare KV
+A Cloudflare KV storage driver using [cloudflare/cloudflare-go](https://github.com/cloudflare/cloudflare-go).
+**Note: Requires Go 1.21 and above**
+### Table of Contents
+- [Signatures](#signatures)
+- [Installation](#installation)
+- [Examples](#examples)
+- [Config](#config)
+- [Default Config](#default-config)
+### Signatures
+func New(config ...Config) Storage
+func (s *Storage) Get(key string) ([]byte, error)
+func (s *Storage) Set(key string, val []byte, exp time.Duration) error
+func (s *Storage) Delete(key string) error
+func (s *Storage) Reset() error
+func (s *Storage) Close() error
+func (s *Storage) Conn() *cloudflare.API
+### Installation
+go mod init github.com//
+And then install the Cloudflare KV implementation:
+go get github.com/gofiber/storage/cloudflarekv
+### Examples
+Import the storage package.
+import "github.com/gofiber/storage/cloudflarekv"
+You can use the following methods to create storage. The Key must be an API Token generated with at least `Account.Workers KV Storage` permission. Check the [Create API Token](https://developers.cloudflare.com/fundamentals/api/get-started/create-token/) documentation to generate one.
+// Initialize default config
+store := cloudflarekv.New()
+store := cloudflarekv.New(cloudflarekv.Config{
+ Key: "",
+ Email: "",
+ AccountID: "fiber",
+ NamespaceID: "fiber",
+ Reset: false,
+### Config
+type Config struct {
+ // Cloudflare Auth Token
+ //
+ // Optional. Default is ""
+ Key string
+ // Cloudflare Email
+ //
+ // Optional. Default is ""
+ Email string
+ // Account id
+ //
+ // Optional. Default is "fiber"
+ AccountID string
+ // Namespace id
+ //
+ // Optional. Default is "fiber"
+ NamespaceID string
+ // Reset clears any existing keys in existing Table
+ //
+ // Optional. Default is false
+ Reset bool
+### Default Config
+var ConfigDefault = Config{
+ Key: "",
+ Email: "",
+ AccountID: "fiber",
+ NamespaceID: "fiber",
+ Reset: false,
diff --git a/storage_versioned_docs/version-cloudflarekv_v0.x.x/coherence/README.md b/storage_versioned_docs/version-cloudflarekv_v0.x.x/coherence/README.md
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+# Coherence
+A Coherence storage driver using [https://github.com/oracle/coherence-go-client](https://github.com/oracle/coherence-go-client).
+### Table of Contents
+- [Signatures](#signatures)
+- [Installation](#installation)
+- [Examples](#examples)
+- [Config](#config)
+- [Default Config](#default-config)
+### Signatures
+func New(config ...Config) (*Storage, error)
+func (s *Storage) Get(key string) ([]byte, error)
+func (s *Storage) Set(key string, val []byte, exp time.Duration) error
+func (s *Storage) Delete(key string) error
+func (s *Storage) Reset() error
+func (s *Storage) Close() error
+func (s *Storage) Conn() *Session
+### Installation
+Coherence is supported on Go versions 1.19 and above:
+Install the coherence implementation:
+go get github.com/gofiber/storage/coherence
+Before running or testing this implementation, you must ensure a Coherence cluster is available.
+For local development, we recommend using the Coherence CE Docker image; it contains everything
+necessary for the client to operate correctly.
+To start a Coherence cluster using Docker, issue the following:
+docker run -d -p 1408:1408 ghcr.io/oracle/coherence-ce:22.06.7
+See the documentation [here](https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/oracle/coherence-go-client/coherence#hdr-Obtaining_a_Session) on connection options
+when creating a Coherence session.
+### Examples
+Import the storage package.
+import "github.com/gofiber/storage/coherence"
+You can use the following possibilities to create a storage:
+// Initialize default config, to connect to localhost:1408 using plain text
+store, err := coherence.New()
+// Initialize custom config to connect to a different host/port and use plain text and expiry of 5 minutes.
+store, err := coherence.New(coherence.Config{
+ Address: "my-host:myport",
+ Expiration: time.Duration(300) * time.Second, // 5 minutes
+// Initialize to connect with TLS enabled with your own tls.Config
+tlsConfig := config := &tls.Config{...}
+store, err := coherence.New(coherence.Config{
+ Address: "my-host:myport",
+ TLSConfig: tlsConfig,
+> Note: If you create two stores using `coherence.New()` they will effectivity be identical.
+> If you wish to have two separate stores, then you can use:
+> ```go
+> store1, err := coherence.New(Config{ScopeName: "scope1"})
+> store2, err := coherence.New(Config{ScopeName: "scope2"})
+> ```
+**Near Caches**
+The latest version of the Coherence Go client introduces near cache support
+to cache frequently accessed data in the Go client to avoid sending requests across the network.
+This is particularly useful if you are using sticky sessions via a LBR as this will cache
+the session in the Go process and the `Get()` operations will be much quicker.
+When the session is expired on the server it will automatically be removed from the near cache.
+To enable this for you session, you can set the `NearCacheTimeout` to a duration less than the expiry.
+// Initialize default config, to connect to localhost:1408 using plain text
+store, err := coherence.New()
+// Use plain text with default expiry of 5 minutes, and a near cache expiry of 2 minutes
+store, err := coherence.New(coherence.Config{
+ Address: "my-host:myport",
+ Expiration: time.Duration(300) * time.Second, // 5 minutes
+ NearCacheTimeout: time.Duration(120) * time.Second, // 2 minutes
+> Note: You must ensure your near cache timeout is less that the session timeout.
+### Config
+// Config defines configuration options for Coherence connection.
+type Config struct {
+ // Address to connect to, defaults to "localhost:1408"
+ Address string
+ // Timeout is the default session timeout to connect to Coherence, defaults to 30s
+ Timeout time.Duration
+ // ScopeName defines a scope allowing for multiple storage sessions
+ ScopeName string
+ // Reset indicates if the store should be reset after being created
+ Reset bool
+ // TLSConfig specifies tls.Config to use when connecting, if nil then plain text is used
+ TLSConfig *tls.Config
+ // NearCacheTimeout defines the timeout for a near cache. Is this is set, then a near cache
+ // with the timeout is created. Note: this must be less than the session timeout or any timeout you specify
+ // when using Set().
+ NearCacheTimeout time.Duration
+### Default Config
+var DefaultConfig = Config{
+ Address: "localhost:1408",
+ Timeout: time.Duration(120) * time.Seconds,
+ ScopeName: defaultScopeName,
+ Reset: false,
+ NearCacheTimeout: time.Duration(60) * time.Seconds,
diff --git a/storage_versioned_docs/version-cloudflarekv_v0.x.x/couchbase/README.md b/storage_versioned_docs/version-cloudflarekv_v0.x.x/couchbase/README.md
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+id: couchbase
+title: Couchbase
+A Couchbase storage driver using [couchbase/gocb](https://github.com/couchbase/gocb).
+**Note: Requires Go 1.19 and above**
+### Table of Contents
+- [Signatures](#signatures)
+- [Installation](#installation)
+- [Examples](#examples)
+- [Config](#config)
+- [Default Config](#default-config)
+### Signatures
+func New(config ...Config) Storage
+func (s *Storage) Get(key string) ([]byte, error)
+func (s *Storage) Set(key string, val []byte, exp time.Duration) error
+func (s *Storage) Delete(key string) error
+func (s *Storage) Reset() error
+func (s *Storage) Close() error
+func (s *Storage) Conn() *gocb.Cluster
+### Installation
+Couchbase is tested on the 2 last [Go versions](https://golang.org/dl/) with support for modules. So make sure to initialize one first if you didn't do that yet:
+go mod init github.com//
+And then install the Couchbase implementation:
+go get github.com/gofiber/storage/couchbase/v2
+### Examples
+Import the storage package.
+import "github.com/gofiber/storage/couchbase/v2"
+You can use the following possibilities to create a storage:
+// Initialize default config
+store := couchbase.New()
+// Initialize Couchbase storage with custom config
+store := couchbase.New(couchbase.Config{
+ Host: "",
+ Username: "",
+ Password: "",
+ Bucket: 0,
+ ConnectionTimeout: 3* time.Second,
+ KVTimeout: 1* time.Second,
+### Config
+type Config struct {
+ // The application username to Connect to the Couchbase cluster
+ Username string
+ // The application password to Connect to the Couchbase cluster
+ Password string
+ // The connection string for the Couchbase cluster
+ Host string
+ // The name of the bucket to Connect to
+ Bucket string
+ // The timeout for connecting to the Couchbase cluster
+ ConnectionTimeout time.Duration
+ // The timeout for performing operations on the Couchbase cluster
+ KVTimeout time.Duration
+### Default Config
+// ConfigDefault is the default config
+var ConfigDefault = Config{
+ Host: "",
+ Username: "admin",
+ Password: "123456",
+ Bucket: "fiber_storage",
+ ConnectionTimeout: 3 * time.Second,
+ KVTimeout: 1 * time.Second,
diff --git a/storage_versioned_docs/version-cloudflarekv_v0.x.x/dynamodb/README.md b/storage_versioned_docs/version-cloudflarekv_v0.x.x/dynamodb/README.md
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+id: dynamodb
+title: DynamoDB
+A DynamoDB storage driver using [aws/aws-sdk-go-v2](https://github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2).
+**Note:** If config fields of credentials not given, credentials are using from the environment variables, ~/.aws/credentials, or EC2 instance role. If config fields of credentials given, credentials are using from config. Look at: [specifying credentials](https://aws.github.io/aws-sdk-go-v2/docs/configuring-sdk/#specifying-credentials)
+**Note: Requires Go 1.19 and above**
+### Table of Contents
+- [Signatures](#signatures)
+- [Installation](#installation)
+- [Examples](#examples)
+- [Config](#config)
+- [Default Config](#default-config)
+### Signatures
+func New(config Config) Storage
+func (s *Storage) Get(key string) ([]byte, error)
+func (s *Storage) Set(key string, val []byte, exp time.Duration) error
+func (s *Storage) Delete(key string) error
+func (s *Storage) Reset() error
+func (s *Storage) Close() error
+func (s *Storage) Conn() *awsdynamodb.Client
+### Installation
+DynamoDB is tested on the 2 last [Go versions](https://golang.org/dl/) with support for modules. So make sure to initialize one first if you didn't do that yet:
+go mod init github.com//
+And then install the dynamodb implementation:
+go get github.com/gofiber/storage/dynamodb/v2
+### Examples
+Import the storage package.
+import "github.com/gofiber/storage/dynamodb/v2"
+You can use the following possibilities to create a storage:
+// Initialize dynamodb
+store := dynamodb.New(dynamodb.Config{
+### Config
+type Config struct {
+ // Region of the DynamoDB service you want to use.
+ // Valid values: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/general/latest/gr/rande.html#ddb_region.
+ // E.g. "us-west-2".
+ // Optional (read from shared config file or environment variable if not set).
+ // Environment variable: "AWS_REGION".
+ Region string
+ // Name of the DynamoDB table.
+ // Optional ("fiber_storage" by default).
+ Table string
+ // CustomEndpoint allows you to set a custom DynamoDB service endpoint.
+ // This is especially useful if you're running a "DynamoDB local" Docker container for local testing.
+ // Typical value for the Docker container: "http://localhost:8000".
+ // See https://hub.docker.com/r/amazon/dynamodb-local/.
+ // Optional ("" by default)
+ Endpoint string
+ // Credentials overrides AWS access key and AWS secret access key. Not recommended.
+ //
+ // Optional. Default is Credentials{}
+ Credentials Credentials
+ // The maximum number of times requests that encounter retryable failures should be attempted.
+ //
+ // Optional. Default is 3
+ MaxAttempts int
+ // Reset clears any existing keys in existing Bucket
+ //
+ // Optional. Default is false
+ Reset bool
+ // ReadCapacityUnits of the table.
+ // Only required when the table doesn't exist yet and is created by gokv.
+ // Optional (5 by default, which is the same default value as when creating a table in the web console)
+ // 25 RCUs are included in the free tier (across all tables).
+ // For example calculations, see https://github.com/awsdocs/amazon-dynamodb-developer-guide/blob/c420420a59040c5b3dd44a6e59f7c9e55fc922ef/doc_source/HowItWorks.ProvisionedThroughput.
+ // For limits, see https://github.com/awsdocs/amazon-dynamodb-developer-guide/blob/c420420a59040c5b3dd44a6e59f7c9e55fc922ef/doc_source/Limits.md#capacity-units-and-provisioned-throughput.md#provisioned-throughput.
+ ReadCapacityUnits int64
+ // ReadCapacityUnits of the table.
+ // Only required when the table doesn't exist yet and is created by gokv.
+ // Optional (5 by default, which is the same default value as when creating a table in the web console)
+ // 25 RCUs are included in the free tier (across all tables).
+ // For example calculations, see https://github.com/awsdocs/amazon-dynamodb-developer-guide/blob/c420420a59040c5b3dd44a6e59f7c9e55fc922ef/doc_source/HowItWorks.ProvisionedThroughput.
+ // For limits, see https://github.com/awsdocs/amazon-dynamodb-developer-guide/blob/c420420a59040c5b3dd44a6e59f7c9e55fc922ef/doc_source/Limits.md#capacity-units-and-provisioned-throughput.md#provisioned-throughput.
+ WriteCapacityUnits int64
+ // If the table doesn't exist yet, gokv creates it.
+ // If WaitForTableCreation is true, gokv will block until the table is created, with a timeout of 15 seconds.
+ // If the table still doesn't exist after 15 seconds, an error is returned.
+ // If WaitForTableCreation is false, gokv returns the client immediately.
+ // In the latter case you need to make sure that you don't read from or write to the table before it's created,
+ // because otherwise you will get ResourceNotFoundException errors.
+ // Optional (true by default).
+ WaitForTableCreation *bool
+type Credentials struct {
+ AccessKey string
+ SecretAccessKey string
+### Default Config
+var ConfigDefault = Config{
+ Table: "fiber_storage",
+ Credentials: Credentials{},
+ MaxAttempts: 3,
+ Reset: false,
+ ReadCapacityUnits: 5,
+ WriteCapacityUnits: 5,
+ WaitForTableCreation: aws.Bool(true),
diff --git a/storage_versioned_docs/version-cloudflarekv_v0.x.x/etcd/README.md b/storage_versioned_docs/version-cloudflarekv_v0.x.x/etcd/README.md
new file mode 100644
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@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+id: etcd
+title: Etcd
+A Etcd storage driver using [`etcd-io/etcd`](https://github.com/etcd-io/etcd).
+**Note: Requires Go 1.19 and above**
+### Table of Contents
+- [Signatures](#signatures)
+- [Installation](#installation)
+- [Examples](#examples)
+- [Config](#config)
+- [Default Config](#default-config)
+### Signatures
+func New(config ...Config) *Storage
+func (s *Storage) Get(key string) ([]byte, error)
+func (s *Storage) Set(key string, val []byte, exp time.Duration) error
+func (s *Storage) Delete(key string) error
+func (s *Storage) Reset() error
+func (s *Storage) Close() error
+func (s *Storage) Conn() *clientv3.Client
+### Installation
+Etcd is tested on the 2 last [Go versions](https://golang.org/dl/) with support for modules. So make sure to initialize one first if you didn't do that yet:
+go mod init github.com//
+And then install the etcd implementation:
+go get github.com/gofiber/storage/etcd/v2
+### Examples
+Import the storage package.
+import "github.com/gofiber/storage/etcd/v2"
+You can use the following possibilities to create a storage:
+// Initialize default config
+store := etcd.New()
+// Initialize custom config
+store := etcd.New(Config{
+ Endpoints: []string{"localhost:2379"},
+### Config
+type Config struct {
+ // Endpoints is a list of URLs.
+ Endpoints []string
+ // DialTimeout is the timeout for failing to establish a connection.
+ DialTimeout time.Duration
+ // Username is a username for authentication.
+ Username string
+ // Password is a password for authentication.
+ Password string
+ // TLS holds the client secure credentials, if any.
+ TLS *tls.Config
+### Default Config
+var ConfigDefault = Config{
+ Endpoints: []string{"localhost:2379"},
+ DialTimeout: 2 * time.Second,
+ Username: "",
+ Password: "",
+ TLS: nil,
diff --git a/storage_versioned_docs/version-cloudflarekv_v0.x.x/memcache/README.md b/storage_versioned_docs/version-cloudflarekv_v0.x.x/memcache/README.md
new file mode 100644
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+++ b/storage_versioned_docs/version-cloudflarekv_v0.x.x/memcache/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+id: memcache
+title: Memcache
+A Memcache storage driver using [`bradfitz/gomemcache`](https://github.com/bradfitz/gomemcache).
+**Note: Requires Go 1.19 and above**
+### Table of Contents
+- [Signatures](#signatures)
+- [Installation](#installation)
+- [Examples](#examples)
+- [Config](#config)
+- [Default Config](#default-config)
+### Signatures
+func New(config ...Config) Storage
+func (s *Storage) Get(key string) ([]byte, error)
+func (s *Storage) Set(key string, val []byte, exp time.Duration) error
+func (s *Storage) Delete(key string) error
+func (s *Storage) Reset() error
+func (s *Storage) Close() error
+func (s *Storage) Conn() *mc.Client
+### Installation
+Memory is tested on the 2 last [Go versions](https://golang.org/dl/) with support for modules. So make sure to initialize one first if you didn't do that yet:
+go mod init github.com//
+And then install the memory implementation:
+go get github.com/gofiber/storage/memory/v2
+### Examples
+Import the storage package.
+import "github.com/gofiber/storage/memcache"
+You can use the following possibilities to create a storage:
+// Initialize default config
+store := memcache.New()
+// Initialize custom config
+store := memcache.New(memcache.Config{
+ Servers: "localhost:11211",
+### Config
+type Config struct {
+ // Server list divided by ,
+ // i.e. server1:11211, server2:11212
+ //
+ // Optional. Default is ""
+ Servers string
+ // Reset clears any existing keys in existing Table
+ //
+ // Optional. Default is false
+ Reset bool
+### Default Config
+var ConfigDefault = Config{
+ Servers: "",
diff --git a/storage_versioned_docs/version-cloudflarekv_v0.x.x/memory/README.md b/storage_versioned_docs/version-cloudflarekv_v0.x.x/memory/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..8cb31506fa1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/storage_versioned_docs/version-cloudflarekv_v0.x.x/memory/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+id: memory
+title: Memory
+An in-memory storage driver.
+**Note: Requires Go 1.19 and above**
+### Table of Contents
+- [Signatures](#signatures)
+- [Installation](#installation)
+- [Examples](#examples)
+- [Config](#config)
+- [Default Config](#default-config)
+### Signatures
+func New(config ...Config) Storage
+func (s *Storage) Get(key string) ([]byte, error)
+func (s *Storage) Set(key string, val []byte, exp time.Duration) error
+func (s *Storage) Delete(key string) error
+func (s *Storage) Reset() error
+func (s *Storage) Close() error
+func (s *Storage) Conn() map[string]entry
+func (s *Storage) Keys() ([][]byte, error)
+### Installation
+Memory is tested on the 2 last [Go versions](https://golang.org/dl/) with support for modules. So make sure to initialize one first if you didn't do that yet:
+go mod init github.com//
+And then install the memory implementation:
+go get github.com/gofiber/storage/memory/v2
+### Examples
+Import the storage package.
+import "github.com/gofiber/storage/memory/v2"
+You can use the following possibilities to create a storage:
+// Initialize default config
+store := memory.New()
+// Initialize custom config
+store := memory.New(memory.Config{
+ GCInterval: 10 * time.Second,
+### Config
+type Config struct {
+ // Time before deleting expired keys
+ //
+ // Default is 10 * time.Second
+ GCInterval time.Duration
+### Default Config
+var ConfigDefault = Config{
+ GCInterval: 10 * time.Second,
diff --git a/storage_versioned_docs/version-cloudflarekv_v0.x.x/minio/README.md b/storage_versioned_docs/version-cloudflarekv_v0.x.x/minio/README.md
new file mode 100644
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+++ b/storage_versioned_docs/version-cloudflarekv_v0.x.x/minio/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+id: minio
+title: Minio
+## Minio
+A Minio storage driver using [minio/minio-go](https://github.com/minio/minio-go).
+**Note: Requires Go 1.19 and above**
+### Table of Contents
+- [Signatures](#signatures)
+- [Installation](#installation)
+- [Examples](#examples)
+- [Config](#config)
+- [Default Config](#default-config)
+### Signatures
+func New(config ...Config) Storage
+func (s *Storage) Get(key string) ([]byte, error)
+func (s *Storage) Set(key string, val []byte, exp time.Duration) error
+func (s *Storage) Delete(key string) error
+func (s *Storage) Reset() error
+func (s *Storage) Close() error
+func (s *Storage) CheckBucket() error
+func (s *Storage) CreateBucket() error
+func (s *Storage) RemoveBucket() error
+func (s *Storage) Conn() *minio.Client
+### Installation
+Install the Minio implementation:
+go get github.com/gofiber/storage/minio
+And then run minio on Docker
+docker run -d --restart always -p 9000:9000 -p 9001:9001 --name storage-minio --volume=minio:/var/lib/minio -e MINIO_ROOT_USER='minio-user' -e MINIO_ROOT_PASSWORD='minio-password' minio/minio server --console-address ":9001" /var/lib/minio
+### Examples
+Import the storage package.
+import "github.com/gofiber/storage/minio"
+You can use the following possibilities to create a storage:
+// Initialize default config
+store := minio.New()
+// Initialize custom config
+store := minio.New(minio.Config{
+ Bucket: "fiber-bucket",
+ Endpoint: "localhost:9000",
+ Credentials: Credentials{
+ AccessKeyID: "minio-user",
+ SecretAccessKey: "minio-password",
+ },
+### Config
+// Config defines the config for storage.
+type Config struct {
+ // Bucket
+ // Default fiber-bucket
+ Bucket string
+ // Endpoint is a host name or an IP address
+ Endpoint string
+ // Region Set this value to override region cache
+ // Optional
+ Region string
+ // Token Set this value to provide x-amz-security-token (AWS S3 specific)
+ // Optional, Default is false
+ Token string
+ // Secure If set to true, https is used instead of http.
+ // Default is false
+ Secure bool
+ // Reset clears any existing keys in existing Bucket
+ // Optional. Default is false
+ Reset bool
+ // Credentials Minio access key and Minio secret key.
+ // Need to be defined
+ Credentials Credentials
+ // GetObjectOptions Options for GET requests specifying additional options like encryption, If-Match
+ GetObjectOptions minio.GetObjectOptions
+ // PutObjectOptions
+ // Allows user to set optional custom metadata, content headers, encryption keys and number of threads for multipart upload operation.
+ PutObjectOptions minio.PutObjectOptions
+ // ListObjectsOptions Options per to list objects
+ ListObjectsOptions minio.ListObjectsOptions
+ // RemoveObjectOptions Allows user to set options
+ RemoveObjectOptions minio.RemoveObjectOptions
+### Default Config
+The default configuration lacks Bucket, Region, and Endpoint which are all required and must be overwritten:
+// ConfigDefault is the default config
+var ConfigDefault = Config{
+ Bucket: "fiber-bucket",
+ Endpoint: "",
+ Region: "",
+ Token: "",
+ Secure: false,
+ Reset: false,
+ Credentials: Credentials{},
+ GetObjectOptions: minio.GetObjectOptions{},
+ PutObjectOptions: minio.PutObjectOptions{},
+ ListObjectsOptions: minio.ListObjectsOptions{},
+ RemoveObjectOptions: minio.RemoveObjectOptions{},
+type Credentials struct {
+ AccessKeyID string
+ SecretAccessKey string
diff --git a/storage_versioned_docs/version-cloudflarekv_v0.x.x/mongodb/README.md b/storage_versioned_docs/version-cloudflarekv_v0.x.x/mongodb/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..652edd9e0d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/storage_versioned_docs/version-cloudflarekv_v0.x.x/mongodb/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+id: mongodb
+title: MongoDB
+A MongoDB storage driver using [mongodb/mongo-go-driver](https://github.com/mongodb/mongo-go-driver).
+**Note: Requires Go 1.19 and above**
+### Table of Contents
+- [Signatures](#signatures)
+- [Installation](#installation)
+- [Examples](#examples)
+- [Config](#config)
+- [Default Config](#default-config)
+### Signatures
+func New(config ...Config) Storage
+func (s *Storage) Get(key string) ([]byte, error)
+func (s *Storage) Set(key string, val []byte, exp time.Duration) error
+func (s *Storage) Delete(key string) error
+func (s *Storage) Reset() error
+func (s *Storage) Close() error
+func (s *Storage) Conn() *mongo.Database
+### Installation
+MongoDB is tested on the 2 last [Go versions](https://golang.org/dl/) with support for modules. So make sure to initialize one first if you didn't do that yet:
+go mod init github.com//
+And then install the mongodb implementation:
+go get github.com/gofiber/storage/mongodb/v2
+### Examples
+Import the storage package.
+import "github.com/gofiber/storage/mongodb/v2"
+You can use the following possibilities to create a storage:
+// Initialize default config
+store := mongodb.New()
+// Initialize custom config
+store := mongodb.New(mongodb.Config{
+ Host: "",
+ Port: 27017,
+ Database: "fiber",
+ Collection: "fiber_storage",
+ Reset: false,
+// Initialize custom config using connection string
+store := mongodb.New(mongodb.Config{
+ ConnectionURI: "mongodb://user:password@",
+ Database: "fiber",
+ Collection: "fiber_storage",
+ Reset: false,
+### Config
+type Config struct {
+ // Connection string to use for DB. Will override all other authentication values if used
+ //
+ // Optional. Default is ""
+ ConnectionURI string
+ // Host name where the DB is hosted
+ //
+ // Optional. Default is ""
+ Host string
+ // Port where the DB is listening on
+ //
+ // Optional. Default is 27017
+ Port int
+ // Server username
+ //
+ // Optional. Default is ""
+ Username string
+ // Server password
+ //
+ // Optional. Default is ""
+ Password string
+ // Database name
+ //
+ // Optional. Default is "fiber"
+ Database string
+ // Collection name
+ //
+ // Optional. Default is "fiber_storage"
+ Collection string
+ // Reset clears any existing keys in existing Table
+ //
+ // Optional. Default is false
+ Reset bool
+### Default Config
+var ConfigDefault = Config{
+ ConnectionURI: "",
+ Host: "",
+ Port: 27017,
+ Database: "fiber",
+ Collection: "fiber_storage",
+ Reset: false,
diff --git a/storage_versioned_docs/version-cloudflarekv_v0.x.x/mssql/README.md b/storage_versioned_docs/version-cloudflarekv_v0.x.x/mssql/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..fb774fc215a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/storage_versioned_docs/version-cloudflarekv_v0.x.x/mssql/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+id: mssql
+title: MSSQL
+A MSSQL storage driver using [microsoft/go-mssqldb](https://github.com/microsoft/go-mssqldb).
+**Note: Requires Go 1.19 and above**
+### Table of Contents
+- [Signatures](#signatures)
+- [Installation](#installation)
+- [Examples](#examples)
+- [Config](#config)
+- [Default Config](#default-config)
+### Signatures
+func New(config ...Config) Storage
+func (s *Storage) Get(key string) ([]byte, error)
+func (s *Storage) Set(key string, val []byte, exp time.Duration) error
+func (s *Storage) Delete(key string) error
+func (s *Storage) Reset() error
+func (s *Storage) Close() error
+func (s *Storage) Conn() *sql.DB
+### Installation
+MSSQL is tested on the 2 last [Go versions](https://golang.org/dl/) with support for modules. So make sure to initialize one first if you didn't do that yet:
+go mod init github.com//
+And then install the mssql implementation:
+go get github.com/gofiber/storage/mssql/v2
+### Examples
+Import the storage package.
+import "github.com/gofiber/storage/mssql/v2"
+You can use the following possibilities to create a storage:
+// Initialize default config
+store := mssql.New()
+// Initialize custom config
+store := mssql.New(mssql.Config{
+ Host: "",
+ Port: 1433,
+ Database: "fiber",
+ Table: "fiber_storage",
+ Reset: false,
+ GCInterval: 10 * time.Second,
+ SslMode: "disable",
+// Initialize custom config using connection string
+store := mssql.New(mssql.Config{
+ ConnectionURI: "sqlserver://user:password@localhost:1433?database=fiber"
+ Reset: false,
+ GCInterval: 10 * time.Second,
+### Config
+// Config defines the config for storage.
+type Config struct {
+ // Connection string to use for DB. Will override all other authentication values if used
+ //
+ // Optional. Default is ""
+ ConnectionURI string
+ // Host name where the DB is hosted
+ //
+ // Optional. Default is ""
+ Host string
+ // Port where the DB is listening on
+ //
+ // Optional. Default is 1433
+ Port int
+ // Server username
+ //
+ // Optional. Default is ""
+ Username string
+ // Server password
+ //
+ // Optional. Default is ""
+ Password string
+ // Instance name
+ //
+ // Optional. Default is ""
+ Instance string
+ // Database name
+ //
+ // Optional. Default is "fiber"
+ Database string
+ // Table name
+ //
+ // Optional. Default is "fiber_storage"
+ Table string
+ // Reset clears any existing keys in existing Table
+ //
+ // Optional. Default is false
+ Reset bool
+ // Time before deleting expired keys
+ //
+ // Optional. Default is 10 * time.Second
+ GCInterval time.Duration
+ // The SSL mode for the connection
+ //
+ // Optional. Default is "disable"
+ SslMode string
+### Default Config
+var ConfigDefault = Config{
+ ConnectionURI: "",
+ Host: "",
+ Port: 1433,
+ Database: "fiber",
+ Table: "fiber_storage",
+ Reset: false,
+ GCInterval: 10 * time.Second,
+ SslMode: "disable",
diff --git a/storage_versioned_docs/version-cloudflarekv_v0.x.x/mysql/README.md b/storage_versioned_docs/version-cloudflarekv_v0.x.x/mysql/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..49dafaf3e09
--- /dev/null
+++ b/storage_versioned_docs/version-cloudflarekv_v0.x.x/mysql/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+id: mysql
+title: MySQL
+A MySQL storage driver using `database/sql` and [go-sql-driver/mysql](https://github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql).
+**Note: Requires Go 1.19 and above**
+### Table of Contents
+- [Signatures](#signatures)
+- [Installation](#installation)
+- [Examples](#examples)
+- [Config](#config)
+- [Default Config](#default-config)
+### Signatures
+func New(config ...Config) Storage
+func (s *Storage) Get(key string) ([]byte, error)
+func (s *Storage) Set(key string, val []byte, exp time.Duration) error
+func (s *Storage) Delete(key string) error
+func (s *Storage) Reset() error
+func (s *Storage) Close() error
+func (s *Storage) Conn() *sql.DB
+### Installation
+MySQL is tested on the 2 last [Go versions](https://golang.org/dl/) with support for modules. So make sure to initialize one first if you didn't do that yet:
+go mod init github.com//
+And then install the mysql implementation:
+go get github.com/gofiber/storage/mysql/v2
+### Examples
+Import the storage package.
+import "github.com/gofiber/storage/mysql/v2"
+You can use the following possibilities to create a storage:
+// Initialize default config
+store := mysql.New()
+// Initialize custom config
+store := mysql.New(mysql.Config{
+ Host: "",
+ Port: 3306,
+ Database: "fiber",
+ Table: "fiber_storage",
+ Reset: false,
+ GCInterval: 10 * time.Second,
+// Initialize custom config using connection string
+store := mysql.New(mysql.Config{
+ ConnectionURI: ":@tcp(:)/"
+ Reset: false,
+ GCInterval: 10 * time.Second,
+// Initialize custom config using sql db connection
+db, _ := sql.Open("mysql", ":@tcp(:)/")
+store := mysql.New(mysql.Config{
+ Db: db,
+ Reset: false,
+ GCInterval: 10 * time.Second,
+### Config
+type Config struct {
+ // DB Will override ConnectionURI and all other authentication values if used
+ //
+ // Optional. Default is nil
+ Db *sql.DB
+ // Connection string to use for DB. Will override all other authentication values if used
+ //
+ // Optional. Default is ""
+ ConnectionURI string
+ // Host name where the DB is hosted
+ //
+ // Optional. Default is ""
+ Host string
+ // Port where the DB is listening on
+ //
+ // Optional. Default is 3306
+ Port int
+ // Server username
+ //
+ // Optional. Default is ""
+ Username string
+ // Server password
+ //
+ // Optional. Default is ""
+ Password string
+ // Database name
+ //
+ // Optional. Default is "fiber"
+ Database string
+ // Table name
+ //
+ // Optional. Default is "fiber_storage"
+ Table string
+ // Reset clears any existing keys in existing Table
+ //
+ // Optional. Default is false
+ Reset bool
+ // Time before deleting expired keys
+ //
+ // Optional. Default is 10 * time.Second
+ GCInterval time.Duration
+### Default Config
+var ConfigDefault = Config{
+ ConnectionURI: "",
+ Host: "",
+ Port: 3306,
+ Database: "fiber",
+ Table: "fiber_storage",
+ Reset: false,
+ GCInterval: 10 * time.Second,
diff --git a/storage_versioned_docs/version-cloudflarekv_v0.x.x/nats/README.md b/storage_versioned_docs/version-cloudflarekv_v0.x.x/nats/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..8955fd56ea4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/storage_versioned_docs/version-cloudflarekv_v0.x.x/nats/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+id: nats
+title: Nats
+A NATS Key/Value storage driver.
+**Note: Requires Go 1.20 and above**
+### Table of Contents
+- [Signatures](#signatures)
+- [Installation](#installation)
+- [Examples](#examples)
+- [Config](#config)
+- [Default Config](#default-config)
+### Signatures
+func New(config ...Config) Storage
+func (s *Storage) Get(key string) ([]byte, error)
+func (s *Storage) Set(key string, val []byte, exp time.Duration) error
+func (s *Storage) Delete(key string) error
+func (s *Storage) Reset() error
+func (s *Storage) Close() error
+func (s *Storage) Conn() (*nats.Conn, jetstream.KeyValue)
+func (s *Storage) Keys() ([]string, error)
+### Installation
+[NATS Key/Value Store](https://docs.nats.io/nats-concepts/jetstream/key-value-store) driver is tested on the 2 last [Go versions](https://golang.org/dl/) with support for modules. So make sure to initialize one first if you didn't do that yet:
+go mod init github.com//
+And then install the nats implementation:
+go get github.com/gofiber/storage/nats
+### Examples
+Import the storage package.
+import "github.com/gofiber/storage/nats"
+You can use the following possibilities to create a storage:
+// Initialize default config
+store := nats.New()
+// Initialize custom config
+store := nats.New(Config{
+ URLs: "nats://",
+ NatsOptions: []nats.Option{
+ nats.MaxReconnects(2),
+ // Enable TLS by specifying RootCAs
+ nats.RootCAs("./testdata/certs/ca.pem"),
+ },
+ KeyValueConfig: jetstream.KeyValueConfig{
+ Bucket: "test",
+ Storage: jetstream.MemoryStorage,
+ },
+### Config
+type Config struct {
+ // Nats URLs, default "nats://". Can be comma separated list for multiple servers
+ URLs string
+ // Nats connection options. See nats_test.go for an example of how to use this.
+ NatsOptions []nats.Option
+ // Nats connection name
+ ClientName string
+ // Nats context
+ Context context.Context
+ // Nats key value config
+ KeyValueConfig jetstream.KeyValueConfig
+ // Logger. Using Fiber AllLogger interface for adapting the various log libraries.
+ Logger log.AllLogger
+ // Use the Logger for nats events, default: false
+ Verbose bool
+ // Wait for connection to be established, default: 100ms
+ WaitForConnection time.Duration
+### Default Config
+var ConfigDefault = Config{
+ URLs: nats.DefaultURL,
+ Context: context.Background(),
+ ClientName: "fiber_storage",
+ KeyValueConfig: jetstream.KeyValueConfig{
+ Bucket: "fiber_storage",
+ },
+ WaitForConnection: 100 * time.Millisecond,
diff --git a/storage_versioned_docs/version-cloudflarekv_v0.x.x/pebble/README.md b/storage_versioned_docs/version-cloudflarekv_v0.x.x/pebble/README.md
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/storage_versioned_docs/version-cloudflarekv_v0.x.x/pebble/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+id: pebble
+title: Pebble
+A fast key-value DB using [cockroachdb/pebble](https://github.com/cockroachdb/pebble)
+**Note: Requires Go 1.19 and above**
+### Table of Contents
+- [Signatures](#signatures)
+- [Installation](#installation)
+- [Examples](#examples)
+- [Config](#config)
+- [Default Config](#default-config)
+### Signatures
+func New(config ...Config) Storage
+func (s *Storage) Get(key string) ([]byte, error)
+func (s *Storage) Set(key string, val []byte, exp time.Duration) error
+func (s *Storage) Delete(key string) error
+func (s *Storage) Reset() error
+func (s *Storage) Close() error
+func (s *Storage) Conn() *badger.DB
+### Installation
+Pebble is tested on the 2 last [Go versions](https://golang.org/dl/) with support for modules. So make sure to initialize one first if you didn't do that yet:
+go mod init github.com//
+Note: This step is only required if you don't have an existing module.
+And then install the Pebble implementation:
+go get github.com/gofiber/storage/pebble/v2
+### Examples
+Import the storage package.
+import "github.com/gofiber/storage/pebble/v2"
+You can use the following possibilities to create a storage:
+// Initialize default config
+store := pebble.New()
+// Initialize custom config
+store := pebble.New(pebble.Config{
+ Path: "db",
+ WriteOptions: &pebble.WriteOptions{},
+### Config
+type Config struct {
+ // Database name
+ //
+ // Optional. Default is "./db"
+ Path string
+ // Pass write options during write operations
+ //
+ // Optional. Default is nil
+ WriteOptions &pebble.WriteOptions{}
+### Default Config
+var ConfigDefault = Config{
+ Path: "db",
+ WriteOptions: &pebble.WriteOptions{},
diff --git a/storage_versioned_docs/version-cloudflarekv_v0.x.x/postgres/README.md b/storage_versioned_docs/version-cloudflarekv_v0.x.x/postgres/README.md
new file mode 100644
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+++ b/storage_versioned_docs/version-cloudflarekv_v0.x.x/postgres/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+id: postgres
+title: Postgres
+A Postgres storage driver using [jackc/pgx](https://github.com/jackc/pgx).
+**Note: Requires Go 1.19 and above**
+### Table of Contents
+- [Signatures](#signatures)
+- [Installation](#installation)
+- [Examples](#examples)
+- [Config](#config)
+- [Default Config](#default-config)
+### Signatures
+func New(config ...Config) Storage
+func (s *Storage) Get(key string) ([]byte, error)
+func (s *Storage) Set(key string, val []byte, exp time.Duration) error
+func (s *Storage) Delete(key string) error
+func (s *Storage) Reset() error
+func (s *Storage) Close() error
+func (s *Storage) Conn() *pgxpool.Pool
+### Installation
+Postgres is tested on the 2 last [Go versions](https://golang.org/dl/) with support for modules. So make sure to initialize one first if you didn't do that yet:
+go mod init github.com//
+And then install the postgres implementation:
+go get github.com/gofiber/storage/postgres/v3
+### Examples
+Import the storage package.
+import "github.com/gofiber/storage/postgres/v3"
+You can use the following possibilities to create a storage:
+// Initialize default config
+store := postgres.New()
+// Initialize custom config
+store := postgres.New(postgres.Config{
+ DB: dbPool,
+ Table: "fiber_storage",
+ Reset: false,
+ GCInterval: 10 * time.Second,
+### Config
+// Config defines the config for storage.
+type Config struct {
+ // DB pgxpool.Pool object will override connection uri and other connection fields
+ //
+ // Optional. Default is nil
+ DB *pgxpool.Pool
+ // Connection string to use for DB. Will override all other authentication values if used
+ //
+ // Optional. Default is ""
+ ConnectionURI string
+ // Host name where the DB is hosted
+ //
+ // Optional. Default is ""
+ Host string
+ // Port where the DB is listening on
+ //
+ // Optional. Default is 5432
+ Port int
+ // Server username
+ //
+ // Optional. Default is ""
+ Username string
+ // Server password
+ //
+ // Optional. Default is ""
+ Password string
+ // Database name
+ //
+ // Optional. Default is "fiber"
+ Database string
+ // Table name
+ //
+ // Optional. Default is "fiber_storage"
+ Table string
+ // The SSL mode for the connection
+ //
+ // Optional. Default is "disable"
+ SSLMode string
+ // Reset clears any existing keys in existing Table
+ //
+ // Optional. Default is false
+ Reset bool
+ // Time before deleting expired keys
+ //
+ // Optional. Default is 10 * time.Second
+ GCInterval time.Duration
+### Default Config
+// ConfigDefault is the default config
+var ConfigDefault = Config{
+ ConnectionURI: "",
+ Host: "",
+ Port: 5432,
+ Database: "fiber",
+ Table: "fiber_storage",
+ SSLMode: "disable",
+ Reset: false,
+ GCInterval: 10 * time.Second,
diff --git a/storage_versioned_docs/version-cloudflarekv_v0.x.x/redis/README.md b/storage_versioned_docs/version-cloudflarekv_v0.x.x/redis/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..aae925bc18c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/storage_versioned_docs/version-cloudflarekv_v0.x.x/redis/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
+id: redis
+title: Redis
+A Redis storage driver using [go-redis/redis](https://github.com/go-redis/redis).
+**Note: Requires Go 1.19 and above**
+### Table of Contents
+- [Signatures](#signatures)
+- [Installation](#installation)
+- [Examples](#examples)
+- [Config](#config)
+- [Default Config](#default-config)
+### Signatures
+func New(config ...Config) Storage
+func (s *Storage) Get(key string) ([]byte, error)
+func (s *Storage) Set(key string, val []byte, exp time.Duration) error
+func (s *Storage) Delete(key string) error
+func (s *Storage) Reset() error
+func (s *Storage) Close() error
+func (s *Storage) Conn() redis.UniversalClient
+func (s *Storage) Keys() ([][]byte, error)
+### Installation
+Redis is tested on the 2 last [Go versions](https://golang.org/dl/) with support for modules. So make sure to initialize one first if you didn't do that yet:
+go mod init github.com//
+And then install the redis implementation:
+go get github.com/gofiber/storage/redis/v3
+### Examples
+Import the storage package.
+import "github.com/gofiber/storage/redis/v3"
+You can use the one of the following options to create a Redis Storage:
+// Initialize default config
+store := redis.New()
+// Initialize custom config
+store := redis.New(redis.Config{
+ Host: "",
+ Port: 6379,
+ Username: "",
+ Password: "",
+ Database: 0,
+ Reset: false,
+ TLSConfig: nil,
+ PoolSize: 10 * runtime.GOMAXPROCS(0),
+// Initialize Redis Failover Client
+store := redis.New(redis.Config{
+ MasterName: "master-name",
+ Addrs: []string{":6379"},
+// Initialize Redis Cluster Client
+store := redis.New(redis.Config{
+ Addrs: []string{":6379", ":6380"},
+// Create a client with support for TLS
+cer, err := tls.LoadX509KeyPair("./client.crt", "./client.key")
+if err != nil {
+ log.Println(err)
+ return
+tlsCfg := &tls.Config{
+ MinVersion: tls.VersionTLS12,
+ InsecureSkipVerify: true,
+ Certificates: []tls.Certificate{cer},
+store = redis.New(redis.Config{
+ URL: "redis://:@",
+ TLSConfig: tlsCfg,
+ Reset: false,
+// Create a client with a Redis URL with all information.
+store = redis.New(redis.Config{
+ URL: "redis://:@",
+ Reset: false,
+### Config
+type Config struct {
+ // Host name where the DB is hosted
+ //
+ // Optional. Default is ""
+ Host string
+ // Port where the DB is listening on
+ //
+ // Optional. Default is 6379
+ Port int
+ // Server username
+ //
+ // Optional. Default is ""
+ Username string
+ // Server password
+ //
+ // Optional. Default is ""
+ Password string
+ // Database to be selected after connecting to the server.
+ //
+ // Optional. Default is 0
+ Database int
+ // URL standard format Redis URL. If this is set all other config options, Host, Port, Username, Password, Database have no effect.
+ //
+ // Example: redis://:@localhost:6379/
+ // Optional. Default is ""
+ URL string
+ // Either a single address or a seed list of host:port addresses, this enables FailoverClient and ClusterClient
+ //
+ // Optional. Default is []string{}
+ Addrs []string
+ // MasterName is the sentinel master's name
+ //
+ // Optional. Default is ""
+ MasterName string
+ // ClientName will execute the `CLIENT SETNAME ClientName` command for each conn.
+ //
+ // Optional. Default is ""
+ ClientName string
+ // SentinelUsername
+ //
+ // Optional. Default is ""
+ SentinelUsername string
+ // SentinelPassword
+ //
+ // Optional. Default is ""
+ SentinelPassword string
+ // Reset clears any existing keys in existing Collection
+ //
+ // Optional. Default is false
+ Reset bool
+ // TLS Config to use. When set TLS will be negotiated.
+ //
+ // Optional. Default is nil
+ TLSConfig *tls.Config
+ // Maximum number of socket connections.
+ //
+ // Optional. Default is 10 connections per every available CPU as reported by runtime.GOMAXPROCS.
+ PoolSize int
+### Default Config
+var ConfigDefault = Config{
+ Host: "",
+ Port: 6379,
+ Username: "",
+ Password: "",
+ URL: "",
+ Database: 0,
+ Reset: false,
+ TLSConfig: nil,
+ PoolSize: 10 * runtime.GOMAXPROCS(0),
+ Addrs: []string{},
+ MasterName: "",
+ ClientName: "",
+ SentinelUsername: "",
+ SentinelPassword: "",
diff --git a/storage_versioned_docs/version-cloudflarekv_v0.x.x/ristretto/README.md b/storage_versioned_docs/version-cloudflarekv_v0.x.x/ristretto/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..f7b3e8a7656
--- /dev/null
+++ b/storage_versioned_docs/version-cloudflarekv_v0.x.x/ristretto/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+id: ristretto
+title: Ristretto
+A Memory-bound storage driver using [`dgraph-io/ristretto`](https://github.com/dgraph-io/ristretto).
+**Note: Requires Go 1.19 and above**
+### Table of Contents
+- [Signatures](#signatures)
+- [Installation](#installation)
+- [Examples](#examples)
+- [Config](#config)
+- [Default Config](#default-config)
+### Signatures
+func New(config ...Config) Storage
+func (s *Storage) Get(key string) ([]byte, error)
+func (s *Storage) Set(key string, val []byte, exp time.Duration) error
+func (s *Storage) Delete(key string) error
+func (s *Storage) Reset() error
+func (s *Storage) Close() error
+func (s *Storage) Conn() *ristretto.Cache
+### Installation
+Ristretto is tested on the 2 last [Go versions](https://golang.org/dl/) with support for modules. So make sure to initialize one first if you didn't do that yet:
+go mod init github.com//
+And then install the ristretto implementation:
+go get github.com/gofiber/storage/ristretto/v2
+### Examples
+Import the storage package.
+import "github.com/gofiber/storage/ristretto/v2"
+You can use the following possibilities to create a storage:
+// Initialize default config
+store := ristretto.New()
+// Initialize custom config
+store := ristretto.New(ristretto.Config{
+ NumCounters: 1e7, // number of keys to track frequency of (10M).
+ MaxCost: 1 << 30, // maximum cost of cache (1GB).
+ BufferItems: 64, // number of keys per Get buffer.
+### Config
+type Config struct {
+ // NumCounters number of keys to track frequency of (10M).
+ NumCounters int64
+ // MaxCost maximum cost of cache (1GB).
+ MaxCost int64
+ // BufferItems number of keys per Get buffer.
+ BufferItems int64
+### Default Config
+var ConfigDefault = Config{
+ NumCounters: 1e7,
+ MaxCost: 1 << 30,
+ BufferItems: 64,
+ DefaultCost: 1,
diff --git a/storage_versioned_docs/version-cloudflarekv_v0.x.x/rueidis/README.md b/storage_versioned_docs/version-cloudflarekv_v0.x.x/rueidis/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..5646063b863
--- /dev/null
+++ b/storage_versioned_docs/version-cloudflarekv_v0.x.x/rueidis/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,212 @@
+id: rueidis
+title: Rueidis
+A fast Redis Storage that does auto pipelining and supports client side caching. [redis/rueidis](https://github.com/redis/rueidis).
+**Note: Requires Go 1.20 and above**
+### Table of Contents
+- [Signatures](#signatures)
+- [Installation](#installation)
+- [Examples](#examples)
+- [Config](#config)
+- [Default Config](#default-config)
+### Signatures
+func New(config ...Config) Storage
+func (s *Storage) Get(key string) ([]byte, error)
+func (s *Storage) Set(key string, val []byte, exp time.Duration) error
+func (s *Storage) Delete(key string) error
+func (s *Storage) Reset() error
+func (s *Storage) Close() error
+func (s *Storage) Conn() rueidis.Client
+### Installation
+Rueidis is tested on the latest [Go version](https://golang.org/dl/) with support for modules. So make sure to initialize one first if you didn't do that yet:
+go mod init github.com//
+And then install the rueidis implementation:
+go get github.com/gofiber/storage/rueidis
+### Examples
+Import the storage package.
+import "github.com/gofiber/storage/rueidis"
+You can use the one of the following options to create a Rueidis Storage:
+// Initialize default config (localhost:6379)
+store := rueidis.New()
+// Initialize custom config
+store := rueidis.New(rueidis.Config{
+ InitAddress: []string{"localhost:6380"},
+ Username: "",
+ Password: "",
+ Database: 0,
+ Reset: false,
+ TLSConfig: nil,
+// Initialize using Rueidis URL
+store := rueidis.New(rueidis.Config{
+ URL: "redis://localhost:6379",
+// Initialize Rueidis Cluster Client
+store := rueidis.New(rueidis.Config{
+ InitAddress: []string{":6379", ":6380"},
+// Create a client with support for TLS
+cer, err := tls.LoadX509KeyPair("./client.crt", "./client.key")
+if err != nil {
+ log.Println(err)
+ return
+tlsCfg := &tls.Config{
+ MinVersion: tls.VersionTLS12,
+ InsecureSkipVerify: true,
+ Certificates: []tls.Certificate{cer},
+store = rueidis.New(rueidis.Config{
+ InitAddress: []string{"localhost:6380"},
+ Username: "",
+ Password: "",
+ SelectDB: 0,
+ TLSConfig: tlsCfg,
+### Config
+type Config struct {
+ // Server username
+ //
+ // Optional. Default is ""
+ Username string
+ // Server password
+ //
+ // Optional. Default is ""
+ Password string
+ // ClientName will execute the `CLIENT SETNAME ClientName` command for each conn.
+ //
+ // Optional. Default is ""
+ ClientName string
+ // URL standard format Redis URL. If this is set all other config options, InitAddress, Username, Password, ClientName, and SelectDB have no effect.
+ //
+ // Example: redis://:@localhost:6379/
+ // Optional. Default is ""
+ URL string
+ // SelectDB to be selected after connecting to the server.
+ //
+ // Optional. Default is 0
+ SelectDB int
+ // Either a single address or a seed list of host:port addresses, this enables FailoverClient and ClusterClient
+ //
+ // Optional. Default is []string{""}
+ InitAddress []string
+ // TLS Config to use. When set TLS will be negotiated.
+ //
+ // Optional. Default is nil
+ TLSConfig *tls.Config
+ // CacheSizeEachConn is redis client side cache size that bind to each TCP connection to a single redis instance.
+ //
+ // Optional. The default is DefaultCacheBytes: 128 * (1 << 20)
+ CacheSizeEachConn int
+ // RingScaleEachConn sets the size of the ring buffer in each connection to (2 ^ RingScaleEachConn).
+ //
+ // Optional. The default is RingScaleEachConn, which results into having a ring of size 2^10 for each connection.
+ RingScaleEachConn int
+ // ReadBufferEachConn is the size of the bufio.NewReaderSize for each connection, default to DefaultReadBuffer (0.5 MiB).
+ //
+ // Optional. The default is DefaultReadBuffer: 1 << 19
+ ReadBufferEachConn int
+ // WriteBufferEachConn is the size of the bufio.NewWriterSize for each connection, default to DefaultWriteBuffer (0.5 MiB).
+ //
+ // Optional. The default is DefaultWriteBuffer: 1 << 19
+ WriteBufferEachConn int
+ // BlockingPoolSize is the size of the connection pool shared by blocking commands (ex BLPOP, XREAD with BLOCK).
+ //
+ // Optional. The default is DefaultPoolSize: 1000
+ BlockingPoolSize int
+ // PipelineMultiplex determines how many tcp connections used to pipeline commands to one redis instance.
+ //
+ // Optional. The default for single and sentinel clients is 2, which means 4 connections (2^2).
+ PipelineMultiplex int
+ // DisableRetry disables retrying read-only commands under network errors
+ //
+ // Optional. The default is False
+ DisableRetry bool
+ // DisableCache falls back Client.DoCache/Client.DoMultiCache to Client.Do/Client.DoMulti
+ //
+ // Optional. The default is false
+ DisableCache bool
+ // AlwaysPipelining makes rueidis.Client always pipeline redis commands even if they are not issued concurrently.
+ //
+ // Optional. The default is true
+ AlwaysPipelining bool
+ // Reset clears any existing keys in existing Collection
+ //
+ // Optional. Default is false
+ Reset bool
+ // CacheTTL TTL
+ //
+ // Optional. Default is time.Minute
+ CacheTTL time.Duration
+### Default Config
+var ConfigDefault = Config{
+ Username: "",
+ Password: "",
+ ClientName: "",
+ SelectDB: 0,
+ InitAddress: []string{""},
+ TLSConfig: nil,
+ CacheSizeEachConn: rueidis.DefaultCacheBytes,
+ RingScaleEachConn: rueidis.DefaultRingScale,
+ ReadBufferEachConn: rueidis.DefaultReadBuffer,
+ WriteBufferEachConn: rueidis.DefaultWriteBuffer,
+ BlockingPoolSize: rueidis.DefaultPoolSize,
+ PipelineMultiplex: 2,
+ DisableRetry: false,
+ DisableCache: false,
+ AlwaysPipelining: true,
+ Reset: false,
+ CacheTTL: time.Minute,
diff --git a/storage_versioned_docs/version-cloudflarekv_v0.x.x/s3/README.md b/storage_versioned_docs/version-cloudflarekv_v0.x.x/s3/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..15890a195e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/storage_versioned_docs/version-cloudflarekv_v0.x.x/s3/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
+id: s3
+title: S3
+A S3 storage driver using [aws/aws-sdk-go-v2](https://github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2).
+**Note:** If config fields of credentials not given, credentials are using from the environment variables, ~/.aws/credentials, or EC2 instance role. If config fields of credentials given, credentials are using from config. Look at: [specifying credentials](https://aws.github.io/aws-sdk-go-v2/docs/configuring-sdk/#specifying-credentials)
+**Note: Requires Go 1.19 and above**
+### Table of Contents
+- [Signatures](#signatures)
+- [Installation](#installation)
+- [Examples](#examples)
+- [Config](#config)
+- [Default Config](#default-config)
+### Signatures
+func New(config ...Config) Storage
+func (s *Storage) Get(key string) ([]byte, error)
+func (s *Storage) Set(key string, val []byte, exp time.Duration) error
+func (s *Storage) Delete(key string) error
+func (s *Storage) Reset() error
+func (s *Storage) Close() error
+func (s *Storage) Conn() *s3.Client
+// Additional useful methods.
+func (s *Storage) CreateBucket(bucket string) error
+func (s *Storage) DeleteBucket(bucket string) error
+func (s *Storage) DeleteMany(keys ...string) error
+func (s *Storage) SetWithChecksum(key string, val []byte, checksum map[types.ChecksumAlgorithm][]byte) error
+### Installation
+S3 is tested on the 2 last [Go versions](https://golang.org/dl/) with support for modules. So make sure to initialize one first if you didn't do that yet:
+go mod init github.com//
+And then install the s3 implementation:
+go get github.com/gofiber/storage/s3/v2
+### Examples
+Import the storage package.
+import "github.com/gofiber/storage/s3/v2"
+You can use the following possibilities to create a storage:
+// Initialize default config
+store := s3.New()
+// Initialize custom config
+store := s3.New(s3.Config{
+ Bucket: "my-bucket-url",
+ Endpoint: "my-endpoint",
+ Region: "my-region",
+ Reset: false,
+Create an object with `Set()`:
+err := store.Set("my-key", []byte("my-value"))
+Or, call `SetWithChecksum()` to create an object with checksum to
+ask S3 server to verify data integrity on server side:
+> Currently 4 algorithms are supported:
+> - types.ChecksumAlgorithmCrc32 (`CRC32`)
+> - types.ChecksumAlgorithmCrc32c (`CRC32C`)
+> - types.ChecksumAlgorithmSha1 (`SHA1`)
+> - types.ChecksumAlgorithmSha256 (`SHA256`)
+> For more information, see [PutObjectInput](https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/service/s3#PutObjectInput).
+key := "my-key"
+val := []byte("my-value")
+hash := sha256.New()
+sha256sum := hash.Sum(nil)
+// import "github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/service/s3/types"
+checksum = map[types.ChecksumAlgorithm][]byte{
+ types.ChecksumAlgorithmSha256: sha256sum,
+err := store.SetWithChecksum(key, val, checksum)
+### Config
+// Config defines the config for storage.
+type Config struct {
+ // S3 bucket name
+ Bucket string
+ // AWS endpoint
+ Endpoint string
+ // AWS region
+ Region string
+ // Request timeout
+ //
+ // Optional. Default is 0 (no timeout)
+ RequestTimeout time.Duration
+ // Reset clears any existing keys in existing Bucket
+ //
+ // Optional. Default is false
+ Reset bool
+ // Credentials overrides AWS access key and AWS secret access key. Not recommended.
+ //
+ // Optional. Default is Credentials{}
+ Credentials Credentials
+ // The maximum number of times requests that encounter retryable failures should be attempted.
+ //
+ // Optional. Default is 3
+ MaxAttempts int
+type Credentials struct {
+ AccessKey string
+ SecretAccessKey string
+### Default Config
+The default configuration lacks Bucket, Region, and Endpoint which are all required and must be overwritten:
+// ConfigDefault is the default config
+var ConfigDefault = Config{
+ Bucket: "",
+ Region: "",
+ Endpoint: "",
+ Credentials: Credentials{},
+ MaxAttempts: 3,
+ RequestTimeout: 0,
+ Reset: false,
diff --git a/storage_versioned_docs/version-cloudflarekv_v0.x.x/scylladb/README.md b/storage_versioned_docs/version-cloudflarekv_v0.x.x/scylladb/README.md
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+++ b/storage_versioned_docs/version-cloudflarekv_v0.x.x/scylladb/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
+id: scylladb
+title: ScyllaDb
+# ScyllaDb
+A ScyllaDb storage engine for [Fiber](https://github.com/gofiber/fiber) using [gocql](https://github.com/scylladb/gocql).
+### Table of Contents
+- [Signatures](#signatures)
+- [Installation](#installation)
+- [Examples](#examples)
+- [Config](#config)
+- [Default Config](#default-config)
+### Signatures
+func New(config ...Config) Storage
+func (s *Storage) Get(key string) ([]byte, error)
+func (s *Storage) Set(key string, value []byte, expire time.Duration) error
+func (s *Storage) Delete(key string) error
+func (s *Storage) Reset() error
+func (s *Storage) Close() error
+func (s *Storage) Conn() *gocql.Session
+### Installation
+ScyllaDb is tested on the 2 last [Go versions](https://golang.org/dl/) with support for modules. So make sure to initialize one first if you didn't do that yet:
+go mod init github.com//
+And then install the scylladb implementation:
+go get github.com/gofiber/storage/scylladb
+### Examples
+Import the storage package.
+import "github.com/gofiber/storage/scylladb"
+You can use the following possibilities to create a storage:
+// Initialize default config
+store := scylladb.New()
+// Initialize custom config
+store := scylladb.New(scylladb.Config{
+ Keyspace: "fiber",
+ Hosts: []string{""},
+ Port: 9042,
+ Table: "fiber_storage",
+ Consistency: "ONE",
+ Reset: false,
+// Initialize with support for TLS (SslOptions configures TLS use)
+// InsecureSkipVerify and EnableHostVerification interact as follows:
+// |Config.InsecureSkipVerify | EnableHostVerification | Result |
+// |--------------------------|------------------------|--------------------|
+// |Config is nil | false | do not verify host |
+// |Config is nil | true | verify host |
+// |false | false | verify host |
+// |true | false | do not verify host |
+// |false | true | verify host |
+// |true | true | verify host |
+store := New(
+ Config{
+ Keyspace: "fiber",
+ Hosts: []string{""},
+ Port: 9042,
+ Table: "fiber_storage",
+ Consistency: "ONE",
+ SslOpts: &gocql.SslOptions{
+ Config: &tls.Config{
+ InsecureSkipVerify: false, // Set this too false to enable certificate verification
+ },
+ CertPath: "/path/to/client_cert.pem", // Path to the client certificate
+ KeyPath: "/path/to/client_key.pem", // Path to the client certificate's private key
+ CaPath: "/path/to/ca_cert.pem", // Path to the CA certificate
+ EnableHostVerification: true, // Enable hostname verification
+ },
+ Reset: false,
+ },
+// Initialize custom config using scylladb connection
+cluster, _ := gocql.NewCluster("")
+cluster.Keyspace = "fiber"
+cluster.Port = 9042
+session, _ := cluster.CreateSession()
+store := scylladb.New(scylladb.Config{
+ Session: session,
+ Keyspace: "fiber",
+ Table: "fiber_storage",
+ Reset: false,
+### Config
+type Config struct {
+ // Session is provided by the user to use an existing ScyllaDb session
+ // Session Will override Keyspace and all other authentication values if used
+ //
+ // Optional. Default is nil
+ Session *gocql.Session
+ // Keyspace name
+ //
+ // Optional. Default is "fiber"
+ Keyspace string
+ // Hosts are an array of network addresses for establishing initial connections
+ // You have the flexibility to specify one or multiple addresses as needed
+ //
+ // Optional. Default is ""
+ Hosts []string
+ // Port where the ScyllaDb cluster is listening on
+ //
+ // Optional. Default is 9042
+ Port int
+ // Username for ScyllaDb cluster
+ //
+ // Optional. Default is ""
+ Username string
+ // Password for ScyllaDb cluster
+ //
+ // Optional. Default is ""
+ Password string
+ // Table name
+ //
+ // Optional. Default is "fiber_storage"
+ Table string
+ // Level of the consistency
+ //
+ // Optional. Default is "LOCAL_ONE"
+ Consistency string
+ // SslOpts configures TLS use.
+ //
+ // Optional. Default is nil
+ SslOpts *gocql.SslOptions
+ // Reset clears any existing keys in existing Table
+ //
+ // Optional. Default is false
+ Reset bool
+### Default Config
+// ConfigDefault is the default config
+var ConfigDefault = Config{
+ Session: nil,
+ Keyspace: "fiber",
+ Hosts: []string{""},
+ Username: "",
+ Password: "",
+ Port: 9042,
+ Table: "fiber_storage",
+ Consistency: "LOCAL_ONE",
+ SslOpts: nil,
+ Reset: false,
diff --git a/storage_versioned_docs/version-cloudflarekv_v0.x.x/sqlite3/README.md b/storage_versioned_docs/version-cloudflarekv_v0.x.x/sqlite3/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..9508db9b423
--- /dev/null
+++ b/storage_versioned_docs/version-cloudflarekv_v0.x.x/sqlite3/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+id: sqlite3
+title: SQLite3
+A SQLite3 storage driver using [mattn/go-sqlite3](https://github.com/mattn/go-sqlite3).
+**Note: Requires Go 1.19 and above**
+### Table of Contents
+- [Signatures](#signatures)
+- [Installation](#installation)
+- [Examples](#examples)
+- [Config](#config)
+- [Default Config](#default-config)
+### Signatures
+func New(config ...Config) Storage
+func (s *Storage) Get(key string) ([]byte, error)
+func (s *Storage) Set(key string, val []byte, exp time.Duration) error
+func (s *Storage) Delete(key string) error
+func (s *Storage) Reset() error
+func (s *Storage) Close() error
+func (s *Storage) Conn() *sql.DB
+### Installation
+SQLite3 is tested on the 2 last [Go versions](https://golang.org/dl/) with support for modules. So make sure to initialize one first if you didn't do that yet:
+go mod init github.com//
+And then install the sqlite3 implementation:
+go get github.com/gofiber/storage/sqlite3/v2
+### Examples
+Import the storage package.
+import "github.com/gofiber/storage/sqlite3/v2"
+You can use the following possibilities to create a storage:
+// Initialize default config
+store := sqlite3.New()
+// Initialize custom config
+store := sqlite3.New(sqlite3.Config{
+ Database: "./fiber.sqlite3",
+ Table: "fiber_storage",
+ Reset: false,
+ GCInterval: 10 * time.Second,
+ MaxOpenConns: 100,
+ MaxIdleConns: 100,
+ ConnMaxLifetime: 1 * time.Second,
+### Config
+type Config struct {
+ // Database name
+ //
+ // Optional. Default is "fiber"
+ Database string
+ // Table name
+ //
+ // Optional. Default is "fiber_storage"
+ Table string
+ // Reset clears any existing keys in existing Table
+ //
+ // Optional. Default is false
+ Reset bool
+ // Time before deleting expired keys
+ //
+ // Optional. Default is 10 * time.Second
+ GCInterval time.Duration
+ // //////////////////////////////////
+ // Adaptor related config options //
+ // //////////////////////////////////
+ // MaxIdleConns sets the maximum number of connections in the idle connection pool.
+ //
+ // Optional. Default is 100.
+ MaxIdleConns int
+ // MaxOpenConns sets the maximum number of open connections to the database.
+ //
+ // Optional. Default is 100.
+ MaxOpenConns int
+ // ConnMaxLifetime sets the maximum amount of time a connection may be reused.
+ //
+ // Optional. Default is 1 second.
+ ConnMaxLifetime time.Duration
+### Default Config
+var ConfigDefault = Config{
+ Database: "./fiber.sqlite3",
+ Table: "fiber_storage",
+ Reset: false,
+ GCInterval: 10 * time.Second,
+ MaxOpenConns: 100,
+ MaxIdleConns: 100,
+ ConnMaxLifetime: 1 * time.Second,
diff --git a/storage_versioned_sidebars/version-cloudflarekv_v0.x.x-sidebars.json b/storage_versioned_sidebars/version-cloudflarekv_v0.x.x-sidebars.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..caea0c03ba6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/storage_versioned_sidebars/version-cloudflarekv_v0.x.x-sidebars.json
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+ "tutorialSidebar": [
+ {
+ "type": "autogenerated",
+ "dirName": "."
+ }
+ ]
diff --git a/storage_versions.json b/storage_versions.json
index 580f2a477e8..ec7932cffe7 100644
--- a/storage_versions.json
+++ b/storage_versions.json
@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
+ "cloudflarekv_v0.x.x",