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File metadata and controls

175 lines (111 loc) · 7.17 KB


scoreboard(), scoreboard(objective), scoreboard(objective, key), scoreboard(objective, key, value)

Displays or modifies individual scoreboard values. With no arguments, returns the list of current objectives. With specified objective, lists all keys (players) associated with current objective, or null if objective does not exist. With specified objective and key, returns current value of the objective for a given player (key). With additional value sets a new scoreboard value, returning previous value associated with the key. If the value is null, resets the scoreboard value.

scoreboard_add(objective, criterion?)

Adds a new objective to scoreboard. If criterion is not specified, assumes 'dummy'. Returns true if the objective was created, or null if an objective with the specified name already exists.

Throws unknown_criterion if criterion doesn't exist.


scoreboard_remove(objective) scoreboard_remove(objective, key)

Removes an entire objective, or an entry in the scoreboard associated with the key. Returns true if objective has existed and has been removed, or previous value of the scoreboard if players score is removed. Returns null if objective didn't exist, or a key was missing for the objective.

scoreboard_display(place, objective)

Sets display location for a specified objective. If objective is null, then display is cleared. If objective is invalid, returns null.

scoreboard_property(objective, property) scoreboard_property(objective, property, value)

Reads a property of an objective or sets it to a value if specified. Available properties are:

  • criterion
  • display_name (Formatted text supported)
  • display_slot: When reading, returns a list of slots this objective is displayed in, when modifying, displays the objective in the specified slot
  • render_type: Either 'integer' or 'hearts', defaults to 'integer' if invalid value specified


team_list(), team_list(team)

Returns all available teams as a list with no arguments.

When a team is specified, it returns all the players inside that team. If the team is invalid, returns null.

team_add(team), team_add(team,player)

With one argument, creates a new team and returns its name if successful, or null if team already exists.

team_add('admin') -> Create a team with the name 'admin' team_add('admin','Steve') -> Joing the player 'Steve' into the team 'admin'

If a player is specified, the player will join the given team. Returns true if player joined the team, or false if nothing changed since the player was already in this team. If the team is invalid, returns null


Removes a team. Returns true if the team was deleted, or null if the team is invalid.


Removes the player from the team he is in. Returns true if the player left a team, otherwise false.

team_leave('Steve') -> Removes Steve from the team he is currently in for(team_list('admin'), team_leave('admin', _)) -> Remove all players from team 'admin'


Reads the property of the team if no value is specified. If a value is added as a third argument, it sets the property to that value.

  • collisionRule

    • Type: String
    • Options: always, never, pushOtherTeams, pushOwnTeam
  • color

  • displayName

    • Type: String or FormattedText, when querying returns FormattedText
  • prefix

    • Type: String or FormattedText, when querying returns FormattedText
  • suffix

    • Type: String or FormattedText, when querying returns FormattedText
  • friendlyFire

    • Type: boolean
  • seeFriendlyInvisibles

    • Type: boolean
  • nametagVisibility

    • Type: String
    • Options: always, never, hideForOtherTeams, hideForOwnTeam
  • deathMessageVisibility

    • Type: String
    • Options: always, never, hideForOtherTeams, hideForOwnTeam


team_property('admin','color','dark_red')                 Make the team color for team 'admin' dark red
team_property('admin','prefix',format('r Admin | '))      Set prefix of all players in 'admin'
team_property('admin','display_name','Administrators')     Set display name for team 'admin'
team_property('admin','seeFriendlyInvisibles',true)       Make all players in 'admin' see other admins even when invisible
team_property('admin','deathMessageVisibility','hideForOtherTeams')       Make all players in 'admin' see other admins even when invisible

bossbar(), bossbar(id), bossbar(id,property,value?)

Manage bossbars just like with the /bossbar command.

Without any arguments, returns a list of all bossbars.

When an id is specified, creates a bossbar with that id and returns the id of the created bossbar. Bossbar ids need a namespace and a name. If no namespace is specified, it will automatically use minecraft:. In that case you should keep track of the bossbar with the id that bossbar(id) returns, because a namespace may be added automatically. If the id was invalid (for example by having more than one colon), returns null. If the bossbar already exists, returns false.

bossbar('timer') => 'minecraft:timer' (Adds the namespace minecraft: because none is specified)

bossbar('scarpet:test') => 'scarpet:test' In this case there is already a namespace specified

bossbar('foo:bar:baz') => null Invalid identifier

bossbar(id,property) is used to query the property of a bossbar.

bossbar(id,property,value) can modify the property of the bossbar to a specified value.

Available properties are:

  • color: can be 'pink', 'blue', 'red', 'green', 'yellow', 'purple' or 'white'

  • style: can be 'progress', 'notched_6', 'notched_10', 'notched_12' or 'notched_20'

  • value: value of the bossbar progress

  • max: maximum value of the bossbar progress, by default 100

  • name: Text to display above the bossbar, supports formatted text

  • visible: whether the bossbar is visible or not

  • players: List of players that can see the bossbar

  • add_player: add a player to the players that can see this bossbar, this can only be used for modifying (value must be present)

  • remove: remove this bossbar, no value required

bossbar('script:test','name',format('rb Test'))  -> Change text
bossbar('script:test','visible',false)  -> removes visibility, but keeps players
bossbar('script:test','players',player('all'))  -> Visible for all players
bossbar('script:test','players',player('Steve'))  -> Visible for Steve only 
bossbar('script:test','players',null)  -> Invalid player, removing all players
bossbar('script:test','add_player',player('Alex'))  -> Add Alex to the list of players that can see the bossbar
bossbar('script:test','remove')  -> remove bossbar 'script:test'
for(bossbar(),bossbar(_,'remove'))  -> remove all bossbars