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Inventory and Items API

Manipulating inventories of blocks and entities

Most functions in this category require inventory as the first argument. Inventory could be specified by an entity, or a block, or position (three coordinates) of a potential block with inventory, or can be preceded with inventory type. Inventory type can be null (default), 'enderchest' denoting player enderchest storage, or 'equipment' applying to entities hand and armour pieces. Then the type can be followed by entity, block or position coordinates. For instance, player enderchest inventory requires two arguments, keyword 'enderchest', followed by the player entity argument, (or a single argument as a string of a form: 'enderchest_steve' for legacy support). If your player name starts with 'enderchest_', first of all, tough luck, but then it can be always accessed by passing a player entity value. If all else fails, it will try to identify first three arguments as coordinates of a block position of a block inventory. Player inventories can also be called by their name.

A few living entities can have both: their regular inventory, and their equipment inventory. Player's regular inventory already contains the equipment, but you can access the equipment part as well, as well as their enderchest separately. For entity types that only have their equipment inventory, the equipment is returned by default (null type).

If that's confusing see examples under inventory_size on how to access inventories. All other inventory_...() functions use the same scheme.

If the entity or a block doesn't have an inventory, all API functions typically do nothing and return null.

Most items returned are in the form of a triple of item name, count, and the full nbt of an item. When saving an item, if the nbt is provided, it overrides the item type provided in the name.


With no arguments, returns a list of all items in the game. With an item tag provided, list items matching the tag, or null if tag is not valid.

item_tags(item, tag?)

Returns list of tags the item belongs to, or, if tag is provided, true if an item matches the tag, false if it doesn't and null if that's not a valid tag

Throws unknown_item if item doesn't exist.


Returns number indicating what is the stack limit for the item. Its typically 1 (non-stackable), 16 (like buckets), or 64 - rest. It is recommended to consult this, as other inventory API functions ignore normal stack limits, and it is up to the programmer to keep it at bay. As of 1.13, game checks for negative numbers and setting an item to negative is the same as empty.

Throws unknown_item if item doesn't exist.

stack_limit('wooden_axe') => 1
stack_limit('ender_pearl') => 16
stack_limit('stone') => 64

recipe_data(item, type?), recipe_data(recipe, type?)

returns all recipes matching either an item, or represent actual recipe name. In vanilla datapack, for all items that have one recipe available, the recipe name is the same as the item name but if an item has multiple recipes, its direct name can be different.

Recipe type can take one of the following options:

  • 'crafting' - default, crafting table recipe
  • 'smelting' - furnace recipe
  • 'blasting' - blast furnace recipe
  • 'smoking' - smoker recipe
  • 'campfire_cooking' - campfire recipe
  • 'stonecutting' - stonecutter recipe
  • 'smithing' - smithing table (1.16+)

The return value is a list of available recipes (even if there is only one recipe available). Each recipe contains of an item triple of the crafting results as a list of item stacks, list of ingredients, each containing a list of possible variants of the ingredients in this slot, as item ids, or null if it is a shaped recipe and a given slot in the patterns is left empty, and recipe specification as another list. Possible recipe specs is:

  • ['shaped', width, height] - shaped crafting. width and height can be 1, 2 or 3.
  • ['shapeless'] - shapeless crafting
  • ['smelting', duration, xp] - smelting/cooking recipes
  • ['cutting'] - stonecutter recipe
  • ['special'] - special crafting recipe, typically not present in the crafting menu
  • ['custom'] - other recipe types

Also note that some recipes leave some products in the crafting window, and these can be determined using crafting_remaining_item() function


 recipe_data('glass', 'smelting')


returns null if the item has no remaining item in the crafting window when used as a crafting ingredient, or an item tuple that serves as a replacement after crafting is done. Currently, it can only be buckets and glass bottles.


Returns the size of the inventory for the entity or block in question. Returns null if the block or entity don't have an inventory.

inventory_size(player()) => 41
inventory_size('enderchest', player()) => 27 // enderchest
inventory_size('equipment', player()) => 6 // equipment
inventory_size(null, player()) => 41  // default inventory for players

inventory_size(x,y,z) => 27 // chest
inventory_size(block(pos)) => 5 // hopper

horse = spawn('horse', x, y, z);
inventory_size(horse); => 2 // default horse inventory
inventory_size('equipment', horse); => 6 // unused horse equipment inventory
inventory_size(null, horse); => 2 // default horse

creeper = spawn('creeper', x, y, z);
inventory_size(creeper); => 6 // default creeper inventory is equipment since it has no other
inventory_size('equipment', creeper); => 6 // unused horse equipment inventory
inventory_size(null, creeper); => 6 // creeper default is its equipment


Returns true, if the inventory is not empty, false if it is empty, and null, if its not an inventory.

    inventory_has_items(player()) => true
    inventory_has_items(x,y,z) => false // empty chest
    inventory_has_items(block(pos)) => null // stone

inventory_get(inventory, slot)

Returns the item in the corresponding inventory slot, or null if slot empty or inventory is invalid. You can use negative numbers to indicate slots counted from 'the back'.

inventory_get(player(), 0) => null // nothing in first hotbar slot
inventory_get(x,y,z, 5) => ['stone', 1, {id:"minecraft:stone"}]
inventory_get(player(), -1) => ['diamond_pickaxe', 1, {components:{"minecraft:damage":4},id:"minecraft:diamond_pickaxe"}] // slightly damaged diamond pick in the offhand

inventory_set(inventory, slot, count, item?, nbt?)

Modifies or sets a stack in inventory. specify count 0 to empty the slot. If item is not specified, keeps existing item, just modifies the count. If item is provided - replaces current item. If nbt is provided - uses the tag to create the item fully ignoring the item name. If nbt is provided and count is not null, the sets the custom count on the tag from the count parameter. If count is null and item is null, an item is entirely defined by the nbt parameter. Returns previous stack in that slot.

inventory_set(player(), 0, 0) => ['stone', 64, {id:"minecraft:stone"}] // player had a stack of stone in first hotbar slot
inventory_set(player(), 0, 6) => ['diamond', 64, {id:"minecraft:diamond"}] // changed stack of diamonds in player slot to 6
inventory_set(player(), 0, 1, 'diamond_axe','{components:{"minecraft:damage":5},id:"minecraft:diamond_axe"}') => null //added slightly damaged diamond axe to first player slot
inventory_set(player(), 0, null, null, '{components:{"minecraft:damage":5},id:"minecraft:diamond_axe"}') => null // same effect as above

inventory_find(inventory, item, start_slot?, ), inventory_find(inventory, null, start_slot?)

Finds the first slot with a corresponding item in the inventory, or if queried with null: the first empty slot. Returns slot number if found, or null otherwise. Optional start_slot argument allows to skip all preceeding slots allowing for efficient (so not slot-by-slot) inventory search for items.

inventory_find(player(), 'stone') => 0 // player has stone in first hotbar slot
inventory_find(player(), null) => null // player's inventory has no empty spot
while( (slot = inventory_find(p, 'diamond', slot)) != null, 41, drop_item(p, slot) )
    // spits all diamonds from player inventory wherever they are
inventory_drop(x,y,z, 0) => 64 // removed and spawned in the world a full stack of items

Throws unknown_item if item doesn't exist.

inventory_remove(inventory, item, amount?)

Removes amount (defaults to 1) of item from inventory. If the inventory doesn't have the defined amount, nothing happens, otherwise the given amount of items is removed wherever they are in the inventory. Returns boolean whether the removal operation was successful. Easiest way to remove a specific item from player inventory without specifying the slot.

inventory_remove(player(), 'diamond') => 1 // removed diamond from player inventory
inventory_remove(player(), 'diamond', 100) => 0 // player doesn't have 100 diamonds, nothing happened

drop_item(inventory, slot, amount?, )

Drops the items from indicated inventory slot, like player that Q's an item or villager, that exchanges food. You can Q items from block inventories as well. default amount is 0 - which is all from the slot. NOTE: hoppers are quick enough to pick all the queued items from their inventory anyways. Returns size of the actual dropped items.

inventory_drop(player(), 0, 1) => 1 // Q's one item on the ground
inventory_drop(x,y,z, 0) => 64 // removed and spawned in the world a full stack of items


A screen is a value type used to open screens for a player and interact with them. For example, this includes the chest inventory gui, the crafting table gui and many more.

create_screen(player, type, name, callback?)

Creates and opens a screen for a player.

Available types:

  • anvil
  • beacon
  • blast_furnace
  • brewing_stand
  • cartography_table
  • crafting
  • enchantment
  • furnace
  • generic_3x3
  • generic_9x1
  • generic_9x2
  • generic_9x3
  • generic_9x4
  • generic_9x5
  • generic_9x6
  • grindstone
  • hopper
  • lectern
  • loom
  • merchant
  • shulker_box
  • smithing
  • smoker
  • stonecutter

The name parameter can be a formatted text and will be displayed at the top of the screen. Some screens like the lectern or beacon screen don't show it.

Optionally, a callback function can be passed as the fourth argument. This functions needs to have four parameters: _(screen, player, action, data) -> ...

The screen parameter is the screen value of the screen itself. player is the player who interacted with the screen. action is a string corresponding to the interaction type. Can be any of the following:

Slot interactions:

  • pickup
  • quick_move
  • swap
  • clone
  • throw
  • quick_craft
  • pickup_all

The data for this interaction is a map, with a slot and button value. slot is the slot index of the slot that was clicked. When holding an item in the cursor stack and clicking inside the screen, but not in a slot, this is -1. If clicked outside the screen (where it would drop held items), this value is null. The button is the mouse button used to click the slot.

For the swap action, the button is the number key 0-8 for a certain hotbar slot.

For the quick_craft action, the data also contains the quick_craft_stage, which is either 0 (beginning of quick crafting), 1 (adding item to slot) or 2 (end of quick crafting).

Other interactions:

  • button Pressing a button in certain screens that have button elements (enchantment table, lectern, loom and stonecutter) The data provides a button, which is the index of the button that was pressed. Note that for lecterns, this index can be certain a value above 100, for jumping to a certain page. This can come from formatted text inside the book, with a change_page click event action.

  • close Triggers when the screen gets closed. No data provided.

  • select_recipe When clicking on a recipe in the recipe book. data contains a recipe, which is the identifier of the clicked recipe, as well as craft_all, which is a boolean specifying whether shift was pressed when selecting the recipe.

  • slot_update Gets called after a slot has changed contents. data provides a slot and stack.

By returning a string 'cancel' in the callback function, the screen interaction can be cancelled. This doesn't work for the close action.

The create_screen function returns a screen value, which can be used in all inventory related functions to access the screens' slots. The screen inventory covers all slots in the screen and the player inventory. The last slot is the cursor stack of the screen, meaning that using -1 can be used to modify the stack the players' cursor is holding.


Closes the screen of the given screen value. Returns true if the screen was closed. If the screen is already closed, returns false.

screen_property(screen, property)

screen_property(screen, property, value)

Queries or modifies a certain property of a screen. The property is a string with the name of the property. When called with screen and property parameter, returns the current value of the property. When specifying a value, the property will be assigned the new value and synced with the client.

Options for property string:

property Required screen type Type Description
name All text The name of the screen, as specified in the create_screen() function. Can only be queried.
open All boolean Returns true if the screen is open, false otherwise. Can only be queried.
fuel_progress furnace/smoker/blast_furnace number Current value of the fuel indicator.
max_fuel_progress furnace/smoker/blast_furnace number Maximum value for the full fuel indicator.
cook_progress furnace/smoker/blast_furnace number Cooking progress indicator value.
max_cook_progress furnace/smoker/blast_furnace number Maximum value for the cooking progress indicator.
level_cost anvil number Displayed level cost for the anvil.
page lectern number Opened page in the lectern screen.
beacon_level beacon number The power level of the beacon screen. This affects how many effects under primary power are grayed out. Should be a value between 0-5.
primary_effect beacon number The effect id of the primary effect. This changes the effect icon on the button on the secondary power side next to the regeneration effect.
secondary_effect beacon number The effect id of the secondary effect. This seems to change nothing, but it exists.
brew_time brewing_stand number The brewing time indicator value. This goes from 0 to 400.
brewing_fuel brewing_stand number The fuel indicator progress. Values range between 0 to 20.
enchantment_power_x enchantment number The level cost of the shown enchantment. Replace x with 1, 2 or 3 (e.g. enchantment_power_2) to target the first, second or third enchantment.
enchantment_id_x enchantment number The id of the enchantment shown (replace x with the enchantment slot 1/2/3).
enchantment_level_x enchantment number The enchantment level of the enchantment.
enchantment_seed enchantment number The seed of the enchanting screen. This affects the text shown in the standard Galactic alphabet.
banner_pattern loom number The selected banner pattern inside the loom.
stonecutter_recipe stonecutter number The selected recipe in the stonecutter.

Screen example scripts

Chest click event
__command() -> (
    create_screen(player(),'generic_9x6',format('db Test'),_(screen, player, action, data) -> (
        print(player('all'),str('%s\n%s\n%s',player,action,data)); //for testing
Anvil text prompt
// anvil text prompt gui
__command() -> (
    global_screen = create_screen(player(),'anvil',format('r Enter a text'),_(screen, player, action, data)->(
        if(action == 'pickup' && data:'slot' == 2,
            renamed_item = inventory_get(screen,2);
            nbt = renamed_item:2;
            name = parse_nbt(nbt:'display':'Name'):'text';
            if(!name, return('cancel')); //don't accept empty string
            print(player,'Text: ' + name);
Lectern flip book
// flip book lectern

global_fac = 256/60;
curve(v) -> (
    v = v%360;

hex_from_hue(hue) -> str('#%02X%02X%02X',curve(hue+120),curve(hue),curve(hue+240));

make_char(hue) -> str('{"text":"▉","color":"%s"}',hex_from_hue(hue));

make_page(hue) -> (
    page = '[';
    loop(15, //row
        y = _;
        loop(14, //col
            x = _;
            page += make_char(hue+x*4+y*4) + ',';

__command() -> (
    screen = create_screen(player(),'lectern','Lectern example (this text is not visible)',_(screen, player, action, data)->(
            print(player,'Button: ' + data:'button');

    page_count = 60;
    pages = [];

        hue = _/page_count*360;
        pages += make_page(hue);

    nbt = encode_nbt({
        'pages'-> pages,


        while(screen != null && screen_property(screen,'open'),100000,
            p = (p+1)%page_count;
generic_3x3 cursor stack
__command() -> (
    screen = create_screen(player(),'generic_3x3','Title',_(screen, player, action, data) -> (
            // set slot to the cursor stack item

        // keep the cursor stack item blinking