We present a curated list of awesome Hacktoberfest 2020 repositories. If you enjoyed this resource, please leave a star ⭐ to support this project! ✨
Will you choose the ✨ Hacktoberfest t-shirt ✨ but don't want to stop contributing to the environment and a sustainable future? Find an organization here so you can plant a tree! 🌱
Don't forget to read our contributing guide
- Repositories Supporting First Timers
- Repositories Coding for Beginners
- Guides and Resources
- Cli Tools
- Meetups and Events
- a11yfirst
- Another First PR
- Appwrite
- Awesome First PR
- Awesome Hacktoberfest Plant a Tree
- Awesome-Hacking
- Awesome Learning Resources
- awesome-openminds-team
- beginners-only
- Blitz.js
- BSI Developers - Comunidade
- Contribute-101
- Contributor Covenant
- CSS Showcase
- Curated up for grabs
- Data_Structure_and_Algorithms
- DevJoke
- Developer Experience Knowledge Base
- first-contributions
- First Contributions
- First Contributions
- First PR
- Flexbox Froggy
- GitHub Writes Code
- Good First issue Hacktoberfest-2020
- Hack-Day
- Hacktoberfest Animations
- Hacktoberfest2K19
- Hacktoberfest
- Hasura
- hello-open-source
- HelloWorld-Hacktoberfest
- ImageKit.io SDKs
- Innovative-Hacktober
- inspirational-quotes
- JARVIS-on-messenger
- Killed by Google
- Open source drinks
- Predator
- sample-programs
- Text Adventure Game Collection
- useful-dev-tools
- Welcome to Hacktoberfest2020
- A fun website build to celebrate open source collaboration
- AlgoBook - Various Python and ML Algorithms under one roof
- Algorithms written in different programming languages
- Android-Privacy-Viz
- Arduino-Buzzer-Code-Generator
- Beetlesbot
- C Programs
- Code Sleep Python
- Coder's Way of Wishing HAPPY BIRTHDAY
- Collection of C++ STL features
- Data Structure and Algorithm - Different programming language
- Design patterns written in different programming languages
- Filosofunk
- Flask-Weather
- freeCodeCamp
- Funny Algorithms
- Hacktoberfest-Data-Structure-and-Algorithms
- HacktoberFest2020-Contributions
- HoneyBot py
- Jenkins
- Network Programming with C
- Open-Pixel-Art
- Pybites- solve problems
- React Ipsum
- Simple Contribute
- TemplateBuddy
- AuthPass - Password Manager based on Flutter for all platforms
- GCommit
- Home Automation
- PyGeneses
- Pyrogram: Telegram API Framework in Python & C
- Vue-Playground
- simC
- A First-Timers Guide to an Open Source Project
- Github Pages
- Hacktoberfest Checker
- Hacktoberfest Tracker Mobile App github
- HacktoberfestSwagList - List of companies giving out swag for participating in Hacktoberfest
See all meetups and events here
To the extent possible under law, Otacilio Maia has waived all copyright and related or neighbouring rights to this work.