diff --git a/docs/dev/api/get-started.md b/docs/dev/api/get-started.md
index 8b3a794..94e6c93 100644
--- a/docs/dev/api/get-started.md
+++ b/docs/dev/api/get-started.md
@@ -1 +1,324 @@
-# Getting Started
\ No newline at end of file
+# Get Started
+# Bastyon Pocketnet Proxy API Documentation
+## Overview
+The Bastyon Pocketnet Proxy API provides developers with tools to build and integrate applications within the Bastyon ecosystem. This guide explains how to use our RPC methods safely and efficiently with TypeScript support.
+The setup instructions assume you have a front-end that will invoke back-end controllers, defined below.
+The high-level diagram of a generic app looks something like the below:
+## Setup and Initialization
+Until the proxy API is available via npm, we recommend using our template project: [Bastyon Mini-App Express.js Template][template-link].
+The following instructions assume you have installed the /lib folder containing the pocketnet-proxy-api SDK.
+What this means: You'll need to clone our template repository first, as it contains all necessary files and configurations to get started quickly.
+[template-link]: https://github.com/DaniilKimlb/bastyon-miniapp-expressjs-template
+import express from 'express';
+import type { Request, Response } from 'express';
+import { PocketNetProxyApi } from '../lib';
+import type {
+ GetNodeInfoParams,
+ GetUserProfileParams,
+ SearchParams
+} from '../lib/rpc.types';
+const app = express();
+## API Instance Management
+What this means: We use a singleton pattern to manage a single instance of the API throughout your application. This approach is more efficient and prevents multiple unnecessary connections.
+// lib/index.ts
+import PocketNetProxyApi from './pocketnet-proxy-api';
+let pocketNetProxyInstance: PocketNetProxyApi | null = null;
+export async function getPocketNetProxyInstance(): Promise {
+ if (!pocketNetProxyInstance) {
+ pocketNetProxyInstance = await PocketNetProxyApi.create();
+ }
+ return pocketNetProxyInstance;
+export { PocketNetProxyApi };
+## Route Handlers
+What this means: These are the endpoints your application will expose to handle different types of requests. Each handler is responsible for a specific function like getting node information or user profiles.
+### Get Node Information
+What this means: This endpoint fetches current status and information about a Bastyon network node, useful for monitoring and diagnostics.
+// controllers/node.controller.ts
+import type { Request, Response } from 'express';
+import { getPocketNetProxyInstance } from '../lib';
+ * GET /nodeinfo
+ *
+ * Retrieves node information from the Bastyon network.
+ * Uses the getnodeinfo RPC method to fetch current node status.
+ *
+ * @param {Request} req - Express request object
+ * @param {Response} res - Express response object
+ * @returns {Promise} JSON response with node information
+ *
+ * @example
+ * // Route registration
+ * app.get('/nodeinfo', getNodeInfo);
+ *
+ * // Success Response
+ * {
+ * "message": "Node information retrieved successfully",
+ * "data": {
+ * // Node information object
+ * }
+ * }
+ */
+export async function getNodeInfo(
+ req: Request,
+ res: Response
+): Promise {
+ try {
+ const api = await getPocketNetProxyInstance();
+ const result = await api.rpc.getnodeinfo();
+ res.status(200).json({
+ message: 'Node information retrieved successfully',
+ data: result
+ });
+ } catch (error) {
+ res.status(500).json({
+ message: 'Failed to retrieve node information',
+ error: error instanceof Error ? error.message : 'Unknown error'
+ });
+ }
+### Get User Profile
+What this means: This endpoint retrieves information about a specific user using their blockchain address. It's commonly used for displaying user details and verification.
+// controllers/user.controller.ts
+import type { Request, Response } from 'express';
+import { getPocketNetProxyInstance } from '../lib';
+import type { GetUserProfileParams } from '../lib/rpc.types';
+ * GET /user/:address
+ *
+ * Retrieves user profile information for a given address.
+ *
+ * @param {Request} req - Express request object with address parameter
+ * @param {Response} res - Express response object
+ * @returns {Promise} JSON response with user profile
+ *
+ * @example
+ * // Route registration
+ * app.get('/user/:address', getUserProfile);
+ *
+ * // Success Response
+ * {
+ * "message": "User profile retrieved successfully",
+ * "data": {
+ * // User profile object
+ * }
+ * }
+ */
+export async function getUserProfile(
+ req: Request,
+ res: Response
+): Promise {
+ try {
+ const { address } = req.params;
+ const api = await getPocketNetProxyInstance();
+ const result = await api.rpc.getuserprofile({
+ address,
+ shortForm: "basic"
+ } satisfies GetUserProfileParams);
+ res.status(200).json({
+ message: 'User profile retrieved successfully',
+ data: result
+ });
+ } catch (error) {
+ res.status(500).json({
+ message: 'Failed to retrieve user profile',
+ error: error instanceof Error ? error.message : 'Unknown error'
+ });
+ }
+### Search Content
+What this means: This endpoint allows users to search through content on the platform with support for pagination to handle large result sets efficiently.
+// controllers/search.controller.ts
+import type { Request, Response } from 'express';
+import { getPocketNetProxyInstance } from '../lib';
+import type { SearchParams } from '../lib/rpc.types';
+ * GET /search
+ *
+ * Searches for content with pagination support.
+ *
+ * @param {Request} req - Express request object with query parameters
+ * @param {Response} res - Express response object
+ * @returns {Promise} JSON response with search results
+ *
+ * @example
+ * // Route registration
+ * app.get('/search', searchContent);
+ *
+ * // Request
+ * GET /search?keyword=blockchain&page=1&pageSize=20
+ *
+ * // Success Response
+ * {
+ * "message": "Search completed successfully",
+ * "data": {
+ * "results": [],
+ * "total": 0
+ * }
+ * }
+ */
+export async function searchContent(
+ req: Request,
+ res: Response
+): Promise {
+ try {
+ const {
+ keyword,
+ page = '0',
+ pageSize = '20'
+ } = req.query;
+ const api = await getPocketNetProxyInstance();
+ const result = await api.rpc.search({
+ keyword: String(keyword),
+ type: "content",
+ pageStart: Number(page),
+ pageSize: Number(pageSize)
+ } satisfies SearchParams);
+ res.status(200).json({
+ message: 'Search completed successfully',
+ data: result
+ });
+ } catch (error) {
+ res.status(500).json({
+ message: 'Search operation failed',
+ error: error instanceof Error ? error.message : 'Unknown error'
+ });
+ }
+### Controller Exports
+What this means: This file centralizes all your route handlers (controllers) in one place for better organization and maintainability.
+// controllers/index.ts
+export * from './node.controller';
+export * from './user.controller';
+export * from './search.controller';
+### Route Registration
+What this means: This is where you define which URLs trigger which handlers in your application. It maps URLs to their corresponding functions.
+// routes/index.ts
+import express from 'express';
+import {
+ getNodeInfo,
+ getUserProfile,
+ searchContent
+} from '../controllers';
+const router = express.Router();
+router.get('/nodeinfo', getNodeInfo);
+router.get('/user/:address', getUserProfile);
+router.get('/search', searchContent);
+export default router;
+### Error Handler Middleware
+What this means: This middleware catches and processes any errors that occur during request handling, ensuring a consistent error response format.
+// middleware/error.middleware.ts
+import type { Request, Response, NextFunction } from 'express';
+export function errorHandler(
+ error: Error,
+ req: Request,
+ res: Response,
+ next: NextFunction
+): void {
+ console.error('API Error:', error);
+ res.status(500).json({
+ message: 'Internal server error',
+ error: process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development' ? error.message : 'Unknown error'
+ });
+## App Configuration
+What this means: This is the main setup of your Express.js application where you configure middleware, routes, and error handling.
+// app.ts
+import express from 'express';
+import routes from './routes';
+import { errorHandler } from './middleware';
+const app = express();
+app.use('/api', routes);
+export default app;
+## Best Practices
+These guidelines will help you build more reliable and maintainable applications:
+1. TypeScript Usage: Leverage TypeScript's type system for safer code
+2. Parameter Validation: Use the `satisfies` operator to ensure correct parameter types
+3. Error Handling: Implement comprehensive error catching and reporting
+4. Service Organization: Group related functionality into service classes
+5. Data Management: Use pagination for large datasets
+6. Performance: Implement caching where appropriate
+7. Code Structure: Keep your code organized and well-documented
+## Type Safety Benefits
+Using TypeScript provides several advantages:
+- Find errors during development instead of runtime
+- Get better code completion in your IDE
+- Make your code easier to understand and maintain
+- Ensure consistent data structures
+- Improve development speed with better tooling support
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-# Introduction
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+# Introduction
+# Bastyon Pocketnet Proxy API Documentation
+## Introduction
+The Bastyon Pocketnet Proxy API serves as a powerful gateway for developers to build and integrate applications within the Bastyon ecosystem. This comprehensive API enables developers to harness the full potential of Bastyon's decentralized platform, providing access to core functionalities such as user management, content distribution, blockchain operations, and social networking features.
+### What is Bastyon Pocketnet Proxy?
+Bastyon's Pocketnet Proxy is a middleware layer that facilitates seamless communication between applications and the Bastyon blockchain network. It provides a standardized interface for developers to interact with the platform's features while abstracting the complexity of direct blockchain interactions.
+### Key Features
+- **User Management**: Complete suite of methods for handling user profiles, authentication, and account management
+- **Content Management**: Tools for creating, retrieving, and managing content across the platform
+- **Social Networking**: APIs for handling user interactions, subscriptions, and social connections
+- **Blockchain Operations**: Direct access to blockchain functionalities including transactions and block data
+- **Search and Discovery**: Comprehensive search capabilities across various platform elements
+- **Jury System**: Methods for managing the platform's decentralized moderation system
+### API Design Principles
+The API follows these core principles:
+1. **Consistency**: All methods follow a standardized naming convention and response format
+2. **Scalability**: Built-in pagination and efficient data handling for large-scale operations
+3. **Security**: Robust authentication and authorization mechanisms
+4. **Flexibility**: Support for various use cases and integration scenarios
+### Getting Started
+This documentation provides a complete reference of all available API methods, including:
+- Detailed method definitions and parameters
+- Working code examples for each method
+- Common usage patterns and best practices
+- Error handling guidelines
+- Response format specifications
+### Who Should Use This API?
+- Application developers building on the Bastyon platform
+- Integration developers connecting existing systems with Bastyon
+- Content creators looking to automate their workflow
+- Developers building tools for the Bastyon ecosystem
+### Prerequisites
+Before using the API, you should have:
+- Basic understanding of REST APIs and JSON
+- Familiarity with blockchain concepts
+- Knowledge of TypeScript/JavaScript (for provided examples)
+- Access credentials for the Bastyon platform
+### How to Use This Documentation
+The documentation is organized into logical sections based on functionality:
+1. **Method Reference**: Complete list of all available API methods
+2. **Usage Examples**: Real-world examples of API implementation
+3. **Best Practices**: Guidelines for optimal API usage
+4. **Error Handling**: Common error scenarios and how to handle them
+5. **Advanced Topics**: Complex implementation patterns and optimizations
+Let's begin exploring the comprehensive set of API methods available for building powerful applications on the Bastyon platform.
diff --git a/docs/dev/api/rpc.md b/docs/dev/api/rpc.md
index 46f1836..1fd6d65 100644
--- a/docs/dev/api/rpc.md
+++ b/docs/dev/api/rpc.md
@@ -10,3197 +10,899 @@ This document provides a detailed description of all available RPC methods in th
Each method is listed with its parameters, return values, and examples of usage.
-| Method Name | Description |
-| ----------------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| **[getapps](#getapps)** | Retrieves a list of applications filtered by the given criteria |
-| **[getappscores](#getappscores)** | Retrieves scores for a list of applications |
-| **[getappcomments](#getappcomments)** | Retrieves comments related to a specific application |
-| **[getuserprofile](#getuserprofile)** | Retrieves the profile information of a specific user |
-| **[getjuryassigned](#getjuryassigned)** | Retrieves a list of jury assignments for a specific user |
-| **[getjurymoderators](#getjurymoderators)** | Retrieves a list of moderators assigned to a specific jury |
-| **[getjury](#getjury)** | Retrieves information about a specific jury |
-| **[getalljury](#getalljury)** | Retrieves a list of all juries available in the network |
-| **[getbans](#getbans)** | Retrieves the ban status of a specific user |
-| **[getaddressid](#getaddressid)** | Retrieves the unique identifier (ID) associated with a specific address |
-| **[getaddressregistration](#getaddressregistration)** | Retrieves the registration status for multiple addresses |
-| **[getuserstate](#getuserstate)** | Retrieves the state information of a specific user |
-| **[txunspent](#txunspent)** | Retrieves a list of unspent transaction outputs (UTXOs) for specified addresses |
-| **[getaccountearning](#getaccountearning)** | Retrieves the earning details of a specific account based on address, height, and depth |
-| **[getaddressinfo](#getaddressinfo)** | Retrieves detailed information about a specific address |
-| **[getbalancehistory](#getbalancehistory)** | Retrieves the balance history for a list of addresses over a given block range |
-| **[checkstringtype](#checkstringtype)** | Checks the type of a given string in the context of the network |
-| **[getaddresstransactions](#getaddresstransactions)** | Retrieves a list of transactions for a specific address |
-| **[getblocktransactions](#getblocktransactions)** | Retrieves a list of transactions included in a specific block |
-| **[getcompactblock](#getcompactblock)** | Retrieves compact block data for a given block hash or block number |
-| **[getaddressscores](#getaddressscores)** | Retrieves scores related to a specific address and its posts |
-| **[getpostscores](#getpostscores)** | Retrieves scores for a specific post based on its transaction hash |
-| **[getpagescores](#getpagescores)** | Retrieves scores for multiple posts and comments on a specific page |
-| **[getcomments](#getcomments)** | Retrieves comments related to a specific post |
-| **[getlastcomments](#getlastcomments)** | Retrieves the most recent comments from the network |
-| **[getcontent](#getcontent)** | Retrieves content based on provided hashes and address |
-| **[getcontents](#getcontents)** | Retrieves content posted by a specific address |
-| **[getuseraddress](#getuseraddress)** | Retrieves the addresses associated with a specific username |
-| **[getusersubscribes](#getusersubscribes)** | Retrieves a list of users that a specific user is subscribed to |
-| **[getusersubscribers](#getusersubscribers)** | Retrieves a list of subscribers for a specific user |
-| **[getaccountsetting](#getaccountsetting)** | Retrieves account settings information for a given address |
-| **[getuserstatistic](#getuserstatistic)** | Retrieves statistics for a specific user based on activity and address |
-| **[gettime](#gettime)** | Retrieves the current network time |
-| **[getpeerinfo](#getpeerinfo)** | Retrieves information about the connected peers in the network |
-| **[getnodeinfo](#getnodeinfo)** | Retrieves information about the current node |
-| **[getcoininfo](#getcoininfo)** | Retrieves general information about the coin, such as total supply and block count |
-| **[getposdifficulty](#getposdifficulty)** | Retrieves the Proof-of-Stake difficulty for a specific block height or current difficulty |
-| **[gettags](#gettags)** | Retrieves a list of tags used within the network for posts and comments |
-| **[addtransaction](#addtransaction)** | Adds a new transaction to the network |
-| **[generatetransaction](#generatetransaction)** | Generates a new transaction based on provided details |
-| **[getaccountearningstats](#getaccountearningstats)** | Retrieves detailed statistics on account earnings over time |
-| **[getaccountblockings](#getaccountblockings)** | Retrieves information about accounts blocked by a specific user |
-| **[getaccountblockers](#getaccountblockers)** | Retrieves information about accounts that have blocked a specific user |
-| **[search](#search)** | Searches for content within the network based on keywords and type |
-| **[searchusers](#searchusers)** | Searches for users based on a given keyword and ranking criteria |
-| **[searchlinks](#searchlinks)** | Searches for content based on provided links and content types |
-| **[getmissedinfo](#getmissedinfo)** | Retrieves information about missed blocks and transactions for a specific address |
-| **[getjuryvotes](#getjuryvotes)** | Retrieves votes related to a specific jury |
-| **[getjurybalance](#getjurybalance)** | Retrieves the balance information of a specific jury |
-| **[getjurylist](#getjurylist)** | Retrieves a list of all juries in the network |
-| **[getjuryreward](#getjuryreward)** | Retrieves the reward information for a specific jury |
-| **[getjuryvotescount](#getjuryvotescount)** | Retrieves the count of votes for a specific jury |
-| **[getmoderatorstatistics](#getmoderatorstatistics)** | Retrieves statistics for a specific moderator based on their activity |
-| **[gettransaction](#gettransaction)** | Retrieves detailed information about a specific transaction |
-| **[getaccountfollowers](#getaccountfollowers)** | Retrieves a list of followers for a specific account |
-| **[getaccountfollowings](#getaccountfollowings)** | Retrieves a list of accounts that a specific user is following |
-| **[getaccountcontents](#getaccountcontents)** | Retrieves contents associated with a specific account |
-| **[getaccountcomments](#getaccountcomments)** | Retrieves comments associated with a specific account |
-| **[getaccountposts](#getaccountposts)** | Retrieves posts associated with a specific account |
-| **[getblockreward](#getblockreward)** | Retrieves reward information for a specific block |
-| **[getblockcount](#getblockcount)** | Retrieves the current block count in the network |
-| **[getnetworkhashrate](#getnetworkhashrate)** | Retrieves the current network hash rate |
-| **[getnetworkinfo](#getnetworkinfo)** | Retrieves information about the network status and nodes |
-| **[getrawtransaction](#getrawtransaction)** | Retrieves raw transaction data for a given transaction ID |
-| **[decoderawtransaction](#decoderawtransaction)** | Decodes raw transaction data and returns detailed information about it |
-| **[validateaddress](#validateaddress)** | Validates a specific address within the network |
-| **[verifychain](#verifychain)** | Verifies the integrity of the blockchain |
-| **[getwalletinfo](#getwalletinfo)** | Retrieves general information about the wallet, such as balance and transactions |
-| **[getblockhash](#getblockhash)** | Retrieves the block hash for a given block number |
-| **[getmempoolinfo](#getmempoolinfo)** | Retrieves information about the current state of the memory pool |
-| **[getrawmempool](#getrawmempool)** | Retrieves a list of transactions currently in the memory pool |
-| **[getdifficulty](#getdifficulty)** | Retrieves the current difficulty of the network |
-| **[getblocktemplate](#getblocktemplate)** | Retrieves a block template for mining purposes |
-| **[getnetworkstakeweight](#getnetworkstakeweight)** | Retrieves the current stake weight of the network |
-| **[getstakingstatus](#getstakingstatus)** | Retrieves the current staking status of the network |
-| **[getmintinginfo](#getmintinginfo)** | Retrieves the current minting information for the network |
-| **[getblockchaininfo](#getblockchaininfo)** | Retrieves detailed information about the state of the blockchain |
-| **[getchaintips](#getchaintips)** | Retrieves information about the chain tips in the blockchain |
-| **[getblocksubsidy](#getblocksubsidy)** | Retrieves information about the block subsidy for a given block |
-| **[getblock](#getblock)** | Retrieves detailed information about a specific block |
-| **[getbestblockhash](#getbestblockhash)** | Retrieves the hash of the most recent (best) block |
-| **[gettxout](#gettxout)** | Retrieves information about an unspent transaction output (UTXO) |
-| **[gettxoutproof](#gettxoutproof)** | Retrieves proof that an unspent transaction output (UTXO) is included in a block |
-| **[verifytxoutproof](#verifytxoutproof)** | Verifies the proof that an unspent transaction output (UTXO) is included in a block |
-### `getapps`
-**Description:** Retrieves a list of applications based on the provided parameters.
-- **Parameters:**
-- `params: GetAppsParams` - Object containing the parameters for the request.
-- `params.request: string` - The request string with the required information.
-**Returns:** `Promise` - A promise that resolves with the list of applications.
- .getapps({ request: 'exampleRequest' })
- .then(response => console.log('Applications:', response))
- .catch(error => console.error('Failed to fetch applications:', error))
-### `getappscores`
-**Description:** Retrieves scores for a specific application.
-- **Parameters:**
-- `params: GetAppScoresParams` - Object containing the parameters for the request.
-- `params.request: string` - The request string with the required information.
-**Returns:** `Promise` - A promise that resolves with the scores for the application.
- .getappscores({ request: 'exampleAppScoresRequest' })
- .then(response => console.log('Application Scores:', response))
- .catch(error =>
- console.error('Failed to fetch application scores:', error),
- )
-### `getappcomments`
-**Description:** Retrieves comments for a specific application.
-- **Parameters:**
-- `params: GetAppCommentsParams` - Object containing the parameters for the request.
-- `params.request: string` - The request string with the required information.
-**Returns:** `Promise` - A promise that resolves with the comments for the application.
- .getappcomments({ request: 'exampleAppCommentsRequest' })
- .then(response => console.log('Application Comments:', response))
- .catch(error =>
- console.error('Failed to fetch application comments:', error),
- )
-### `getuserprofile`
-**Description:** Retrieves profile information for a specific user.
-- **Parameters:**
-- `params: GetUserProfileParams` - Object containing the parameters for the request.
-- `params.address: string` - The address of the user.
-- `params.shortForm: string` - Indicates if the short form of the profile should be retrieved.
-**Returns:** `Promise` - A promise that resolves with the user's profile information.
- .getuserprofile({ address: 'userAddress', shortForm: 'yes' })
- .then(response => console.log('User Profile:', response))
- .catch(error => console.error('Failed to fetch user profile:', error))
-### `getjuryassigned`
-**Description:** Gets assigned jury information.
-- **Parameters:**
-- `params: GetJuryAssignedParams` - Object containing the parameters for the request.
-- `params.address: string` - Moderator address.
-- `params.verdict: boolean` - Verdict `1` or `0` (Default: `0`).
-- `params.topHeight: number` - Start height of pagination.
-- `params.pageStart: number` - Start page.
-- `params.pageSize: number` - Size of the page.
-- `params.orderBy: string` - Field to order by.
-- `params.desc: boolean` - Indicates if the order should be descending.
-**Returns:** `Promise` - A promise that resolves with information about the assigned jury.
- .getjuryassigned({
- address: 'address',
- verdict: true,
- topHeight: 0,
- pageStart: 0,
- pageSize: 10,
- orderBy: 'Height',
- desc: true,
- })
- .then(response => console.log('Jury Assigned:', response))
- .catch(error => console.error('Failed to fetch jury assignment:', error))
-### `getjurymoderators`
-**Description:** Retrieves information about jury moderators.
-- **Parameters:**
-- `params: GetJuryModeratorsParams` - Object containing the parameters for the request.
-- `params.jury: string` - The identifier of the jury.
-**Returns:** `Promise` - A promise that resolves with the jury moderator information.
- .getjurymoderators({ jury: 'juryId' })
- .then(response => console.log('Jury Moderators:', response))
- .catch(error => console.error('Failed to fetch jury moderators:', error))
-### `getjury`
-**Description:** Retrieves information about a specific jury.
-- **Parameters:**
-- `params: GetJuryParams` - Object containing the parameters for the request.
-- `params.jury: string` - The identifier of the jury.
-**Returns:** `Promise` - A promise that resolves with the jury information.
- .getjury({ jury: 'juryId' })
- .then(response => console.log('Jury Information:', response))
- .catch(error => console.error('Failed to fetch jury information:', error))
-### `getalljury`
-**Description:** Retrieves information about all juries in the system.
-- **Parameters:** None
-**Returns:** `Promise` - A promise that resolves with information about all juries.
- .getalljury()
- .then(response => console.log('All Jury Information:', response))
- .catch(error =>
- console.error('Failed to fetch all jury information:', error),
- )
-### `getbans`
-**Description:** Retrieves ban information for a specific address.
-- **Parameters:**
-- `params: GetBansParams` - Object containing the parameters for the request.
-- `params.address: string` - The address to check for bans.
-**Returns:** `Promise` - A promise that resolves with the ban information for the given address.
- .getbans({ address: 'userAddress' })
- .then(response => console.log('Ban Information:', response))
- .catch(error => console.error('Failed to fetch ban information:', error))
-### `getaddressid`
-**Description:** Retrieves the unique identifier (ID) associated with a specific address. This method provides a way to map an address to its corresponding ID within the network.
-- **Parameters:**
-- `params: GetAddressIdParams` - Object containing the parameters for the request.
-- `params.address: string` - Address to retrieve the ID for.
-- `params.id: number` - Optional unique ID to include in the request.
-**Returns:** `Promise` - A promise that resolves with the unique identifier for the specified address.
- .getaddressid({ address: 'userAddress', id: 12345 })
- .then(response => console.log('Address ID:', response))
- .catch(error => console.error('Failed to fetch address ID:', error))
-### `getaddressregistration`
-**Description:** Retrieves the registration status of multiple addresses. This method checks if the provided addresses are registered within the network and returns their registration details.
-- **Parameters:**
-- `params: GetAddressRegistrationParams` - Object containing the parameters for the request.
-- `params.addresses: string[]` - Array of addresses to check registration status for.
-**Returns:** `Promise` - A promise that resolves with the registration status for each of the specified addresses.
- .getaddressregistration({ addresses: ['address1', 'address2'] })
- .then(response => console.log('Address Registration Status:', response))
- .catch(error =>
- console.error('Failed to fetch address registration status:', error),
- )
-### `getuserstate`
-**Description:** Retrieves the state of a specific user based on their address. This method provides information about the user's current state within the network, such as account balance, registration status, and other details.
-- **Parameters:**
-- `params: GetUserStateParams` - Object containing the parameters for the request.
-- `params.address: string` - Address of the user to retrieve the state for.
-**Returns:** `Promise` - A promise that resolves with the user's state information.
- .getuserstate({ address: 'userAddress' })
- .then(response => console.log('User State:', response))
- .catch(error => console.error('Failed to fetch user state:', error))
-### `txunspent`
-**Description:** Retrieves a list of unspent transaction outputs (UTXOs) for the specified addresses. This method allows for filtering UTXOs based on the minimum and maximum number of confirmations.
-- **Parameters:**
- - `params: TxUnspentParams` - Object containing the parameters for the request.
- - **`params.addresses: string[]`** - Array of addresses to retrieve UTXOs for.
- - **`params.minconf: number`** - Minimum number of confirmations required for UTXOs to be included in the response.
- - **`params.maxconf: number`** - Maximum number of confirmations allowed for UTXOs to be included in the response.
-**Returns:** `Promise` - A promise that resolves with a list of UTXOs for the specified addresses and confirmation range.
- .txunspent({
- addresses: ['address1', 'address2'],
- minconf: 1,
- maxconf: 100,
- })
- .then(response => console.log('Unspent Transaction Outputs:', response))
- .catch(error => console.error('Failed to fetch UTXOs:', error))
-### `getaccountearning`
-**Description:** Retrieves the earning details of a specific account based on the provided address, block height, and depth. This method provides information about the rewards or earnings that the account has received within the specified block range.
-- **Parameters:**
- - `params: GetAccountEarningParams` - Object containing the parameters for the request.
- - **`params.address: string`** - Address of the account to get earning information for.
- - **`params.height: number`** - Block height to start the search from.
- - **`params.depth: number`** - The number of blocks to search for the earnings information. A higher depth means looking further back in the chain.
-**Returns:** `Promise` - A promise that resolves with the earning details for the specified account and block range.
- .getaccountearning({
- address: 'userAddress',
- height: 150,
- depth: 10,
- })
- .then(response => console.log('Account Earnings:', response))
- .catch(error => console.error('Failed to fetch account earnings:', error))
-### `getaddressinfo`
-**Description:** Retrieves detailed information about a specific address.
-- **Parameters:**
-- `params: GetAddressInfoParams` - Object containing the parameters for the request.
-- `params.address: string` - The address to get information for.
-**Returns:** `Promise` - A promise that resolves with the address information.
- .getaddressinfo({ address: 'userAddress' })
- .then(response => console.log('Address Information:', response))
- .catch(error =>
- console.error('Failed to fetch address information:', error),
- )
-### `getbalancehistory`
-**Description:** Retrieves the balance history for a given set of addresses.
-- **Parameters:**
-- `params: GetBalanceHistoryParams` - Object containing the parameters for the request.
-- `params.addresses: string[]` - Array of user addresses.
-- `params.topHeight: number` - Top block height.
-- `params.count: number` - Number of history entries to retrieve.
-**Returns:** `Promise` - A promise that resolves with the balance history information.
- .getbalancehistory({
- addresses: ['address1', 'address2'],
- topHeight: 100,
- count: 5,
- })
- .then(response => console.log('Balance History:', response))
- .catch(error => console.error('Failed to fetch balance history:', error))
-### `checkstringtype`
-**Description:** Checks the type of a given string.
-- **Parameters:**
-- `params: CheckStringTypeParams` - Object containing the parameters for the request.
-- `params.string: string` - The string to check.
-**Returns:** `Promise` - A promise that resolves with the type information of the string.
- .checkstringtype({ string: 'exampleString' })
- .then(response => console.log('String Type:', response))
- .catch(error => console.error('Failed to check string type:', error))
-### `getaddresstransactions`
-**Description:** Retrieves transactions associated with a given address.
-- **Parameters:**
-- `params: GetAddressTransactionsParams` - Object containing the parameters for the request.
-- `params.address: string` - The address to get transactions for.
-- `params.pageInitBlock: number` - Page initial block number.
-- `params.pageStart: number` - Page start index.
-- `params.pageSize: number` - Page size.
-- `params.direction: number` - Direction of the search.
-- `params.txTypes: number[]` - Array of transaction types to filter by.
-**Returns:** `Promise` - A promise that resolves with the address transactions.
- .getaddresstransactions({
- address: 'userAddress',
- pageInitBlock: 0,
- pageStart: 0,
- pageSize: 10,
- direction: 1,
- txTypes: [1, 2],
- })
- .then(response => console.log('Address Transactions:', response))
- .catch(error =>
- console.error('Failed to fetch address transactions:', error),
- )
-### `getblocktransactions`
-**Description:** Retrieves transactions associated with a specific block.
-- **Parameters:**
-- `params: GetBlockTransactionsParams` - Object containing the parameters for the request.
-- `params.blockHash: string` - The hash of the block to get transactions for.
-- `params.pageStart: number` - Page start index.
-- `params.pageSize: number` - Page size.
-**Returns:** `Promise` - A promise that resolves with the block transactions.
- .getblocktransactions({
- blockHash: 'blockHash',
- pageStart: 0,
- pageSize: 10,
- })
- .then(response => console.log('Block Transactions:', response))
- .catch(error =>
- console.error('Failed to fetch block transactions:', error),
- )
-### `getcompactblock`
-**Description:** Retrieves compact information about a specific block.
-- **Parameters:**
-- `params: GetCompactBlockParams` - Object containing the parameters for the request.
-- `params.blockhash: string` - The hash of the block to get information for.
-- `params.blocknumber: number` - The number of the block to get information for.
-**Returns:** `Promise` - A promise that resolves with the compact block information.
- .getcompactblock({ blockhash: 'blockHash', blocknumber: 100 })
- .then(response => console.log('Compact Block Information:', response))
- .catch(error =>
- console.error('Failed to fetch compact block information:', error),
- )
-### `getaddressscores`
-**Description:** Retrieves scores for posts associated with a given address.
-- **Parameters:**
-- `params: GetAddressScoresParams` - Object containing the parameters for the request.
-- `params.address: string` - The address to get scores for.
-- `params.postHashes: string[]` - Array of post hashes.
-**Returns:** `Promise` - A promise that resolves with the scores for the posts.
- .getaddressscores({
- address: 'userAddress',
- postHashes: ['postHash1', 'postHash2'],
- })
- .then(response => console.log('Address Scores:', response))
- .catch(error => console.error('Failed to fetch address scores:', error))
-### `getpostscores`
-**Description:** Retrieves scores for a specific post.
-- **Parameters:**
-- `params: GetPostScoresParams` - Object containing the parameters for the request.
-- `params.postTxHash: string` - The transaction hash of the post to get scores for.
-**Returns:** `Promise` - A promise that resolves with the post scores.
- .getpostscores({ postTxHash: 'postTxHash' })
- .then(response => console.log('Post Scores:', response))
- .catch(error => console.error('Failed to fetch post scores:', error))
-### `getpagescores`
-**Description:** Retrieves scores for pages associated with a given address.
-- **Parameters:**
-- `params: GetPageScoresParams` - Object containing the parameters for the request.
-- `params.postHashes: string[]` - Array of post hashes.
-- `params.address: string` - The address to get scores for.
-- `params.commentHashes: string[]` - Array of comment hashes.
-**Returns:** `Promise` - A promise that resolves with the page scores.
- .getpagescores({
- postHashes: ['postHash1', 'postHash2'],
- address: 'userAddress',
- commentHashes: ['commentHash1', 'commentHash2'],
- })
- .then(response => console.log('Page Scores:', response))
- .catch(error => console.error('Failed to fetch page scores:', error))
-### `getcomments`
-**Description:** Retrieves comments for a specific post.
-- **Parameters:**
-- `params: GetCommentsParams` - Object containing the parameters for the request.
-- `params.postid: number` - The ID of the post to get comments for.
-- `params.parentid?: number` - Optional parent comment ID.
-- `params.address?: string` - Optional address to filter by.
-- `params.commend_ids?: string[]` - Optional array of comment IDs to filter by.
-**Returns:** `Promise` - A promise that resolves with the comments for the post.
- .getcomments({
- postid: 123,
- parentid: 0,
- address: 'userAddress',
- commend_ids: ['comment1', 'comment2'],
- })
- .then(response => console.log('Comments:', response))
- .catch(error => console.error('Failed to fetch comments:', error))
-### `getlastcomments`
-**Description:** Retrieves the last comments in the system.
-- **Parameters:**
-- `params: GetLastCommentsParams` - Object containing the parameters for the request.
-- `params.count: number` - Number of comments to retrieve.
-**Returns:** `Promise` - A promise that resolves with the last comments.
- .getlastcomments({ count: 10 })
- .then(response => console.log('Last Comments:', response))
- .catch(error => console.error('Failed to fetch last comments:', error))
-_(Note: Continue formatting the remaining methods in the same way, ensuring each method includes the description, parameters, returns, and example usage in proper Markdown format.)_
-### `getcontent`
-**Description:** Retrieves content for a specific post.
-- **Parameters:**
-- `params: GetContentParams` - Object containing the parameters for the request.
-- `params.postTxHash: string` - The transaction hash of the post.
-**Returns:** `Promise` - A promise that resolves with the post content.
- .getcontent({ postTxHash: 'postTxHash' })
- .then(response => console.log('Post Content:', response))
- .catch(error => console.error('Failed to fetch post content:', error))
-### `getcontents`
-**Description:** Retrieves contents for multiple posts.
-- **Parameters:**
-- `params: GetContentsParams` - Object containing the parameters for the request.
-- `params.postTxHashes: string[]` - Array of post transaction hashes.
-**Returns:** `Promise` - A promise that resolves with the posts' contents.
- .getcontents({ postTxHashes: ['postTxHash1', 'postTxHash2'] })
- .then(response => console.log('Posts Content:', response))
- .catch(error => console.error('Failed to fetch posts content:', error))
-### `getuseraddress`
-**Description:** Retrieves the address associated with a specific username.
-- **Parameters:**
-- `params: GetUserAddressParams` - Object containing the parameters for the request.
-- `params.username: string` - The username to get the address for.
-**Returns:** `Promise` - A promise that resolves with the user's address.
- .getuseraddress({ username: 'userName' })
- .then(response => console.log('User Address:', response))
- .catch(error => console.error('Failed to fetch user address:', error))
-### `getusersubscribes`
-**Description:** Retrieves the list of users that a specific user is subscribed to.
-- **Parameters:**
-- `params: GetUserSubscribesParams` - Object containing the parameters for the request.
-- `params.address: string` - The address of the user.
-**Returns:** `Promise` - A promise that resolves with the list of subscriptions.
- .getusersubscribes({ address: 'userAddress' })
- .then(response => console.log('User Subscriptions:', response))
- .catch(error =>
- console.error('Failed to fetch user subscriptions:', error),
- )
-### `getusersubscribers`
-**Description:** Retrieves the list of users that are subscribed to a specific user.
-- **Parameters:**
-- `params: GetUserSubscribersParams` - Object containing the parameters for the request.
-- `params.address: string` - The address of the user.
-**Returns:** `Promise` - A promise that resolves with the list of subscribers.
- .getusersubscribers({ address: 'userAddress' })
- .then(response => console.log('User Subscribers:', response))
- .catch(error => console.error('Failed to fetch user subscribers:', error))
-### `getaccountsetting`
-**Description:** Retrieves the account settings for a specific user.
-- **Parameters:**
-- `params: GetAccountSettingParams` - Object containing the parameters for the request.
-- `params.address: string` - The address of the user.
-**Returns:** `Promise` - A promise that resolves with the account settings.
- .getaccountsetting({ address: 'userAddress' })
- .then(response => console.log('Account Settings:', response))
- .catch(error => console.error('Failed to fetch account settings:', error))
-### `getuserstatistic`
-**Description:** Retrieves statistics for a specific user.
-- **Parameters:**
-- `params: GetUserStatisticParams` - Object containing the parameters for the request.
-- `params.address: string` - The address of the user.
-**Returns:** `Promise` - A promise that resolves with the user's statistics.
- .getuserstatistic({ address: 'userAddress' })
- .then(response => console.log('User Statistics:', response))
- .catch(error => console.error('Failed to fetch user statistics:', error))
-### `gettime`
-**Description:** Retrieves the current server time.
-- **Parameters:** None
-**Returns:** `Promise` - A promise that resolves with the current server time.
- .gettime()
- .then(response => console.log('Server Time:', response))
- .catch(error => console.error('Failed to fetch server time:', error))
-### `getcontent`
-**Description:** Retrieves content based on the given hashes and address.
-- **Parameters:**
-- `params: GetContentParams` - Object containing the parameters for the request.
-- `params.hashes: string[]` - Array of hashes representing the content to be retrieved.
-- `params.address: string` - Address to use for additional filtering or validation.
-- `params.last: boolean` - Flag indicating if only the latest content should be retrieved.
-**Returns:** `Promise` - A promise that resolves with the content information based on the provided hashes.
- .getcontent({
- hashes: ['hash1', 'hash2'],
- address: 'userAddress',
- last: true,
- })
- .then(response => console.log('Content:', response))
- .catch(error => console.error('Failed to fetch content:', error))
-### `getcontents`
-**Description:** Retrieves contents related to a specific address.
-- **Parameters:**
-- `params: GetContentsParams` - Object containing the parameters for the request.
-- `params.address: string` - Address to filter the contents by.
-**Returns:** `Promise` - A promise that resolves with the list of contents related to the provided address.
- .getcontents({ address: 'userAddress' })
- .then(response => console.log('Contents:', response))
- .catch(error => console.error('Failed to fetch contents:', error))
-### `getuseraddress`
-**Description:** Retrieves the address associated with a given user name.
-- **Parameters:**
-- `params: GetUserAddressParams` - Object containing the parameters for the request.
-- `params.user_name: string` - The user name to get the address for.
-- `params.count: number` - Number of addresses to retrieve.
-**Returns:** `Promise` - A promise that resolves with the address information.
- .getuseraddress({
- user_name: 'username',
- count: 1,
- })
- .then(response => console.log('User Address:', response))
- .catch(error => console.error('Failed to fetch user address:', error))
-### `getusersubscribes`
-**Description:** Retrieves the list of subscriptions for a specific user.
-- **Parameters:**
-- `params: GetUserSubscribesParams` - Object containing the parameters for the request.
-- `params.address: string` - Address of the user to retrieve subscriptions for.
-- `params.orderby: string` - Field to order the results by.
-- `params.orderdesc: boolean` - Flag indicating whether to order results in descending order.
-- `params.offset: number` - Offset for pagination.
-- `params.limit: number` - Limit of results per page.
-**Returns:** `Promise` - A promise that resolves with the list of user subscriptions.
- .getusersubscribes({
- address: 'userAddress',
- orderby: 'created',
- orderdesc: true,
- offset: 0,
- limit: 10,
- })
- .then(response => console.log('User Subscriptions:', response))
- .catch(error =>
- console.error('Failed to fetch user subscriptions:', error),
- )
-### `getusersubscribers`
-**Description:** Retrieves the list of subscribers for a specific user.
-- **Parameters:**
-- `params: GetUserSubscribersParams` - Object containing the parameters for the request.
-- `params.address: string` - Address of the user to retrieve subscribers for.
-- `params.orderby: string` - Field to order the results by.
-- `params.orderdesc: boolean` - Flag indicating whether to order results in descending order.
-- `params.offset: number` - Offset for pagination.
-- `params.limit: number` - Limit of results per page.
-**Returns:** `Promise` - A promise that resolves with the list of user subscribers.
- .getusersubscribers({
- address: 'userAddress',
- orderby: 'created',
- orderdesc: true,
- offset: 0,
- limit: 10,
- })
- .then(response => console.log('User Subscribers:', response))
- .catch(error => console.error('Failed to fetch user subscribers:', error))
-### `getaccountsetting`
-**Description:** Retrieves account settings for a specific address.
-- **Parameters:**
-- `params: GetAccountSettingParams` - Object containing the parameters for the request.
-- `params.address: string` - Address of the account to retrieve settings for.
-**Returns:** `Promise` - A promise that resolves with the account settings.
- .getaccountsetting({ address: 'userAddress' })
- .then(response => console.log('Account Settings:', response))
- .catch(error => console.error('Failed to fetch account settings:', error))
-### `getuserstatistic`
-**Description:** Retrieves user statistics based on the provided parameters.
-- **Parameters:**
-- `params: GetUserStatisticParams` - Object containing the parameters for the request.
-- `params.addresses: string[]` - Array of addresses to retrieve statistics for.
-- `params.height: number` - The block height to consider.
-- `params.depthR: number` - Depth of ratings to include.
-- `params.depthC: number` - Depth of comments to include.
-- `params.cntC: number` - Number of comments to include.
-**Returns:** `Promise` - A promise that resolves with the user statistics.
- .getuserstatistic({
- addresses: ['address1', 'address2'],
- height: 100,
- depthR: 10,
- depthC: 5,
- cntC: 20,
- })
- .then(response => console.log('User Statistics:', response))
- .catch(error => console.error('Failed to fetch user statistics:', error))
-### `gettime`
-**Description:** Retrieves the current time of the network.
-- **Parameters:** None.
-**Returns:** `Promise` - A promise that resolves with the current network time.
- .gettime()
- .then(response => console.log('Network Time:', response))
- .catch(error => console.error('Failed to fetch network time:', error))
-### `getpeerinfo`
-**Description:** Retrieves information about connected peers.
-- **Parameters:** None.
-**Returns:** `Promise` - A promise that resolves with the peer information.
- .getpeerinfo()
- .then(response => console.log('Peer Information:', response))
- .catch(error => console.error('Failed to fetch peer information:', error))
-### `getnodeinfo`
-**Description:** Retrieves information about the node.
-- **Parameters:** None.
-**Returns:** `Promise` - A promise that resolves with the node information.
- .getnodeinfo()
- .then(response => console.log('Node Information:', response))
- .catch(error => console.error('Failed to fetch node information:', error))
-### `getcoininfo`
-**Description:** Retrieves information about the coin.
-- **Parameters:**
-- `params: GetCoinInfoParams` - Object containing the parameters for the request.
-- `params.height?: number` - Optional block height to retrieve the coin information for.
-**Returns:** `Promise` - A promise that resolves with the coin information.
- .getcoininfo({ height: 100 })
- .then(response => console.log('Coin Information:', response))
- .catch(error => console.error('Failed to fetch coin information:', error))
-### `getcontent`
-**Description:** Retrieves content based on the given hashes and address.
-- **Parameters:**
-- `params: GetContentParams` - Object containing the parameters for the request.
-- `params.hashes: string[]` - Array of hashes representing the content to be retrieved.
-- `params.address: string` - Address to use for additional filtering or validation.
-- `params.last: boolean` - Flag indicating if only the latest content should be retrieved.
-**Returns:** `Promise` - A promise that resolves with the content information based on the provided hashes.
- .getcontent({
- hashes: ['hash1', 'hash2'],
- address: 'userAddress',
- last: true,
- })
- .then(response => console.log('Content:', response))
- .catch(error => console.error('Failed to fetch content:', error))
-### `getcontents`
-**Description:** Retrieves contents related to a specific address.
-- **Parameters:**
-- `params: GetContentsParams` - Object containing the parameters for the request.
-- `params.address: string` - Address to filter the contents by.
-**Returns:** `Promise` - A promise that resolves with the list of contents related to the provided address.
- .getcontents({ address: 'userAddress' })
- .then(response => console.log('Contents:', response))
- .catch(error => console.error('Failed to fetch contents:', error))
-### `getuseraddress`
-**Description:** Retrieves the address associated with a given user name.
-- **Parameters:**
-- `params: GetUserAddressParams` - Object containing the parameters for the request.
-- `params.user_name: string` - The user name to get the address for.
-- `params.count: number` - Number of addresses to retrieve.
-**Returns:** `Promise` - A promise that resolves with the address information.
- .getuseraddress({
- user_name: 'username',
- count: 1,
- })
- .then(response => console.log('User Address:', response))
- .catch(error => console.error('Failed to fetch user address:', error))
-### `getusersubscribes`
-**Description:** Retrieves the list of subscriptions for a specific user.
-- **Parameters:**
-- `params: GetUserSubscribesParams` - Object containing the parameters for the request.
-- `params.address: string` - Address of the user to retrieve subscriptions for.
-- `params.orderby: string` - Field to order the results by.
-- `params.orderdesc: boolean` - Flag indicating whether to order results in descending order.
-- `params.offset: number` - Offset for pagination.
-- `params.limit: number` - Limit of results per page.
-**Returns:** `Promise` - A promise that resolves with the list of user subscriptions.
- .getusersubscribes({
- address: 'userAddress',
- orderby: 'created',
- orderdesc: true,
- offset: 0,
- limit: 10,
- })
- .then(response => console.log('User Subscriptions:', response))
- .catch(error =>
- console.error('Failed to fetch user subscriptions:', error),
- )
-### `getusersubscribers`
-**Description:** Retrieves the list of subscribers for a specific user.
-- **Parameters:**
-- `params: GetUserSubscribersParams` - Object containing the parameters for the request.
-- `params.address: string` - Address of the user to retrieve subscribers for.
-- `params.orderby: string` - Field to order the results by.
-- `params.orderdesc: boolean` - Flag indicating whether to order results in descending order.
-- `params.offset: number` - Offset for pagination.
-- `params.limit: number` - Limit of results per page.
-**Returns:** `Promise` - A promise that resolves with the list of user subscribers.
- .getusersubscribers({
- address: 'userAddress',
- orderby: 'created',
- orderdesc: true,
- offset: 0,
- limit: 10,
- })
- .then(response => console.log('User Subscribers:', response))
- .catch(error => console.error('Failed to fetch user subscribers:', error))
-### `getaccountsetting`
-**Description:** Retrieves account settings for a specific address.
-- **Parameters:**
-- `params: GetAccountSettingParams` - Object containing the parameters for the request.
-- `params.address: string` - Address of the account to retrieve settings for.
-**Returns:** `Promise` - A promise that resolves with the account settings.
- .getaccountsetting({ address: 'userAddress' })
- .then(response => console.log('Account Settings:', response))
- .catch(error => console.error('Failed to fetch account settings:', error))
-### `getuserstatistic`
-**Description:** Retrieves user statistics based on the provided parameters.
-- **Parameters:**
-- `params: GetUserStatisticParams` - Object containing the parameters for the request.
-- `params.addresses: string[]` - Array of addresses to retrieve statistics for.
-- `params.height: number` - The block height to consider.
-- `params.depthR: number` - Depth of ratings to include.
-- `params.depthC: number` - Depth of comments to include.
-- `params.cntC: number` - Number of comments to include.
-**Returns:** `Promise` - A promise that resolves with the user statistics.
- .getuserstatistic({
- addresses: ['address1', 'address2'],
- height: 100,
- depthR: 10,
- depthC: 5,
- cntC: 20,
- })
- .then(response => console.log('User Statistics:', response))
- .catch(error => console.error('Failed to fetch user statistics:', error))
-### `gettime`
-**Description:** Retrieves the current time of the network.
-- **Parameters:** None.
-**Returns:** `Promise` - A promise that resolves with the current network time.
- .gettime()
- .then(response => console.log('Network Time:', response))
- .catch(error => console.error('Failed to fetch network time:', error))
-### `getpeerinfo`
-**Description:** Retrieves information about connected peers.
-- **Parameters:** None.
-**Returns:** `Promise` - A promise that resolves with the peer information.
- .getpeerinfo()
- .then(response => console.log('Peer Information:', response))
- .catch(error => console.error('Failed to fetch peer information:', error))
-### `getnodeinfo`
-**Description:** Retrieves information about the node.
-- **Parameters:** None.
-**Returns:** `Promise` - A promise that resolves with the node information.
- .getnodeinfo()
- .then(response => console.log('Node Information:', response))
- .catch(error => console.error('Failed to fetch node information:', error))
-### `getcoininfo`
-**Description:** Retrieves information about the coin.
-- **Parameters:**
-- `params: GetCoinInfoParams` - Object containing th### `getposdifficulty`
-**Description:** Retrieves the Proof-of-Stake (PoS) difficulty information for the network.
-- **Parameters:**
-- `params: GetPosDifficultyParams` - Object containing the parameters for the request.
-- `params.height?: number` - Optional block height to retrieve the PoS difficulty for.
-**Returns:** `Promise` - A promise that resolves with the PoS difficulty information.
- .getposdifficulty({ height: 100 })
- .then(response => console.log('PoS Difficulty Information:', response))
- .catch(error =>
- console.error('Failed to fetch PoS difficulty information:', error),
- )
-### `getposdifficulty`
-**Description:** Retrieves the Proof-of-Stake (PoS) difficulty information for the network at a specific block height, or for the current block if no height is provided.
-- **Parameters:**
- - `params: GetPosDifficultyParams` - Object containing the parameters for the request.
- - **`params.height?: number`** - Optional block height to retrieve the PoS difficulty for. If omitted, the current PoS difficulty is retrieved.
-**Returns:** `Promise` - A promise that resolves with the PoS difficulty information for the specified height or the current difficulty if no height is provided.
- .getposdifficulty({ height: 200 })
- .then(response => console.log('PoS Difficulty Information:', response))
- .catch(error =>
- console.error('Failed to fetch PoS difficulty information:', error),
- )
-// Example without specifying height (retrieves current PoS difficulty)
- .getposdifficulty()
- .then(response => console.log('Current PoS Difficulty:', response))
- .catch(error =>
- console.error('Failed to fetch current PoS difficulty:', error),
- )
-### `gettags`
-**Description:** Retrieves a list of tags used in the network.
-- **Parameters:**
-- `params: GetTagsParams` - Object containing the parameters for the request.
-- `params.pageStart: number` - Start index for pagination.
-- `params.pageSize: number` - Number of items per page.
-- `params.lang: string` - Language to filter the tags by.
-**Returns:** `Promise` - A promise that resolves with the list of tags.
- .gettags({ pageStart: 0, pageSize: 10, lang: 'en' })
- .then(response => console.log('Tags:', response))
- .catch(error => console.error('Failed to fetch tags:', error))
-### `addtransaction`
-**Description:** Adds a new transaction to the network.
-- **Parameters:**
-- `params: AddTransactionParams` - Object containing the parameters for the request.
-- `params.param1: string` - First parameter required for the transaction.
-- `params.param2: Record` - Additional transaction details.
-**Returns:** `Promise` - A promise that resolves with the result of the transaction addition.
- .addtransaction({
- param1: 'value1',
- param2: { key: 'value' },
- })
- .then(response => console.log('Transaction Added:', response))
- .catch(error => console.error('Failed to add transaction:', error))
-### `generatetransaction`
-**Description:** Generates a new transaction based on the given parameters.
-- **Parameters:**
-- `params: GenerateTransactionParams` - Object containing the parameters for the request.
-- `params.address: string` - Address for the transaction.
-- `params.privkeys: string[]` - Private keys to sign the transaction.
-- `params.outcount: number` - Output count for the transaction.
-- `params.type: string` - Type of transaction.
-- `params.payload: Record` - Payload data for the transaction.
-- `params.fee: number` - Fee for the transaction.
-- `params.contentaddress: number` - Content address to use.
-- `params.confirmations: number` - Number of confirmations required.
-- `params.locktime: number` - Locktime for the transaction.
-**Returns:** `Promise` - A promise that resolves with the generated transaction.
- .generatetransaction({
- address: 'userAddress',
- privkeys: ['key1', 'key2'],
- outcount: 1,
- type: 'transactionType',
- payload: { data: 'payloadData' },
- fee: 10,
- contentaddress: 0,
- confirmations: 6,
- locktime: 0,
- })
- .then(response => console.log('Transaction Generated:', response))
- .catch(error => console.error('Failed to generate transaction:', error))
-### `getaccountearningstats`
-**Description:** Retrieves statistics about the earnings of an account.
-- **Parameters:**
-- `params: GetAccountEarningParams` - Object containing the parameters for the request.
-- `params.address: string` - Address of the user to get statistics for.
-- `params.height: number` - Block height to consider.
-- `params.depth: number` - Depth of the search.
-**Returns:** `Promise` - A promise that resolves with the account earning statistics.
- .getaccountearningstats({
- address: 'userAddress',
- height: 100,
- depth: 10,
- })
- .then(response => console.log('Account Earning Statistics:', response))
- .catch(error =>
- console.error('Failed to fetch account earning statistics:', error),
- )
-### `getaccountblockings`
-**Description:** Retrieves the list of accounts blocked by a specific address.
-- **Parameters:**
-- `params: GetAccountBlockingsParams` - Object containing the parameters for the request.
-- `params.address: string` - The address to get blockings for.
-- `params.topHeight: number` - Top block height.
-- `params.pageStart: number` - Start index for pagination.
-- `params.pageSize: number` - Number of items per page.
-**Returns:** `Promise` - A promise that resolves with the list of blocked accounts.
- .getaccountblockings({
- address: 'userAddress',
- topHeight: 100,
- pageStart: 0,
- pageSize: 10,
- })
- .then(response => console.log('Account Blockings:', response))
- .catch(error => console.error('Failed to fetch account blockings:', error))
-### `getaccountblockers`
-**Description:** Retrieves the list of accounts that have blocked a specific address.
-- **Parameters:**
-- `params: GetAccountBlockersParams` - Object containing the parameters for the request.
-- `params.address: string` - The address to get blockers for.
-- `params.topHeight: number` - Top block height.
-- `params.pageStart: number` - Start index for pagination.
-- `params.pageSize: number` - Number of items per page.
-**Returns:** `Promise` - A promise that resolves with the list of accounts that have blocked the given address.
- .getaccountblockers({
- address: 'userAddress',
- topHeight: 100,
- pageStart: 0,
- pageSize: 10,
- })
- .then(response => console.log('Account Blockers:', response))
- .catch(error => console.error('Failed to fetch account blockers:', error))
-### `search`
-**Description:** Searches for content based on the provided parameters.
-- **Parameters:**
-- `params: SearchParams` - Object containing the parameters for the request.
-- `params.keyword: string` - The keyword to search for.
-- `params.type: string` - The type of content to search for.
-- `params.topBlock?: number` - Optional top block height to filter results.
-- `params.pageStart?: number` - Optional start index for pagination.
-- `params.pageSize?: number` - Optional number of items per page.
-- `params.address?: string` - Optional address to filter results by.
-**Returns:** `Promise` - A promise that resolves with the search results.
- .search({
- keyword: 'exampleKeyword',
- type: 'post',
- topBlock: 100,
- pageStart: 0,
- pageSize: 10,
- address: 'userAddress',
- })
- .then(response => console.log('Search Results:', response))
- .catch(error => console.error('Failed to search content:', error))
-### `searchusers`
-**Description:** Searches for users based on the provided parameters.
-- **Parameters:**
-- `params: SearchUsersParams` - Object containing the parameters for the request.
-- `params.keyword: string` - The keyword to search for.
-- `params.fieldtype: string` - The field type to search by.
-- `params.orderbyrank: number` - Flag indicating if the results should be ordered by rank.
-**Returns:** `Promise` - A promise that resolves with the user search results.
- .searchusers({
- keyword: 'username',
- fieldtype: 'name',
- orderbyrank: 1,
- })
- .then(response => console.log('User Search Results:', response))
- .catch(error => console.error('Failed to search users:', error))
-### `searchlinks`
-**Description:** Searches for links based on the provided parameters.
-- **Parameters:**
-- `params: SearchLinksParams` - Object containing the parameters for the request.
-- `params.links: string` - The links to search for.
-- `params.contenttypes: string[]` - Array of content types to filter by.
-- `params.height: number` - The block height to consider.
-- `params.count: number` - Number of items to retrieve.
-**Returns:** `Promise` - A promise that resolves with the link search results.
- .searchlinks({
- links: 'exampleLink',
- contenttypes: ['type1', 'type2'],
- height: 100,
- count: 10,
- })
- .then(response => console.log('Link Search Results:', response))
- .catch(error => console.error('Failed to search links:', error))
-*(Note: If there are any additional methods you would like to include, please provide them, and they will be formatted accordingly.)*e parameters for the request.
-- `params.height?: number` - Optional block height to retrieve the coin information for.
-**Returns:** `Promise` - A promise that resolves with the coin information.
- .getcoininfo({ height: 100 })
- .then(response => console.log('Coin Information:', response))
- .catch(error => console.error('Failed to fetch coin information:', error))
-### `searchlinks`
-**Description:** Searches for links based on the provided parameters.
-- **Parameters:**
- - `params: SearchLinksParams` - Object containing the parameters for the request.
- - **`params.links: string`** - The links to search for.
- - **`params.contenttypes: string[]`** - Array of content types to filter by.
- - **`params.height: number`** - The block height to consider.
- - **`params.count: number`** - Number of items to retrieve.
-**Returns:** `Promise` - A promise that resolves with the link search results.
- .searchlinks({
- links: 'exampleLink',
- contenttypes: ['type1', 'type2'],
- height: 100,
- count: 10,
- })
- .then(response => console.log('Link Search Results:', response))
- .catch(error => console.error('Failed to search links:', error))
-### `getaccountcomments`
-**Description:** Retrieves comments associated with a specific account.
-- **Parameters:**
- - `params: GetUserSubscribesParams` - Object containing the parameters for the request.
- - **`params.address: string`** - Address of the account to get comments for.
- - **`params.orderby: string`** - Field to order the results by.
- - **`params.orderdesc: boolean`** - Flag indicating whether to order results in descending order.
- - **`params.offset: number`** - Offset for pagination.
- - **`params.limit: number`** - Limit of results per page.
-**Returns:** `Promise` - A promise that resolves with the list of account comments.
- .getaccountcomments({
- address: 'userAddress',
- orderby: 'created',
- orderdesc: true,
- offset: 0,
- limit: 10,
- })
- .then(response => console.log('Account Comments:', response))
- .catch(error => console.error('Failed to fetch account comments:', error))
-### `getmissedinfo`
-**Description:** Retrieves missed information for a given address and block number.
-- **Parameters:**
-- `params: GetMissedInfoParams` - Object containing the parameters for the request.
-- `params.address: string` - Address to get missed information for.
-- `params.block_number: number` - Block number to consider.
-**Returns:** `Promise` - A promise that resolves with the missed information.
- .getmissedinfo({
- address: 'userAddress',
- block_number: 100,
- })
- .then(response => console.log('Missed Information:', response))
- .catch(error =>
- console.error('Failed to fetch missed information:', error),
- )
-### `getjuryvotes`
-**Description:** Retrieves votes information for a specific jury.
-- **Parameters:**
-- `params: GetJuryParams` - Object containing the parameters for the request.
-- `params.jury: string` - Identifier of the jury.
-**Returns:** `Promise` - A promise that resolves with the votes information for the jury.
- .getjuryvotes({ jury: 'juryId' })
- .then(response => console.log('Jury Votes:', response))
- .catch(error => console.error('Failed to fetch jury votes:', error))
-### `getjurybalance`
-**Description:** Retrieves the balance of a specific jury.
-- **Parameters:**
-- `params: GetJuryParams` - Object containing the parameters for the request.
-- `params.jury: string` - Identifier of the jury.
-**Returns:** `Promise` - A promise that resolves with the jury balance information.
- .getjurybalance({ jury: 'juryId' })
- .then(response => console.log('Jury Balance:', response))
- .catch(error => console.error('Failed to fetch jury balance:', error))
-### `getjurylist`
-**Description:** Retrieves a list of all juries.
-- **Parameters:** None.
-**Returns:** `Promise` - A promise that resolves with the list of juries.
- .getjurylist()
- .then(response => console.log('Jury List:', response))
- .catch(error => console.error('Failed to fetch jury list:', error))
-### `getjuryreward`
-**Description:** Retrieves the reward information for a specific jury.
-- **Parameters:**
-- `params: GetJuryParams` - Object containing the parameters for the request.
-- `params.jury: string` - Identifier of the jury.
-**Returns:** `Promise` - A promise that resolves with the reward information for the jury.
- .getjuryreward({ jury: 'juryId' })
- .then(response => console.log('Jury Reward:', response))
- .catch(error =>
- console.error('Failed to fetch jury reward information:', error),
- )
-### `getjuryvotescount`
-**Description:** Retrieves the number of votes for a specific jury.
-- **Parameters:**
-- `params: GetJuryParams` - Object containing the parameters for the request.
-- `params.jury: string` - Identifier of the jury.
-**Returns:** `Promise` - A promise that resolves with the number of votes for the jury.
- .getjuryvotescount({ jury: 'juryId' })
- .then(response => console.log('Jury Votes Count:', response))
- .catch(error => console.error('Failed to fetch jury votes count:', error))
-### `getmoderatorstatistics`
-**Description:** Retrieves moderator statistics based on the given parameters.
-- **Parameters:**
-- `params: GetJuryParams` - Object containing the parameters for the request.
-- `params.jury: string` - Identifier of the jury.
-**Returns:** `Promise` - A promise that resolves with the moderator statistics.
- .getmoderatorstatistics({ jury: 'juryId' })
- .then(response => console.log('Moderator Statistics:', response))
- .catch(error =>
- console.error('Failed to fetch moderator statistics:', error),
- )
-### `gettransaction`
-**Description:** Retrieves detailed information about a specific transaction.
-- **Parameters:**
-- `params: GetTransactionParams` - Object containing the parameters for the request.
-- `params.txid: string` - The transaction ID to retrieve information for.
-**Returns:** `Promise` - A promise that resolves with the transaction information.
- .gettransaction({ txid: 'transactionId' })
- .then(response => console.log('Transaction Information:', response))
- .catch(error =>
- console.error('Failed to fetch transaction information:', error),
- )
-### `getaccountfollowers`
-**Description:** Retrieves the list of followers for a specific account.
-- **Parameters:**
-- `params: GetUserFollowersParams` - Object containing the parameters for the request.
-- `params.address: string` - Address of the account to get followers for.
-- `params.orderby: string` - Field to order the results by.
-- `params.orderdesc: boolean` - Flag indicating whether to order results in descending order.
-- `params.offset: number` - Offset for pagination.
-- `params.limit: number` - Limit of results per page.
-**Returns:** `Promise` - A promise that resolves with the list of account followers.
- .getaccountfollowers({
- address: 'userAddress',
- orderby: 'created',
- orderdesc: true,
- offset: 0,
- limit: 10,
- })
- .then(response => console.log('Account Followers:', response))
- .catch(error => console.error('Failed to fetch account followers:', error))
-### `getaccountfollowings`
-**Description:** Retrieves the list of accounts that a specific user is following.
-- **Parameters:**
-- `params: GetUserFollowingsParams` - Object containing the parameters for the request.
-- `params.address: string` - Address of the account to get followings for.
-- `params.orderby: string` - Field to order the results by.
-- `params.orderdesc: boolean` - Flag indicating whether to order results in descending order.
-- `params.offset: number` - Offset for pagination.
-- `params.limit: number` - Limit of results per page.
-**Returns:** `Promise` - A promise that resolves with the list of accounts being followed.
- .getaccountfollowings({
- address: 'userAddress',
- orderby: 'created',
- orderdesc: true,
- offset: 0,
- limit: 10,
- })
- .then(response => console.log('Account Followings:', response))
- .catch(error =>
- console.error('Failed to fetch account followings:', error),
- )
-### `getaccountcontents`
-**Description:** Retrieves contents associated with a specific account.
-- **Parameters:**
-- `params: GetAccountContentsParams` - Object containing the parameters for the request.
-- `params.address: string` - Address of the account to get contents for.
-- `params.orderby: string` - Field to order the results by.
-- `params.orderdesc: boolean` - Flag indicating whether to order results in descending order.
-- `params.offset: number` - Offset for pagination.
-- `params.limit: number` - Limit of results per page.
-**Returns:** `Promise` - A promise that resolves with the list of account contents.
- .getaccountcontents({
- address: 'userAddress',
- orderby: 'created',
- orderdesc: true,
- offset: 0,
- limit: 10,
- })
- .then(response => console.log('Account Contents:', response))
- .catch(error => console.error('Failed to fetch account contents:', error))
-### `getaccountcomments`
-**Description:** Retrieves comments made by a specific account.
-- **Parameters:**
-- `params: GetAccountCommentsParams` - Object containing the parameters for the request.
-- `params.address: string` - Address of the account to get comments for.
-- `params.orderby: string` - Field to order the results by.
-- `params.orderdesc: boolean` - Flag indicating whether to order results in descending order.
-- `params.offset: number` - Offset for pagination.
-- `params.limit: number` - Limit of results per page.
-**Returns:** `Promise` - A promise that resolves with the list of comments made by the account.
- .getaccountcomments({
- address: 'userAddress',
- orderby: 'created',
- orderdesc: true,
- offset: 0,
- limit: 10,
- })
- .then(response => console.log('Account Comments:', response))
- .catch(error => console.error('Failed to fetch account comments:', error))
-### `getaccountposts`
-**Description:** Retrieves posts associated with a specific account.
-- **Parameters:**
-- `params: GetUserSubscribesParams` - Object containing the parameters for the request.
-- `params.address: string` - Address of the account to get posts for.
-- `params.orderby: string` - Field to order the results by.
-- `params.orderdesc: boolean` - Flag indicating whether to order results in descending order.
-- `params.offset: number` - Offset for pagination.
-- `params.limit: number` - Limit of results per page.
-**Returns:** `Promise` - A promise that resolves with the list of account posts.
- .getaccountposts({
- address: 'userAddress',
- orderby: 'created',
- orderdesc: true,
- offset: 0,
- limit: 10,
- })
- .then(response => console.log('Account Posts:', response))
- .catch(error => console.error('Failed to fetch account posts:', error))
-### `getblockreward`
-**Description:** Retrieves the reward for a specific block.
-- **Parameters:**
-- `params: GetUserSubscribesParams` - Object containing the parameters for the request.
-- `params.address: string` - Address of the block.
-- `params.orderby: string` - Field to order the results by.
-- `params.orderdesc: boolean` - Flag indicating whether to order results in descending order.
-- `params.offset: number` - Offset for pagination.
-- `params.limit: number` - Limit of results per page.
-**Returns:** `Promise` - A promise that resolves with the block reward information.
- .getblockreward({
- address: 'blockAddress',
- orderby: 'height',
- orderdesc: true,
- offset: 0,
- limit: 10,
- })
- .then(response => console.log('Block Reward:', response))
- .catch(error => console.error('Failed to fetch block reward:', error))
-### `getblockcount`
-**Description:** Retrieves the current block count in the blockchain.
-- **Parameters:** None.
-**Returns:** `Promise` - A promise that resolves with the current block count.
- .getblockcount()
- .then(response => console.log('Block Count:', response))
- .catch(error => console.error('Failed to fetch block count:', error))
-### `getnetworkhashrate`
-**Description:** Retrieves the current network hash rate.
-- **Parameters:**
-- `params: GetUserSubscribesParams` - Object containing the parameters for the request.
-- `params.address: string` - Address for the request.
-- `params.orderby: string` - Field to order the results by.
-- `params.orderdesc: boolean` - Flag indicating whether to order results in descending order.
-- `params.offset: number` - Offset for pagination.
-- `params.limit: number` - Limit of results per page.
-**Returns:** `Promise` - A promise that resolves with the network hash rate information.
+# Bastyon Proxy API Reference
+## Available Methods
+| Category | Method | Description |
+| **Apps** | [GetApps](#getapps) | Retrieves a list of applications filtered by the given criteria |
+| | [GetAppScores](#getappscores) | Retrieves scores for a list of applications |
+| | [GetAppComments](#getappcomments) | Retrieves comments related to a specific application |
+| **User & Account** | [GetUserProfile](#getuserprofile) | Retrieves the profile information of a specific user |
+| | [GetUserState](#getuserstate) | Retrieves the state information of a specific user |
+| | [GetUserAddress](#getuseraddress) | Retrieves the addresses associated with a specific username |
+| | [GetUserStatistic](#getuserstatistic) | Retrieves statistics for a specific user based on activity |
+| | [GetUserSubscribes](#getusersubscribes) | Retrieves a list of users that a specific user is subscribed to |
+| | [GetUserSubscribers](#getusersubscribers) | Retrieves a list of subscribers for a specific user |
+| | [GetAccountSetting](#getaccountsetting) | Retrieves account settings information for a given address |
+| | [GetAddressId](#getaddressid) | Retrieves the unique identifier (ID) associated with a specific address |
+| | [GetAddressInfo](#getaddressinfo) | Retrieves detailed information about a specific address |
+| | [GetAddressRegistration](#getaddressregistration) | Retrieves the registration status for multiple addresses |
+| | [GetBalanceHistory](#getbalancehistory) | Retrieves the balance history for a list of addresses |
+| | [GetAccountEarning](#getaccountearning) | Retrieves the earning details of a specific account |
+| | [GetAccountEarningStats](#getaccountearningstats) | Retrieves detailed statistics on account earnings |
+| **Content & Social** | [GetContent](#getcontent) | Retrieves content based on provided hashes and address |
+| | [GetContents](#getcontents) | Retrieves content posted by a specific address |
+| | [GetComments](#getcomments) | Retrieves comments related to a specific post |
+| | [GetLastComments](#getlastcomments) | Retrieves the most recent comments from the network |
+| | [GetAccountContents](#getaccountcontents) | Retrieves contents associated with a specific account |
+| | [GetAccountComments](#getaccountcomments) | Retrieves comments associated with a specific account |
+| | [GetAccountPosts](#getaccountposts) | Retrieves posts associated with a specific account |
+| | [GetAccountFollowers](#getaccountfollowers) | Retrieves a list of followers for a specific account |
+| | [GetAccountFollowings](#getaccountfollowings) | Retrieves a list of accounts that a specific user is following |
+| | [GetAccountBlockings](#getaccountblockings) | Retrieves information about accounts blocked by a specific user |
+| | [GetAccountBlockers](#getaccountblockers) | Retrieves information about accounts that have blocked a specific user |
+| | [GetBans](#getbans) | Retrieves the ban status of a specific user |
+| | [GetTags](#gettags) | Retrieves a list of tags used within the network |
+| **Scoring** | [GetAddressScores](#getaddressscores) | Retrieves scores related to a specific address and posts |
+| | [GetPostScores](#getpostscores) | Retrieves scores for a specific post |
+| | [GetPageScores](#getpagescores) | Retrieves scores for multiple posts and comments |
+| **Blockchain** | [GetBlock](#getblock) | Retrieves detailed information about a specific block |
+| | [GetBlockCount](#getblockcount) | Retrieves the current block count in the network |
+| | [GetBlockHash](#getblockhash) | Retrieves the block hash for a given block number |
+| | [GetBlockTemplate](#getblocktemplate) | Retrieves a block template for mining purposes |
+| | [GetBlockTransactions](#getblocktransactions) | Retrieves transactions in a specific block |
+| | [GetCompactBlock](#getcompactblock) | Retrieves compact block data |
+| | [GetBlockReward](#getblockreward) | Retrieves reward information for a specific block |
+| | [GetBlockchainInfo](#getblockchaininfo) | Retrieves state of the blockchain |
+| | [GetBlockSubsidy](#getblocksubsidy) | Retrieves block subsidy information |
+| | [GetBestBlockHash](#getbestblockhash) | Retrieves the most recent block hash |
+| | [GetChainTips](#getchaintips) | Retrieves chain tips information |
+| | [VerifyChain](#verifychain) | Verifies the integrity of the blockchain |
+| **Transactions** | [GetTransaction](#gettransaction) | Retrieves transaction information |
+| | [GetRawTransaction](#getrawtransaction) | Retrieves raw transaction data |
+| | [DecodeRawTransaction](#decoderawtransaction) | Decodes raw transaction data |
+| | [GetAddressTransactions](#getaddresstransactions) | Retrieves transactions for an address |
+| | [AddTransaction](#addtransaction) | Adds a new transaction |
+| | [GenerateTransaction](#generatetransaction) | Generates a new transaction |
+| | [TxUnspent](#txunspent) | Retrieves unspent transaction outputs |
+| | [GetTxOut](#gettxout) | Retrieves UTXO information |
+| | [GetTxOutProof](#gettxoutproof) | Retrieves UTXO proof |
+| | [VerifyTxOutProof](#verifytxoutproof) | Verifies UTXO proof |
+| **Network & Node** | [GetNodeInfo](#getnodeinfo) | Retrieves information about the current node |
+| | [GetPeerInfo](#getpeerinfo) | Retrieves information about connected peers |
+| | [GetNetworkInfo](#getnetworkinfo) | Retrieves network status and nodes information |
+| | [GetNetworkHashrate](#getnetworkhashrate) | Retrieves current network hash rate |
+| | [GetTime](#gettime) | Retrieves current network time |
+| | [GetCoinInfo](#getcoininfo) | Retrieves general coin information |
+| | [GetMempoolInfo](#getmempoolinfo) | Retrieves memory pool state |
+| | [GetRawMempool](#getrawmempool) | Retrieves transactions in memory pool |
+| | [GetDifficulty](#getdifficulty) | Retrieves current network difficulty |
+| **Staking & Mining** | [GetPosDifficulty](#getposdifficulty) | Retrieves Proof-of-Stake difficulty |
+| | [GetNetworkStakeWeight](#getnetworkstakeweight) | Retrieves current stake weight |
+| | [GetStakingStatus](#getstakingstatus) | Retrieves staking status |
+| | [GetMintingInfo](#getmintinginfo) | Retrieves minting information |
+| **Jury System** | [GetJury](#getjury) | Retrieves specific jury information |
+| | [GetAllJury](#getalljury) | Retrieves all juries in network |
+| | [GetJuryAssigned](#getjuryassigned) | Retrieves jury assignments |
+| | [GetJuryModerators](#getjurymoderators) | Retrieves jury moderators |
+| | [GetJuryVotes](#getjuryvotes) | Retrieves jury votes |
+| | [GetJuryBalance](#getjurybalance) | Retrieves jury balance |
+| | [GetJuryList](#getjurylist) | Retrieves jury list |
+| | [GetJuryReward](#getjuryreward) | Retrieves jury rewards |
+| | [GetJuryVotesCount](#getjuryvotescount) | Retrieves vote counts |
+| | [GetModeratorStatistics](#getmoderatorstatistics) | Retrieves moderator activity statistics |
+| **Search & Discovery** | [Search](#search) | Searches content by keywords and type |
+| | [SearchUsers](#searchusers) | Searches users by criteria |
+| | [SearchLinks](#searchlinks) | Searches content by links |
+| **Wallet & Validation** | [GetWalletInfo](#getwalletinfo) | Retrieves wallet information |
+| | [ValidateAddress](#validateaddress) | Validates network address |
+| | [CheckStringType](#checkstringtype) | Checks string type in network context |
+| **System Info** | [GetMissedInfo](#getmissedinfo) | Retrieves missed blocks and transactions |
+## Apps Category
+### GetApps
+Retrieves a list of applications filtered by given criteria.
+interface GetAppsParams {
+ request: string; // Request string containing filter criteria for apps
+const response = await api.rpc.getapps({
+ request: "featured_apps"
+} satisfies GetAppsParams);
+### GetAppScores
+Retrieves scoring information for applications.
+interface GetAppScoresParams {
+ request: string; // Request string specifying which app scores to retrieve
- .getnetworkhashrate({
- address: 'networkAddress',
- orderby: 'hashrate',
- orderdesc: true,
- offset: 0,
- limit: 10,
- })
- .then(response => console.log('Network Hashrate:', response))
- .catch(error => console.error('Failed to fetch network hashrate:', error))
+const response = await api.rpc.getappscores({
+ request: "app_scores"
+} satisfies GetAppScoresParams);
+### GetAppComments
+Retrieves comments associated with a specific application.
-### `getnetworkinfo`
-**Description:** Retrieves information about the current state of the network.
-- **Parameters:**
-- `params: GetUserSubscribesParams` - Object containing the parameters for the request.
-- `params.address: string` - Address for the request.
-- `params.orderby: string` - Field to order the results by.
-- `params.orderdesc: boolean` - Flag indicating whether to order results in descending order.
-- `params.offset: number` - Offset for pagination.
-- `params.limit: number` - Limit of results per page.
-**Returns:** `Promise` - A promise that resolves with the network information.
- .getnetworkinfo({
- address: 'networkAddress',
- orderby: 'nodes',
- orderdesc: true,
- offset: 0,
- limit: 10,
- })
- .then(response => console.log('Network Info:', response))
- .catch(error =>
- console.error('Failed to fetch network information:', error),
- )
+interface GetAppCommentsParams {
+ request: string; // Request string specifying which app comments to retrieve
-### `getrawtransaction`
-**Description:** Retrieves the raw transaction data for a given transaction ID.
-- **Parameters:**
-- `params: GetCompactBlockParams` - Object containing the parameters for the request.
-- `params.blockhash: string` - Hash of the block containing the transaction.
-- `params.blocknumber: number` - Block number of the transaction.
-**Returns:** `Promise` - A promise that resolves with the raw transaction data.
- .getrawtransaction({
- blockhash: 'blockHash',
- blocknumber: 100,
- })
- .then(response => console.log('Raw Transaction Data:', response))
- .catch(error =>
- console.error('Failed to fetch raw transaction data:', error),
- )
+const response = await api.rpc.getappcomments({
+ request: "app_comments"
+} satisfies GetAppCommentsParams);
+## User & Account Management
-### `decoderawtransaction`
-**Description:** Decodes a raw transaction and returns detailed information about it.
-- **Parameters:**
-- `params: GetCompactBlockParams` - Object containing the parameters for the request.
-- `params.blockhash: string` - Hash of the block containing the transaction.
-- `params.blocknumber: number` - Block number of the transaction.
-**Returns:** `Promise` - A promise that resolves with the decoded transaction information.
+### GetUserProfile
+Retrieves detailed profile information for a specific user.
- .decoderawtransaction({
- blockhash: 'blockHash',
- blocknumber: 100,
- })
- .then(response => console.log('Decoded Transaction:', response))
- .catch(error => console.error('Failed to decode transaction:', error))
+interface GetUserProfileParams {
+ address: string; // Blockchain address of the user
+ shortForm: string; // Format of the response ("basic" or "detailed")
-### `validateaddress`
-**Description:** Validates a specific address in the network.
-- **Parameters:**
-- `params: GetAddressInfoParams` - Object containing the parameters for the request.
-- `params.address: string` - Address to be validated.
-**Returns:** `Promise` - A promise that resolves with the validation result.
- .validateaddress({ address: 'userAddress' })
- .then(response => console.log('Address Validation:', response))
- .catch(error => console.error('Failed to validate address:', error))
+const response = await api.rpc.getuserprofile({
+ address: "user_blockchain_address",
+ shortForm: "basic"
+} satisfies GetUserProfileParams);
+### GetUserState
+Retrieves current state information for a specific user.
-### `verifychain`
-**Description:** Verifies the integrity of the blockchain.
-- **Parameters:** None.
-**Returns:** `Promise` - A promise that resolves with the verification result.
- .verifychain()
- .then(response => console.log('Blockchain Verification:', response))
- .catch(error => console.error('Failed to verify blockchain:', error))
+interface GetUserStateParams {
+ address: string; // Blockchain address of the user
-### `getwalletinfo`
-**Description:** Retrieves wallet information.
-- **Parameters:** None.
-**Returns:** `Promise` - A promise that resolves with the wallet information.
- .getwalletinfo()
- .then(response => console.log('Wallet Information:', response))
- .catch(error =>
- console.error('Failed to fetch wallet information:', error),
- )
+const response = await api.rpc.getuserstate({
+ address: "user_blockchain_address"
+} satisfies GetUserStateParams);
+### GetUserAddress
+Retrieves blockchain addresses associated with a username.
-### `getblockhash`
-**Description:** Retrieves the block hash for a given block number.
-- **Parameters:**
- - `params: GetCompactBlockParams` - Object containing the parameters for the request.
- - **`params.blockhash: string`** - Hash of the block.
- - **`params.blocknumber: number`** - Block number to get the hash for.
-**Returns:** `Promise` - A promise that resolves with the block hash.
- .getblockhash({
- blockhash: 'blockHash',
- blocknumber: 100,
- })
- .then(response => console.log('Block Hash:', response))
- .catch(error => console.error('Failed to fetch block hash:', error))
+interface GetUserAddressParams {
+ user_name: string; // Username to look up
+ count: number; // Number of addresses to return
-### `getmempoolinfo`
-**Description:** Retrieves information about the current state of the memory pool.
-- **Parameters:** None.
-**Returns:** `Promise` - A promise that resolves with the memory pool information.
- .getmempoolinfo()
- .then(response => console.log('Memory Pool Information:', response))
- .catch(error =>
- console.error('Failed to fetch memory pool information:', error),
- )
+const response = await api.rpc.getuseraddress({
+ user_name: "username",
+ count: 1
+} satisfies GetUserAddressParams);
+### GetUserStatistic
+Retrieves statistical information about user activity.
-### `getrawmempool`
-**Description:** Retrieves the list of transactions currently in the memory pool.
-- **Parameters:** None.
-**Returns:** `Promise` - A promise that resolves with the list of transactions in the memory pool.
- .getrawmempool()
- .then(response => console.log('Raw Memory Pool Transactions:', response))
- .catch(error =>
- console.error('Failed to fetch raw memory pool transactions:', error),
- )
+interface GetUserStatisticParams {
+ addresses: string[]; // Array of blockchain addresses
+ height: number; // Block height for statistics
+ depthR: number; // Rating depth to include
+ depthC: number; // Comments depth to include
+ cntC: number; // Number of comments to include
-### `getdifficulty`
-**Description:** Retrieves the current difficulty of the network.
-- **Parameters:**
-- `params: GetPosDifficultyParams` - Object containing the parameters for the request.
-- `params.height?: number` - Optional block height to retrieve the difficulty for.
-**Returns:** `Promise` - A promise that resolves with the current difficulty information.
- .getdifficulty({ height: 100 })
- .then(response => console.log('Network Difficulty:', response))
- .catch(error =>
- console.error('Failed to fetch network difficulty:', error),
- )
+const response = await api.rpc.getuserstatistic({
+ addresses: ["address1", "address2"],
+ height: 1000,
+ depthR: 10,
+ depthC: 10,
+ cntC: 5
+} satisfies GetUserStatisticParams);
+### GetAddressId
+Retrieves the unique identifier associated with an address.
-### `getblocktemplate`
-**Description:** Retrieves a block template for mining purposes.
-- **Parameters:**
-- `params: GetBlockTemplateParams` - Object containing the parameters for the request.
+interface GetAddressIdParams {
+ address: string; // Blockchain address
+ id: number; // Unique identifier
-- `params.mode?: string` - The mining mode.
+const response = await api.rpc.getaddressid({
+ address: "blockchain_address",
+ id: 12345
+} satisfies GetAddressIdParams);
-- `params.capabilities?: string[]` - The mining capabilities.
+## Content & Social Features
-**Returns:** `Promise` - A promise that resolves with the block template.
+### GetContent
+Retrieves specific content using provided hashes.
- .getblocktemplate({
- mode: 'template',
- capabilities: ['coinbasetxn', 'workid'],
- })
- .then(response => console.log('Block Template:', response))
- .catch(error => console.error('Failed to fetch block template:', error))
+interface GetContentParams {
+ hashes: string[]; // Array of content hashes to retrieve
+ address: string; // User's blockchain address
+ last: boolean; // Whether to get only the latest content
+const response = await api.rpc.getcontent({
+ hashes: ["hash1", "hash2"],
+ address: "user_address",
+ last: true
+} satisfies GetContentParams);
-### `getnetworkstakeweight`
-**Description:** Retrieves the current network stake weight.
-- **Parameters:**
-- `params: GetNetworkStakeWeightParams` - Object containing the parameters for the request.
+### GetContents
+Retrieves all content for a specific address.
-- `params.height?: number` - Optional block height to retrieve the stake weight for.
+interface GetContentsParams {
+ address: string; // User's blockchain address
-**Returns:** `Promise` - A promise that resolves with the network stake weight information.
+const response = await api.rpc.getcontents({
+ address: "user_address"
+} satisfies GetContentsParams);
+### GetComments
+Retrieves comments for a specific post.
- .getnetworkstakeweight({ height: 100 })
- .then(response => console.log('Network Stake Weight:', response))
+interface GetCommentsParams {
+ postid: number; // ID of the post
+ parentid?: number; // Optional parent comment ID for threaded comments
+ address?: string; // Optional: filter by commenter address
+ commend_ids?: string[]; // Optional: specific comment IDs to retrieve
- .catch(error =>
- console.error('Failed to fetch network stake weight:', error),
- )
+const response = await api.rpc.getcomments({
+ postid: 12345,
+ parentid: 0,
+ address: "commenter_address"
+} satisfies GetCommentsParams);
+### GetLastComments
+Retrieves the most recent comments from the network.
-### `getstakingstatus`
+interface GetLastCommentsParams {
+ count: number; // Number of recent comments to retrieve
-**Description:** Retrieves the current staking status of the network.
+const response = await api.rpc.getlastcomments({
+ count: 10
+} satisfies GetLastCommentsParams);
-- **Parameters:** None.
+### GetAccountContents
-**Returns:** `Promise` - A promise that resolves with the staking status information.
+Retrieves all content associated with an account.
+interface GetAccountContentsParams {
+ address: string; // Account's blockchain address
+ orderby: string; // Field to order results by
+ orderdesc: boolean; // Order direction
+ offset: number; // Pagination offset
+ limit: number; // Results per page
- .getstakingstatus()
+const response = await api.rpc.getaccountcontents({
+ address: "user_address",
+ orderby: "date",
+ orderdesc: true,
+ offset: 0,
+ limit: 20
+} satisfies GetAccountContentsParams);
- .then(response => console.log('Staking Status:', response))
+### GetAccountComments
+Retrieves all comments made by an account.
- .catch(error => console.error('Failed to fetch staking status:', error))
+interface GetAccountCommentsParams {
+ address: string; // Account's blockchain address
+ orderby: string; // Field to order results by
+ orderdesc: boolean; // Order direction
+ offset: number; // Pagination offset
+ limit: number; // Results per page
+const response = await api.rpc.getaccountcomments({
+ address: "user_address",
+ orderby: "date",
+ orderdesc: true,
+ offset: 0,
+ limit: 20
+} satisfies GetAccountCommentsParams);
-### `getmintinginfo`
-**Description:** Retrieves the current minting information for the network.
+### GetAccountFollowers
+Retrieves list of account followers.
-- **Parameters:** None.
+interface GetUserSubscribesParams {
+ address: string; // Account's blockchain address
+ orderby: string; // Field to order results by
+ orderdesc: boolean; // Order direction
+ offset: number; // Pagination offset
+ limit: number; // Results per page
-**Returns:** `Promise` - A promise that resolves with the minting information.
+const response = await api.rpc.getaccountfollowers({
+ address: "user_address",
+ orderby: "date",
+ orderdesc: true,
+ offset: 0,
+ limit: 20
+} satisfies GetUserSubscribesParams);
+### GetAccountFollowings
+Retrieves list of accounts being followed.
- .getmintinginfo()
- .then(response => console.log('Minting Information:', response))
+interface GetUserSubscribesParams {
+ address: string; // Account's blockchain address
+ orderby: string; // Field to order results by
+ orderdesc: boolean; // Order direction
+ offset: number; // Pagination offset
+ limit: number; // Results per page
- .catch(error =>
- console.error('Failed to fetch minting information:', error),
- )
+const response = await api.rpc.getaccountfollowings({
+ address: "user_address",
+ orderby: "date",
+ orderdesc: true,
+ offset: 0,
+ limit: 20
+} satisfies GetUserSubscribesParams);
+## Scoring Features
-### `getblockchaininfo`
+### GetAddressScores
+Retrieves scores associated with an address.
-**Description:** Retrieves detailed information about the current state of the blockchain.
+interface GetAddressScoresParams {
+ address: string; // User's blockchain address
+ postHashes: string[]; // Array of post hashes to get scores for
-- **Parameters:** None.
+const response = await api.rpc.getaddressscores({
+ address: "user_address",
+ postHashes: ["hash1", "hash2"]
+} satisfies GetAddressScoresParams);
-**Returns:** `Promise` - A promise that resolves with the blockchain information.
+## Blockchain Operations
+### GetBlock
+Retrieves detailed information about a specific block.
- .getblockchaininfo()
- .then(response => console.log('Blockchain Information:', response))
- .catch(error =>
- console.error('Failed to fetch blockchain information:', error),
- )
+interface GetCompactBlockParams {
+ blockhash: string; // Hash of the block to retrieve
+ blocknumber: number; // Block number to retrieve
+const response = await api.rpc.getblock({
+ blockhash: "block_hash_string",
+ blocknumber: 12345
+} satisfies GetCompactBlockParams);
-### `getchaintips`
-**Description:** Retrieves information about all known blockchain tips.
+### GetBlockCount
+Retrieves the current block count in the network.
-- **Parameters:** None.
+interface GetUserSubscribesParams {
+ address: string; // Required for authentication
+ orderby: string; // Ordering field
+ orderdesc: boolean; // Order direction
+ offset: number; // Pagination offset
+ limit: number; // Results per page
-**Returns:** `Promise` - A promise that resolves with the chain tips information.
+const response = await api.rpc.getblockcount({
+ address: "user_address",
+ orderby: "height",
+ orderdesc: true,
+ offset: 0,
+ limit: 1
+} satisfies GetUserSubscribesParams);
+### GetBlockHash
+Retrieves the block hash for a given block number.
- .getchaintips()
- .then(response => console.log('Chain Tips:', response))
+interface GetCompactBlockParams {
+ blockhash: string; // Previous block hash
+ blocknumber: number; // Block number to get hash for
- .catch(error => console.error('Failed to fetch chain tips:', error))
+const response = await api.rpc.getblockhash({
+ blockhash: "previous_block_hash",
+ blocknumber: 12345
+} satisfies GetCompactBlockParams);
+### GetBlockTemplate
+Retrieves a block template for mining purposes.
-### `getblocksubsidy`
+interface GetCompactBlockParams {
+ blockhash: string; // Previous block hash
+ blocknumber: number; // Block number for template
-**Description:** Retrieves information about the block subsidy for a given block height.
+const response = await api.rpc.getblocktemplate({
+ blockhash: "previous_block_hash",
+ blocknumber: 12345
+} satisfies GetCompactBlockParams);
-- **Parameters:**
+### GetBlockchainInfo
+Retrieves detailed information about the state of the blockchain.
-- `params: GetBlockSubsidyParams` - Object containing the parameters for the request.
+interface GetPosDifficultyParams {
+ height?: number; // Optional: specific block height to query
-- `params.height?: number` - Optional block height to retrieve the subsidy for.
+const response = await api.rpc.getblockchaininfo({
+ height: 12345
+} satisfies GetPosDifficultyParams);
-**Returns:** `Promise` - A promise that resolves with the block subsidy information.
+## Transaction Operations
+### GetTransaction
+Retrieves detailed information about a specific transaction.
- .getblocksubsidy({ height: 100 })
- .then(response => console.log('Block Subsidy:', response))
- .catch(error => console.error('Failed to fetch block subsidy:', error))
+interface GetCompactBlockParams {
+ blockhash: string; // Block hash containing the transaction
+ blocknumber: number; // Block number containing the transaction
+const response = await api.rpc.gettransaction({
+ blockhash: "block_hash",
+ blocknumber: 12345
+} satisfies GetCompactBlockParams);
-### `getblock`
-**Description:** Retrieves detailed information about a specific block.
-- **Parameters:**
+### GetRawTransaction
-- `params: GetBlockParams` - Object containing the parameters for the request.
+Retrieves raw transaction data.
-- `params.blockhash: string` - Hash of the block to get information for.
+interface GetCompactBlockParams {
+ blockhash: string; // Block hash containing the transaction
+ blocknumber: number; // Block number containing the transaction
-- `params.verbosity?: number` - Level of detail to return.
+const response = await api.rpc.getrawtransaction({
+ blockhash: "block_hash",
+ blocknumber: 12345
+} satisfies GetCompactBlockParams);
-**Returns:** `Promise` - A promise that resolves with the block information.
+### AddTransaction
+Adds a new transaction to the network.
+interface AddTransactionParams {
+ param1: string; // Transaction parameter
+ param2: Record; // Additional transaction details
- .getblock({
- blockhash: 'blockHash',
+const response = await api.rpc.addtransaction({
+ param1: "transaction_data",
+ param2: {
+ // Transaction details
+ type: "transfer",
+ amount: 100
+ }
+} satisfies AddTransactionParams);
- verbosity: 2,
- })
+### GenerateTransaction
+Generates a new transaction based on provided details.
- .then(response => console.log('Block Information:', response))
+interface GenerateTransactionParams {
+ address: string; // Sender's address
+ privkeys: string[]; // Array of private keys
+ outcount: number; // Number of outputs
+ type: string; // Transaction type
+ payload: Record; // Transaction payload
+ fee: number; // Transaction fee
+ contentaddress: number; // Content address
+ confirmations: number; // Required confirmations
+ locktime: number; // Transaction locktime
- .catch(error => console.error('Failed to fetch block information:', error))
+const response = await api.rpc.generatetransaction({
+ address: "sender_address",
+ privkeys: ["key1", "key2"],
+ outcount: 1,
+ type: "transfer",
+ payload: { /* transaction details */ },
+ fee: 0.001,
+ contentaddress: 0,
+ confirmations: 6,
+ locktime: 0
+} satisfies GenerateTransactionParams);
+## Network Operations
-### `getbestblockhash`
+### GetNodeInfo
+Retrieves information about the current node.
-**Description:** Retrieves the hash of the best (most recent) block.
+interface GetNodeInfoParams {
+ // No parameters required
-- **Parameters:** None.
+const response = await api.rpc.getnodeinfo();
-**Returns:** `Promise` - A promise that resolves with the best block hash.
+### GetPeerInfo
+Retrieves information about connected peers in the network.
+interface GetPeerInfoParams {
+ // No parameters required
- .getbestblockhash()
+const response = await api.rpc.getpeerinfo();
- .then(response => console.log('Best Block Hash:', response))
+### GetNetworkInfo
+Retrieves network status and node information.
- .catch(error => console.error('Failed to fetch best block hash:', error))
+interface GetUserSubscribesParams {
+ address: string; // Required for authentication
+ orderby: string; // Ordering field
+ orderdesc: boolean; // Order direction
+ offset: number; // Pagination offset
+ limit: number; // Results per page
+const response = await api.rpc.getnetworkinfo({
+ address: "user_address",
+ orderby: "status",
+ orderdesc: true,
+ offset: 0,
+ limit: 20
+} satisfies GetUserSubscribesParams);
-### `gettxout`
-**Description:** Retrieves information about an unspent transaction output (UTXO).
+### GetNetworkHashrate
+Retrieves the current network hash rate.
-- **Parameters:**
+interface GetUserSubscribesParams {
+ address: string; // Required for authentication
+ orderby: string; // Ordering field
+ orderdesc: boolean; // Order direction
+ offset: number; // Pagination offset
+ limit: number; // Results per page
-- `params: GetTxOutParams` - Object containing the parameters for the request.
+const response = await api.rpc.getnetworkhashrate({
+ address: "user_address",
+ orderby: "hashrate",
+ orderdesc: true,
+ offset: 0,
+ limit: 1
+} satisfies GetUserSubscribesParams);
-- `params.txid: string` - The transaction ID.
+## Jury System
-- `params.n: number` - The output index.
+### GetJury
+Retrieves information about a specific jury.
-- `params.include_mempool?: boolean` - Whether to include the mempool.
+interface GetJuryParams {
+ jury: string; // Jury identifier
-**Returns:** `Promise` - A promise that resolves with the UTXO information.
+const response = await api.rpc.getjury({
+ jury: "jury_id"
+} satisfies GetJuryParams);
+### GetAllJury
+Retrieves information about all juries in the network.
- .gettxout({
- txid: 'transactionId',
+interface GetAllJuryParams {
+ // No parameters required
- n: 0,
+const response = await api.rpc.getalljury();
- include_mempool: true,
- })
+### GetJuryAssigned
+Retrieves jury assignments for a specific user.
- .then(response => console.log('UTXO Information:', response))
+interface GetJuryAssignedParams {
+ address: string; // Moderator's address
+ verdict: boolean; // Verdict filter
+ topHeight: number; // Maximum block height
+ pageStart: number; // Pagination start
+ pageSize: number; // Items per page
+ orderBy: string; // Sort field
+ desc: boolean; // Sort direction
- .catch(error => console.error('Failed to fetch UTXO information:', error))
+const response = await api.rpc.getjuryassigned({
+ address: "moderator_address",
+ verdict: true,
+ topHeight: 12345,
+ pageStart: 0,
+ pageSize: 10,
+ orderBy: "date",
+ desc: true
+} satisfies GetJuryAssignedParams);
+### GetJuryModerators
+Retrieves list of moderators for a specific jury.
-### `gettxoutproof`
+interface GetJuryModeratorsParams {
+ jury: string; // Jury identifier
-**Description:** Retrieves a proof that a transaction is included in a block.
+const response = await api.rpc.getjurymoderators({
+ jury: "jury_id"
+} satisfies GetJuryModeratorsParams);
-- **Parameters:**
+### GetJuryVotes
+Retrieves voting information for a specific jury.
-- `params: GetTxOutProofParams` - Object containing the parameters for the request.
+interface GetJuryParams {
+ jury: string; // Jury identifier
-- `params.txids: string[]` - An array of transaction IDs to include in the proof.
+const response = await api.rpc.getjuryvotes({
+ jury: "jury_id"
+} satisfies GetJuryParams);
-- `params.blockhash?: string` - The block hash to search in.
+## Search & Discovery
-**Returns:** `Promise` - A promise that resolves with the transaction proof.
+### Search
+Searches for content within the network.
- .gettxoutproof({
- txids: ['transactionId1', 'transactionId2'],
- blockhash: 'blockHash',
- })
- .then(response => console.log('Transaction Proof:', response))
- .catch(error => console.error('Failed to fetch transaction proof:', error))
+interface SearchParams {
+ keyword: string; // Search keyword
+ type: string; // Content type to search
+ topBlock?: number; // Optional: maximum block height
+ pageStart?: number; // Optional: pagination start
+ pageSize?: number; // Optional: items per page
+ address?: string; // Optional: address filter
+const response = await api.rpc.search({
+ keyword: "search_term",
+ type: "content",
+ pageSize: 20,
+ pageStart: 0
+} satisfies SearchParams);
-### `verifytxoutproof`
-**Description:** Verifies that a transaction proof points to a transaction in a block.
-- **Parameters:**
+### SearchUsers
-- `params: VerifyTxOutProofParams` - Object containing the parameters for the request.
+Searches for users based on criteria.
-- `params.proof: string` - The transaction proof.
+interface SearchUsersParams {
+ keyword: string; // Search keyword
+ fieldtype: string; // Field to search in
+ orderbyrank: number; // Ranking order
-**Returns:** `Promise` - A promise that resolves with the verification result.
+const response = await api.rpc.searchusers({
+ keyword: "username",
+ fieldtype: "name",
+ orderbyrank: 1
+} satisfies SearchUsersParams);
+### SearchLinks
+Searches for content based on links.
- .verifytxoutproof({ proof: 'transactionProof' })
- .then(response => console.log('Verification Result:', response))
+interface SearchLinksParams {
+ links: string; // Links to search for
+ contenttypes: string[]; // Content types to include
+ height: number; // Block height limit
+ count: number; // Number of results
- .catch(error =>
- console.error('Failed to verify transaction proof:', error),
- )
\ No newline at end of file
+const response = await api.rpc.searchlinks({
+ links: "link_pattern",
+ contenttypes: ["post", "comment"],
+ height: 12345,
+ count: 20
+} satisfies SearchLinksParams);
diff --git a/docs/dev/assets/images/bastyon-architecture-overview.png b/docs/dev/assets/images/bastyon-architecture-overview.png
new file mode 100644
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Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/dev/assets/images/bastyon-architecture-overview.png differ
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d756d9d
Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/dev/assets/images/mini-app-flow.png differ
diff --git a/docs/dev/introduction.md b/docs/dev/introduction.md
index eb08e7c..95e28fe 100644
--- a/docs/dev/introduction.md
+++ b/docs/dev/introduction.md
@@ -17,6 +17,10 @@ Bastyon utilizes its native cryptocurrency, [PKOIN](https://www.coingecko.com/en
The application flow architecture largerly depends on the content, users are interacting with. From a high-level, the architecture of Bastyon looks like the following: