Gitonomy browser is a handy tool to visualize your local git repositories.
It's still a work in progress, feel free to contribute on github.
Built with Silex and gitlib (PHP).
To install project, you first need to clone is using git
. When project is
cloned, you will need to configure it. To do so, go to config
folder and
copy distributed files:
git clone gitonomy-browser
cd gitonomy-browser/config
cp dev.php-dist dev.php
cp prod.php-dist prod.php
Edit prod.php
and configure where your git repositories are located. You
can configure it in 3 different ways.
First way to configure is to give an exhaustive list of repositories you want:
<?php # prod.php
use Gitonomy\Browser\Git\Repository;
$app['repositories'] = array(
'foobar' => new Repository('/var/www/foobar'),
'barbaz' => new Repository('/var/www/barbaz'),
The second way is to use recursive function to detect repositories. It's very useful if you have multi-level folders:
<?php # prod.php
$app['repositories'] = '/var/www';
The third way is to use a wildcard to detect repositories. It's very useful if you have every repository at the same level
<?php # prod.php
$app['repositories'] = '/var/www/repo-*';
When you have filled it, launch composer to fetch dependencies and make project workable:
php composer.phar install