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SolarProject Interview Challenge


  • vue for front end (with advanced javascript using async, await), using external component integration (such as vuejs-dialog, v-select2-component, vue-loading-overlay, vue-toast-notification, vue-uuid etc)
  • laravel resource apis for backend
  • docker for locally launching the application
  • required eloquent models and migrations for project-customer relational models
  • mass delete logic for deleting using async api
  • unit tests for mass deletion and other crud apis
  • full fledged crud ui and user interfaces for list, single view and edit of the company's solar projects and customers associated to each project

Setup preparation

  1. Clone this repository or download the source
  2. Follow the steps in Setup to get the application running on your machine
  3. Get familiar with the application code - A tour of the application
  4. Challenge Tasks

Screenshot of the demo application

screenshot of the application

Contents of this readme


We have provided a Docker Compose based setup for the frontend and backend of this application. If you already have docker-compose installed, it should be really easy to run.

If you don't want to use docker, skip down to without docker and follow the instructions.

These instructions have been tested with Linux (Ubuntu) and OSX. We haven't tested this on Windows, but we hope the Docker Compose setup should work there!

Using Docker Compose

In a terminal in this directory, bring up the docker compose services:

docker-compose up -d

The first time you run this, both services will need to install dependencies. You can watch the logs of this happening with

docker-compose logs -f

When you have seen both these messages, the app will be ready to use:

backend_1  | Laravel development server started:

frontend_1  |   App running at:
frontend_1  |   - Local:   http://localhost:11112/

You can then view the frontend by visiting http://localhost:11112.

Without Docker


Running the backend

The script will perform all first-time setup for you:

cd backend

Once the script has run, open http://localhost:11111/api/solar_projects in your browser to verify the server has installed correctly.

Running the frontend

The frontend also has an entrypoint script:

cd frontend

You'll need to run this in parallel with the backend script (i.e. in a separate terminal). Once the installation has finished, open http://localhost:11112 to verify the application has built correctly.

A tour of the application


The example application is a very simple solar project management tool. The application keeps a list of your solar design projects, and a list of your contacts. Contacts might be customers, your salespeople, or installer subcontractors.

Projects and contacts have a many-many relationship between them; it's not uncommon for customers to order multiple commercial solar systems if they manage more than one building, and of course your salespeople and installers might be assigned to more than one project.

The application as it stands can do a few things:

  • Show a list of solar projects
  • Show the details of a solar project and the contacts assigned to it
  • Delete a project

The API is capable of more actions, but the frontend doesn't have everything implemented yet.


The backend server is implemented using Laravel 6. It is backed by a SQLite database to make it easier to run locally. (If you want to browse the contents of the database after running the backend, e.g. using DB Browser, the file is created in backend/database/dev.sqlite.)

Browsing the API

We have implemented the backend's API with hyperlinked responses. For example, here's what a response from the /contacts endpoint might look like:

    "data": [
            "type": "contacts",
            "id": "fe5c6852-bfa1-3c6d-9fb6-1ce730f45981",
            "links": {
                "self": {
                    "href": "http://localhost:11111/api/contacts/fe5c6852-bfa1-3c6d-9fb6-1ce730f45981"
            "type": "contacts",
            "id": "bbd3e9ec-4a67-37b9-baa4-4b210bcf54b9",
            "links": {
                "self": {
                    "href": "http://localhost:11111/api/contacts/bbd3e9ec-4a67-37b9-baa4-4b210bcf54b9"

The self links can be followed to view the attributes of an individual contact. If you have a JSON viewer browser addon, you should be able to click through these links and browse the API for yourself.

While this isn't fully HATEOAS, it's a good start!


In order to see the routes defined for the backend API, run this command:

docker-compose exec backend php artisan route:list

(If you're not running the backend in docker, you should of course omit everythng before php.)

Most of these routes are defined in backend/routes/api.php. From there, you can look up the relevant controller classes. (Files are named after the class they contain, so in order to find e.g. a controller class like ContactsController, searching for a file with the name ContactsController.php.)

Route model binding is used extensively in our API controllers. For example, the following method:

public function show(Contact $contact)

Because Contact is type-hinted, will look for a route variable named contact (after the parameter's variable name) and try to find this database model and inject it into the controller.

Models and Resources

Models (in the backend/app/Models folder) are used by the Eloquent ORM to interact with database tables. They contain relationships and other logic related to the database structure.

You'll notice that the controllers use a combination of Models and Resources to serve responses from the API. For example:

    $contact = Contact::create($data);
    return new ContactResource($contact);

The Resource classes are responsible for rendering a Model in an appropriate way for the API. Think of them as like Blade templates but for JSON responses. Read more about them here.


We have a small test suite that lives in backend/tests/Feature. It covers some of the existing API. Run the tests with the command:

docker-compose exec backend composer test

Tests run against your existing database, so be aware that some of your data may be altered.

If you wish to reset your database with fresh random data, run:

docker-compose exec backend php artisan migrate:fresh
docker-compose exec backend php artisan db:seed

See the backend/database/seeds and backend/database/factories directories for the code that generates sample data.


The frontend is a very small Vue application. Start in frontend/index.js and follow the imports to discover the components that make the application work.

The application is built and served using the Vue CLI. If everything goes well you won't have to worry about how it does that! Hot reloading should work out of the box.


1. Contacts update API (backend bug fix)

  • When attempting to update a single contact using a PUT request, the last_name property is never updated
  • Add a failing test for this scenario, then fix the backend code so the test passes

This API is not used from the frontend until/unless you complete the extended Task 4, so you can proceed with frontend tasks first if you prefer!

2. Contacts list (frontend bug fix)

  • http://localhost:11112/contacts, contacts "fill up" the all together instead of incrementally
  • Rewrote the fetchContacts method in ListContacts.vue so that contacts are only displayed once all contacts have been fetched from the API
  • If there are any errors loading contacts, a console.error is providing details. In a real app, the user may see an error message, or the failing request could be retried
  • usage of async/await syntax, or just use Promises

The frontend has two main list views, the list of projects and the list of contacts. They are similar in that they both fetch a list of objects from the server, making AJAX requests to the API for each item. However, we they behave slightly differently.

The projects view loads up each item and renders it as soon as possible, resulting in the list "filling up" as AJAX requests finish. The contacts view does the same, but because it is laid out using a table, the rows "filling up" cause the column widths to wiggle in an ugly way. Contacts view loads all items at the same time, so contacts will appear "as a block" rather than "filling up".

This required changing the code in the fetchContacts method in ListContacts.vue. We tried to make it wait for all contacts to finish their AJAX requests before assigning them all to this.contacts on the final line of the method, but the contacts was still "filling up" the table one at a time! It is now fixed using a counter.

The code performs the requests to individal contact endpoints in parallel, so that each request doesn't wait for the preceding requests to finish.

Note that this is an example of a "1+n" request pattern: 1 request to the list endpoint, and n requests for the individual contacts. This pattern can be bad for performance, but it keeps the API simple and aids cacheability. Have a read of this article for more information.

3. Bulk project delete API (new backend feature)

  • Implements an API that can "bulk delete" projects with a constant number of AJAX requests (not necessarily 1 request, but fewer than n requests for n projects!)
  • Implementss a test for this API in the backend/tests/Features directory. The test performs the HTTP request to the API, and then check that the appropriate records have been deleted in the database after the request has completed
  • Implement a test for failing behaviour as described below (e.g. attempting to delete a nonexistent project)
  • frontend for this feature is not implemented

In order to support more convenient API usage, a 'bulk delete' ability is implemented.

The solution has these feature:

  • is atomic, so that either all specified records will be deleted or none will;
  • fails with a 422 status code and an appropriate response if any of the given projects are already deleted, or do not exist;
  • perform fewer than n database statements;
  • is justified with a few brief sentences or bullet points in the comments. For example: how we chose our route/method combination? How we decided on a data format for the request body.

The SolarProject model uses soft deletion, so you don't need to worry about deleting related rows in other tables; the project will remain in the database with its deleted_at date set so it doesn't appear in ORM queries.

4. Edit project page (new frontend feature)

  • There is an 'edit project' link from the individual project page; implement the route and component that will allow the user to edit the project's properties
  • All the server API endpoints to update projects using PUT (whole resource) or PATCH (partial update) was already implemented
  • Note that the system_size field is saved as a number or null (allowing the user to remove the size)

5. Bonus challenge - contacts editor (new frontend feature)

  • Implemented contact editing on the project edit page (edit contact details, remove contact from project, add new contact)
  • This has ability to edit all contacts at the same time as the project details, and has a single 'save' button to perform all modifications to the objects
  • Don't implement a new 'bulk save' API on the server; use the existing API endpoints