- Removes unneeded opencv dependency
- Contributors: Wennie Tabib
- Only insert a change into the changeset when the value actually changes (prevents tracking unchanged, clamped cells)
- Adding configurable (sim only) option to lock cells as occupied once they reach max_clamp (Fixes #14)
- Contributors: Micah Corah
- volume function
- function to compute partial set difference between this bounding box and overlap of this and that bounding box
- Updates to intersection checks: naming, comments, checking lengths, and a bit of organization
- replace overlap with intersect function and return a Grid3D::Ptr with an empty map.
- add cfloat header to Grid3DPoint to enable compilation on Linux and Mac with c++17
- Ensure monotonically increasing timestamps in case messages are ever processed out of order
- Adding method to directly resize the map
- Removing extreneous checks
- drop the last miss from an overlength ray as the occupied portion of the cell might be past the max sensor range
- break if edge cases cause the ray to get too long, should add one cell length at most
- proper value clamping, should fix bugs that would arise from large updates
- helper to filter pointclouds by value
- Initialize the load time to a reasonable value
- Adding normalize method
- Adding ray intersection test to bounding box class
- Adding point-cloud publisher templated on filter function
- Adding toggle to publish entire map
- fixing num cells calculation
- modifying clamping behavior to permit changing occupancy values
- Contributors: Cormac OMeadhra, Micah Corah, Wennie Tabib
- Adding checks for degenerate bounding box and to save grid to image
- Contributors: Vibhav Ganesh
- Merge branch 'feature/ray_termination' into 'develop' Feature/ray termination See merge request !6
- Merge branch 'feature/fast_submap' into feature/ray_termination
- fast submaps in grid3d
- Merge branch 'develop' into feature/ray_termination
- including stdio.h in files with printf statements, was relying on other files to include this header
- removing terminate-on-occupied condition
- Merge branch 'feature/bugfix_extend_3d' into 'develop' Feature/bugfix extend 3d See merge request !5
- Add checks to ensure extension is required in specific directions
- Merge branch 'feature/no_csqmi' into 'develop' Feature/no csqmi
- consistency in getRay functions and restored terminate-on-occupied in Grid3D
- const methods
- lineSearch in Grid2D no longer reimplements raytracing as is in Grid3D
- addRay in Grid2D uses getRay to mimic Grid3D and to remove reimplementation of raytracing
- formatting and fixing differences between Grid2D and Grid3D
- removing csqmi/information components (to be moved to information_utils and refactored)
- Templatize get method
- Templatize entropy functions
- Updating additional boost constants
- boxed entropy calculation
- reserving space for cells in raycast
- removing unnecessary conditionals from raycast
- fixing bug where lower boundary cells would be pushed back repeatedly without advancing the index because the end was out of bounds and had wrapped around
- fixed bug in Grid3D in getRay where cells were being added before the bounds check
- formatting and fixing raycast issues
- Making linesearch function const
- Adding an extra 2D raycasting function.
- Contributors: Erik, Erik Nelson, Micah Corah, Nathan Michael, Wennie Tabib
- Merge branch 'feature/changesets' into 'develop'
- Merge branch 'bugfix/extend' into 'feature/changesets'
- Fixing bug in extend on Grid2D.h
- Break from loop if out of map (guard against queries that would loop forever)
- Ensure boost version >= 1.50.0 when using unordered set reserve
- kdtree Ptr and ConstPtr typedef
- Use getRay method and remove redundant code in lineSearch and addRay methods
- Handle incremental cloud (map_msgs/PointCloud2Update)
- Support incremental change tracking through change sets
- Mark appropriate functions as const
- Contributors: Erik Nelson, Nathan Michael
- End point checks on addRay and lineSearch methods
- Ensure that the sensor origin is in the bbx before ray query
- Contributors: Nathan Michael
- Merge branch 'feature/registered_clouds' into 'develop' Feature/registered clouds See merge request !1
- Generalize to support registered clouds. Require positive max_range.
- Adding inefficient cloud insertion
- Bugfix: error in end point definition
- AddPointCloud method
- Contributors: Nathan Michael
- Grid3D KDTree struct
- Grid3D line search method
- Adding missing header
- Safer bbx constructor via two points. inQ returns true if inclusive or bbx is equal
- Adding line search function
- Contributors: Nathan Michael
- Merge branch 'develop' of nmichael.frc.ri.cmu.edu:utilities/map_utils into develop
- Move from powf to direct multiply operation
- Going back to boost from c++11 as linux support is limited
- Moving to c++11. Adding index free and occupied query functions. Fixing cv image load.
- Block extend support. Map extension will increase dimensions based on block size and adapt the origin accordingly. block_size = 1 is equivalent to prior approach.
- Fixing probability function and slight speed-up on getIndex and get methods
- Using row accessor for online speed-up
- Adding support for 3D maps. Similar in form to 2D structure. Note that slice is the inner loop for rapid z-traversal for a fixed x,y
- Making ifdef blocks more specific to package
- Correct range mismatch from end - start magnitude that can arise in practice
- Fixing submap issue when row or col were on max boundary. Cleaning up ray cast logic
- Query row versus individual pixels
- Removing float isless for operator
- Initial commit
- Contributors: Nathan Michael