This project uses git submodules for its dependencies, so be sure to activate submodules before building.
# clone this repository and activate submodules in a single command
git clone --recurse-submodules
# or clone it normally and then activate submodules
git clone
cd godot-lua-pluginscript
git submodule init
git submodule update
Build the libraries using make from project root, specifying the system as target:
# Choose one of the supported platforms, based on your operating system
make windows64 # x86_64
make windows32 # x86
make linux64 # x86_64
make linux32 # x86
make osx64 \ # multiarch x86_64 + amd64 dylib
# Optional: deployment target. If absent, uses 10.7 for x86_64 and 11.0 for arm64
# Optional: code sign identity. If absent, `codesign` is not performed
# Optional: additional flags passed to `codesign`
# Cross-compiling for Windows using MinGW
make mingw-windows64 # x86_64
make mingw-windows32 # x86
# Cross-compiling for Android using NDK
make android-armv7a \ # Android ARMv7
# Optional: NDK toolchain "bin" folder. Defaults to $ANDROID_NDK_ROOT/toolchains/llvm/prebuild/*/bin
make android-aarch64 \ # Android ARM64
make android-x86 \ # Android x86
make android-x86_64 \ # Android x86_64
# Cross-compiling for iOS in a OSX environment
make ios64 \ # Dylibs for iOS arm64 and simulator arm64 + x86_64
# Optional: minimum iOS version to target. If absent, uses 8.0
# Optional: code sign identity. If absent, `codesign` is not performed
# Optional: additional flags passed to `codesign`
The GDNativeLibrary file lua_pluginscript.gdnlib
is already configured to use
the built files stored in the build
folder, so that one can use this
repository directly inside a Godot project under the folder addons/godot-lua-pluginscript
If you plan in using the export plugin, the following is also required:
make plugin
After building the desired libraries, a distribution zip can be built with:
make dist
The API is documented using LDoc and may be generated with the following command:
make docs