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Dynamically Add CSS Classes to Item Rows

Ghislain B edited this page Sep 13, 2018 · 8 revisions

SlickGrid is very flexible and it allows you to change or add CSS Class(es) dynamically (or on page load) by changing it's Item Metadata (see SlickGrid Wiki - Item Metadata). There is also a Stack Overflow answer, which this code below is based from.


Demo Page / Demo Component

Dynamically Change CSS Classes

<button class="btn btn-sm btn-default" (click)="changeDurationBackgroundColor()">Highlight Rows with Duration over 50</button>

<angular-slickgrid gridId="grid2" 
// changing Styling only seems to work with ViewEncapsulation.None
  styles: ['.duration-bg { background-color: #e9d4f1 !important }'],
  encapsulation: ViewEncapsulation.None,
  templateUrl: './grid-additem.component.html'
export class Example {
  // get the SlickGrid Grid & DataView object references
  angularGridReady(angularGrid: AngularGridInstance) {
    this.angularGrid = angularGrid;
    this.dataView = angularGrid.dataView;
    this.grid = angularGrid.slickGrid;

   * Change the Duration Rows Background Color 
   * You need to get previous SlickGrid DataView Item Metadata and override it
  changeDurationBackgroundColor() {
    this.dataView.getItemMetadata = this.updateItemMetadataForDurationOver50(this.dataView.getItemMetadata);

    // also re-render the grid for the styling to be applied right away

   * Override the SlickGrid Item Metadata, we will add a CSS class on all rows with a Duration over 50
   * For more info, you can see this SO
  updateItemMetadataForDurationOver50(previousItemMetadata: any) {
    const newCssClass = 'duration-bg';

    return (rowNumber: number) => {
      const item = this.dataView.getItem(rowNumber);
      let meta = {
        cssClasses: ''
      if (typeof previousItemMetadata === 'object') {
        meta = previousItemMetadata(rowNumber);

      // our condition to check Duration over 50
      if (meta && item && item.duration) {
        const duration = +item.duration; // convert to number
        if (duration > 50) {
          meta.cssClasses = (meta.cssClasses || '') + ' ' + newCssClass;

      return meta;

On Page Load

Or if you want to apply the styling right after the page load

export class Example {

  angularGridReady(angularGrid: AngularGridInstance) {
    this.angularGrid = angularGrid;
    this.dataView = angularGrid.dataView;
    this.grid = angularGrid.slickGrid;

    // if you want to change background color of Duration over 50 right after page load,
    // you would put the code here, also make sure to re-render the grid for the styling to be applied right away
    this.dataView.getItemMetadata = this.updateItemMetadataForDurationOver50(this.dataView.getItemMetadata);

   * Change the SlickGrid Item Metadata, we will add a CSS class on all rows with a Duration over 50
   * For more info, you can see this SO
  updateItemMetadataForDurationOver50(previousItemMetadata: any) {
    const newCssClass = 'duration-bg';

    return (rowNumber: number) => {
      const item = this.dataView.getItem(rowNumber);
      let meta = {
        cssClasses: ''
      if (typeof previousItemMetadata === 'object') {
        meta = previousItemMetadata(rowNumber);

      if (meta && item && item.duration) {
        const duration = +item.duration; // convert to number
        if (duration > 50) {
          meta.cssClasses = (meta.cssClasses || '') + ' ' + newCssClass;

      return meta;


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