Repository to host TIOVX based Edge AI applications for TI devices
Building on the target
root@j7-evm:/opt# git clone root@j7-evm:/opt# cd edgeai-tiovx-apps root@j7-evm:/opt/edgeai-tiovx-apps# export SOC=(j721e or j721s2 or j784s4 or am62a) root@j7-evm:/opt/edgeai-tiovx-apps# ./
Cross-compilation for target The app can be cross-compiled on an x86_64 machine for the target. Here are the steps for cross-compilation. Here 'work_area' is PSDK RTOS workarea.
- cd work_area
- git clone
- cd edgeai-tiovx-apps/
- Update cmake/ to specify tool paths and settings
- source cmake/
- mkdir build
- cd build
- export SOC=(j721e/j721s2/j784s4/am62a)
- cmake -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=../cmake/cross_compile_aarch64.cmake ..
- make -j2
Go to edgeai-tiovx-apps directory on target under /opt
root@j7-evm:/opt# cd edgeai-tiovx-apps
Run the app
root@j7-evm:/opt/edgeai-tiovx-apps# ./bin/Release/app_edgeai ./configs/image_classification.yaml