# Wireshark dissectors
A personal collection of Wireshark dissectors

## Prerequisites
The Unicast YAPP dissector requires the `zlib` module to decompress gzip payloads

## How to use
  - Clone this repository
  - Copy the lua files in your custom dissector path

Custom dissector path on *nix-like systems: `~/.local/lib/wireshark/plugins`

Custom dissector path on Windows: `%APPDATA%\Wireshark\plugins`

## About the dissectors

### FBB / B2F / WL2K
This dissector is currently composed of 4 distinct dissectors ( `fbb_tcp.lua`, `yapp_u.lua`, `lzhuf.lua`, `b2f_email.lua`)

Transport Layer support:
  - [ ] AX.25 Connected mode (needs stream tagging, proper I-frames reassembly, rejection handling and heuristic dissector support)
  - [X] ARDOP
  - [ ] VARA HF
  - [ ] VARA FM
  - [X] TCP/IP

Control protocol support:
  - [ ] MBL/RLI (needs documentation)
  - [X] ASCII Forward
  - [X] Basic Compressed forward v0
  - [X] Basic Compressed forward v1 (needs pcap traces for validation)
  - [X] B2F (Missing `;SQ:` and `;SR:` parsing)
  - [X] Reverse handshake support

Payload decompression:
  - [ ] LZHUF (BCF v0, needs traces for validation)
  - [X] LZHUF (BCF v1 and B2F)
  - [X] GZIP (need to generate some captures)

User Payload parsing:
  - [ ] ASCII Basic Emails (need some traces for validation)
  - [ ] BCFv1 Emails (needs some pcap traces for validation)
  - [X] B2F Emails

### KISS over TCP
  - [X] Commands parsing
  - [X] Payload escape character processing
  - [ ] Frame reassembly / proper segmentation


#### UI Frames
  - [X] APRS frame decoder (only targets UI frames)

#### Connected mode
  - [ ] Stream ID generation
  - [ ] v2.0 session tracking ( including handling rejects)
  - [ ] v2.2 session tracking ( including handling selective rejects)

### Serial Interceptor
TBD, the rough architecture would consist into a serial tap that links both a client application and a physical serial port.
The main challenge lies into handling the special signals (BRK, special lines, etc).
Downside is you need to explicitly specify the kind of device you're tapping on.

flowchart LR
    A[Client application] <-->|pts| B@{ shape: stadium, label: "serial-tap"}
    B <-->|pts| C@{ shape: lean-r, label: "Serial port" }
    B -.->|Named pipe| E[Wireshark]
    C <==>|RS-232| D[Data Modem]