Site: DataLemur
Difficulty per Site: Medium
Assume you are given the table below containing information on user purchases. Write a query to obtain the number of users who purchased the same product on two or more different days. Output the number of unique users. [Full Description]
-- Submitted Solution
WITH cte AS (
,RANK() OVER (PARTITION BY user_id, product_id ORDER BY DATE_TRUNC('day', purchase_date) ASC) AS rownum
FROM purchases
COUNT(user_id) AS repeat_purchasers
FROM cte
WHERE rownum = 2
-- DataLemur Solution
WITH repeat_purchases AS (
SELECT DISTINCT user_id AS users
FROM purchases
GROUP BY user_id, product_id
HAVING COUNT(DISTINCT purchase_date::DATE) > 1
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT users) AS repeated_purchasers
FROM repeat_purchases;
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