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Releases: get-got/discord-downloader-go


25 May 01:34
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  • Fixed issues that caused adminChannels to not listen for commands properly
  • Fixed issue that caused Instagram files to not be downloaded correctly
    • It currently won't use the proper shortcode & username for filename and sometimes has issues detecting the actual filetype, will work on it in the future.
  • Fixed issue that caused crashing relating to embed colors
  • Added setting for "adminChannels":
    • "unlockCommands" (bool) - Unrestrict admin commands so anyone can use within this admin channel, false by default.
  • Added "filters" settings group for channels/servers/all:
    • All are optional
    • "blockedPhrases" (list of strings) - List of phrases to make the bot ignore this message. Will ignore any message containing a blocked phrase UNLESS it also has an allowed phrase. Messages will be processed by default.
    • "allowedPhrases" (list of strings) - List of phrases to allow the bot to process the message.
    • "blockedUsers" (list of strings) - Will ignore messages from the following users.
    • "allowedUsers" (list of strings) - Will ONLY process messages if they were sent from the following users.
    • "blockedRoles" (list of strings) - Will ignore messages from users with any of the following roles.
    • "allowedRoles" (list of strings) - Will ONLY process messages if they were sent from users with any of the following roles.
    • "blockedExtensions" (list of strings) - List of file extensions for the bot to ignore (include periods).
    • "allowedExtensions" (list of strings) - Will ONLY process files if they have the following extensions (include periods).
    • "blockedDomains" (list of strings) - List of file source domains (websites) for the bot to ignore.
    • "allowedDomains" (list of strings) - Will ONLY process files if they were sent from any of the following domains (websites).
  • Added "logLinks" & "logMessages" settings groups for channels/servers/all:
    • Only "destination" is required, the rest are optional or default
    • "destination" (string) - Filepath for single log file to be stored, or directory path for multiple logs to be stored.
    • "destinationIsFolder" (bool) - true if "destination" above is for a directory for multiple logs, false by default.
    • "divideLogsByServer" (bool) - ONLY USED IF "destinationIsFolder" ABOVE IS true; Separates log files by Server ID, true by default.
    • "divideLogsByChannel" (bool) - ONLY USED IF "destinationIsFolder" ABOVE IS true; Separates log files by Channel ID, true by default.
    • "divideLogsByUser" (bool) - ONLY USED IF "destinationIsFolder" ABOVE IS true; Separates log files by User ID, false by default.
    • "filterDuplicates" (bool) - Filters out duplicate links (or messages) from being logged if already present in log file.
    • "prefix" (string) - Prepend log line with string.
    • "suffix" (string) - Append log line with string.
    • "userData" (bool) - Include additional data such as SERVER/CHANNEL/USER ID's for logged files/messages. false by default.
  • Removed settings from channels/servers/all
    • "extensionBlacklist" (list of strings), replaced with "filters"."blockedExtensions"
    • "domainBlacklist" (list of strings), replaced with "filters"."blockedDomains"
    • "usersAllWhitelisted" (bool), unnecessary
    • "userWhitelist" (list of strings), replaced with "filters"."allowedUsers"
    • "userBlacklist" (list of strings), replaced with "filters"."blockedUsers"
    • "saveAllLinksToFile" (bool), replaced with "logLinks"
  • Project icon is now monkey
  • Various improvements for quality of life, crash-avoidance, stability, etc


17 May 04:22
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  • Added Constants for Settings (see top of List of Settings in readme)
  • Added "logStatus" and "logErrors" to adminChannels settings: Bot will send status messages to admin channel(s) upon launch or reconnection and error messages for download failures. Both are optional and true by default.
  • Fixed issue that made some channels ignore all files unless user was bot admin
  • Fixed autorunHistory issues that made it not account for channels within registered servers and caused crashes
  • Made history command accept Server ID(s) as arguments instead of just Channel ID(s)
  • Fixed crashing issue with commands, added more debug/error logging
  • Added "discordLogLevel" to main settings, for discordgo (0 = Errors, 1 = Warnings, 2 = Info, 3 = Debug)
  • Made logging output bound servers
  • Presence Key Changes: {{numGuilds}} renamed to {{numServers}}, {{numChannels}} renamed to {{numBoundChannels}}, {{numBoundServers}} added


12 May 03:44
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  • Added "servers" configurations for downloading based upon server ID(s). Follows same layout as "channels" section, except uses "server" instead of "channel" and "servers" instead of "channels"
  • Renamed "allChannels" to "all"
  • Added "allBlacklistServers"
  • Renamed "allChannelsBlacklist" to "allBlacklistChannels"
  • Fixed importing "[twitter] access token secret" from discord-image-downloader-go's config.ini
  • Outputs more details when failing to download
  • Checks validity of directory & file paths more when downloading
  • Updated some miscellaneous dependencies


03 May 21:01
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  • Workaround/Fix for empty message issue (Discord blocking endpoints) for userbots/selfbots.


25 Apr 05:24
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  • Reworked ddg history command... Argument/Flag order no longer matters; Adds --since= and --before= flags (see README in History section) to limit range by YYYY-MM-DD date or Message ID; Adds stop as alternative to cancel
  • Added ddg info command for outputting Discord ID's
  • Added asyncHistory (bool, false by default) to run history cataloging asynchronously (simultaneously)
  • Added checkPermissions (bool, true by default) setting to disable permission checks if encountering issues
  • Improved savePossibleDuplicates to allow duplicate URL downloading.
  • Fixed History not working for some channels
  • Improved download consistency for History command
  • Fixed download counter in History status message
  • Cleaned up some output/logging
  • Made typeWhileProcessing false by default due to some rare crashing issue
  • Supports alternate Mastodon URL format
  • Moved save location for history progress cache & duplicate image cache
  • Updated dependencies (excluding discordgo)


15 Mar 08:32
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  • Added support for Mastodon posts! (Please let me know if there's any issues)
  • Added all modifier to history command to process history for all registered channels via single command. (Use as ddg history all in admin channel).
  • Added emojis command for saving all of a servers emojis. Use as ddg emojis within registered or admin channels to download from that server, or use as ddg emojis SERVER_ID / ddg emojis SERVER_ID_1, SERVER_ID_2, SERVER_ID_3 in an admin channel to download emojis from a different server.
  • Fixed some files being ignored due to file extension being missing in url.
  • Added ignoreBots (bool) setting to main settings area to allow bot to ignore messages from other bots. Default is false.
  • Fixed saveAllLinksToFile not applying to history processing
  • Fixed messed up history log formatting
  • Minor appearance/logging tweaks


03 Feb 07:58
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  • allChannels setting allows you to let the bot listen to any and every channel it has access to, following the settings in allChannels (it's the same as channels settings, just without Channel ID(s)). allChannelsBlacklist is an optional array of strings that allows you to block specific channels from this (using Channel ID(s)).
  • Shows typing when processing things that take a while; Optional: typeWhileProcessing (bool)
  • Improved importing of Sekl's config
  • Bot attempts to reconnect when it detects it's no longer connected to Discord
  • URLs/Domains are validated now to prevent crashing when processing messages that contain incorrect URLs


24 Jan 08:33
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  • Reddit post/thread media support (can only source media from the main post, notify me if anything is broken)
  • When initializing settings for the first time, if a config.ini from Sekl's project is present it will import into this projects JSON settings.
  • Settings does not require backslashes to be escaped (previously needed to replace all \ with \\)
  • Release builds now include macOS binaries (no idea if it completely works, is meant to be executed via Terminal)
  • Docker image builds for releases and live development are now available (please notify me if anything works improperly)


20 Dec 21:51
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  • Fixed permission issue that prevented commands from working in DMs and Group DMs.


20 Dec 03:39
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  • Added live updating for settings, improved stability of settings decoding.
  • Added Discord permission checks for all(?) Discord actions to avoid crashing (checks for proper permission to send messages prior to attempting, checks for reaction permission prior to attempting, etc).
  • Fixed permission issue with download folders created by bot.
  • Made bot ignore wsapi error when doing user login.
  • Improved source naming for Direct Messages & Group Messages.