------------------------+------------------------------------------------------ %%% SIMULATION MENU %%% : Start YYYYMMDD, hhmmss : 20130704 000000 End YYYYMMDD, hhmmss : 20130705 000000 Run directory : ./ Root data directory : /data10/ctm Met field : geosfp Simulation name : TransportTracers Turn on debug printout? : F Use GC classic timers? : F ------------------------+------------------------------------------------------ %%% GRID MENU %%% : Grid resolution : 2.0x2.5 Longitude min/max : -180.0 180.0 Latitude min/max : -90 90.0 Half-sized polar boxes?: T Number of levels : 72 Nested grid simulation? : F Buffer zone (N S E W ) : 0 0 0 0 ------------------------+------------------------------------------------------ %%% TIMESTEP MENU %%% : Tran/conv timestep [sec]: 600 Chem/emis timestep [sec]: 1200 ------------------------+------------------------------------------------------ %%% ADVECTED SPECIES MENU %%%: Species name : Rn222 Species name : Pb210 Species name : Pb210Strat Species name : Be7 Species name : Be7Strat Species name : Be10 Species name : Be10Strat Species name : PassiveTracer Species name : SF6Tracer Species name : CH3ITracer Species name : COAnthroEmis25dayTracer Species name : COAnthroEmis50dayTracer Species name : COUniformEmis25dayTracer Species name : GlobEmis90dayTracer Species name : NHEmis90dayTracer Species name : SHEmis90dayTracer Species name : FE_F1 Species name : AL_F1 Species name : TI_F1 Species name : MG_F1 Species name : K_F1 Species name : SI_F1 Species name : CA_F1 Species name : MN_F1 Species name : AS_F1 Species name : CD_F1 Species name : PB_F1 Species name : NI_F1 Species name : FE_F2 Species name : AL_F2 Species name : TI_F2 Species name : MG_F2 Species name : K_F2 Species name : SI_F2 Species name : CA_F2 Species name : MN_F2 Species name : AS_F2 Species name : CD_F2 Species name : PB_F2 Species name : NI_F2 Species name : MG_C3 Species name : K_C3 Species name : CA_C3 Species name : MG_C4 Species name : K_C4 Species name : CA_C4 #------------------------+------------------------------------------------------ %%% PASSIVE SPECIES MENU %%%: Passive species name : PassiveTracer 1.0 -1 1.0e-7 Passive_tracer_for_mass_conservation_evaluation Passive species name : SF6Tracer 146.0 -1 1.0e-20 Sulfur_hexafluoride Passive species name : CH3ITracer 142.0 4.32e5 1.0e-20 Methyl_iodide Passive species name : COAnthroEmis25dayTracer 28.0 2.16e6 1.0e-20 Anthropogenic_CO_with_25day_lifetime Passive species name : COAnthroEmis50dayTracer 28.0 4.32e6 1.0e-20 Anthropogenic_CO_with_50day_lifetime Passive species name : COUniformEmis25dayTracer 28.0 2.16e6 1.0e-20 CO_with_uniform_emission_and_25day_lifetime Passive species name : GlobEmis90dayTracer 1.0 7.776e6 1.0e-20 Globally_emitted_tracer_with_90day_lifetime_and_100ppbv_maintained_mixing_ratio Passive species name : NHEmis90dayTracer 1.0 7.776e6 1.0e-20 Northern_hemisphere_emitted_tracer_with_90day_lifetime_and_100ppbv_maintained_mixing_ratio Passive species name : SHEmis90dayTracer 1.0 7.776e6 1.0e-20 Southern_hemisphere_emitted_tracer_with_90day_lifetime_and_100ppbv_maintained_mixing_ratio ------------------------+------------------------------------------------------ %%% TRANSPORT MENU %%% : Turn on Transport : T => Fill Negative Values: T => IORD, JORD, KORD : 3 3 7 ------------------------+------------------------------------------------------ %%% CONVECTION MENU %%% : Turn on Cloud Conv? : T Turn on PBL Mixing? : T => Use non-local PBL? : T ------------------------+------------------------------------------------------ %%% EMISSIONS MENU %%% : Turn on emissions? : T HEMCO Input file : HEMCO_Config.rc Switches for UCX :--- => Use CH4 emissions? : F => Set init. strat. H2O: F ------------------------+------------------------------------------------------ %%% AEROSOL MENU %%% : Online SULFATE AEROSOLS : F => Metal cat. SO2 ox.? : F Online CARBON AEROSOLS : F => Use Brown Carbon? : F Online COMPLEX SOA : F => Semivolatile POA? : F Online DUST AEROSOLS : F => Acidic uptake ? : F Online SEASALT AEROSOLS : F => SALA radius bin [um]: 0.01 0.5 => SALC radius bin [um]: 0.5 8.0 => MARINE ORG AEROSOLS : F Settle strat. aerosols : F Online PSC AEROSOLS : F Allow homogeneous NAT? : F NAT supercooling req.(K): 3.0 Ice supersaturation req.: 1.2 Perform PSC het. chem.? : F Calc. strat. aero. OD? : F Enhance BC Absorption? : F => hydrophilic BC : 1.5 => hydrophobic BC : 1.0 Photolyse nitrate aer.? : F => NITs Jscale (JHNO3) : 0.0 => NIT Jscale (JHNO3) : 0.0 => % channel A (HONO) : 66.667 => % channel B (NO2) : 33.333 ------------------------+------------------------------------------------------ %%% DEPOSITION MENU %%% : Turn on Dry Deposition? : T Turn on Wet Deposition? : T Turn on CO2 Effect? : F CO2 level : 600.0 Reference CO2 level : 380.0 Diag alt above sfc [m] : 10 ------------------------+------------------------------------------------------ %%% CHEMISTRY MENU %%% : Turn on Chemistry? : T Use linear. strat. chem?: F => Use Linoz for O3? : F Use UCX strat. chem? : F Active strat. H2O? : F Overhead O3 for FAST-JX :--- => Online O3 from model: F => O3 from met fields : F => TOMS/SBUV O3 : F Gamma HO2 : 0.2 ------------------------+------------------------------------------------------ %%% PHOTOLYSIS MENU %%% : FAST-JX directory : /data10/ctm/CHEM_INPUTS/FAST_JX/v2020-02/ ------------------------+------------------------------------------------------ %%% RADIATION MENU %%% : AOD Wavelength (nm) : 550 Turn on RRTMG? : F Calculate LW fluxes? : F Calculate SW fluxes? : F Clear-sky flux? : F All-sky flux? : F Radiation Timestep [sec]: 10800 ------------------------+------------------------------------------------------ %%% OBSPACK MENU %%% : Turn on ObsPack diag? : F Quiet logfile output : F ObsPack input file : ./obspack_co2_1_OCO2MIP_2018-11-28.YYYYMMDD.nc ObsPack output file : GEOSChem.ObsPack.YYYYMMDD_hhmmz.nc4 ObsPack output species : NO CO O3 ------------------------+------------------------------------------------------ ############################################################################### ##### THE FOLLOWING MENUS ARE ONLY READ WHEN YOU COMPILE GEOS-Chem ##### ##### WITH THE BPCH_DIAG=y OPTION. ##### ##### ##### ##### BPCH_DIAG=y IS ALREADY TURNED ON BY DEFAULT FOR: ##### ##### (1) TOMAS simulations ##### ##### (2) RRTMG simulations ##### ##### (3) Hg simulations ##### ##### (4) POPs simulatons ##### ##### ##### ##### FOR ALL OTHER SIMULATIONS, BPCH DIAGNOSTICS ARE TURNED OFF BY ##### ##### DEFAULT (i.e. BPCH_DIAG=n IS USED UNLESS YOU SPECIFY OTHERWISE). ##### ############################################################################### ------------------------+------------------------------------------------------ %%% OUTPUT MENU %%% : 123456789.123456789.123456789.1--1=ZERO+2=BPCH Schedule output for JAN : 3000000000000000000000000000000 Schedule output for FEB : 30000000000000000000000000000 Schedule output for MAR : 3000000000000000000000000000000 Schedule output for APR : 300000000000000000000000000000 Schedule output for MAY : 3000000000000000000000000000000 Schedule output for JUN : 300000000000000000000000000000 Schedule output for JUL : 3000000000000000000000000000000 Schedule output for AUG : 3000000000000000000000000000000 Schedule output for SEP : 300000000000000000000000000000 Schedule output for OCT : 3000000000000000000000000000000 Schedule output for NOV : 300000000000000000000000000000 Schedule output for DEC : 3000000000000000000000000000000 ------------------------+------------------------------------------------------ %%% GAMAP MENU %%% : diaginfo.dat path : diaginfo.dat tracerinfo.dat path : tracerinfo.dat ------------------------+------------------------------------------------------ %%% DIAGNOSTIC MENU %%% : Binary punch file name : trac_avg.geosfp_2x25.YYYYMMDDhhmm Diagnostic Entries ---> : L Tracers to print out for each diagnostic ND03: Hg emissions, P/L : 0 all ND06: Dust aer source : 1 all ND44: Drydep flx/vel : 1 all ND53: POPs Emissions : 0 all ND59: TOMAS aerosol emis: 0 all ND60: TOMAS rate : 0 all ND61: TOMAS 3D rate : 0 all ND72: Radiative output : 0 all ------------------------+------------------------------------------------------ %%% PLANEFLIGHT MENU %%%: Turn on plane flt diag? : F Flight track info file : Planeflight.dat.YYYYMMDD Output file name : plane.log.YYYYMMDD ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% ND51 MENU %%% : Turn on ND51 diagnostic : F LT avg timeseries file : ts_satellite.YYYYMMDD.bpch Output as HDF5? : F Tracers to include : 46 504 506 GMT Hour for disk write : 0 Avg Period [LT hours] : 9 11 IMIN, IMAX of region : 1 72 JMIN, JMAX of region : 1 46 LMIN, LMAX of region : 1 40 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% ND51b MENU %%% : Turn on ND51b diagnstic : F LT avg timeseries file : ts_13_15.NA.YYYYMMDD.h5 Output as HDF5? : F Tracers to include : 1 4 20 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 72 73 75 82 83 84 85 86 87 93 94 98 99 GMT Hour for disk write : 1 Avg Period [LT hours] : 13 15 IMIN, IMAX of region : 1 72 JMIN, JMAX of region : 1 46 LMIN, LMAX of region : 1 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% PROD & LOSS MENU %%%: ### ONLY NEEDED FOR TOMAS ### Turn on P/L (ND65) diag?: T # of levels for ND65 : 72 ------------------------+------------------------------------------------------ END OF FILE : ------------------------+------------------------------------------------------