diff --git a/bin/node/cli/benches/transaction_pool.rs b/bin/node/cli/benches/transaction_pool.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..4f5ccd6ea912f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/node/cli/benches/transaction_pool.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,274 @@
+// This file is part of Substrate.
+// Copyright (C) 2021 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later WITH Classpath-exception-2.0
+// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+// (at your option) any later version.
+// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// GNU General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+// along with this program. If not, see .
+use criterion::{criterion_group, criterion_main, BatchSize, Criterion, Throughput};
+use futures::{future, StreamExt};
+use node_cli::service::{create_extrinsic, fetch_nonce, FullClient, TransactionPool};
+use node_primitives::AccountId;
+use node_runtime::{constants::currency::*, BalancesCall, SudoCall};
+use sc_client_api::execution_extensions::ExecutionStrategies;
+use sc_service::{
+ config::{
+ DatabaseSource, KeepBlocks, KeystoreConfig, NetworkConfiguration, OffchainWorkerConfig,
+ PruningMode, TransactionPoolOptions, TransactionStorageMode, WasmExecutionMethod,
+ },
+ BasePath, Configuration, Role,
+use sc_transaction_pool::PoolLimit;
+use sc_transaction_pool_api::{TransactionPool as _, TransactionSource, TransactionStatus};
+use sp_core::{crypto::Pair, sr25519};
+use sp_keyring::Sr25519Keyring;
+use sp_runtime::{generic::BlockId, OpaqueExtrinsic};
+use tokio::runtime::Handle;
+fn new_node(tokio_handle: Handle) -> node_cli::service::NewFullBase {
+ let base_path = BasePath::new_temp_dir().expect("Creates base path");
+ let root = base_path.path().to_path_buf();
+ let network_config = NetworkConfiguration::new(
+ Sr25519Keyring::Alice.to_seed(),
+ "network/test/0.1",
+ Default::default(),
+ None,
+ );
+ let spec = Box::new(node_cli::chain_spec::development_config());
+ let config = Configuration {
+ impl_name: "BenchmarkImpl".into(),
+ impl_version: "1.0".into(),
+ role: Role::Authority,
+ tokio_handle,
+ transaction_pool: TransactionPoolOptions {
+ ready: PoolLimit { count: 100_000, total_bytes: 100 * 1024 * 1024 },
+ future: PoolLimit { count: 100_000, total_bytes: 100 * 1024 * 1024 },
+ reject_future_transactions: false,
+ },
+ network: network_config,
+ keystore: KeystoreConfig::InMemory,
+ keystore_remote: Default::default(),
+ database: DatabaseSource::RocksDb { path: root.join("db"), cache_size: 128 },
+ state_cache_size: 67108864,
+ state_cache_child_ratio: None,
+ state_pruning: PruningMode::ArchiveAll,
+ keep_blocks: KeepBlocks::All,
+ transaction_storage: TransactionStorageMode::BlockBody,
+ chain_spec: spec,
+ wasm_method: WasmExecutionMethod::Interpreted,
+ // NOTE: we enforce the use of the native runtime to make the errors more debuggable
+ execution_strategies: ExecutionStrategies {
+ syncing: sc_client_api::ExecutionStrategy::NativeWhenPossible,
+ importing: sc_client_api::ExecutionStrategy::NativeWhenPossible,
+ block_construction: sc_client_api::ExecutionStrategy::NativeWhenPossible,
+ offchain_worker: sc_client_api::ExecutionStrategy::NativeWhenPossible,
+ other: sc_client_api::ExecutionStrategy::NativeWhenPossible,
+ },
+ rpc_http: None,
+ rpc_ws: None,
+ rpc_ipc: None,
+ rpc_ws_max_connections: None,
+ rpc_cors: None,
+ rpc_methods: Default::default(),
+ rpc_max_payload: None,
+ ws_max_out_buffer_capacity: None,
+ prometheus_config: None,
+ telemetry_endpoints: None,
+ default_heap_pages: None,
+ offchain_worker: OffchainWorkerConfig { enabled: true, indexing_enabled: false },
+ force_authoring: false,
+ disable_grandpa: false,
+ dev_key_seed: Some(Sr25519Keyring::Alice.to_seed()),
+ tracing_targets: None,
+ tracing_receiver: Default::default(),
+ max_runtime_instances: 8,
+ announce_block: true,
+ base_path: Some(base_path),
+ informant_output_format: Default::default(),
+ wasm_runtime_overrides: None,
+ };
+ node_cli::service::new_full_base(config, |_, _| ()).expect("Creates node")
+fn create_accounts(num: usize) -> Vec {
+ (0..num)
+ .map(|i| {
+ Pair::from_string(&format!("{}/{}", Sr25519Keyring::Alice.to_seed(), i), None)
+ .expect("Creates account pair")
+ })
+ .collect()
+/// Create the extrinsics that will initialize the accounts from the sudo account (Alice).
+/// `start_nonce` is the current nonce of Alice.
+fn create_account_extrinsics(
+ client: &FullClient,
+ accounts: &[sr25519::Pair],
+) -> Vec {
+ let start_nonce = fetch_nonce(client, Sr25519Keyring::Alice.pair());
+ accounts
+ .iter()
+ .enumerate()
+ .map(|(i, a)| {
+ vec![
+ // Reset the nonce by removing any funds
+ create_extrinsic(
+ client,
+ Sr25519Keyring::Alice.pair(),
+ SudoCall::sudo {
+ call: Box::new(
+ BalancesCall::set_balance {
+ who: AccountId::from(a.public()).into(),
+ new_free: 0,
+ new_reserved: 0,
+ }
+ .into(),
+ ),
+ },
+ Some(start_nonce + (i as u32) * 2),
+ ),
+ // Give back funds
+ create_extrinsic(
+ client,
+ Sr25519Keyring::Alice.pair(),
+ SudoCall::sudo {
+ call: Box::new(
+ BalancesCall::set_balance {
+ who: AccountId::from(a.public()).into(),
+ new_free: 1_000_000 * DOLLARS,
+ new_reserved: 0,
+ }
+ .into(),
+ ),
+ },
+ Some(start_nonce + (i as u32) * 2 + 1),
+ ),
+ ]
+ })
+ .flatten()
+ .map(OpaqueExtrinsic::from)
+ .collect()
+fn create_benchmark_extrinsics(
+ client: &FullClient,
+ accounts: &[sr25519::Pair],
+ extrinsics_per_account: usize,
+) -> Vec {
+ accounts
+ .iter()
+ .map(|account| {
+ (0..extrinsics_per_account).map(move |nonce| {
+ create_extrinsic(
+ client,
+ account.clone(),
+ BalancesCall::transfer {
+ dest: Sr25519Keyring::Bob.to_account_id().into(),
+ value: 1 * DOLLARS,
+ },
+ Some(nonce as u32),
+ )
+ })
+ })
+ .flatten()
+ .map(OpaqueExtrinsic::from)
+ .collect()
+async fn submit_tx_and_wait_for_inclusion(
+ tx_pool: &TransactionPool,
+ tx: OpaqueExtrinsic,
+ client: &FullClient,
+ wait_for_finalized: bool,
+) {
+ let best_hash = client.chain_info().best_hash;
+ let mut watch = tx_pool
+ .submit_and_watch(&BlockId::Hash(best_hash), TransactionSource::External, tx.clone())
+ .await
+ .expect("Submits tx to pool")
+ .fuse();
+ loop {
+ match watch.select_next_some().await {
+ TransactionStatus::Finalized(_) => break,
+ TransactionStatus::InBlock(_) if !wait_for_finalized => break,
+ _ => {},
+ }
+ }
+fn transaction_pool_benchmarks(c: &mut Criterion) {
+ sp_tracing::try_init_simple();
+ let runtime = tokio::runtime::Runtime::new().expect("Creates tokio runtime");
+ let tokio_handle = runtime.handle().clone();
+ let node = new_node(tokio_handle.clone());
+ let account_num = 10;
+ let extrinsics_per_account = 2000;
+ let accounts = create_accounts(account_num);
+ let mut group = c.benchmark_group("Transaction pool");
+ group.sample_size(10);
+ group.throughput(Throughput::Elements(account_num as u64 * extrinsics_per_account as u64));
+ let mut counter = 1;
+ group.bench_function(
+ format!("{} transfers from {} accounts", account_num * extrinsics_per_account, account_num),
+ move |b| {
+ b.iter_batched(
+ || {
+ let prepare_extrinsics = create_account_extrinsics(&*node.client, &accounts);
+ runtime.block_on(future::join_all(prepare_extrinsics.into_iter().map(|tx| {
+ submit_tx_and_wait_for_inclusion(
+ &node.transaction_pool,
+ tx,
+ &*node.client,
+ true,
+ )
+ })));
+ create_benchmark_extrinsics(&*node.client, &accounts, extrinsics_per_account)
+ },
+ |extrinsics| {
+ runtime.block_on(future::join_all(extrinsics.into_iter().map(|tx| {
+ submit_tx_and_wait_for_inclusion(
+ &node.transaction_pool,
+ tx,
+ &*node.client,
+ false,
+ )
+ })));
+ println!("Finished {}", counter);
+ counter += 1;
+ },
+ BatchSize::SmallInput,
+ )
+ },
+ );
+criterion_group!(benches, transaction_pool_benchmarks);
diff --git a/client/cli/src/commands/run_cmd.rs b/client/cli/src/commands/run_cmd.rs
index 98f2090c6f446..eea6c10f66435 100644
--- a/client/cli/src/commands/run_cmd.rs
+++ b/client/cli/src/commands/run_cmd.rs
@@ -127,6 +127,10 @@ pub struct RunCmd {
#[structopt(long = "ws-max-connections", value_name = "COUNT")]
pub ws_max_connections: Option,
+ /// Set the the maximum WebSocket output buffer size in MiB. Default is 16.
+ #[structopt(long = "ws-max-out-buffer-capacity")]
+ pub ws_max_out_buffer_capacity: Option,
/// Specify browser Origins allowed to access the HTTP & WS RPC servers.
/// A comma-separated list of origins (protocol://domain or special `null`
@@ -432,6 +436,10 @@ impl CliConfiguration for RunCmd {
+ fn ws_max_out_buffer_capacity(&self) -> Result