This is part of an alternative firmware for X6100 using the LVGL library
Open Releases page and download sdcard.img
file (in Assets section). With balenaEtcher or Rufus
burn img file to microSD card. Insert card to the transceiver and boot it.
Application could mark already worked callsign in the UI.
To load information about previous QSOs - copy your ADI log to the DATA
partition and rename it to incoming_log.adi
Application will import records to own log on the next boot and will rename incoming_log.adi
to incoming_log.adi.bak
Note: DATA
partition will be created after first launch transceiver with inserted SD card.
Application stores FT8/FT4 QSOs to the ft_log.adi
file on the DATA
partition of SD card. This file might be used to load QSOs to online log.
- Clone repositories
mkdir x6100
cd x6100
git clone
git clone
- Build buildroot
cd AetherX6100Buildroot
cd ..
- Build app
cd x6100_gui
git submodule init
git submodule update
cd buildroot